Tuesday 1 December 2015

Spigelia anthelmia

Spigelia anthelmia
Pink root
The Od Force of the root is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. As herbal it is poisonous.
This Od Force can be identified as the escorter of the cardioactive principle achieved by doing chemical reaction with human cells. . The biological effect of it is characterized by an expansion development of the heart muscle. It destroys the illicit passage of the cell to cell negatively charged Electromagnetic pathways network that the worms use to rule in the intestine as focus. 
It exerts a powerful withdrawing effect that was acting on the nervous system of the same strongly, especially of narcotic sufferings. It sweeps the chemical tortures exerted upon the nerves and their envelopes. It rescues the human system from the marked elective affinity of the eye, heart and nervous system. Neuralgia of the fifth nerve is one of its subjects. The subjects take the birth from the chemically adapted anaemic, debilitated, rheumatic and scrofulous are fed by this Force to erase the diversions caused in these respect. It bows out the problems originated from the loss of Od Force in the chemical solution of pericarditis.

The work done by the chemicals effective against heart disease, other heart problems, such as heart murmurs of abnormal heart sounds, rheumatic heart disease, angina ( chest pain) and valve disorders, relieved chest pain ( angina pectoralis) extending into chest, arms and throat as well are also cancelled by this Od Force. Chemical dip passages of the rheumatic endocarditis, rheumatic opthalmia and facial neuralgia, eased pain associated with the eyes and teeth including rheumatic fever, inflammatory swellings of the joints and palpitation arising from the mitral and aortic disease are regained similarly in the use of this Od Force.
It calms the excited nerves of special sense in a marked degree. In this activity it withdraws the inflammatory diversions produced in the sclerotic and choroid. It lifts the functionary alteration of special sense in the optic nerve and retina. In the tissues of the eye it cools down the excited inflammation that does rheumatic sclerotitis. It cancels the chemical reactions decidedly acted on the trifacial nerve. It foils the produced prosopalgia which involves the orbit, the zygoma and the superior maxilla, on the nerves of the tongue, also on the portio dura. It cancels the chemically embraced effects on the fibrous and muscular tissues of the eye, heart, and perhaps of the extremities also. It functions to withdraw the focus appeared from the chemically tackled sufferings of the pharynx and posterior nares.
 The high repute of this Od Force as an anti-helminthiasis might lead us to expect a more decided action on the apparatus of digestion. The presence of such decided action explains that it escorts the intestinal apparatus from its modified chemical condition caused in helminthiasis during their development and flourish, to its previous state.
Its efficiency in canceling the chemical diversion of treated cancer and HIV.
To stop damage of heart, dizziness, dizziness, convulsion vision problem its use is easily explainable. Women pregnant or nursing may find its pleasure in it. Diversions caused from the chemically treated head maladies, such as migraines, general headaches, and sinus infections, may also be remedied through the use of this Od Force. It repairs the damage caused by the laxatives and bacteria. It may be included for its activities to withdraw the chemical essay of the treated common cold congestion etc.
It opens the blocks of the ryanodine receptor to withdraw the chemical diversion caused from the reaction caused by the plant as herbal.
This receptor is associated with calcium conductance channel in the sarcoplasmic or endoplasmic reticulum of cells, which when bound to ryanodine, causes the channel to remain in a subconductive state, allowing slow continuing release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the cytoplasm. The channels are normally sensitive to calcium ions being ignorance of the inositol triphospate. A second messenger formed from phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate;triggers the release of calcium ions from special 
vesicles of the endoplasmicreticulum, has a role in the activation of the neutrophils. Any involvement in disordering the described works is withdrawn by this Od Force.
It will be very worthy to note further that ryanodine receptors (RyRs)   form a class of intracellular calcium channels in various forms of excitable tissue like muscles and neurons. There are three major isoforms of the ryanodine receptor, which are found in different tissues and participate in different signaling pathways involving calcium release from intracellular organelles. The RYR2 ryanodine receptor isoform is the major cellular mediator of calcium-induced calcium release (CICR) in cells.
The cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2) is the major calcium (Ca2+) release channel on the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in cardiomyocytes. During excitation-contraction, coupling intracellular Ca2+ stored in the SR is released via RyR2 to activate muscle contraction. In the heart, excitation-contraction coupling is activated by Ca2+ influx via the L-type Ca2+ channel that activates RyR2, a process referred to as Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. The cardiac muscle RyR2 and its homologue, the skeletal muscle RyR1, are macromolecular complexes that include four ≈565-kDa RyR1 or RyR2, four FKBP12 or FKBP12.6 (12-kDa peptidyl-prolyl isomerases that are required for normal gating of the channels), as well as cAMP-dependent kinase (PKA), phosphatases, and their targeting proteins. One key role for the macromolecular signaling complex is to modulate channel function in response to activation of the sympathetic nervous system (ie, the classic “fight-or-flight” stress response).
There are at least 21 mutations in RyR2 that are linked to stress-induced sudden cardiac death. RyR2 mutations have been associated with 2 forms of sudden cardiac death (SCD): (1) catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) or familial polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (FPVT), and (2) arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia type 2 (ARVD2).
