A huge number of
atoms bind themselves to form a negligible piece of iron. A lot of H2O molecule
looses their individual unitary identity to express themselves as water. The
units of electrolytes/alkaloids etc. remain tied similarly as material or
chemical entities in the identities of the plants. Some energic vibration bind
those atoms to form the piece of iron, some energic undulation enforce those
H2O molecules to form water. The wave compelling these stays in such
association is Od Force. This very Od Force associates those units of
electrolytes/alkaloids etc. to give the plants their shapes, sizes, formation
Electrohomoeopathy speaks of the use of this force to cure
diseases. It cultivates the loss of this force as cause of diseases. It dissolves
in this force homogeneously to introspect itself. It culminates this
human system is an ultimate outcome expression of activities of a naturally
selected definite sort of energic vibrations/undulations on some naturally
selected materials or chemicals. This naturally selected sort of energic
waves have constituted the human system, as units of atom of iron have created
piece of iron, as H2O molecules have created water, and as the
electrolytes/alkaloids etc. have created the plants. This naturally selected vibration/undulation/wave
is the Od Force. Electrohomoeopathy nurtures this force.
breakage from the fall from some height or from some blow, the cut from a
knife, a burn from fire, the sufferings from the infections or infestation etc.,
all are but chemical or energic interfering in the establishment of the
activities of the naturally selected definite energic wave which has given
birth of this human system. These disturbances are recorded in the genes to
register as some sort of disease as these incidences do subtraction from the
fund of the constituting or constructive energic vibration means Od Force of
the human system. As the subtracted energy caused association of material or
chemical towards the construction of the human system the said subtraction
renders the deletion of the concerning material or chemical at the same time as
well. Again when a suffering is being treated materially or chemically the same
phenomenon happens. Not only that, even when the treatment is done with light
energy, other ray energies, heat energy etc. the thing takes place does not
differ basically. In both of the cases the loss of the constructive Od
Force causes either by chemical reaction or by exchange of the Od Force between
the human system and the causers. In some cases like the burn the surrounding
may also be a factor following the concerning loss of the material from the
human system just later. In the issues of sun/moon rise or set, their
eclipses etc. this exchanges may cause between the human system and the space
even. In such cases the entered Od Force disorganizes the human system
materially or chemically to expel those formed matter generally. Treatment of
such types of suffering just sums the present loss of the Od Force with the
loss of the Od Force that caused previous disease the suffering of which is
being treated here, to give the effects of a fake cure in the related
laboratory findings shits from their original diseased data status. The Od
Force forming the human system here faces further those disturbances through
some sort of complete detachment or processed detachment of the said
constituting component(s) of the Od Force with detachment of
the corresponding constructing or constituting material in the name
of cure. So to cure the disease addition of the Od Force as was lost
necessitates. The process of addition of this Od Force will create or generate
the lost material in the same way as was generated during the creation of the
human system. Accidentally the Od Forces of some selected plants collected in
some way, are absolute to do the needful. The materials or chemicals of these
selected plants or part(s) of the plants can cause sufferings in the human
system through some sorts of chemical reactions by taking away the Od Force of
the human system's material that takes part in the chemical reactions. As a
result a loss of the material as well as the concerning constructing or
constituting Od Force happens. The Od Forces of the selected plants or parts of
the plants reverses or rewinds the chemical reaction process as those plants'
material or chemicals did in causing the sufferings, in order to adding the
requisite Od Force as was lost as well as the concerning lost material.
Electrohomoeopathy uses 114+1=115 plants. All of uncountable and even unseen
sufferings whatever may be the source(s), that a human system can face are
fully under the coverage of the sufferings that the those 114+1=115 individual
plants can cause or create materially or chemically in human system separately.
In the processing of dilutions these suffering or disease creating material or
chemical activities of the plants or the parts(s) of the plants turn into the
qualities of reversing or rewinding the said suffering or disease causing or
creating material or chemical activities to cure the suffering or diseases by
adding the lost Od Force as well as the lost material or chemical. The
Electrohomoeopathy combines separately obtained such collected Od Force to
treat the sufferings or diseases. And it is absolute that the
Electrohomoeopathy combines such Od Forces to represent the human system as a
whole. And these combinations are so complete that if the starting genetic
codon would remain in the hand of the Electrohomoeopathy then the
Electrohomoeopaths would be able to create human system in laboratory in some
easy course.
We will go through here those 114+1=115 plants. This study involves the
material or chemical reactions based sufferings in the human system. In case of
infections/infestations, poisons/chemicals/materials etc. however the materials
or chemicals of the plants or part(s) of the plants can act on the
organisms/poisons/chemicals/materials etc. also. But this study takes up the
chemical reactions caused sufferings or ailments that result from the very
invasion/intake/input to those are to be controlled and the unnoticed chemical
reactions if anything occurs in the total duration of the said control. At the
same time this study spares for the sufferings/diseases etc. caused from the
incidences of burning, lunar/sun eclipse, magnetic affects, electrical
disturbances etc. And all the chemical reactions, the incidences of burning,
lunar/sun eclipse, magnetic affects, electrical disturbances etc. causing the
diseases will be erased by the concerned conceived Od Forces to make the
diseased human system free from the disease.
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