Tuesday 29 September 2015

Ruta graveolens

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Ruta graveolens
The Od Force of the whole plant excluding the root is used as one of the components to prepare the remedy. Ultimately it is a poisonous plant.

 The Od Force here foils the toxicity if it is in its capacity. It puts its contracting performance in the enlarged uterus and established enhanced blood flow. It may affect the abortive wombs to play on the mechanism that causes the abortion. In this way it protects hemorrhages, miscarriages.   It withdraws the photo toxicity also. It is equally smart in lifting the redness, swelling and blisters and dermatitis.
 Ii is strongly anti-stimulating and skilled in dropping the diversions happened from the anti-spasmodic chemical activities. The new focus appeared from the chemistry of the emmenagogue may be withdrawn with the help of this Od Force. Its anti acro-narcotic poisonous function may also be needed to reestablish the hurt network that has been lost during the time of poisoning. On account of its anti-emitting function the patient suffering from the nausea, vomiting may take this remedy immediately after eating.

The chemistry that solves the painful conditions including the headache, arthritis, cramps and muscle spasm, and for nervous system problems including nervousness, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and Bell’s palsy finds its solution by opening a diversion through the passage along the alimentary canal. The diversion may also be led towards the Pettorale system with a connection with the intestinal system. The chemistry that uses itself for heart and circulation problems including pounding heart (heart palpitation) and hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis), opens similar diversion focus in the alimentary system.
 It cancels the adversity including melancholic mood, sleep disorders, tiredness, dizziness, spasms, fainting, lethargy, bradycardia, swelling of the tongue.
It takes the charge to save the patients from causing vomiting, violent gastric pain, systemic complications and death. The complications of the severe kidney and liver damage are also withdrawn simultaneously. On the way of lifting the bradycardia it withdraws the caused gastroenteritis, salivation, swelling of the tongue, feeble slow pulse and coldness of extremities etc.
It sweeps the mutagenic potentiality causing cancers. In other words it lifts the carcinogenic activities from the human system. In this sweeping process the Od Force in question here repairs the DNA. It activates the deactivated cell to cell negatively charges pathways network which becomes responsible for analgesic, iron channel inhibiting activities to exhibits those. It withdraws the diversions caused capillary protecting chemical activities and chemical treatment of old venous diseases.
This Od Force withdraws the phototoxic effects from the Chinese hamster ovary cells exhibiting the inhibited mitosis and causing a gross change in the opposite direction in the already chromosomal changes done by chemistry. So the target of the phototoxicity appeared on the cell nucleus is made null and void by this Od Force.
Diversions caused from the antispasmodic, stimulant, antifertility, antihistaminic, anti-inflammatory, conjunctivitis and eye disorders, sciatica chemical activities are withdrawn by this Force. Calcium antagonistic activity ascribed to potassium channel blocker is made to play in opposite direction. Chemical activities acted upon the periosteum and cartilages, straining flexor tendons, tendency to the formation of deposits in the periosteum, tendons and about joints, especially wrist, strain of ocular muscles, glaucoma, toothaches, earaches, headaches, tumors, and warts, are cancelled null and void here.

It cancels parasitic effects of the human system.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Polygala amara

