Thursday 31 March 2016

Cimicifuga racemosa

 Image result for Cimicifuga racemosa
Cimicifuga racemosa
Black cohosh
The Od Force of the root of the plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy.
It is the remedy for the diversions caused from the materially treated variety of maladies, including endometritis, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, sterility, severe after-birth pains, and for increased breast milk production. The abolishment of the symptoms of premenstrual tension, menopause and other gynecological problems become bullish in the nerve system as new focuses. Another loss of the Od Force in the shape of the materially gained beneficial effects on the physiological pathways underlying age-related disorders like osteoporosis is also encountered by this Od Force. Materially increased metastasis of pre-existing breast cancer to the lungs affecting the nerves therein is withdrawn at the cost of reviving the concerned remaining deactivated cell to cell electromagnetically negatively charged pathways circuit(s).
Dizziness, headaches, and seizures; diarrhea; nausea and vomiting; sweating; constipation; low blood pressure and slow heartbeats; and weight problems are cured herewith.
Clinical symptoms due to relevant physiological effects obtained from the chemical binding to activate the serotonin receptors are energetically shifted to the previous focus as this Od Force activates the deactivated concerned cell to cell electromagnetic negatively charged circuit(s)m cancelling the high affinity of the said bondage. The sharped diversions obtained from the chemically reduced cytokine-induced bone loss (osteoporosis) unfolds the blocked osteoclastogenesis to lift the diversion focus that had been caused on the nerve system.
 Chemically or materially the work performed on the immune system and the body’s defenses against disease (there cause chemical loss in both of the activities) and the work that performs to reduce inflammation conjointly function with the material or chemical that functions to work in nerves and in the brain, are pointed to cause the loss of the Od Force of the human subjects to focus the total loss as new focus in the nerve system mostly on the more deep zone therein. The diversions that received from the cost that helps the brain send messages to other parts of the body like the neurotransmitter is also withdrawn herewith.
The diversion essayed from the chemically treated inflammation associated osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is its target to rescue the human subjects to escort in the previous focus.

Estrogen itself has various effects in different parts of the body. Estrogen also has different effects in people at different stages of life. A material or chemical may play to cause some effects similar to the female oestogen. In some parts of the body, this chemical might increase the effects of estrogen. In other parts of the body it might decrease the effects of estrogen. The effective chemical diversion or shift is herewith erased also.
The seriousness of the Increased systolic contraction and the stimulation emptying the heart more rapidly therefore giving the same more rest between beats dragged to some nerve space as new focus is cancelled herewith. The sufferings of this dragging like vomiting, diarrhoea, headache and cardiac failure are hereby cancelled.

Osteoporosis is a major age-related source of morbidity and mortality. Increased bone resorption mediated by osteoclasts is central to its pathogenesis. Cytokines, particularly RANKL and TNFα, are often increased under pathologic conditions, leading to enhanced osteoclastogenesis. The chemical or material beneficial effect of preventing bone loss happens at the cost of causing serious suffering focus on the nerve diverting the previous one(s). On the way of its activity this Od Force withdraws the potently that blocks osteoclastogenesis induced by either RANKL or TNFα. In cancelling this blockage of osteoclastogenesis this Force reverses the abrogation of the NF-κB and ERK pathways induced by either RANKL or TNFα, respectively of the attenuated TNFα-induced bone loss. So this Od Force exhibits the inhibited Osteoclastogenesis by reversing the modulation incurred on the RANKL and TNFα Signalling Pathways.

This Force exhibits the inhibition of proliferation, and induction of cell death elicited chemically or materially to reverse the completely eliminated osteoclastogenesis. It lifts the direct targets that differentiated osteoclasts from their precursors to completely lack osteoclast-specific marker proteins, such as Cathepsin K and β3 integrin. In doing so the Od Force interferes in the process rendered by deactivating the RANKL-induced activation of the NF-κB and MAPK pathways as well as upregulation of NFAT2 expression required for osteoclastogenesis.
.It escorts the RANKL-induced activation of the NF-κB pathway that had been eliminated during the chemical activity by enriching the phosphorylation and upgrading the degraded IκBα, presenting the absented NF-κB DNA-binding activity and RANKL-induced expression of the NF-κB-dependent genes. Its target is to downstream the potentially upstreamed IκBα phosphorylation. Further in doing so this Od Force rejects osteopetroticity by the increasing the NF-κB p50 and p52 cancelling their lacks and deficiency in IKKβ post-natal.
Furthermore, it vacates the imposed effectiveness of peptide inhibitors of IKK in preventing the osteoclastogenesis and bone loss.
RANKL-induced activation of MAPKs modulated chemically is also withdrawn herewith. It dries the dampened RANKL-induced activation of ERK which is actively positive in activating the cell proliferation. The inhibition of ERK activation is likely responsible for the reduced proliferation of osteoclast precursors. This inhibition may also exhibited to escort the human subject from the new focus on the nerve system. RANKL also transiently activates JNK and p38, which is important for osteoclastogenesis. This Od Force deactivates the chemically activated p38, even prolonged activation of p38. It cancels blocking osteoclastogenesis by decreasing the increased basal activation of JNK, while attenuating peak activation of JNK.
Prolonged chemical activation of JNK leading to cell death, even transient chemical activation of JNK leading to proliferation are withdrawn herewith,