Locations of SCD mutations in human RyR2 compared with MH/CCD regions of RyR1 and known regulatory domains of the channel. Eleven reported SCD-linked RyR2 mutations cluster in three regions homologous to three MH/CCD regions. The location of 3 RyR2 leucine/isoleucine zippers (LZ) that target PP1, PP2A, and PKA to RyR2 as is the FKBP12.6 binding region, and the CaM binding site.
CPVT and FPVT are acronyms for similar, autosomal, dominantly inherited disorders, characterized by adrenergic (exercise or stress)–induced, bidirectional, and polymorphic ventricular tachycardias that cause SCD in the absence of gross structural disease of the myocardium. CPVT of children is with stress-induced ventricular arrhythmias that are predominantly bidirectional ventricular tachycardias, whereas the FPVT patients have predominantly polymorphic ventricular tachycardia.
4 RyR2 missense mutations, 3 of which (S2246L, R2474S, and N4104K) may be sporadic and the rest one (R4497C) may be found with clinically affected mutation carriers. FPVT carrying missense mutations P2328S, Q4201R, and V4653F are also there. There are at least 6 genetically distinct forms of primarily autosomal, dominantly inherited arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD) cardiomyopathies, characterized by progressive degeneration of the right ventricular myocardium, arrhythmias, and SCD. ARVD2 is characterized by exercise-induced SCD, to chromosome 1q42-q43. RyR2 mutations in 4 ARVD2, N2386I mutation, and different mutations (R176Q and T2504M), L433P missense mutation are also notable.
 RyR2-linked CPVT/FPVT/ARVD2 mutations are associated with increased adrenergic activity due to sympathetic nervous system stimulation. Thus, the molecular pathophysiology of SCD in patients with CPVT/FPVT/ARVD2 may be analogous to SCD in patients with heart failure.  In failing hearts, a chronic hyperadrenergic state is associated with PKA hyperphosphorylation of RyR2, which depletes the channel of the regulatory subunit FKBP12.6. A diastolic leak of Ca2+ due to a hyperactive RyR2 may be one signal that accounts for delayed afterdepolarizations that trigger ventricular tachycardia. Interestingly, 8 of the RyR2 mutations linked to SCD are in the FKBP12.6-binding region of the channel.
The CPVT with RyR2 mutations exhibit earlier onset of stress-induced ventricular tachycardia, compared with CPVT individuals without RyR2 mutations in about 50% of the cases. Moreover, males with RyR2 mutations had a higher risk of syncope (relative risk of 4.2). The care of patients with CPVT tags the chemical uses of the use of prophylactic β-adrenergic receptor blockers in all male children who are carriers of RyR2 mutations. However, ≈30% of the patients with CPVT required an implantable defibrillator.
 RyR2 mutations are linked with the stress-induced SCD in the alterations in structure making the mutant channels hypersensitive to the downstream effectors of the β-adrenergic signaling pathway, namely phosphorylation by PKA. Stress-induced activation of the sympathetic nervous system results in PKA phosphorylation of RyR2 dissociates FKBP12.6 from the channel and increases the Ca2+-induced activation of the channel. In failing hearts, RyR2 are PKA hyperphosphorylated such that 3 or 4 of the PKA sites in each channel complex are phosphorylated and the channels are depleted of FKBP12.6, resulting in an SR Ca2+ “leak.” It may be that the RyR2 mutations linked to SCD make the channels more sensitive to activation by PKA phosphorylation in such a way that, under particularly stressful conditions, the mutant channels act like the PKA-hyperphosphorylated channels in failing hearts. The resulting SR Ca2+ leak could activate inward, depolarizing currents via the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, possibly causing delayed afterdepolarizations that are known to trigger fatal ventricular arrhythmias.
RyR2 mutations linked to SCD could alter the PKA phosphorylation modulation of the channel by increasing PKA targeting to the channel or decreasing phosphatase (PP1 and PP2A) targeting to the channel. PKA, PP1, and PP2A are targeted to RyR2 via targeting proteins that bind via leucine/isoleucine zipper motifs in the channel. It is interesting to note that a defect in the leucine/isoleucine zipper-mediated targeting of PKA and PP1 to the potassium channel KCNQ1, linked to exercise-induced SCD in individuals with long-QT syndrome has also be been demonstrated, though none of the SCD-linked RyR2 mutations have been found in sequences that are known to mediate PKA, PP1, or PP2A targeting to RyR2. It is again   notable that individuals with CPVT/FPVT/ARVD2-linked RyR2 mutations only manifest symptoms under conditions of sympathetic nervous system activation.
The CPVT/FPVT/ARVD2 mutations cluster in 3 regions of the channel, corresponding to malignant hyperthermia (MH) and central core disease (CCD) domains in RyR1. MH and CCD are diseases of skeletal muscle, and their mutations may alter the Ca2+-dependent regulation of RyR1 generally. Mutant RyR1 channels isolated from MH may reveal an increased sensitivity to activation by Ca2+ and a decreased sensitivity to inhibition by Mg2+.These alterations in the biophysical properties of the channels could cause an SR Ca2+ leak.
In terms of therapeutic approaches for CPVT/FPVT/ARVD2-linked SCD, support for the concept that systemic β-blockers can “protect” the RyR2 channel from the consequences of sympathetic nervous system activation can be derived as systemic β-blockers reversing the PKA hyperphosphorylation of RyR2 in failing hearts and restore the normal structure and function of the channel.
 Individuals with CPVT whose initial symptoms occurred in adulthood are not of just in childhood. Patients with CPVT linked to RyR2 mutations are of predominantly male and developed symptoms earlier in life than does those without RyR2 mutations, who are predominantly female.
Genes other than RyR2 implicates in catecholamine-induced ventricular tachycardia as well. An autosomal recessive form of catecholamine- or exercise-induced polymorphic ventricular tachycardia with mutations in calsequestrin can be carried.