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Polygala amara
Bitter Milkwort
The Od Force of the flowering aboveground parts of the plant is used as one of the components to prepare the remedy.
The two surfaces namely of skin and of the alimentary canal have been incorporated in their mutual activities      to the functional performances of the lung system. In order to expel the not-needed those activities have been linked with the functional activities of the common bile duct and the renal passage.
The reactions caused from the selected chemicals that tackle the respiratory problems, including the chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma and convulsive coughs like whooping cough, pleurisy, pneumonia etc. come to a balance by making a new focus to cause vomiting and diarrhoea as diversions in the internal surface of the alimentary canal. The more stimulated actions on the bronchial membrane to promote the coughing of the mucus, thereby easing the wheezing become the subject of those diversions. The diversion expressed on the external surface as perspiration/ promoted sweating also paws in this Od Force. This diversion may be accompanied with the forceful increased output of urine. The diversion may affect the salivary gland to lift the new electromagnetic track that causes stimulation to the salivary gland. The after-effect of the chemically treated bladder and kidney disorders finds its solution in this Od Force. If in its capacity it opposes the unusual established expelling mechanisms of the uterus.
It puts reign on the established stimulated secretions most of. So as Od Force it works in opposite direction along which its chemicals function to act as sialagogue, expectorants, diuretic, diaphoretic and emanogogue. It withdraws the stimulations diaphoretic diuretic in rheumatism and emanogogue in amenorrhoea. It lifts all the bad effects on the squamous skin disease causing new focus in its capacity. In its capacity the contraindication in the active inflammation is withdrawn by this Od Force. In cases of anaemia or worse, especially caused by the destruction of the red blood cells is a subject of this Od Force. It soothes the irritation over the mucuous membrane. The stimulated immune system that reduces the risk factor of the infection pacifies itself in it. It lifts the gastrointestinal distress. It causes a decrease in an increasing production of mucus in the lungs, as well as coughing.
It increases the decreased cholesterol absorption from the gut. It also decreases the increased cholesterol excretion. It exhibits the inhibited hepatic synthesis of cholesterol. It exhibits the cortisol catabolism. Being anti-modulating in respect of functions of immune system it posses the quality of erasing the diversions caused from antineoplastic chemical activities consistently.
The diversions causing hurt of the human system by the anti-inflammatory, hepaprotective chemical functions, combated cholesterol build is straightway is withdrawn by this Od Force if these are within its capacity.
The deactivation of the specified cell to cell negatively charged pathways caused by the loss of the selected Od Force due to the biological and pharmacological chemical activities such as antiallergic, antiatherosclerosis and antiplatelet, antibacterial, anticomplementary, antidiabetic, contraceptive, antifungal, antileishmanial, antimalarial/antiplasmodial, anti-obesity, anti-proliferative, antipsoriatic, antispasmodic, antisweet, antiviral, cytotoxic/antitumor, detoxication, gastroprotective, anti-enzyme, anti-osteoporotic, insecticidal, insulin-like, membrane-porosity, molluscicidal, neuropharmacological, anti-endothelial dysfunction, snake venom antidote, and sweet activities is the subject to be activated by this Od Force.

In order to lift the diversion caused by the inhibitory and apoptosis-inducing chemical effects it may put itself to exhibit the inhibited effects on liver cancer cell line BEL-7402. The exhibited BEL-7402 cells typical morphological alteration of apoptosis will be reversed. The expression of Bcl-2 will be decreased. The exerted cytotoxic effects on BEL-7402 cells by inducing apoptosis are withdrawn as such.

Friday 4 September 2015

Allium sativum

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Allium sativum
The Od Force of the matured bulb of the plant is used in the preparation of the remedy. It can be deadly for dogs, cats and other animals chemically.
The Od Force here put chemical reaction to enhance the reduced thiols in or on the RBC membrane to take up the matter of the incidence of vasodilation. In these activities it sweeps the diversions caused from the catabolic reaction from polysulfides to hydrogen sulfide in the red blood cells.  And in this way it withdraws the diversions caused from the irreversibility, any amount, of the endogenous cardioprotective vascular cell-signaling electromagnetically recorded in the genes. Chemical supplementation to reduce accumulation of cholesterol on the vascular walls, aortic plaque deposits of cholesterol. The supplementation may inhibit vascular calcification with high blood cholesterol can cause derailment of the endogenous cardioprotective vascular cell-signaling and that will be recorded electromagnetically in the genes. In cases of reduced serum total cholesterol and triglyceride levels it increases the levels by sweeping the diversions.
It lifts the lowered blood homocystein level and foils the diversions caused from the chemical activities imposed to rescue the human system from the complications of diabetes mellitus.
 It can avert the genetic imprints caused by the chemical disinfectants having the bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties. It can also be called on to lift the falling tendency of the blood sugar levels.
In cases of digestive disorders solved chemically the focus may generally affect heart or respiratory. The diversions caused can also be erased by this Od Force when these are within its capacity.
It puts drag on the craving aptitude of the human system for enhanced absorption of thiamin and therefore the increased likelihood that got establishment in the developing the thiamin deficiency beriberi becomes free from the bondage of the diversion caused from the treated beriberi.

