Scurvy grass
It is a non-poisonous plant. The Od Force remaining in its roots
is generally used as one of the components to form remedy.
The Od Force remaining in the roots plays an important role in
stopping the lachrymation by giving back the usual functions of the affected irritated
nasal and faucial cells. In this capacity the said force is highly ordered to
wash away the sufferings due to astringency acquired or inherited through the
loosing of the knots behind the stanched nose bleed, gum bleed, mouthwash bleed
and some related remote wounds bleed. It
regularizes the function of the epigastrium causing the primary nausea and
vomiting. Similarly it imposes inhibition on the urinary system to stop the
unusual secretions to bring back the system regularity in its physiological
activities. Its activities in making free the women from the probability of
abortion can not be overlooked at the same time.The functions of the said
Od Force to establish the smooth running of the disturbed working gall fluid
outlet as well as the disturbed working urinary outlets with an accordance on the orchestral function
working to run the total human system lifts the stress causing paralytic and
rheumatic sufferings, dropsy.
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