This Od Force has an immense quality to withdraw all the focus as have been narrated here to cause the reverse to escort the affected human system from the den of the above to its previous state.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Tanacetum vulgare

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Tanacetum vulgare
The Od Force of the flowering plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy.

The chemicals from which this Od Force originates divert the digestive tract problems including stomach and intestinal ulcers, certain   gallbladder conditions, gas, bloating, stomachache, stomach spasms, and poor appetite to focus the further loss from the fund of the Od Force that has constituted the concerning human system, in the Vemifugos network of the intestine here. Chemical diversions from painful conditions including migraines, nerve pain (neuralgia), joint pain (rheumatism) and sciatica; and for heart conditions including rapid heartbeat (palpitations) and fluid retention caused by congestive heart failure also rushes to the intestines to form cell to cell negatively charged vermifugos electromagnetic network.
This force stops the continuation of the menstruation. It also destroys the mechanisms that cause abortion. It erases the damages done by the roundworm and threadworm infections chemically. Other uses include the treatment of diversions chemically caused by the treatment of epileptic seizures, colds, fever, hysteria, gout, kidney problems, and tuberculosis, promoted sweating, calmed nerves.
It withdraws the electromagnetic protections resulted from the acts of the antioxidant. It is anti-stimulant.
 It escorts the human system from the chemically missing of  scabies, itching, bruises, sores, sprains, swelling, freckles, inflammation, vaginal discharge, sunburn, toothache, and tumors in the sphere made of cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic intestinal vermifugos network.
In performing its functions it cancels the prevailing chemical activities that increase saliva and blood flow to the tissues in the mouth, stomach, intestines, and pelvic area. Similarly it its activities it withdraws ad effects on the brain. It lifts the diversions caused chemically to decrease pain, to increase bile production, to increase appetite in people with liver and gallbladder problems.
In reducing the pain, mucus and headaches affected vermifugos intestinal cell to cell electromagnetic space is chemically being affected. It lifts the diversions caused chemically during the process of reducing swelling, muscle spasms, and spastic coughing. It reverses the new developments in the anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and chemotherapeutic chemical activity
This Od Force is very useful in patients with an underlying defect with hepatic heme synthesis,. Its uses as withdrawer of the documented abortifacient and emmenagogue effects can be accounted.
Force hare salvages the human system from the state of excitement and convulsion. It may result in absinthism, the syndrome characterized by digestive disorders, thirst, restlessness, vertigo, trembling of the limbs, numbness of the extremities, loss of intellect, delirium, paralysis, and death. It destroys the neurotoxic potential in its capacity if any. It is helpful to resolve the hepato-cellular and hepato-biliary ailments diversions.
The toxic consequences characterized by auditory and visual hallucinations, epilepsy, brain damage, and increased risk of psychiatric illness and suicide are also under the supervision of this Od Force and to cure the same.
The Od Force in question here cures the developing or developed nose and throat cancers.
In pregnancy and breast feeding this Od Force is safe. The chemically treated broken skin or large areas of the skin find its new focus in form of so-called side effects. The human system may back to previous state being escorted by this Od Force. Kidney disorders, going to damage or existing problems going worse may be challenged by this Od Force. The damages done chemically during the process of curing the weeping eczema may similarly be countered to lifts the diversions. In heart failures it is very valuable. Violent irritation, induced venous congestion of the abdominal organs, especially intestine, especially the cell to cell sphere selected, of the intestine. It counters the damages done by the herpes simplex virus.

The Od Force in question reverses the diversions caused by the chain interlinking chemical reactions among the GABA receptors, 5-HT3 receptor and tannic acid that result as focus to create the cell to cell negatively charged pathways electromagnetic network sphere in the intestine and its neighboring zone.

Imperatoria ostruthium

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Imperatoria ostruthium
Hog fennel
The Od Force of the roots of the plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy.
The treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, skin, respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, infections, fever, flu and colds here chemically diverts those in the space occupying the intestinal areas (or its extension) where worms get entry in a new focus due to loss from the fund of the total Od Force of the human system----the space being formed as cell to cell negatively charged pathways electromagnetic network.

The chemical or material ability to resolve all flatulence in the body and stimulate the flow of urine and menstruation inclines similarly to the creation of focus in the intestinal worm space. Chemical activities against hysteria and delirium tremens also find their solutions in the same way through the creation of cell to cell negatively charged pathways network in the intestine.

Chemical diversions from rheumatic conditions, shortness of breath, kidney and bladder stones, water retention and wounds may similarly be escorted to their previous focus by this Od Force. Relieved migraine, euphoric and odontalgic effect are withdrawn from their diversion similarly.
This Od Force is antispasmodic diversions, anti-carminative, anti-diaphoretic anti-stimulating. Caused allergic reaction to sunlight is withdrawn here. Raised heart and blood pressure is also under the anti-stimulating functions of this Od Force. Chemical diversion of skin irritation may be reverted by the use of this Od Force.

