Wednesday 25 May 2016

Rhododendron ferrugineum

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Rhododendron ferrugineum
Alpine rose
The Od Force of the leaves and blows sheets and branch points of the plant are used as one of the components in the preparation of remedy. It is considered poisonous.
It cancels poisonous and after poisoned activities in the human system. The chemical shifts resulted from the material treatments of gout, muscle and joint pains (rheumatism), nerve pain (neuralgia), sciatica, face pain (trigeminal neuralgia), muscle pain, migraine, headaches and rib pain.
The diversions from the material treatments of extreme tension of the muscle or arteries, (hypertonia), joint disease, hardening of muscle, weak connective tissue, gall stones, kidney stones and aging disorders are erased herewith.
It lifts the lowered blood pressure. It cancels the interference in respect of the electrical activities of the nerve engraved in the human system     during the process of relieving pain associated with some conditions or during the process of the poisoning caused by the chemical or material.
Preserved function of human epidermal stem cells creating a stronger barrier and contributing potent anti-oxidant protection, increase in vitality of epidermal stem cells and protection them against UV-induced stress are subjected to some chemical diversions or shifts to focus sufferings in the nerve sphere newly. This is also revoked by this Od Force. In order to protect the human system from dehydrating and freezing and free radicals activities of the dehydrins and polyphenols to protect them from free radicals.
The dehydrins and polyphenols protect the human system from dehydrating and freezing and free radicals are associated with some chemical diversions. These diversions are withdrawn herewith to cancel the new focus of the sufferings. Its approach towards the anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective functional chemical shifts or diversions are made null and void herewith similarly.
UV radiation breaks down both collagen and elastin in the skin, resulting in wrinkles and sagging and for over-stimulating skin pigments, resulting in an uneven skin tone. This damage can be shown meet up chemically to announce that a cure has been established. But this is at the cost of further loss of the Od Force as has been lost during the functions of the UR radiation.
Cytotoxic chemical diversions from hepatoma carcinoma cell line are also lift herewith. Sufferings resulted from the atopic dermatitis, a type of skin disorder similar to eczema, often have increased levels of eosinophils and pro-inflammatory factors are defeated chemically or materially with chemical shifts. These shifts needs to be erased and diversion pictures loose itself with this Od Force.
The Od Force opposes the significantly reversed effects of NMDA pain receptors in the spinal cord and inhibits the exhibited analgesic activities against persistent inflammatory stimuli.
The material or chemical functions that improve physical abilities, increase activity of the cardiovascular system and increase blood supply to the muscles and especially to the brain are caused by the further loss of the Od Force due to chemical reactions between human material or chemical of the human cell system and the chemical or material applied to get the above stated benefits. So this Od Force helps the suffering system to reach the earlier state being added to the rest net Od Force of the human system. Such loss of the Od Force becomes exhibited as increased resistance of the brain due to chemical and biological reasons in expression as focus on the nerve. It acts as an anti-detoxicant highly P-vitamin active. It lifts the diversions caused by the protecting performances established against capillary fragility. It is an excellent anti-free-radical scavenger. The material activities that inhibit or abolish the functions of the enzyme hyaluronidase that initiates the colon cancer are rejected in presence of the Od Force as added.
Circulatory insufficiency and atherosclerosis, high blood pressure with previous heart attack may be replaced by lowered blood pressure, improvement in coronary circulation, decrease of serum cholesterol and elimination of pain in the chest area chemically or materially. The incidence is nothing but the change of focus of the sufferings. In the process of establishing the benefits of lowered blood pressure, improvement in coronary circulation, decrease of serum cholesterol and elimination of pain in the chest area a further loss of the Od Force appears as added as minus with the previous resultant Od Force of the previously suffering human system.
The chemical treatments borne diversions from hardening of arteries, beats made lowered, systolic blood pressure dragged from higher to lower are lifted herewith also. Chemically missed pathed severe gout, osteoarthritis, increased discharge of uric acid and depressions are tracked again herewith. Abnormal release of the enzyme hyaluronidase from the cartilage cells may lead to cartilage breakdown and destruction of the joint. The inhibition of hyaluronidase activity may prevent arthritis but at the cost of more detrimental pay as this inhibition will cause at the cost of the further loss of the Od Force from the remaining fund of it. The total loss is focused on the nerve space straightway generally to cause neuroses and psychoses and concentration.
Physiological benefits in the head of stimulation of body heat and an increase of diaphoresis causes at the secretion /elimination of toxins and waste from body but at the payment of chemical or material shifts which demands the addition of this Od Force.
Healthy bodies need certain levels of fat in order to perform properly. These fats, called essential fatty acids (omega-3 & omega-6 fatty acids), when in balance, provide necessary nutrients for the brain, hair, nails, skin, muscles, nerves and a long list of other essential metabolic benefits. Therefore it may be wise to balance fat by blocking excess amounts.  The fat-blockers/lipase-inhibitors in that it safely and selectively blocks lipase activity. But it is not possible without chemical reaction with the human cell which causing the further loss of the Od Force of the subjects. The said further loss of the Od Force is easily meet up by the addition of this Od Force that unblocks or exhibits the inhibition in question here.
This Od Force functions as muscarinic and nicotinic antagonist, One of the hallmarks of the degenerative Alzheimer's disease is cognitive decline, the material treatments slows down the process but with dangerous diversion(s) though chemically the diseases of Alzheimer's patients shows modest verbal and spatial memory Alzheimer's diseases. The anti-helminthic chemical activities are withdrawn herewith.
Genotoxic and cytotoxic  oxidative stress-dependent mechanisms are reversed herewith.It lifts the inducing process that causes neuronal cell death, and catalase, The increased reactive oxygen species production and upregulated protein expression and mRNA levels of NADPH oxidase 2, which could be attenuated by catalase and NADPH oxidase inhibitors is decreased herewith. The attenuated neuronal antioxidant defence by decreasing glutathione (GSH) level and superoxide dismutase activity is withdrawn herewith. It drags the enhanced expression of proapoptotic proteins (cytochrome c, Bax, caspase-9, and caspase-3) and attenuated expression of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2.
The chemical diversions caused from skin lighter and promoted an even skin tone, reduced freckles (often caused by UVB exposure), sun damages, melasma and chloasma, and liver spots and age spots, acne scar marks as well as brown spots due to hyperpigmentation from hyperactive melanocytes, whitening dark knees, underarms, and knuckles, removing birthmarks, old scars, acne marks, and uneven skin tones are withdrawn herewith. The Od Force in question here erases the diversions caused from the materially means chemical treatments of acne scars. The chemical inhibition of the formation of the melanin pigment by inhibiting Tyrosinase is withdrawn herewith.

