Sunday 22 November 2015

Tanacetum vulgare

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Tanacetum vulgare
The Od Force of the flowering plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy.

The chemicals from which this Od Force originates divert the digestive tract problems including stomach and intestinal ulcers, certain   gallbladder conditions, gas, bloating, stomachache, stomach spasms, and poor appetite to focus the further loss from the fund of the Od Force that has constituted the concerning human system, in the Vemifugos network of the intestine here. Chemical diversions from painful conditions including migraines, nerve pain (neuralgia), joint pain (rheumatism) and sciatica; and for heart conditions including rapid heartbeat (palpitations) and fluid retention caused by congestive heart failure also rushes to the intestines to form cell to cell negatively charged vermifugos electromagnetic network.
This force stops the continuation of the menstruation. It also destroys the mechanisms that cause abortion. It erases the damages done by the roundworm and threadworm infections chemically. Other uses include the treatment of diversions chemically caused by the treatment of epileptic seizures, colds, fever, hysteria, gout, kidney problems, and tuberculosis, promoted sweating, calmed nerves.
It withdraws the electromagnetic protections resulted from the acts of the antioxidant. It is anti-stimulant.
 It escorts the human system from the chemically missing of  scabies, itching, bruises, sores, sprains, swelling, freckles, inflammation, vaginal discharge, sunburn, toothache, and tumors in the sphere made of cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic intestinal vermifugos network.
In performing its functions it cancels the prevailing chemical activities that increase saliva and blood flow to the tissues in the mouth, stomach, intestines, and pelvic area. Similarly it its activities it withdraws ad effects on the brain. It lifts the diversions caused chemically to decrease pain, to increase bile production, to increase appetite in people with liver and gallbladder problems.
In reducing the pain, mucus and headaches affected vermifugos intestinal cell to cell electromagnetic space is chemically being affected. It lifts the diversions caused chemically during the process of reducing swelling, muscle spasms, and spastic coughing. It reverses the new developments in the anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and chemotherapeutic chemical activity
This Od Force is very useful in patients with an underlying defect with hepatic heme synthesis,. Its uses as withdrawer of the documented abortifacient and emmenagogue effects can be accounted.
Force hare salvages the human system from the state of excitement and convulsion. It may result in absinthism, the syndrome characterized by digestive disorders, thirst, restlessness, vertigo, trembling of the limbs, numbness of the extremities, loss of intellect, delirium, paralysis, and death. It destroys the neurotoxic potential in its capacity if any. It is helpful to resolve the hepato-cellular and hepato-biliary ailments diversions.
The toxic consequences characterized by auditory and visual hallucinations, epilepsy, brain damage, and increased risk of psychiatric illness and suicide are also under the supervision of this Od Force and to cure the same.
The Od Force in question here cures the developing or developed nose and throat cancers.
In pregnancy and breast feeding this Od Force is safe. The chemically treated broken skin or large areas of the skin find its new focus in form of so-called side effects. The human system may back to previous state being escorted by this Od Force. Kidney disorders, going to damage or existing problems going worse may be challenged by this Od Force. The damages done chemically during the process of curing the weeping eczema may similarly be countered to lifts the diversions. In heart failures it is very valuable. Violent irritation, induced venous congestion of the abdominal organs, especially intestine, especially the cell to cell sphere selected, of the intestine. It counters the damages done by the herpes simplex virus.

The Od Force in question reverses the diversions caused by the chain interlinking chemical reactions among the GABA receptors, 5-HT3 receptor and tannic acid that result as focus to create the cell to cell negatively charged pathways electromagnetic network sphere in the intestine and its neighboring zone.

Imperatoria ostruthium

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Imperatoria ostruthium
Hog fennel
The Od Force of the roots of the plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy.
The treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, skin, respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, infections, fever, flu and colds here chemically diverts those in the space occupying the intestinal areas (or its extension) where worms get entry in a new focus due to loss from the fund of the total Od Force of the human system----the space being formed as cell to cell negatively charged pathways electromagnetic network.

The chemical or material ability to resolve all flatulence in the body and stimulate the flow of urine and menstruation inclines similarly to the creation of focus in the intestinal worm space. Chemical activities against hysteria and delirium tremens also find their solutions in the same way through the creation of cell to cell negatively charged pathways network in the intestine.