The Od Force in question here exhibits the inhibited T cell-receptor-mediated proliferation in human primary T cells in. It lifts the induced apoptosis. It lifts the induced DNA fragmentation at the G1/S phase of the cell cycle mechanistically in reversed way. It exhibits HIV-1 replication as well as the inhibition in expression of ICAM-1 in U937 foam cells. It can function as a lifter of the cancer suppressor by withdrawing the induced apoptosis in HepG2 cells through both death-receptor- and mitochondria-mediated pathways. These cancellations of the antitumor activities are significant with regaining the negligible weight loss and damage to the host. The Od Force can also cause dismissal of the apoptosis in human promyelocytic leukaemia, HL-60 utilizing the cytochrome c/caspase-9 pathway. This force is anti- mutagenic and lifts the inductions over the transformation in fibrobolast cell lines whereas it provides the exhibiting powers in the inhibited effects on mutagenesis and carcinogenesis induced by various carcinogens.

Hypertension is a very widespread condition which is not strictly considered as an illness but if not countered, progressively causes damage to all tissues and loss in their functionality. The concern chemicals induce vasorelaxation on arterial tissues with an effectiveness of its own. The Od Force of the concerned operates the cellular mechanisms of the vasorelaxation in opposite direction to lift the diversions caused by the concerned chemicals used for vesodilation. The withdrawal of the synergism of vasodilation and antioxidant activity may be very useful in lifting the new focus caused from the chemical activities to manage the cardiovascular diseases. This force has significant vaso-constricting capabilities.
It sweeps all the diversions caused from the inhibition of the vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation chemically. The induced structural chromosome aberrations and sister-chromatid exchanges in lymphocytes is withdrawn here creating a strong anti-clastogenic effects.
The diversion from anti-tumor chemical activity against prostate carcinoma DU145 cells is also a subject of this Od Force. Similarly it withdraws the diversions the normal tissues including the brain tissue exercise when the chemical potent in nature, broad-spectrum chemotherapeutic cause its toxic effects on them, especially in case of apoptosis in PC12 cells as a neuronal model cell line. The Od Force in question here interfere the matter of characterized type of cell death involving in the said apoptosis. In its activity it increases the significantly decreased mRNA gene expression of Bax and decreases the increased mRNA gene expression of Bcl2. Not only that this Force increases the significantly decreased caspase-3 activation here.
It withdraws the diversions caused from the induced apoptosis in PC3, H1299, and SKNMC cells.
In the process of chemical activities in the ailments ranging from skin problems, lack of libido, osteoporosis, inflammations, tumors and much more, the cell to cell space the bearing the network of Vermifugo-1 and Vermifugo-2 deactivated here is under the consideration of this Od Force. This Force rescues those people from the valley of the diversions caused from the chemical activities to tackle the naughty ailments that are usually caused by high levels of nitric oxide and free radicals.
It opposes the differentiated and also stimulated mechanism established by the concerning chemicals to produce Osteoblasts-like cells in the human body. The induction of hFOB and MG-63 helping in reducing the negative effects that come with osteoporosis faces the challenge thrown by this Od Force.
In treating the cancer of the liver the exploited chemicals may increase the production of essential hormones that are effective against cancerous cells. . It may also combat the free radicals that contribute to aging or high toxicity in the level. In this process the condensation brought about by lipopolysaccharide and cigarette smoke by combating histamine (His),acetylcholine (ACh), and KCl may be reduced. Whatever may be the case, the case can not be caused without chemical reactions prior to these incidences. And naturally these reaction occurs between the cells of the human system and the material employed to get the treating the ailments. And these reaction causes at the cost of losing more Od Force that has caused the human systems of the suffering patients through a creation of new focus(s) of the disease. But here in combination with the other plants of Vermfuge-1/Vermifuge-2 this focus shares in the human intestinal space where the worms, parasites are welcome for infestation or infection chemically.
The chemical categorized as an anti-platelet agent generally may force to cause tonic and norepinephrine -induced phasic contractions.It also blocks Ca (2+)-channel and increased cGMP levels in the aorta and vascular muscles leading to relaxation, but with the diversion of the preoccupied disease.  In withdrawing the diversion caused in the inhibition of the production of fat in the liver and stalled absorption of alcohol into the blood stream this Od Force take brilliantly measured activities, in caused forceful disappearance of production TNF-alpha hormone and also anti-oxidation properties this Od Force is very much smart. In performing its functions it reverses the total process that has been established in the chemical process.
In allowing the act of opening the account of the diversion the central nervous system comes under the connection with the intestine to form worm spaces to lead to sleep disturbances, irritability, and also quick heart pulse. The Od Force cancels all the activities that have been established in the human gene as cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic network in the human system.
Treatment of the impotence or erectile dysfunction chemically may relax the corpus cavernosa of the penis with potential help in flowing of the blood in those in erectile dysfunction but at the cost of causing a new focus in some other place(s) of the human system. This Od Force inhibits this exhibited vasorelaxing effects.