It withdraws the diversions caused by chemically suppressed apoptosis in IL-3-dependent hematopoietic cells via phosphorylation of the proapoptotic Bcl-2 family protein BAD. It reverses the chemical pro- or antiapoptotic functions, depending on cell type, nature of the death stimulus, duration of its activation and the activity of other signalling pathways.
 JNK signalling involved in the extrinsic apoptotic pathway initiated by death receptors as well as the intrinsic pathway initiated at the mitochondria is herewith withdrawn. In response to withdrawing both the extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic stimuli, the Od Force in question, plays an essential role through its ability to lift the interacted and modulated chemical activities of diverse pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins. Through rewinding the chemically coordinated regulation of the nuclear- and mitochondrial events, it ensures the diversion of efficiently executed apoptosis. With the identification of primary apoptotic signalling nodes regulated by JNK, the finer details of JNK-signalling in apoptosis specifically in relation to other growth stimulating stimuli finally emerges and unravels novel therapeutic targets for diverse pathological conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. The Od Force in question here withdraws all diversions caused in this signalling.

Agaricus muscarius

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Agaricus muscarius
Toad stool
The Od Force of the strips and pileus fresh or dried is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. It is materially tremendous poison. It withdraws the diversions of the muscarine poisoning characterized by miosis, blurred vision, increased salivation, excessive sweating, lacrimation, bronchial secretion, bronchoconstriction, bradycardia, abdominal cramping, increased gastric acid secretion, diarrhea and polyuria. Withdrawing all the chemical diversions focused in the nerve system it escorts the human system after salvaging from the above sufferings. It cancels the caused tremor, convulsion and hypothermia. Cardiac ventricles contain muscarinic receptors that mediates the decrease in the force of contractions leading to a lower blood pressure. The Od Force in question cancels chemical diversions that caused the lower pressure. By erasing the chemical shifts that triggered   circulation failure with cardiac arrest the Od Force salvages the suffering human system herewith. The intoxication of headache, nausea, vomiting and constrictions of the pharynx together with the set of salivation. Lacrimation and diffuse perspiration combined with miosis, disturbed accommodation and reduced vision are withdraws in the rewinding process of curing the diseases. The colic of Gastric and small bowels leading to diarrhea with a painful urge for urination is made withdrawn. By cancellation of the bronchoconstricting activities it saves the human system from asthmatic hypotension and severe dyspnea and bradycardia combined with marked hypotension and vasodilation to repair the chemical shifts that caused the circulatory shocks.
The chemical shift of the powerful poison for involuntary muscle producing a marked and long continued rise of tone is reversed herewith also. In its course of action it adds the requisite Od Force to vibrate the deactivated electromagnetic circuit(s) for which the muscular tissue surrounding the sweat gland was affected that had prevented the secretion of the sweat, part by , more or less obstruction and by preventing peristaltic movement and partly perhaps by limiting the blood supply. It cancels the chemical susceptibility of the muscular tissue of the sweat gland.