Chemical diversions from rheumatic conditions, shortness of breath, kidney and bladder stones, water retention and wounds may similarly be escorted to their previous focus by this Od Force. Relieved migraine, euphoric and odontalgic effect are withdrawn from their diversion similarly.
This Od Force is antispasmodic diversions, anti-carminative, anti-diaphoretic anti-stimulating. Caused allergic reaction to sunlight is withdrawn here. Raised heart and blood pressure is also under the anti-stimulating functions of this Od Force. Chemical diversion of skin irritation may be reverted by the use of this Od Force.

The Od Force in question here exhibits the inhibited T cell-receptor-mediated proliferation in human primary T cells in. It lifts the induced apoptosis. It lifts the induced DNA fragmentation at the G1/S phase of the cell cycle mechanistically in reversed way. It exhibits HIV-1 replication as well as the inhibition in expression of ICAM-1 in U937 foam cells. It can function as a lifter of the cancer suppressor by withdrawing the induced apoptosis in HepG2 cells through both death-receptor- and mitochondria-mediated pathways. These cancellations of the antitumor activities are significant with regaining the negligible weight loss and damage to the host. The Od Force can also cause dismissal of the apoptosis in human promyelocytic leukaemia, HL-60 utilizing the cytochrome c/caspase-9 pathway. This force is anti- mutagenic and lifts the inductions over the transformation in fibrobolast cell lines whereas it provides the exhibiting powers in the inhibited effects on mutagenesis and carcinogenesis induced by various carcinogens.

Hypertension is a very widespread condition which is not strictly considered as an illness but if not countered, progressively causes damage to all tissues and loss in their functionality. The concern chemicals induce vasorelaxation on arterial tissues with an effectiveness of its own. The Od Force of the concerned operates the cellular mechanisms of the vasorelaxation in opposite direction to lift the diversions caused by the concerned chemicals used for vesodilation. The withdrawal of the synergism of vasodilation and antioxidant activity may be very useful in lifting the new focus caused from the chemical activities to manage the cardiovascular diseases. This force has significant vaso-constricting capabilities.
It sweeps all the diversions caused from the inhibition of the vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation chemically. The induced structural chromosome aberrations and sister-chromatid exchanges in lymphocytes is withdrawn here creating a strong anti-clastogenic effects.
The diversion from anti-tumor chemical activity against prostate carcinoma DU145 cells is also a subject of this Od Force. Similarly it withdraws the diversions the normal tissues including the brain tissue exercise when the chemical potent in nature, broad-spectrum chemotherapeutic cause its toxic effects on them, especially in case of apoptosis in PC12 cells as a neuronal model cell line. The Od Force in question here interfere the matter of characterized type of cell death involving in the said apoptosis. In its activity it increases the significantly decreased mRNA gene expression of Bax and decreases the increased mRNA gene expression of Bcl2. Not only that this Force increases the significantly decreased caspase-3 activation here.
It withdraws the diversions caused from the induced apoptosis in PC3, H1299, and SKNMC cells.
In the process of chemical activities in the ailments ranging from skin problems, lack of libido, osteoporosis, inflammations, tumors and much more, the cell to cell space the bearing the network of Vermifugo-1 and Vermifugo-2 deactivated here is under the consideration of this Od Force. This Force rescues those people from the valley of the diversions caused from the chemical activities to tackle the naughty ailments that are usually caused by high levels of nitric oxide and free radicals.
It opposes the differentiated and also stimulated mechanism established by the concerning chemicals to produce Osteoblasts-like cells in the human body. The induction of hFOB and MG-63 helping in reducing the negative effects that come with osteoporosis faces the challenge thrown by this Od Force.
In treating the cancer of the liver the exploited chemicals may increase the production of essential hormones that are effective against cancerous cells. . It may also combat the free radicals that contribute to aging or high toxicity in the level. In this process the condensation brought about by lipopolysaccharide and cigarette smoke by combating histamine (His),acetylcholine (ACh), and KCl may be reduced. Whatever may be the case, the case can not be caused without chemical reactions prior to these incidences. And naturally these reaction occurs between the cells of the human system and the material employed to get the treating the ailments. And these reaction causes at the cost of losing more Od Force that has caused the human systems of the suffering patients through a creation of new focus(s) of the disease. But here in combination with the other plants of Vermfuge-1/Vermifuge-2 this focus shares in the human intestinal space where the worms, parasites are welcome for infestation or infection chemically.
The chemical categorized as an anti-platelet agent generally may force to cause tonic and norepinephrine -induced phasic contractions.It also blocks Ca (2+)-channel and increased cGMP levels in the aorta and vascular muscles leading to relaxation, but with the diversion of the preoccupied disease.  In withdrawing the diversion caused in the inhibition of the production of fat in the liver and stalled absorption of alcohol into the blood stream this Od Force take brilliantly measured activities, in caused forceful disappearance of production TNF-alpha hormone and also anti-oxidation properties this Od Force is very much smart. In performing its functions it reverses the total process that has been established in the chemical process.
In allowing the act of opening the account of the diversion the central nervous system comes under the connection with the intestine to form worm spaces to lead to sleep disturbances, irritability, and also quick heart pulse. The Od Force cancels all the activities that have been established in the human gene as cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic network in the human system.
Treatment of the impotence or erectile dysfunction chemically may relax the corpus cavernosa of the penis with potential help in flowing of the blood in those in erectile dysfunction but at the cost of causing a new focus in some other place(s) of the human system. This Od Force inhibits this exhibited vasorelaxing effects.