The Od Force here erases the diversions essayed by the selected chemical authority that causes proliferation stimulating activity on osteoblast-like UMR106 cells also. This Force cancels the issued Cytotoxic activity on leukemia cell lines. It inhibits the exhibited strong effects on human leukemia (HL-60), cervical carcinoma (HeLa) and colorectal carcinoma cells. It lifts the induced apoptosis in HL-60 cells. It withdraws the induced mechanism interfering the calcium influx and cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases.

Thymus seryphyllum

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Thymus seryphyllum                                                   
Wild Thyme
This Od Force of the whole plant without roots, is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy

The diversions caused from the antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antibiotic, diuretic, expectorant, healed wounds, to increase the blood flow to an area topically, to soothe coughs and uterine stimulating material treatments, in some different sort focusing in the intestinal surfaces mainly have been pawed by this Od Force if in its own capacity. Generally a few of the cell to cell negatively charged Electromagnetic pathways network that have formed  this surface as one or a few of the total components, becomes the cell to cell negatively charged Electromagnetic pathways network as the parasites create being host thereon.
It plays an important role in disordered, scanty menstruation by activating the deactivated the cell to cell negatively charged Electromagnetic pathways network that has been made during the material reaction done to control emmenagogue.
Chest maladies, weak digestion, flatulence, convulsive coughs, especially whooping cough, catarrh and sore throat, sinusitis etc. may find their solutions through the creation of the new focus in the above stated cell to cell negatively charged Electromagnetic pathways network to welcome the parasites. Of course another different potential of this network may invite this infection /infestation in some other zone anatomically excluding this intestinal surface.
Not only the breathing problems of cough, bronchitis and swollen airways, intestinal gas, and colic, arthritis and sprains but also kidney and bladder disorders may resolved in the above intestinal highest potential cell to cell negatively charged Electromagnetic pathways network to focus the addition of the loss of the Od Force of the human system causing attachments of the worms, other parasites in the intestine favorable.
Chemical reactions that result in nausea, vomiting are withdrawn. In course of these chemical reactions it decreases the increased flow of urine and perspiration, menstruation with good maintenance of the great appetite and thirst. If relapse of the sufferings here which may be inevitable in the beginning but later occur less and less, the treatment is repeated.
The unusual and speeded up mechanisms of delivery and dispatching process towards miscarriages is caused to normal birth are also among the missions of this Od Force. The beneficial effects got in the material treatments in the diseases of the leprosy, paralysis and nervous complaints at the cost of diversions are easily got back by this Od Force, if these are within its capacity.
It decreased the increased the flow of urine and menstruation, in normal birth speeds up delivery and dispatches miscarriages as well.
The beneficial effect obtained chemically in enlivened spirits, great comfort in the stomach at the cost of diversions focused through a different cell to cell negatively charged space is also under the administration of this Od Force to add the required Od Force to escort the suffering human body from the newly focused disease. Forceful chemical vanishing of the cramp in the form of the diversion needs the same this Od Force.

Facial neuralgia with pulled almost up to the ear, great pain gone chemically is also a subject of this Od Force. Damages done by the typhoid fever may be easily recovered with this Od Force. Material medicines used for stroke, multiple sclerosis, muscular atrophy, swellings and contusions, abdominal cramps may be redirected by this Od Force from the caused more complexity. 

Thursday 8 October 2015

Chenopodium Anthelminticum

Wormseed oil is used for rheumatism, painful joints, eczema, and bites. Drank as a tea to treat cramps, laxative, nervousness and depression, as well as to rid the intestines of worm infestations. A decoction is used to treat gastrointestinal complaints. Washes made from the juices sooth and treat hemorrhoids and a poultice speeds healing and protects wounds from infection.
Chenopodium Anthelminticum
Jerusalem Oak 
The Od Force of the dried one whole plant, Seeds, essential oil Aerial parts, flowering tops is used as one of the component in the preparation of remedies. As herbal the plant is toxic.
As anti-toxic the Od Force in question here silently inhibits the exhibited cytotoxic activity in leukemia, melanoma, brain and colon cancer cell lines. Diversions caused from the anti-tumour chemical activities in sarcoma are also reversed here by this Force. It has a specific inclination to decode the remarkable NER (neuclotide excision repair) in cell cycle and DNA damage. It increases the decreased G1 phase in three cell lines, though G2/M phase suffers arrest only in NER-deficient cells. In this process it lifts the induction that caused an increase in the subG1 peak which remains considerably higher in NER-deficient cells than in proficient cells. DNA damage induction which remains substantially higher in NER-deficient cells is also withdrawn in functions of this Od Force. The strong induction of the NER-deficient cells due to the increase in intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species of cytotoxic concentration is also leaded to erase.
Rheumatism, painful joints, eczema, cramp etc. find their chemical solution through the new focus in the intestine. Cell to cell negatively charged pathways network express its additive loss of Od Force caused by those chemical reactions in the intestine through those focuses. This passage from inside to outside is such passage the focus that welcomes the worms, parasites etc. basically.
The diversions from the gastrointestinal complaints, haemorrhoids are lift here. Diversions even from the chemically healed and protected from the infections are also under surveillance of this Od Force. Patients prone to allergy, small children and pregnant women require no need to maintain additional caution while they are using this Od Force. Diversions from anti- asthmatic and anti-catarrhal treatments are also subjects of this Od Force. It escorts the people suffering from arthritis, rheumatism, gout, kidney stones or hyperacidity from their aggravated conditions. In toxic stage the patient may remain in transient dizziness and vomiting. The Od Force withdraws the both. Expectorant chemicals removing the pectoral complaints, catarrh finally focused the ultimate sufferings in the intestinal passage with or without external expression but focus together with the cell to cell electromagnetic passage which the parasites use to cause vitiation of blood circulation and lymph circulation dependent on each other.