It is anti-diuretic. It is used to cancel the antioxidant role of some selected skin conditioner.Patients with atopic dermatitis, a type of skin disorder similar to eczema, often have increased levels of eosinophils and pro-inflammatory factors may get the advantages of the material treatments but at the cost of diversion mostly focussed in the nervous system in some selected cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathways circuit/network which is of the nervous system

 It goes with the activity of averting the diversions caused from the material treatments of urinary infections, urethritis, prostatitis and cystitis. The chemical shifts are withdrawn herewith in cases of diarrhea, dysentery, flatulence alleviated snuff and headaches/hemicranias, phthisis, obstinate fever.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Taxus baccata

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Taxus baccata
Yew tree
The Od Force of the leaves of the plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. Excluding the berry the plant is poisonous.
This force is highly active to root out the toxic engraving in the gene of the cell under which some selected nervous activities would be controlled earlier. Chemically dealt chest complaints dip and appear to float as focus in the nervous space as diversion due to additional loss of the Od Force caused by the chemical reactions between the applied chemical and the cell/tissues of the suffering human subject. The exciting potential of it sweeps the chemical shifts as results from the application of the anti-cancer chemical activities against the ovarian and breast cancers.

It is anti-cardiotonic, anti-diaphoretic, anti-emmenagogue, anti-expectorant, anti-narcotic and anti-purgative in the sense it withdraws the chemical diversions from their antispasmodic, cardiotonic, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, narcotic and purgative activities. The chemical shift from the materially treated antispasmodic sufferings are also erased by this Od Force. All the diversion appears as focus in some selected nervous activities all are connected potentially with each other.
The diversions from the material internal treatment of asthma, bronchitis, hiccough, indigestion, rheumatism and epilepsy. The chemical shifts that result from the material treatment like cystitis, heart and kidney problems find their focus in the nerve spaces. This Od Force tackles also the diversions from the chemically treated eruptions and headaches. Chemically diverted haemoptysis also appears as focus to deactivate the electromagnetic frame-work where this Od Force remains in force to keep the same medicinally healthy and fit.
If death follows without symptoms, if symptoms do occur including trembling, staggering, coldness, weak pulse and gradual collapse after the material ingestion then the coming death can dealt strongly with this Od Force.
The altered sodium and calcium channels in the blood stream causing symptoms like nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, cardiac arrest and eventual death from the lethal dose is withdrawn herewith with even cancellations of other material treatments, managements such as aortic ballooning, material heart medication, pacemakers and life support. The functions of the chemical that laxatives in cases of irritable bowel syndrome, as diaphoretic quells excessive sweating, as a cardiotonic strengthens the heart condition, that cures the respiratory ailments are strongly challenged by this Od Force.

The androgen receptor (AR), is a driving force in prostate cancer growth and metastasis, "moves" along microtubules to be transported to the nucleus. When the acting chemical binds microtubules, it stops AR from traveling, thus inhibiting its activity. The acting material works by binding tubulin-a protein that makes up microtubules. Microtubules are the rope-like channels that provide both a skeletal structure to cells as well as provide "highways" along which molecules, such as proteins, RNA complexes and vesicles, can travel from one part of the cell to another and interact with each other.
Microtubules are the highly dynamic cell to cell network within cells, and when the selected materials are used, the network stops moving. The applied material pushes these cells to die. What result we get here is nothing but at the cost of chemical shifts due to chemical reaction between the human cell and the chemical put. This Od Force lifts the diversion here caused.
This Force not only does take the charge of opposing the diversions caused from the chemically treated breast and ovary cancers but also sweeps those from the cancers of lungs, heads, neck etc.
The embryo and fetotoxicity as indicated by intrauterine mortality, increased resorptions, and increased fetal deaths are withdrawn herewith.
