Friday 3 June 2016

Vitis venafera

Image result for vitis vinifera
Vitis venafera
Manured vine
The Od Force of the blows sheets of the plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedies. As herbal it is non-poisonous.
The Od Force in question here erases the illness of the gastro-intestinal tract and liver. It cancels the effects of material shifts caused from the detoxification by removing shifts. It is anti-analgesic. The chemical or material shifts caused from antilithic, constructive, cooling, diuretic and strengthening treatment are withdrawn herewith. It is anti-hepatoprotective. Diversions in the material treatment in the cases of torpid liver or sluggish biliary function are reversed herewith. The material treatment that cures (they say) varicose veins, haemorrhoids and capillary fragility is nothing but further entry of the loss of the Od Force from the total remaining Od Force of the human system and create a new focus changing the previous focus. It is anti-astringent and lifts anti-inflammatory chemical diversions. Diversions from the eased cough, laxative and stomachic functions are withdrawn herewith. Material or chemical shifts from the threatened abortion, internal and external bleeding, dropsy, diarrhea, mouth ulcer and vaginal discharge are also erased similarly. Misguided skin, eye disease escorts the human system as and when the requisite Od Force of the selected portion of this plant functions being lost in in the orchestral band of the selected electrohomoeo remedies. The diversions from the chemically treated haemorrhoids to stop bleeding, pain and inflammation are withdrawn herewith. Chemically treated sore throat, consumption (tuberculosis), constipation, cancer and nausea, kidney and liver diseases receive this Od Force. Diversion from the chemically treated blood circulation problems like venous insufficiency, edema etc. are rewind herewith. The chemically protected heart disease are also subjected to diversions liable to lift the requisite Od Force.
The activity to reduce formation of lipoprotein is withdrawn herewith. The chemical or material diversion from anti-sclerotic functions through the lipoprotein oxidation of low density (LDL) by free radicals associated with the atherosclerosis is erased herewith. This Od Force is anti-venotonic, vesoprotective. The chemical shifts resulted from promoted hair growth and prevented ischemic process. It withdraws the hypolipidic activities. It decreases the increased of vascular permeability. It exhibits the inhibited certain steroids. It highs the lowered LDLs /cholesterol lifting the related diversions. It erases the fungal steps in human system. It rubs off the after-work  engraves chemically caused in the way of chemically treating various vascular (vessel) disorders that are likely to benefit from increased blood flow, such as diabetes, leg cramps, varicose veins, arm and leg numbness or tingling and even impotence.
By nourishing blood vessel walls and performing other renewing functions the related chemistry may promote healthy blood pressure levels, heart health, and a proper inflammation response. Collagen and elastin are two proteins found in connective tissue that support organs, joints, and muscles but at the cost of causing harm at other place diverting the present focus. Imposed structural strength in the blood vessels, imposed stabilization on collagen and maintenance in the elastin are withdrawn herewith. It deceases the high blood pressure. It lifts the block the effects of enzymes that process fats including cholesterol from food.
 The further diversions resulted in the hiding shape of prevention or control damage to body cells caused by drugs, pollution, tobacco, and other toxins are withdrawn herewith again.
It affects the slowed retinopathy. The material treatments that slows the gradual break down of the retinas in the eyes, usually due to blood vessel damage get their success at the cost of the chemical shifts. This shifts are cancelled herewith. Individuals with arteriosclerosis (a built of fatty deposits in the arteries), diabetes, or other conditions that increase the likelihood for damage to the small blood vessels in the eyes are more likely to have serious vision problems as a result of that damage, are also at the cost of the chemical diversions. These diversions are also erased in course of time.
The diversions from the chemically reduced eye stress caused by bright lights, slow progression of macular degeneration and cataracts are lifted herewith.  Improved blood flow in the eye's tiny vessels, where certain eye diseases can cause blockages and impairments that result in vision damage may be accompanied with the chemical diversion. This is its oxidant power to lifts the diversions. Chemical interference with cancer cell growth and division, as well as causing some cancer cells to disintegrate faster than they would ordinarily causes with respective diversions. In addition, it may lift the activities that block enzymes that prolong the survival of several cancer cell types to cause tumours either stopped growing or actually shrink. The stalled development and progression of cancers of the lung, breast, stomach, prostate, colon, skin and other body parts may similarly be subjected to the diversions which are corrigible. It is similarly capable of erasing engraves of selected chemotherapy, HIV virus.