It repairs the mechanical change of damage brought about by the infective as well as the poisonous substance secreted by the infective to pave the cell to cell negatively charged pathways in the cases of the Ankylostomiasis , Ankylostos duodenale. It may be mentioned here that the infective organisms penetrate the intact skin and enters the blood stream. These are then carried to the lungs. They break into alveoli, ascend the bronchi and trachea and are coughed up and swallowed back into the small intestine where they mature. The Od Force takes the charge of withdrawing the diversion caused from the chemical activities from the side of the infection as well as the poison released by the infective here including the itching of the infection in the patch at the side of entry. If the infective fail to complete their migration they may take shelter below the skin producing snake-like makings with creeping eruption. The vibration caused by this Od Force over the deactivated cell to cell negatively charged pathway network that caused from the entry to shelter in the skin, activates the same to meet up the Od Force the loss for which the infective incidence caused. As a result the refugees leave the human system.
The shift of the focus from the chemically treated irritation of skin, mouth, throat and lining of the stomach and skin can be faced with this Od Force. Caused vomiting,diarrhoea, headache, dizziness, kidney and liver damages, temporary deafness, convulsions, paralysis etc. are also under the reign of this Od Force. Internally this Od Force is highly active to destroy the cell to cell negatively charged track made by the for roundworms, dwarf tapeworms, intestinal amoeba, and other intestinal parasites, though it is not as effective against the cell to cell negatively charged track made by the large tapeworms.
The prolonged chemical reaction stress may unhide the cell to cell negatively charged pathways network to show its activities in such way that the central nervous system may be affected with induced depression, even delirium which mat transmit into convulsion and coma to show more additive loss of the Od Force (Electromagnetic Force). It may include the loss to show pulmonary oedema, that is fluid accumulation in the lungs, haematuria, albuminuria and jaundice also. 

This Od Force is anti-carcinogenic.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Uragoga ipecaccuanha