The diversions developed due to the administration of the chemical antitumor agents expressed as hematologic and neuromuscular effects, hypersensitivity, fatigue, oedema and hair and skin changes in  the nerve space is meet up with this Force. Dizziness, dry mouth, mydriasis, and abdominal cramping, rash and pale, cyanotic skin etc. resulting in death are also withdrawn here. The chemical activities that cause mitotic abnormalities and arrest and promoting microtubule polymerization into aggregated structures resulting in the inhibition of cell replication is made foiled herewith. It lifts the block chemically put on the microtubule polymerization. To remain in the dynamic state of polymerization and depolymerization to function properly of the microtubules is retained herewith.  Chemical binding with the β-subunit of tubulin, producing unnaturally stable microtubules that prevent depolymerization and cause cell death is cancelled herewith. The established activation of several intracellular signal transduction pathways essential for apoptosis is withdrawn. Chemical binding with the N-terminal 31 amino acids of β-tubulin and producing abnormal asters, for which centrioles are not necessary is also dismissed. The genetic engraving caused from the chemical activities on the cells that are not prevented from traversing from cell cycle stage G 2 into mitosis, but respective primary effects occurring in late G 2 and early mitosis is also erased.  Cell death mechanism after exposure to material means chemical appearing to involving apopotic mechanisms, including classic features such as DNA fragmentation, cell volume shrinkage, and membrane-bound apoptotic bodies is reversed herewith. Induction of bcl-2 phosphorylation facilitating apoptosis and inhibition of angiogenesis considered an important function of the antitumor activity is also lifted herewith.
Peripheral neurotoxicity or leukopenia with less nausea and vomiting caused from the tubulin chemicals is also cancelled herewith. Microtubules are essential for axonal transport in neurons. Chemical tubulin-binding perturbs directly microtubule formation in Schwann cells and the axons of sciatic nerve. Anything reversed is withdrawn herewith. The resistance any, from the efflux pump and alteration in tubulin is also lifted. The chemical activities of the substrates that cause 170kDa P-glycoprotein (Pgp) efflux pump are also cancelled herewith also. The chemical exertions of the potent inhibitory effects on gall bladder epithelial cells, pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells, and fibroblasts are also erased herewith. The chemical immunosuppressive potential that effectively inhibits allograft rejection is challenged and the Od Force in question exhibits the inhibited allograft rejection. The improvement in allograft of the heart is withdrawn herewith. It lifts the chemical or mechanical diversion caused from stenosis, restenosis, binary restenosis or stent restenosis. Extensive metabolizing strain (in terms of Od Force) obtained from the CYP enzyme family is cancelled herewith. The causing differences in the potential for chemical interaction in respect of the metabolism as by CYP3A4 and CYP2C8 isoenzymes are made up with this Od Force. It cancels the chemical diversions from worsening cardiac toxicity, neutropenia and mucositis. Chemical cumulative peripheral neuropathy, exhibiting stocking-glove distribution and manifesting as a sensory neuropathy progressing to motor loss erased herewith.
 Cumulative peripheral neuropathy, exhibiting stocking-glove distribution and manifesting as a sensory neuropathy progressing to motor loss, mialgias, arthralgias are withdrawn herewith. Alopecia, skin and nail changed consisted of dry skin, nail ridging, and onycholysis are combated. Transient skin changes, skin abnormalities, cutaneous lupus erythematosus, systemic lupus erythematosus, phlebitis, cellulitis, induration, scleroderma-like reactions, severe mucocutaneous toxicity and cutaneous systemic sclerosis are also withdrawn to find out the respective previous focuses of the respective diseases. Oedema, chemical diversions from the diuretics in limiting severity of toxicity, congestive heart failure etc. are withdrawn similarly.
Mild rash to severe anaphylactic reactions associating with hypotension, diversions from medication with corticosteroids, H 1 - and H 2 - antagonists are the subjects of this Od Force. Asymptomatic bradycardia as cardiac toxicity manifestation, severe bradyarrhythmias and heart block get their means to salvage the suffering human system to escort at the previous focus. Non-specific repolarization abnormalities, sinus bradycardia, sinus tachycardia, premature beats, myocardial infarction, cardiac dysfunction and reduction of left ventricular ejection fraction or ventricular failure, atrial fibrillation, tachycardia supraventricular are also withdrawn herewith.                                                     