The chemicals  used for cancertype 2 diabeteshigh cholesterol, “hardening of the arteries” (arteriosclerosis), ongoing liver disease, bloodstream disorders, and digestive problems with other uses including prevention of heart disease, weakened bones (osteoporosis), and stomach ulcers are also used to boost the immune system and for physical and emotional stress may find their chemical shift focus on nerve due to loss of the Od Force in each of the cases. The diversion obtained here may be withdrawn with the addition of the Od Force in question here. In case of diabetes in the course of improvement the body’s use of insulin and decrease insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes causes diverted focus of suffering in the nerve system as a result of the said improvement and decrease of insulin resistance. In the way of the strengthening the immune system, fighting against tumour development and working as an anti-oxidant the ease of the sufferings attained at the cost of the lost of the Od Force from some selected cell to cell negatively charged circuits is cancelled herewith. In type 2 diabetes there often plays the insulin resistance. By lifting this resistance this Od Force facilitates the functions of insulin. It may be mentioned here that insulin is a hormone that allows sugar to move into the cells. In this situation any chemical medication working for the use of lowering of insulin resistance will cause further deduction of the Od Force from the total remaining fund of the Od Force of the human system. By supplying the requisite Od Force this Force in question cancels the stress done over the suffering human system further in the process of lowering the said resistance.
Sometimes the additional diversions caused from the chemically reduced side effects of the chemotherapy including the weakness and loss of appetite are also withdrawn herewith. In lifting the manifestation of itching, nausea it plays an important role. The developed severe liver damage and serious allergic reaction in course the material or chemical treatments of cancer this Od Force in question plays the important role in lifting the crisis by adding the Od Force that had been lost from some selected electromagnetic circuits for which such liver damages had been caused is withdrawn herewith. It rewinds the parasympathomimetic substances’ chemical activities so that the diversion caused from the chemical activation of the peripheral parasymphathetic nervous system that may end in convulsion and death. It is differently effective in gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract but it lifts the cross done chemically in the blood-brain barrier. It deactivates the muscarinic agonist activation over the muscarinic receptors. In its functions it cancels the direct-acting chemical activities of cholinomimetics and thereby rewinding the chemical process that produced their effects by binding to and activating the cholinergic receptors. It reverses the functional activities of the natural neurotransmitter acetylcholine mimicked chemically by the muscarine that had been played in the muscarine part of the cholinergic nervous system by unbinding the muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. In its course of action it reverses the chemical responses over peripheral autonomic tissues though the most such withdrawal capacities of it are on the brain and autonomic ganglia.  Chemical interactions with Gq proteins that stimulates phosphoinositide hydrolysis and the release of intracellular calcium, and chemical interaction with Gi proteins that inhibits adenylyl cyclase to result in a decrease of intracellular concentration of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) are withdrawn herewith. The diversions caused by chemical reactions that occur after the use of the muscarinic agonists in treating glaucoma, postoperative ileus, congenital megacolon, urinary retention and xerostomia are lifted herewith. Chemical contraindication in patients with diseases that make the patients susceptible to parasympathetic stimulation, patients having asthma or COPD or peptic ulcer are escorted from the further loss of the Od Force of the said human ward. Also patients having the obstructions in gastrointestinal or urinary tract facing the aggravations in respect of the obstruction after the use of the muscarinic agonists get an ease after the administration of this Od Force. Not only that the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic (s) that become deactivated for which the aggravated obstruction finally becomes leaded chemically to cause perforation of the intestine after the causation of the built up pressure undergo the activation by this Od Force to rewind the situation.
It withdraws the diversions caused after the treatment of the psycho-physical fatigue, dementia, old fatigue, sclerosis, low immunity, skin problem, rheumatism, neuralgia and tumours.
As an anti-neurotransmitter it lifts the force that opens the muscarinic receptors, the form of acetylcholine receptor. In its action it rewinds that play which causes a crucial part in the relay of electrical signals around the body. It makes free the muscarinic receptors from its clogged state with the neurotoxins. Jobs done in boosting the immune defense in the lymphocytes muscarinic receptors are cancelled herewith. Potentially it is a GABAA antagonist and deactivates the activated receptor for the brain’s principal inhibitory neurotransmitter, GABA to cancel the inhibition. It unbinds the binding of the same side on the GABAA receptor complex as GABA itself, as opposed to other GABAergic drugs which bind to separate regulatory sites. It may be mentioned here that GABAA receptors are widely distributed in the brain. It sweeps the diversions for which the neuronal activity in multiple regions of the brain faces chemically the alterations including the cerebral cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum. It is not only a selective GABA antagonist energically it is also a partial antagonist to lift the agonistic activities from the GABAA-rho receptor. The chemical diversion for which there is caused a rise of both prolactin and growth hormone in patients of Huntington's disease and old schizophrenia. It desynchronizes the synchronized EEG.

 The Od Force in question here lifts all the syndromes of early onset, late onset and delayed onset. The early onset syndromes, four are neurotoxic, two are gastrointestinal, and two are allergic. The late onset syndromes are hepatotoxic, accelerated nephrotoxic, and erythromelalgia. The three delayed onset syndromes are delayed nephrotoxic, delayed neurotoxic, and rhabdomyolysis syndrome by activating the concerned deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s).