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Uragoga ipecacuanha                                                                                                                                       
Emetic root
The Od Force of the root of the plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy.
The material or chemical strong expectoration function takes place at the cost of happening of severe vomiting and diarrhea as the chemical reaction of the material with human chemical is caused to make the suffering human system more deficient in the fund of the constructional energy (Od Force) in expectorating function with the corresponding loss of the matter of the cells. This incidence speaks of the matter that the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s) concerning the lungs’ expectoration here is unexpectedly linked with the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s) concerning the severe vomiting and diarrhoea. So it lifts the induced vomiting.
It exhibits the inhibition of the protein synthesis. It withdraws the diversions or shifts caused from the infestation of protozoa the human system and chemical reactions between the human system’s cells and protozoa. It is anti-amoebiasis. Material or chemical activities punishing the protozoa and amoebiasis causes muscular contraction leading to cardiac failure are washed of herewith. It withdraws in this way the risk of developing or developed proximal myopathy and/or cadiomyopathy.  Material or chemical interference with muscle contractions leading to cardiac failure is withdrawn herewith. It withdraws the chemical or material shifts or diversions caused by fascioloidiasis.
In fact it is highly capable of erasing the chemical diversions or shifts caused by viral, parasitic organisms, anti-cancer, and contraceptive chemical reactions based activities. It exhibits the inhibition of both ribosomal and mitochondrial protein synthesis and interferes with the synthesis and activities of DNA and RNA. Caused up-regulation and down-regulation of a number of genes are reversed herewith.
 It exhibits the inhibition of the aminoacyl-sRNA transfer reaction by reversing all the series of steps that result to incorporate the aminoacyl moiety into polypeptide-bond form. This Od Force breaks the chemical irreversibility to exhibits the inhibited protein synthesis in HeLa cells by augmenting the depleted number of free ribosomes and subsequently decreasing the increased the polyribosomes. It withdraws the chemical or material diversions of shifts in the process of inhibition of viral RNA synthesis in poliovirus-infected HeLa cells. This exhibition of the RNA inhibition progressing from being reversible to irreversible is broken herewith. Prevention of induced autophagy in exocrine cells of pancreas and seminal vesicle by stabilizing polyribosomes occurs with accompaniment of inhibiting protein synthesis. The caused chemical or material diversions or shifts to give the effect of prevention are cancelled herewith. The chemistry that blocks the early S phase of DNA replication is rewind here again. The chemistry of reducing DNA, RNA and protein synthesis of thymic cells is also cancelled herewith.
The caused diversion and shifts from the material or chemical treatment of amoebic liver and perianal skin amoebiases, both of which are caused by the same parasite are withdrawn herewith.  Thus the new focus of the expression of the addition of the further loss of the Od Force with previous loss of the Od Force caused in the process of infestation and gross chemical entry in the requisite sites due to the toxicity or excessive toxicity is reversed herewith. Reduction of cytoplasmic volume, maintenance of plasma cell integrity, and production of nuclear condensation and DNA fragmentation caused chemically or by the infestation is hereby withdrawn. The Od Force in question is potent enough in antileishmanial activity against Leishmania donavani. It is equally smart in tackling as the trypanocidal agent against Trypanosoma cruzi against Chaga’s disease. It displays trypanocidal activity against Trypanosoma brucei also.
Evaded immune response by continuous antigenic variation on the surface coat of the human cell, caused loss of various B cell populations, disability  to raise a long-lasting specific protective anti-parasite antibody response, abrogated vaccine-induced protective response are redirected herewith. Remodeling of spleen and the rapid loss of the IgM+ marginal zone (IgM+MZ) B cell population are reversed herewith. Increased caspase-3 enzyme activity and elevated caspase-3 mRNA levels coincided with decreased mRNA levels of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein and BAFF receptor (BAFF-R), indicating the onset of apoptosis, are rewind herewith. The affected B cells became unresponsive to stimulation by BCR cross-linking with anti-IgM Fab fragments is become herewith. Infection-induced loss of IgM+ B cells coincided with the disappearance of protective variant-specific T-independent IgM responses, rendering the host rapidly susceptible are withdrawn herewith. Infections with T. brucei parasites result in the rapid loss of T–cell independent IgM+MZ B cells that are normally functioning as the primary immune barrier against blood-borne pathogens are established herewith.
It is antipoxviral. It shows significant antiviral activity against dengue virus. The chemical or material shifts from the causation of the inhibition of vaccinia virus replication are also erasable herewith. It washes the chemical or material diversion caused from the treatment of murine L-1210 and P-388 leukemia, caused apoptotic cytotoxicity in many human cancer cell lines: U937 (leukaemic cell line), A549-S (lung adenocarcinoma), Jurkat T cells (T cell leukemia), CCRFCEM (Human T cell lymphoblast-like cell line), HL-60 (Human promyelocytic leukemia cells) and CEM/ADR5000 (leukemia cell line). The inhibition of protein synthesis and interaction with DNA causing cytotoxicity are reversed herewith.  Not only the protein synthesis inhibition and interaction with DNA induced apoptosis by regulation of pro-apoptotic factors is also rewind. Regulation on alternative splicing of Bcl-x pre-mRNA by protein phosphatase I is also reversed.  Down-regulated levels of the antiapoptotic variant Bcl-xL mRNA, and up-regulated levels of the pro-apoptotic variant Bcl-xS mRNA undergo reversion also. The material or chemical diversion from the decrease of the Bcl-xL/Bcl-xS ratio in MCF-7 breast cancer, PC3-prostate cancer, C33A-cervical cancer and A549-lung cancer cell lines enjoy an anti-truck passage in the good of this Od Force. The up-regulation of some pro-apoptotic and anti-survival genes: BAK1, CASP8 (caspase 8), CASP9 (caspase 9), DAXX (death-associated protein 6), GZMB (granzyme B) and TNFRSF6 into Jurkat cells after treatment is cancelled herewith. BCL2, EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor), and TNF (tumor necrosis factor), are anti-apoptotic and prosurvival genes in Jurkat cells and  downregulation of these is similarly cancelled herewith. The anti-apoptotic and pro-survival genes (AKT1, MST1, TNFRSF11B, and TNFSF13) as are upregulated in Jurkat cells are also reversed. The chemical or material diversions from caused phosphatidylserine exposure, mitochondrial depolarization, and DNA fragmentation in Jurkat T-cells are also made travelled in the path along which it came once. Apart from genes that are directly linked to apoptosis, this Od Force is also capable of withdrawing the affect of the expression of other genes. The matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) gene family includes 24 genes involved in tissue remodeling and their dysregulation is observed in many pathological conditions, including cancer.  Blocked induction of all genes except MMP9 and TIMP3 is also withdrawing herewith. Increasing PGC-1 activity controlling muscular dystrophy, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases and ovarian cancer is withdrawn herewith. Increasing PGC-1 activity in the ovarian cancer cell line Ho-8910 inducing apoptosis is withdrawn herewith simultaneously.
The uterus and early embryos around implantation, possibly the trophoblast and endometrial cells at the attachment site is the main target of the action of this Od Force to lift the early implantation hazards.
The loss of the Od Force due to nonsense-mediated decay (NMD), the mechanisms cells used to prevent the synthesis of truncated protein (gene expression) or mutant genes that lead to human diseases is meet up herewith. Inhibition of NMD stabilizes the mutant transcripts and identifies the genes containing the truncated mutant. The material or chemical shifts or deviation from this protein synthesis inhibition of NMD combined with microarrays influences the prostate cancer cell lines (DU145, PC3, and LnCaP) to reverse the mutations of EPHB2 in human prostate cancer, mutations in colon cancer cells and melanoma.
It withdraws the toxicity of myopathy, in addition, cardiotoxicity, including cardiomyopathy.  It lifts the activity of the adrenergic (2) blocker and exhibits inhibitor of dipeptidyl aminopeptidase IV. It similarly cancels the activity of the antagonist of dopamine (D1 and D3) receptors, substance P, and neurokinin NK3 to establish the previous state.
It exhibits the inhibited ribosomal and mitochondrial protein synthesis and interferes with the synthesis and activities of DNA and RNA. It is used as an amebicide to instant repair of the damages done due to amoebiasis and cause withdrawal of serious cardiac, hepatic, or renal damage and violent diarrhea and vomiting by removal of the loss of the Od Force concerned with the instant supply of the same. It exhibits the inhibited protein synthesis in eukaryotic cell, not in prokaryotic cells. It is done by unbinding the material or chemical binding done to the 40S subunit of the ribosome. Mutants resistance altered in the 40S ribosomal subunit (S14 protein) is rewind herewith. The exhibited cross-resistance is withdrawn but not other inhibitors of protein synthesis.  The compounds to which these mutants exhibit cross-resistance suffer the change in chemistry to register this exhibition.
 Irritation of the cutaneous and mucous surfaces is removed herewith. Not only that the material or chemical activity that excites irritation, and produces vesicular, pustular and sometimes ulcerative effects in the skin is also withdrawn. Exceeding irritation to the Schneiderian membrane, causing heat and violent sneezing is also under the coverage of the activity of this Od Force. Provoked decided paroxysms, closely resembling spasmodic asthmatic attacks—the chief symptoms being great dyspnoea, with marked anxiety and prostration, and wheezing respiration and cough, bronchitis with croup are also subjects of this Od Force. This is often accompanied with violent and prolonged sneezing and spitting of blood, usually followed by free expectorating mucus are also erased herewith. The new focus of the loss of Od Force from material or chemical activity may be expressed as to cause gastric tonicity and hepatic stimulation is also withdrawn. Produced emesis and hence catharsis as usually results is also cancelled herewith. The relaxation of the skin and consequent diaphoresis and increased the broncho-pulmonic secretions are withdrawn herewith. Including the Physiological scarce effect in the circulation the stimulation over the circulatory apparatus are lifted herewith. Therapeutic action upon the circulation giving effects upon hemorrhage; and in acute disorders of the stomach, bowels, and breathing organs are also in the range of its target.