The Od Force here erases the diversions essayed by the selected chemical authority that causes proliferation stimulating activity on osteoblast-like UMR106 cells also. This Force cancels the issued Cytotoxic activity on leukemia cell lines. It inhibits the exhibited strong effects on human leukemia (HL-60), cervical carcinoma (HeLa) and colorectal carcinoma cells. It lifts the induced apoptosis in HL-60 cells. It withdraws the induced mechanism interfering the calcium influx and cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases.

Thymus seryphyllum

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Thymus seryphyllum                                                   
Wild Thyme
This Od Force of the whole plant without roots, is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy

The diversions caused from the antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antibiotic, diuretic, expectorant, healed wounds, to increase the blood flow to an area topically, to soothe coughs and uterine stimulating material treatments, in some different sort focusing in the intestinal surfaces mainly have been pawed by this Od Force if in its own capacity. Generally a few of the cell to cell negatively charged Electromagnetic pathways network that have formed  this surface as one or a few of the total components, becomes the cell to cell negatively charged Electromagnetic pathways network as the parasites create being host thereon.
It plays an important role in disordered, scanty menstruation by activating the deactivated the cell to cell negatively charged Electromagnetic pathways network that has been made during the material reaction done to control emmenagogue.
Chest maladies, weak digestion, flatulence, convulsive coughs, especially whooping cough, catarrh and sore throat, sinusitis etc. may find their solutions through the creation of the new focus in the above stated cell to cell negatively charged Electromagnetic pathways network to welcome the parasites. Of course another different potential of this network may invite this infection /infestation in some other zone anatomically excluding this intestinal surface.
Not only the breathing problems of cough, bronchitis and swollen airways, intestinal gas, and colic, arthritis and sprains but also kidney and bladder disorders may resolved in the above intestinal highest potential cell to cell negatively charged Electromagnetic pathways network to focus the addition of the loss of the Od Force of the human system causing attachments of the worms, other parasites in the intestine favorable.
Chemical reactions that result in nausea, vomiting are withdrawn. In course of these chemical reactions it decreases the increased flow of urine and perspiration, menstruation with good maintenance of the great appetite and thirst. If relapse of the sufferings here which may be inevitable in the beginning but later occur less and less, the treatment is repeated.
The unusual and speeded up mechanisms of delivery and dispatching process towards miscarriages is caused to normal birth are also among the missions of this Od Force. The beneficial effects got in the material treatments in the diseases of the leprosy, paralysis and nervous complaints at the cost of diversions are easily got back by this Od Force, if these are within its capacity.
It decreased the increased the flow of urine and menstruation, in normal birth speeds up delivery and dispatches miscarriages as well.
The beneficial effect obtained chemically in enlivened spirits, great comfort in the stomach at the cost of diversions focused through a different cell to cell negatively charged space is also under the administration of this Od Force to add the required Od Force to escort the suffering human body from the newly focused disease. Forceful chemical vanishing of the cramp in the form of the diversion needs the same this Od Force.

Facial neuralgia with pulled almost up to the ear, great pain gone chemically is also a subject of this Od Force. Damages done by the typhoid fever may be easily recovered with this Od Force. Material medicines used for stroke, multiple sclerosis, muscular atrophy, swellings and contusions, abdominal cramps may be redirected by this Od Force from the caused more complexity.