 Despite their sizes the small parasites damages the calcium linings of our bones and joints, and the protein coating of our nerves. Like bacteria traveling through the blood stream they may reach virtually any part of the body. The Od Force here cures the same by adding the Od Force generated by the selected deactivated part of the total cell to cell negatively charged pathway network of the human system .Large and larger parasites usually reside in the digestive tract. They function almost residing in this tract. The damage done due to their reproduction is also under the supervision of this Od Force. All organisms secrete something, be it lubricants, waste material, protective liquids or secretions to attract food. This secretion can be toxic to the host organism. Secretions from parasites into our bodies are poisons and toxins that our bodies are forced to deal with. The toxins weaken our immune system, making our bodies more susceptible to infections of all kinds. This Force reestablishes the lost system. The abnormal passage made between the host and the guest to suck the nutrients is also dismantled by this Od Force. It destroys the route or root formed between the host cells and the guests Cryptosporidium in AIDS patients for nutrients supply. Similarly it also routes off or roots out the connecting nutrient track between the host cells and the guests when there is Toxoplasmosis, another protozoal disease in case of AIDS patients.
It opposes the functions in established the human system to balance the boosted testosterone level. It reverses the direction of the established activated TRPA1. The process of the neurons’ releasing neurotransmitters in the spinal cord to generate pain signals and releasing neuropeptides at the site of sensory nerve activation, to result in vasodilation, as well as inflammation is done reversed. It pacify the established over activities in the potential physiological role of TRPA1in chemosensation and pain transduction. It dismisses TRPA1’s to be target. Suffering from allergies including the irritable bowel, diarrhoea, mouth and throat ulcerations, nausea, breathing difficulties, even anaphylaxis will find an end in it if they are in its capacity.