 This Od Force is a very important to lift the provocation over emesis, to check active hemorrhages, to relieve gastro-intestinal and broncho-pulmonic irritation and inflammations, cardiac paralysis. It is best observed in the material or chemical shifts or deviation caused from acute affections, when there is hyperemia, capillary engorgements, and hyper-secretion.

Material or chemical actions in active hemorrhagespost-partum, hemoptysis,  hematemesis, hematuria, epistaxis, and hemorrhages from the bowels opens a new focus to balance the addition of further deficiency of the Od Force from their previous focus at capillary. The nervousness with marked irritability and vascular excitation suffers the additive loss of the Od Force in some new focus. The chemical or material diversion or shift from menorrhagia and metrorrhagia, hemorrhoids, especially when of the bleeding variety are also rewind herewith.
It is very efficient in withdrawing the chemical or material deviation or shift from the night-sweats of consumption, the majority of cases of phlyctenular diseases of the eye with photophobia. It is also extremely valuable in erasing the chemical or material diversion or shift from peritonitis, even the worst form occurring in puerperal women. It is also of value in withdrawing the focuses of acute rheumatism, gout, jaundice from materially or chemically treated biliary catarrh, and to heal the relaxed parts in the passage of small biliary calculi.

Materially or chemically caused nausea, vomiting, stomach irritation, dizziness, low blood pressure, shortness of breath, fresh heartburn, irritation of skin and respiratory tract, serious poisoning including difficulty breathing, digestive tract problems, uncontrolled heart rates, bleeding in urine, convulsions, shock, coma, and death are withdrawn herewith.   

 Stimulated uterus causing miscarriage is also rewinding. In breast feeding it is safe. It is also capable to cancel serious complications including damage of the esophagus including ulcers, infection or Crohn’s disease, pneumonia. It is anti-diaphoretic. Costing of improved appetite materially or chemically is cancelled herewith to give back the human system that was suffering from anorexia. The deviations or shifts from the intravenous material or chemical uses for hepatitis and pockets of infection (abscesses) are cancelled herewith to rewind the staged chemical process. Chemical or material activities that irritate the digestive tract and trigger the brain to cause vomiting are withdrawn herewith.

The material or chemical irritant effect on the gastrointestinal tract or mucosal erosions of the entire gastrointestinal tract generally induces to persistent bloody vomiting or diarrhea but those effects may give rise to adverse effects on the heart, such as conduction abnormalities or myocardial infarction. These, in combination with dehydration, may cause vasomotor collapse followed by death.  Induced vomiting in eating disorders has been implicated in the diagnosis of cardiotoxicity and myopathy. All these are rewinding or reversed herewith. Adverse effects of repeated vomiting, such as metabolic complications, aspiration pneumonitis, parotid enlargement, dental abnormalities, and oesophagitis or haematemesis due to mucosal lacerations  Cardiovascular toxicity, manifesting as muscle weakness, hypotension, palpitations and arrhythmias are the victims of this Od Force The load of chemistry leading to gastric rupture, Mallory-Weiss lesions of the oesophagogastric junction, cerebrovascular events, pneumomediastinum and pneumoperitoneum, allergy characterized by rhinitis, conjunctivitis and chest tightness are also the subjects of it.