Thursday 7 April 2016

Guaiacum officinalis

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Guaiacum officinalis
Lignum Vitae
The Od Force of the gum resin of wood and bark is used as one of the components to prepare the remedy.
Anti-inflammatory chemical activities are caused with the loss of the Od Force for which the suffering human system loose ‘chemical(s)’. Like other plants’ Od Forces this Od Force also possess the quality of lifting the diversion or shift caused from this further loss of remaining Od Force.
The chemically shifted focus of the sufferings from cough and arthritis are treated with this Od Force. It plays an important role in connection with the diseases of sore throat and the toothache.
Its functions are anti-Acrid stimulant in nature. Accordingly, it erases excitement or quickening activities in increasing the physiological procedure that increases body heat and circulation.
It withdraws the alterative activities of  that chemical which are capable of favoring altering or changing unhealthy conditions of the body and tending to restore normal bodily functions, usually by improving neutrition.
It rejects the reductive activities over the haemoglobin especially. So it lifts the chemical activities contributed to the reaction of free radicals which are believed to be contributed to premature aging and dementia.
The diversion caused from the antiseptic chemical activities (obtained from those) are also withdrawn accordingly. It erases the anti-diaphoretic diversion as it calms the promoted perspirations. As an anti-diuretic it decreases the increased secretion and expulsion of urine. As an anti-expectorant it decreases the promoted discharge of mucus and secretions from the respiratory passage.

Being an anti-laxative it opposes promoting process of evacuating bowels. It cancels the purgative chemical shifts. It repairs the tract along which secondary syphilis enters the human system.
It withdraws the chemical diversion caused from the chemically treated following 1. Blood putrefaction, gout (relieved pain and inflammation between attacks and reduced recurrence), tonsillitis, chronic rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, scrofula etc. It decreases the sufferings seriously caused from the unhealthy intake of lithium. Chemical shift expressed on the nerve system may focus as sufferings of diarrhea and stomach and intestinal problems are reversed by this Od Force. In the same way it withdraws the diversions resulted from the medicinal means material treatment in connection with the curing skin diseases.
The Od Force in question lifts the lowered blood pressure erasing the chemical shifts for being the said pressure lower. It activates the deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit done by the chemical or material treatment to show cure of the arteriosclerosis.
It calms the excited sense of warmth in the stomach. It cures the dryness of the mouth and thirstiness. It cancels the chemical economy like stimulants and accelerating the circulation. It is beneficial in the chemical diversion of amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea and other uterine diseases. In acute dysentery the chemistry employed followed by speedy beneficial results is withdrawn by this Force. In chemically produced sickness, defective appetite and irregularity of the bowels the use of this Od Force must be continued. It undoubtedly benefits some cases of diversions caused from chemically or materially well endorsed to rheumatic sore throat or rheumatic pharyngitis. In chronic rheumatism the blood circulates feebly and the respective vital functions decrease and the hands and the feet becomes cold. The material that encourages the circulation and impresses the vital functions deactivates some other cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s) to give the human system relives from the current sufferings and as a result some new focus of sufferings are expressed. This Od Force in question reverses the said imposed mechanism. Diverted atonic dyspepsia with no inflammation is reversed herewith to abolish the additional loss of the Od Force.
 Chemically treated habitual constipation is also under surveillance of this Od Force. The chemical contraindication of all active febrile, plethoric or inflammatory conditions or where there is vascular excitement, tending to haemorrhage, or impaired digestion with tendency to irritation are hereby withdrawn.
Diversions from the chemically treated asthma and epilepsy, colds, flu, coughs, tuberculosis and other respiratory conditions inclusive of mucous congestion are in the grip of this Od Force. Treated abscesses, blisters, sores, gout and swollen gland and ailments like sprains and pains. In osteoarthritic chemical diversion it is similarly important.

Plasma hemoglobin peroxidase activities affect in healthy individuals and patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary heart disease. High plasma hemoglobin peroxidase activities in both groups of patients indicates disorders in the mechanisms of clearance of haemoglobin. This Od Force rewinds the disordered mechanism.

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