Spigelia anthelmia
Pink root
The Od Force of the root is
used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. As herbal it is
This Od Force can be
identified as the escorter of the cardioactive principle achieved by doing
chemical reaction with human cells. . The biological effect of it is characterized
by an expansion development of the heart muscle. It destroys the illicit passage of the
cell to cell negatively charged Electromagnetic pathways network that the worms
use to rule in the intestine as focus.
It exerts a powerful
withdrawing effect that was acting on the nervous system of the same strongly,
especially of narcotic sufferings. It sweeps the chemical tortures exerted upon
the nerves and their envelopes. It rescues the human system from the marked
elective affinity of the eye, heart and nervous system. Neuralgia of the fifth
nerve is one of its subjects. The subjects take the birth from the chemically
adapted anaemic, debilitated, rheumatic and scrofulous are fed by this Force to
erase the diversions caused in these respect. It bows out the problems
originated from the loss of Od Force in the chemical solution of pericarditis.
The work done by the chemicals
effective against heart disease, other heart problems, such as heart murmurs of
abnormal heart sounds, rheumatic heart disease, angina ( chest pain) and valve
disorders, relieved chest pain ( angina pectoralis) extending into chest, arms
and throat as well are also cancelled by this Od Force. Chemical dip passages
of the rheumatic endocarditis, rheumatic opthalmia and facial neuralgia, eased
pain associated with the eyes and teeth including rheumatic fever, inflammatory
swellings of the joints and palpitation arising from the mitral and aortic
disease are regained similarly in the use of this Od Force.
It calms the
excited nerves of special sense in a marked degree. In this activity it
withdraws the inflammatory diversions produced in the sclerotic and choroid. It
lifts the functionary alteration of special sense in the optic nerve and
retina. In the tissues of the eye it cools down the excited inflammation that
does rheumatic sclerotitis. It cancels the chemical reactions decidedly acted
on the trifacial nerve. It foils the produced prosopalgia which involves the
orbit, the zygoma and the superior maxilla, on the nerves of the tongue, also
on the portio dura. It cancels the
chemically embraced effects on the fibrous and muscular tissues of the eye, heart,
and perhaps of the extremities also. It functions to withdraw the focus
appeared from the chemically tackled sufferings of the pharynx and posterior
The high repute of this Od Force as an anti-helminthiasis
might lead us to expect a more decided action on the apparatus of digestion.
The presence of such decided action explains that it escorts the intestinal
apparatus from its modified chemical condition caused in helminthiasis during
their development and flourish, to its previous state.
Its efficiency in canceling
the chemical diversion of treated cancer and HIV.
To stop damage of heart,
dizziness, dizziness, convulsion vision problem its use is easily explainable.
Women pregnant or nursing may find its pleasure in it. Diversions caused from
the chemically treated head maladies, such as migraines,
general headaches, and sinus infections, may also be remedied through the use
of this Od Force. It repairs the damage caused by the laxatives and bacteria.
It may be included for its activities to withdraw the chemical essay of the
treated common cold congestion etc.
It opens the blocks of
the ryanodine receptor to withdraw the chemical diversion caused from the
reaction caused by the plant as herbal.
receptor is associated with calcium conductance channel in the sarcoplasmic or endoplasmic reticulum of cells, which when bound to
ryanodine, causes the channel to remain in a subconductive
state, allowing slow continuing release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic
reticulum into the cytoplasm. The channels
are normally sensitive to calcium ions being ignorance of the inositol
triphospate. A second messenger formed from phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate;triggers the release of calcium ions from special
vesicles of the endoplasmicreticulum,
has a role in the activation of the neutrophils. Any involvement in disordering
the described works is withdrawn by this Od Force.
It will be very worthy to note further that ryanodine
receptors (RyRs) form a class of intracellular calcium channels in various forms of excitable tissue like muscles and neurons. There are three major isoforms of the ryanodine
receptor, which are found in different tissues and participate in different
signaling pathways involving calcium release from intracellular organelles. The
RYR2 ryanodine receptor isoform is the major cellular mediator of calcium-induced calcium release
(CICR) in cells.
cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2) is the major calcium (Ca2+) release channel on the sarcoplasmic reticulum
(SR) in cardiomyocytes. During excitation-contraction, coupling intracellular
Ca2+ stored
in the SR is released via RyR2 to activate muscle contraction. In the heart,
excitation-contraction coupling is activated by Ca2+ influx via the L-type Ca2+ channel
that activates RyR2, a process referred to as Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. The cardiac muscle RyR2 and its
homologue, the skeletal muscle RyR1, are macromolecular complexes that include
four ≈565-kDa RyR1 or RyR2, four FKBP12 or FKBP12.6 (12-kDa peptidyl-prolyl
isomerases that are required for normal gating of the channels), as well as
cAMP-dependent kinase (PKA), phosphatases, and their targeting proteins. One key role for the macromolecular signaling
complex is to modulate channel function in response to activation of the
sympathetic nervous system (ie, the classic “fight-or-flight” stress response).
are at least 21 mutations in RyR2 that are linked to stress-induced sudden
cardiac death. RyR2 mutations have been associated with 2 forms of sudden
cardiac death (SCD): (1) catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia
(CPVT) or familial polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (FPVT), and (2)
arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia type 2 (ARVD2).
of SCD mutations in human RyR2 compared with MH/CCD regions of RyR1 and known
regulatory domains of the channel. Eleven reported SCD-linked RyR2 mutations cluster in three regions homologous to
three MH/CCD regions. The location of 3 RyR2 leucine/isoleucine zippers (LZ)
that target PP1, PP2A, and PKA to RyR2 as
is the FKBP12.6 binding region, and
the CaM binding site.
and FPVT are acronyms for similar, autosomal, dominantly inherited disorders,
characterized by adrenergic (exercise or stress)–induced, bidirectional, and
polymorphic ventricular tachycardias that cause SCD in the absence of gross
structural disease of the myocardium. CPVT of children is with stress-induced
ventricular arrhythmias that are predominantly bidirectional ventricular
tachycardias, whereas the FPVT patients have
predominantly polymorphic ventricular tachycardia.