Fibromyalgia is an elusive disorder associated with chronic muscle pain and stiffness. The chemical antioxidant power can help minimize fibromylagia damage by protecting besieged muscle cells but at the cost of damage at some unknown/known selected place with a new focus of the total loss of the Od Force of the suffering human system. This is withdrawable.
Disorders such as endometriosis affected by the release of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins, may benefit from the chemical ability to block the release of this pain and inflammation-causing chemical. The effective chemical penetration through cell membranes throughout the body with its antioxidant properties, is withdrawn herewith. If even the chemistry crosses into the brain (traversing the blood-brain barrier) to protect brain cells from free-radical damage the diversions of shits happened chemically are also withdrawable similarly.
Certain components within the skin--collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid--participate in keeping it healthy. Some selected chemical may help keep these substances in good shape by blocking enzymes that might disrupt their chemical structure. This Od Force withdraws here the diversions caused by the chemically treated inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis. It may exhibit the inhibited allergic reactions that can generate such skin problems as eczema.
As a natural antihistamine, the related chemistry controls the sneezing, congestion and other hallmarks of an allergic reaction. This Force is capable of exhibiting the inhibition of the release of chemicals called prostaglandins that can generate inflammation during an allergic response as hives, hay fever and eczema.
It can help the human system from being defeated in respect of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which stops the hair follicle growth cycle. It cancels the diversion caused from the chemical stimulation towards healthy hair growthWhat chemical shifts caused by the chemistry boosted memory power and toned brain are withdrawable. Chemically strengthened lungs, easily achieved phlegm, administered respiratory conditions like Tuberculosis, cough, bronchitis etc. all are within the firing zone of this Od Force.
It decreases the increased frequency and volume of urine. Soothed inner layers of bladder returns to its previous state by achieving the Od Force to vanish produced diversions. Chemical shifts in burning micturition and cystitis hide in the new focus of the further loo of the Od Force are expressed herewith.
Chemically increased fertility of Men and women, increased quality and quantity of semen, sperm count and sperm motility, strengthened female reproductive system, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation all are indebted to this force herewith to give back the human system to its previous system.
Diversions due to attended deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Old fatigue syndrome (CFS), diarrhoea, heavy menstrual bleeding, uterine bleeding, and canker sores chemically are all withdrawable.
It withdraws the diversions caused from chemically or materially treated liver disease, including chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis. Chemistry used for depression, memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, Huntington’s chorea, Tourette’s disease, a brain   called cerebellar ataxia, certain types of seizures, and a mental condition called schizophrenia needs this very Od Force to rewind the chemical process to salvage the patient from the focus of the chemical shifts. It lifts the diversion focus on the nervous system. Further loss of the Od Force of the human system by the chemically decreased swelling and inflammation is returned herewith. The diversions caused by the neural tube defects repair by the vitamins are also withdrawable herewith. The reduced mood symptoms with bipolar disorder taking lithium is regained herewith. It puts itself to lift the dilation of the bronchus made by the vitamins.

 The chemical/material diversion or chemical/material shifts got from the reduced risk of Sporadic ALS (Lou Gehrig Disease is cancelled herewith. Beta-carotene supplements causing a higher risk for conditions such as cancer and heart disease is erasable in this help. Smokers suffering from lungs cancer from beta-carotene supplements can find an escape with the use of this Od Force.
People with erythropoietic protoporphyria, a rare genetic condition suffering from painful sun sensitivity, as well as liver problems, may get relief with the use of beta-carotene but at the cost of chemical /material shift or diversion which is withdrawable. Metabolic syndrome is a group of symptoms and risk factors that increase chance of heart disease and diabetes with a lower measures of body fat and triglycerides, a kind of blood fat. Less in those is caused with the simultaneous chemical diversion the withdrawal of which favours this Od Force. Materially or chemically misguided Leukoplakia, scleroderma human system may return in its previous status if the Od Force of it given routine wise.

Skin discoloration (yellowing that eventually goes away), Loose stools, Bruising, Joint pain from the uses of the beta-carotene are easily reversible herewith.