The mechanisms linked with the increased risk of bleeding, particularly during pregnancy and after surgery and childberth are erasable here in presence of this Od Force. . What impair Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniaeis does in the human system the Od Force in question combats the same. It decreases the increased death acetone. Modulation of cytokine secretion associated with supprsessed nitric oxide production in stimulated macrophages is made reversed. It exhibits the inhibited Cytochrome P4502E1 expression costing the fearful diversion’s focus on the intestine with huge probability. It cancels the hepatic toxicity. It reverses the established modulation of cytochrome p450 enzymes. It hit out the enhanced expression of the microsomal epoxide hydrolase gene. It erases the diversion caused by inhibition of angiotensin II-induced cell-cycle progression and migration by influencing the involved cell-cycle inhibitor p27 (Kip1) and mitogen-activated protein kinase.
The Od Force may be found to increase the decreasd synthesis ofcholesterol by hepatocytes (liver cells). It may be found also to exhibit the inhibited 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA reductase), a critical enzyme in the cholesterol biosynthesis pathwayIt may also exhibit the inhibited other enzymes in this pathway, including sterol 4-α-methyl oxidase. To save the human system from graver situation as will be cused by the inhibition of cholesterol synthesis the Od Force does the needful.
It is found to erase the diversion caused by the inhibition of the platelet aggregation mechanism
Inflammation appears to play an important role in the pathology of cardiovascular disease. The Od Force is capable to reestablish the activity that had been used to inhibit the activity of the inflammatory enzymes, cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase and to decrease the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in inflammatory white blood cells (macrophages) It tries to maintain or to lift the decreased production of the inflammatory signaling molecules in macrophages and human whole blood in the interest of the rescuing the suffering human system from more made critical condition to normalcy.
The proliferation and migration of normally quiescent arterial smooth muscle cells are central features of vascular diseases, including atherosclerosis and coronary restenosis. Although the significance of these findings for human cardiovascular disease is not yet clear, limited cell culture research suggests that the Od Force in question may be needed to exhibit the inhibited proliferation and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells.
The preservation of normal arterial function plays an important role in cardiovascular disease prevention.But this prevention is followed by further loosing of the Od Force causing a creation of a new focus. To come out from this focus there is no alternative way avoiding the previous focus. To reach this previous station the Od Force under discussion vasodilating signaling molecule’s functions are done opposed. To reverse the said functions the Od Force put an opposite force so that the RBCS’ intension in the conversion process to prepare the signaling molecule comes to a cancellation.
This force acts as if oxidant. In this function it soothes or opposes the stimulated process of synthesis of glutathione.
Some chemical carcinogens do not become active carcinogens until they have been metabolized by phase I biotransformation enzymes, such as those belonging to the cytochrome P450 (CYP) family. Inhibition of specific CYP enzymes involved in carcinogen activation inhibits the development of cancer in some animal models. In particular, DAS and its metabolites have been found to inhibit CYP2E1 activity. This very Od Force, in the interest of rescuing the human system from the deep den it intervenes in the process of keeping CYP2E1 activity decreased.
: Reactions catalyzed by phase enzymes generally promote the elimination of drugs, toxins, and carcinogens from the body. Consequently, increasing the activity of phase II enzymes, such as glutathione S-transferase and quinone reductase, may help prevent cancer by enhancing the elimination of potential carcinogens but at the cost of creating new focus as a result of the further robbibg of the Od Force for those chemical reactions. The genes for a number of phase II enzymes contain a specific sequence of DNA called an antioxidant response element (ARE). This Od Force reverses the pathway alone which the promoted translocation of a transcription factor known as Nrf2 acts to the nucleus where it unfolds the binding of ARE and decreases the transcription of ARE-containing genes  It opposes the quinone reductase activity  in the gastrointestinal tracts. Glutathione is an important intracellular antioxidant and is also required for some phase II biotransformation reactions.This Od Force decreases intracellular glutathione concentrations. In this process it reverses the process of containing an ARE in the gene for a critical enzyme in glutathione synthesis. The increase of the cellular glutathione synthesis by promoting the nuclear translocation and binding of the Nrf2 transcription factor to genes containing AREs is made hampered.
Unregulated cell division is a hallmark of human cancers. In normal cells, the cell cycle is tightly regulated to ensure faithful DNA replication and chromosomal segregation prior to cell division. Following DNA damage, the cell cycle can be transiently arrested to allow for DNA repair or activation of pathways leading to cell death (apoptosis).The Od Force cancels the procedure processed that induced cell cycle arrest.
Apoptosis is a normal physiological process for the self-destruction of cells that are genetically damaged or no longer necessary. Precancerous and cancerous cells are resistant to signals that induce apoptosis. This Od Force increases the resistance to cancel the causation of the apoptosis.
Diversion obtained from the chemical treatment to prevent the complications of diabetes mellitus, may be withdrawn by this Od Force. Lowered systolic blood pressure as well as the uncontrolled hypotension may find an avenue to reach to normalcy in it.It may be needed for treatment of the footsteps left by the infections in the human system, especially caused from the chest problems, thrush etc. It erases the footprints left by the treated Cryptosporidium and toxoplasmosis another protozoal disease in case of AIDS patients.
It makes free the blocked calcium channel. Allergies, irritable bowel, diarrhoea, mouth and throat ulceration, nausea, breathing difficulties, etc. are also under the curing qualities of this Od Force. To salvage the human system from the dangerous diversions caused from the chemical causing antitumor promoting effects, inhibition of aflatoxin B2 DNA binding. This Od Force blocks the opened thermotransient receptor potential channels that are responsible for the burning sense.
In order to lift the diversion caused from the chemical treatment to cure atherosclerosis the Od Force does not only play its oxidant activities but also other mechanisms like to withdraw the process imposed to cause lipoprotein modification, to exhibit the inhibition of LDL uptake and degradation by macrophages.
It acts directly on the intestinal mucus membrane to decrease the increased peristalsis.Its’ vaso-constrictory properties against the diversions caused from the chemical treatment of colitis, pain in heap, pain in psoas and iliac muscles, pulmonary tuberculosis, haemoptysis, cough and expectoration, dyspepsia and catarrhal affections. Problems created from the chemically alleviated sinus roblems, rheumatism, Promoted abortion, regulated menstruation, chemically treated paralysis, forgetfulness, tremor, colic pain, internal ulcers etc. are under the supervision of this energy. It sets the stomach and decreases the acidity, flatulence.
It reestablishes the disorganized enzhyme production process if in its capacity. It combats over- cholagogue, established diuresis.It lifts the new focus caused from the chemically treated myocardial infarctions.