GI effects including from mild nausea, mucositis, diarrhea to increased mucositis, diarrhea and elevations in liver function tests, neutropenic enterocolitis (typhlitis) are cancelled herewith. Intestinal obstruction, intestinal perforation and ischemic colitis, pancreatitis etc. are within the nervous space of this Od Force.

The administration eventuality caused from the FAB antibody fragments with some selected materials towards the improvement of cardiac conduction abnormalities is cancelled herewith.
In the material treatments of breast, ovarian, lung, bladder, prostate, melanoma, esophageal, as well as other types of solid tumor cancers, Kaposi's sarcoma, the sufferings of the human system lost their focuses in the additive further loss of the Od Force from the residual fund of the Od Force of the human system as some new focus. The material shifts from this treatment is meet up by this Od Force that activates the concerning the deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic framework.
Chemically earned nervous system effects including neurotoxicity, serious neurologic events including grand mal seizures, syncope, ataxia, neuroencephalopathy and autonomic neuropathy resulting in paralytic ileus, disturbances of the optic nerve are lifted herewith.
Hepatic effects including elevations in bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and AST (SGOT), hepatic necrosis and hepatic encephalopathy leading to death, fatal hepatic coma, even cumulative hepatic toxicity are also withdrawable.

In respect of respiratory system it adds Od Force to the suffering human system to cure interstitial pneumonia, lung fibrosis and pulmonary embolism, conjunctivitis, increased lacrimation, anorexia, confused state, photopsia, visual floaters, vertigo and increased in blood creatinine. It cancels the diversions caused from the chemically treated gout and rheumatism.