RyR2 missense mutations, 3 of which (S2246L, R2474S, and N4104K) may be
sporadic and the rest one (R4497C) may be found with clinically affected
mutation carriers. FPVT carrying missense mutations P2328S, Q4201R, and V4653F
are also there. There are at least 6 genetically distinct forms of primarily
autosomal, dominantly inherited arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
(ARVD) cardiomyopathies, characterized by progressive degeneration of the right
ventricular myocardium, arrhythmias, and SCD. ARVD2 is characterized by
exercise-induced SCD, to chromosome 1q42-q43. RyR2 mutations in 4 ARVD2, N2386I
mutation, and different mutations (R176Q and T2504M), L433P missense mutation
are also notable.
RyR2-linked CPVT/FPVT/ARVD2 mutations are
associated with increased adrenergic activity due to sympathetic nervous system
stimulation. Thus, the molecular pathophysiology of SCD in patients with
CPVT/FPVT/ARVD2 may be analogous to SCD in patients with heart failure. In
failing hearts, a chronic hyperadrenergic state is associated with PKA hyperphosphorylation
of RyR2, which depletes the channel of the regulatory subunit FKBP12.6. A diastolic leak of Ca2+ due
to a hyperactive RyR2 may be one signal that accounts for delayed
afterdepolarizations that trigger ventricular tachycardia. Interestingly, 8 of
the RyR2 mutations linked to SCD are in the FKBP12.6-binding region of the
CPVT with RyR2 mutations exhibit earlier onset of stress-induced ventricular
tachycardia, compared with CPVT individuals without RyR2 mutations in about 50%
of the cases. Moreover, males with RyR2 mutations had a higher risk of syncope
(relative risk of 4.2). The care of patients with CPVT tags the chemical uses
of the use of prophylactic β-adrenergic receptor blockers in all male children
who are carriers of RyR2 mutations. However, ≈30% of the patients with CPVT
required an implantable defibrillator.
RyR2 mutations are linked with the
stress-induced SCD in the alterations in structure making the mutant channels
hypersensitive to the downstream effectors of the β-adrenergic signaling
pathway, namely phosphorylation by PKA. Stress-induced activation of the
sympathetic nervous system results in PKA phosphorylation of RyR2 dissociates
FKBP12.6 from the channel and increases the Ca2+-induced
activation of the channel. In failing hearts, RyR2 are PKA hyperphosphorylated
such that 3 or 4 of the PKA sites in each channel complex are phosphorylated
and the channels are depleted of FKBP12.6, resulting in an SR Ca2+ “leak.”
It may be that the RyR2 mutations linked to SCD make the channels more
sensitive to activation by PKA phosphorylation in such a way that, under
particularly stressful conditions, the mutant channels act like the
PKA-hyperphosphorylated channels in failing hearts. The resulting SR Ca2+ leak
could activate inward, depolarizing currents via the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, possibly causing delayed
afterdepolarizations that are known to trigger fatal ventricular arrhythmias.
mutations linked to SCD could alter the PKA phosphorylation modulation of the
channel by increasing PKA targeting to the channel or decreasing phosphatase
(PP1 and PP2A) targeting to the channel. PKA, PP1, and PP2A are targeted to
RyR2 via targeting proteins that bind via leucine/isoleucine zipper motifs in
the channel. It is interesting to note that a defect in the leucine/isoleucine
zipper-mediated targeting of PKA and PP1 to the potassium channel KCNQ1, linked
to exercise-induced SCD in individuals with long-QT syndrome has also be been demonstrated,
though none of the SCD-linked RyR2 mutations have been found in sequences that
are known to mediate PKA, PP1, or PP2A targeting to RyR2. It is again notable that individuals with
CPVT/FPVT/ARVD2-linked RyR2 mutations only manifest symptoms under conditions
of sympathetic nervous system activation.
CPVT/FPVT/ARVD2 mutations cluster in 3 regions of the channel, corresponding to
malignant hyperthermia (MH) and central core disease (CCD) domains in RyR1. MH
and CCD are diseases of skeletal muscle, and
their mutations may alter the Ca2+-dependent regulation
of RyR1 generally. Mutant RyR1 channels isolated from MH may reveal an
increased sensitivity to activation by Ca2+ and a decreased sensitivity to
inhibition by Mg2+.These alterations in the
biophysical properties of the channels could cause an SR Ca2+ leak.
terms of therapeutic approaches for CPVT/FPVT/ARVD2-linked SCD, support for the
concept that systemic β-blockers can “protect” the RyR2 channel from the
consequences of sympathetic nervous system activation can be derived as
systemic β-blockers reversing the PKA hyperphosphorylation of RyR2 in failing
hearts and restore the normal structure and function of the channel.
Individuals with CPVT whose initial symptoms
occurred in adulthood are not of just in childhood. Patients with CPVT linked
to RyR2 mutations are of predominantly male and developed symptoms earlier in
life than does those without RyR2 mutations, who are predominantly female.
other than RyR2 implicates in catecholamine-induced ventricular tachycardia as
well. An autosomal recessive form of catecholamine- or exercise-induced
polymorphic ventricular tachycardia with mutations in calsequestrin can be
Od Force has an immense quality to withdraw all the focus as have been narrated
here to cause the reverse to escort the affected human system from the den of
the above to its previous state.