Adversely affected breath, gastrointestinal sufferings including heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, flatulence and diarrhoea are under the curing perview of this Od Force. Triggered allergic responses including asthma, dermatitis, serious skin lesions, including blisters and burns are also under this coverage.

Allium cepa

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Allium cepa
Red onion
The Od Force of the matured bulb of the plant is used in the preparation of the remedy. It can be deadly for dogs, cats, guinea pigs, monkeys and other animals chemically.
The Od Force in question pacifies the stimulated blood circulation in the mucus membrane and decreases the irritation of the skin. It withdraws the diversions caused due to chemical breaking up areas of infections like sores or abscesses. The diversion caused from the successful chemical activities to make free the human system from the sufferings of sores or abscesses is subjected to withdrawal of the same.
It withdraws the changed focus caused from the inhibitory chemical activities of the osteoclasts that break down the bone. In these activities it exhibits the inhibition caused by the gamma-L-glutamyl-trans-S-1-propenyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide, GPCS. It is especially beneficial in cases of the women of the newly generated sufferings who are taking the chemical therapy in increased risk of osteoporosis due to menopause.
It posses an authority command to erase the outbreaks caused from the chemical activities over some shorts of inflammation, pain and swelling of osteo-and rheumatoid arthritis, the allergic inflammatory response of asthma , as well as the respiratory congestion associated with the common cold, probably the changed focus of the deficiency of the total Od Force in the pettorale system. In this process it lifts the whip over the Lipoxygenase and Cyclooxygenase that generate inflammatory prostaglandins and thromboboxanes to make free the suffering human system from the additive subtraction of the Od Force that had been added by the imposing of the chemical functions to inhibit the said enzymes. In the same way it lifts the focus appeared on the respiratory system due to the inhibitory chemical activity to dismantle the inflammation by Isothiocyanates that in the way of working synergistically spell relief from the inflammation chemically.

