Tuesday 20 May 2014

Euphrasia officinalis

Euphrasia officinalis 
Eye bright
 The Od Force of the whole of this plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of remedies. This Od Force is more or less specific for eye disorders. It relaxes the tightened mucous membrane of the eyes and makes the said membrane more powerful to avoid the inflammatory attacks on the eyes. So conjunctivitis and blephritis undergo a control to be cured. It cancels the allergic and astringency effect in the zones of the middle ears, sinuses, nasal passages. It cancels those diversion effects even in the digestive zones, upper respiratory tract also. It withdraws the bad effects appeared in the both eyes zones due to frequent attacks in the eyes. It cures the dim vision a diversion from the recurrent eye infection, Inflammation and astringency, inflammation of the blood vessels. It cures the dry and stuffy congestion in the eyes, new developments due to uncured or recurrent bronchial colds.
It protects eye strain, tiredness of eyes, eye irritation, pain, headache, redness, lachrymation, swelling and agglutination. It is also used for cancer, coughs, earaches, epilepsy, hoarseness, jaundice,   running nose, skin ailments, and sore throat.
 It corrects the sub-Circuit of the plant Euphrasia officinalis
 If damage done by the attacking eye infecting organisms in the same.

Salix alba

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Salix alba
Silver willow
The Od Force of the blows crust (Bark) of the plant is used as one of the components to prepare the remedies.
The Od Force of it lifts the Reye syndrome. The Od Force concerned repairs the renal damages. This Force withdraws is very useful in treating   asthma, diabetes, gout, gastritis, hemophilia, and stomach ulcers. It hampers the potentiality of the stomach upset, ulcers, nausea, vomiting, and stomach bleeding, skin rash.
It may be recommended during pregnancy as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women for the betterment of the same. Its coagulating activities decrease the risk of bleeding. It acts as beta blocker. As a diuretic it works over the damaged kidney to save the same. It decreases the toxic levels of the human system. It withdraws the diversions of aches, pain and inflammation and, chronic pain including headache, back and neck pain, muscle ache and menstrual cramp. Obviously the diversions occur mostly towards the gastrointestinal and renal spheres. Its functions over the gastrointestinal and renal spheres finally normalize the prostaglandin level in the human system. In case of arthritis discomforts the diversions reduces the swelling and inflammation translating the consequences in the back, knees, hips, and other joints with eventual increased mobility.
It is very useful for both diverted acute and chronic bouts of back pain.  This diversion of inflammation though helps in returning the mobility and flexibility to the muscles in the back causes unseen, unfelt effects in the digestive system and the renal system etc. The Od Force concerned functions in those unmarked systems and cures the same.
This Od Force is extremely useful in cases of allergy or sensitivity, peptic ulcer disease or kidney disease, hyperuricemia . It lessens the risk of bleeding from Vitamin E and garlic.
During and after surgery it uses itself astonishingly to heal the same rapidly,

Its command over the renal system helps the human system to be free from fever, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis etc.

Aconitum napellus

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Aconitum napellus

                            The Od Force remaining in the whole of the plant with the roots is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedies. This popular plant is one of the most poisonous plants of the garden.
The Od Force of it withdraws any stimulation over the nerves that caused paralysis or numbness thereon. It protects the nerves and mucus membranes from the causation of sensations of pain, touch and temperature. It cancels the effects of the long-continued local anesthetic actions.
It pulls up the slowed down pulse caused from the forceful submission of pericarditis and heart palpitations. It is anti-diaphoretic and roots out the grip of the feverishness of colds, pneumonia, quinsy, laryngitis, croup and asthma caused from general exposures. Its role over the circulation of blood, respiration and the nervous system is highly considerable for regularization of the same to normalcy. In the way of recovering the slowed pulses, the number of beats per minute develops towards the normalcy. Synchronously downed blood pressure goes up. It rescues the arrested diastoled heart from its irregularities, missing beats etc. In its course of action the Od Force of it soothes down the excitement or stimulation of  the cardio-inhibitory centre in the  medulla oblongata at the root of the vagus nerves. And in its later course it lifts up the hangover influence on the nerve-ganglia and muscular fibres of the heart. And the downed blood pressure is up. The fall in blood-pressure is not due to any direct influence on the vessels. Its notable capability is of withdrawing the slower respiration owing to a paralytic action on the respiratory centre to save the life where death would cause for the respiration being arrested before the paralytic action spreads over the heart. It activates the depressed nerve terminals to blows away any attempt to cause pain. The depressed activity of the spinal cord is similarly uplifted by this Od Force. It cures the dilated pupil is at through a process of contraction of the same to normalcy.
The antipyretic action  of the Od Force concerned is but the supply of this Od Force  to the human system to protect the loss of the constructional energy which becomes used in the chemical reaction between the infecting/infesting organisms and the affected human system. This supply influences the pyrexic excited circulation and respiration. In this way the Od Force in question controls the diaphoretic activities. This Force withdraws the the diversion due to strongly reduced sodium channel currents done to block the overactive pain resulted from the chronic pain and rheumatoid arthritis.
It withdraws the gastrointestinal  sufferings including nausea, vomiting and diarrhea following  the sensation of burning, tingling, and numbness in the mouth and face, and of burning in the abdomen.It withdraws the pronounced motor weakness and cutaneous sensations of tingling and numbness spreaded to the limbs. It withdraws  the Cardiovascular features of hypotension, sinus bradycardia and ventricular arrhythmias including sweating, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, headache, and confusion. In this way it protects death from ventricular arrhythmias and asystole, paralysis of the heart or of the respiratory center resulting asphyxia.

 The Od Force of it slows down the metabolism process of the liver to back to normalcy.

Humulus lupus

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Humulus lupus
The Od Force of the fresh seed-ripe, female flowers and young shoots is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedies. As herbal it is not poisonous but its herbal administration may cause danger in human system due to its chemical reaction in the same.
                                  The Od Force of it repairs the damaged circuits caused by the leprosy, pulmonary tuberculosis, and acute bacterial dysentery and other various biological activities.
                                     It withdraws the taxation as well the changes in the central nervous system caused by continuous stress, anxiety and insomnia, hypnotic and sedative effects. It cancels the strong spasmolytic effects on isolated smooth muscle. It controls the unusual over activities of the estrogen precursors. It cures the allergic diversion include respiratory infection, chronic bronchitis, dry cough, difficulty breathing and rash.
                           It applies its holding on the stimulation of hyper gastric and other secretions to back the same to normalcy. It bows out the risk of the liver damages. It withdraws the dizziness and drowsiness.
                                     It is highly hormone sensitive and insures its interfere in the process of steps of creation of breast cancer, uterine cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer or endometriosis to send back the human system in the opposite track in order to cure the same. It cures the pain of the tumour
                                        It ceases vomiting, abdominal pain, hyperthermia, restlessness, increased stomach seizures. Its role in decreasing the sugar level in cases of diabetes, hypoglycaemia etc. should be critically observed.
                          It gives back the uterus its original status from diversions from the troubles born from the cramps, swelling and hardness. It is very useful in cases of pregnancy and breast feeding. It searches for the diversion from menstrual irregularities to give back the menstrual process its original status.

                           It is reputed to increase sexual desire, decrease perspiration. And it is beneficial to the diversions from the pain and equally smart in earache and toothache. It is very useful in diuretic sufferings, stones in gallbladder, kidney and urinary tract, cystitis. Liver damages/enzymes deficiency therein caused from diuretic hazards finds a solution in the activities of this Od Force.