The chemical activities of expectorants often dislodge the mucus in the respiratory system and prevent its fresh further formation gradually makes that cell to cell electromagnetic system that remains engaged in the functions of expectoration inactive and abortive. In its capacity it rescues the human system from this situation. Diversion from chemically treated earache or Ottorrhoea may be withdrawn, if in its capacity. The new focus resulted from the scavenging free radicals activities and preventing growth of the ulcer-forming microorganism like Helicobacter pylori over the gastric ulcers may summarily be cancelled by this Od Force. It pacifies the stimulated process of peristalsis (contraction and expansion) of the intestines that was established during the process of removing the intestinal putrefaction and flatulence. It sweeps of the new focus or additional block obtained from the chemically treated indigestion and biliousness. It repairs the damages done by the organisms like Salmonella typhi, Pseudomonous aerigonosa and E.coli. It is also capable of averting the cellular poisoning and gastritis done chemically.
Withdrawal of the diversions caused from the chemical activities to reduce risk factors of the cancers of oral cavity and pharynx, Oesophageal, Colorectal , laryngeal, breast, Ovaries, Prostate, renal cell, stomach happens smoothly as this Od Force works. As this Od Force is in the Pettorale group it is easily assumable that benefits obtained causes at the cost of the diversions focusing on the lungs system. The oligomers fructo-oligosaccharides may harm the colon potentially finally showing its qualities to dismiss the risk of tumour developing in the colon that may cause a new focus in the lungs. This Od Force erases the same. In order to protect colon cells from the damaging effects of certain cancer causing substances the selected chemicals generally further adds the loss of deficiency of the Od Force focusing the resultant disease in some different zone preferably in the lungs. And naturally this Od Force rescues the suffering human system here from this den to escort in the previous focus through a vibration of the deactivated cell to cell negatively charged network portion of the suffering body.
Stimulatingly affected mucosa and secretary glands of the eyes and nose if be treated chemically, may divert the focus of the sufferings to the respiratory sites and this Od Force reverse the same to save the human system from this further added complexity.  And simultaneously it lifts the ban or blockage chemically put on the releasing of the tears evoking lachrymatory chemical.
It brings down the internally increased blood circulation to normalcy. Moreover it pacifies the stimulation and warming of the body due to the increased circulation.
It is anti-flatulent or anti-windy. Its anti-flatulence functions activities play on with the withdrawal of provocation on appetite, increased thirst. It halts any unusual courses of the women. It helps to repair the damages caused by the chemicals of dog biting and venoms of other creatures. It erases the diversion caused from the chemical used for increment of the sperm. It destroys the established abnormal passage to suck the nutrients from the human cells, reestablish the lost immune system in cases of worm infestations.
It much conduces to help repair the diversion cell to cell negatively charged pathways made from treated inveterate cough and forceful expectoration of tough phlegm chemically. The diversion caused from the snuffed up nostril causing purgation of the head and helping lethargy chemically, even the occurrence of the pains in the head thereafter are subjected to this OD Force.
This OD Force is a sovereign salve for the damages done chemically by either plague or sore, or any other putrefied ulcer, either scalding or burning by fire, water, or gunpowder etc. Eased pains and noise of the ears from the application of chemical drop in the same associated with the further loss of the Od Force is easily withdrawn.
Advanced track of the cell to cell negatively charged pathways made in the chemical treatment of the imposthumas and other sores is repairable under the guidance of this Od Force.
Diversions caused from lowering of the high cholesterol, triglyceride levels and high blood pressure chemically to prevent atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease, to reduce the risk factor of heart attack or stroke, are also erased by this Od Force. In its functions it reestablishes the electromagnetic tract that had been made deprived of Od Force by the chemical of Sulfur compounds, chromium and vitamin B6.And naturally it causes the uplift of the lowered homoscyteine levels and significant risk factor for heart attack and stroke. The sufferings that cause from the substances known to provide protection against cardiovascular disease, even the natural anti-clotting agents possessing the substances of fibrinogen activities to put themselves against the platelet-clumping, thrombosis, are under the vigil of this Od Force.
The chemical activities of constituent diallyl disulphide possessing inhibitory properties colon and renal cancers are associated usually like other cellular diseases with a significantly raising risk of developing more dangerous threat to the existence of the life of the said suffering human system are under the supervision of the analyzed spectral energic Od Force of the dilutions of this constituent diallyl disulphide. The said analyzed spectral energic Od Force of the dilutions of the said organosulfur compounds withdraws the chemopreventive effects on the chemical carcinogenesis.
It lifts the resulted anaemia caused by the distortion and rupture of the red blood cells.
The Od Force may lift the aortic constriction at the cost of the increasing lowered blood pressure and attenuating cardiac hypertrophy.

It is used to regulate blood pressure of (hypotension), to erase the diversions caused from treated inflammation, urinary problems, dysentery, fever, dropsy, colic, renal and bilious calculi, catarrh, chronic bronchitis, epilepsy, hysterical fits, nosebleed, jaundice, unclear vision, spleen enlargement, rheumatic pain and strangury and induced miscarriage and dieresis.
Imposed antioxidative and antihypertensive effects on the human can be caused while taking up a high fat high sucrose diets.
It may withdraw the issues passed by the reduction of the chromosomes aberrations chemically.

The O Force in question acts as an anti-aphrodisiac to decrease the increase sexual desire for both men and women. It pacifies the aggravated acid reflux, gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) etc. It calms the stimulated gastric juice and bile salts. It repairs the damages done due to chemically destroyed intestinal parasites, worms and helmenthis. It withdraws the diversions caused from the production of collagen which is necessary in reducing the hair falls and re-growth of the hair. In doing the same it reduces the increased blood circulation to the hair root and scalp. It exhibits the inhibited several inflammation-signaling enzymes and histamine.