Viscum album

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Viscum album
The Od Force of the matured branches with fruits, leaves, young twigs is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. As herb it is poisonous.
The Od Force in question here is in an efficacy to target the chemical shift from the lessened and temporarily benumbed nervous actions as is reflected to distant organs of the body from some central organs which is the actual seat of trouble. The Od Force here reverses all the physiological effects incurred chemically or materially in the said process of lessening and the benumbing to expose the loss of the Od Force more furiously in the inner side of the nervous tract towards the central organ. The allayed spasms of epilepsy and other convulsive distempers need to be withdrawn as because of the causation of the aggravation of the convulsive disorders are imminent in the following course of physiological effects to cancel to rewind the whole process to save the human subjects from the serious severity. It is anti-nervine, anti-tonic and the anti-narcotic in the sense that all benefits as we see are caused actually through a causation of some new diseases together with the previous disease or diseases. And the severity of the totality of the Od Force lost here is expressed through some new focus of disease as the previous one has been cured. Actually sufferings of only infection can be cured materially as because of direct chemical reaction between the infecting / infesting organisms and the material or chemical put in curing the disease. Even damages done by the said infection/infestation before coming under the chemical reaction with applied chemicals or materials can be cured chemically. Similarly the diversion from the antispasmodic chemistry will be withdrawn by this Od Force. Actually all these chemical cures hurts the nervous system mostly centrally to cause more grave situation though those have been cured as though off. Checking of the internal haemorrhge chemically is also under the surveillance of this Od Force to sweep the diversions focused on the nervous system. Further loss of the Od Force in the material or chemical treatments of St. Vitus's Dance, convulsions delirium, hysteria, neuralgia, nervous debility, urinary disorders, heart disease, and many other complaints arising from a weakened and disordered state of the nervous system can also be meet up by the supplying this Od Force which in turn will vibrate the respective deactivated cell to cell negatively electromagnetically charged circuit(s) to regenerate the concerned material loss that we do in the name of  curing the diseases. It may be recommended for the diversion caused from the treated sterility chemically. The effects of the typhoid fever treatment on the heart can be erased with the help of this Od Force.  It increases the less reflex irritability and weak heart beat and downs the raised frequency of the slow pulse made high. It is used to cancel the chemical enforcement that has been used to lift the lower blood pressure and heart rate. The diversion focused on the nervous system from the chemistry used to ease the anxiety and sleep is swept. Some part of the Od Force originated from the viscotoxins is capable of lifting the chemical torture for which diversion has been caused on the nervous system, especially in treated cases of cancers.  Finally the Od Force in question withdraws the chemical shifts from the chemically treated spasmodic, cardiac, cytostatic, diuretics, hypotensive, narcotic, nervine, stimulant, tonic and vasodilator troubles focused on the nervous system. The shifting focus of a curing epilepsy and other convulsive nervous disorders is withdrawn herewith. Further the chemical shift in the material checking of the internal haemorrhages, in treating high blood pressure, in treating the cancer of stomach, lungs and ovaries is subjected to the surveillance of this Od Force to lift the same. The Od Force poured in the human system tries to active the deactivated the cell to cell electromagnetically negatively charges so that the requisite is produced. Treated arthritis, rheumatism, chilblains, leg ulcers and varicose veins are withdrawn herewith to escort the suffering human system from the diversion that had been focused the nervous system.
The patients chemically contraindicated with primary or secondary brain tumors, leukemia, or malignant lymphoma is withdrawn herewith.
The enhanced lytic activity of human NK cell is decreased through a rewind mechanism. It lifts the imposed chemical reaction process or chemically established slow downing process on tumour by encouraging the withdrawal of the chemical diversion on the resistance of immune system.
It dispossesses the possessed the negative inotropic effects in the cardiac muscle and cancels the vasoconstriction. It withdraws the demonstrating action on the skeletal muscle. The cardiovascular chemical effects are erased through an exhibition of the inhibited cyclic adenosine monophosphate phosphodiesterase. It withdraws the induction over the induced eosinophilia. It reverses the process input to slow as well as to weaken the heartbeat, as well as narrowing of the blood vessels in the skeletal muscles as well as the skin.
The GI distress caused by the damages in the intestinal lining is withdrawn herewith the Od Force.
As food passes through the gut, it causes very minor damage to the lining of the GI tract. Normally the cells repair this damage rapidly. Since the purpose of the gut lining is to let the good stuff past and keep the bad stuff contained, it’s important for the cellular repair system to be running at full efficiency. But some food stuff can blunt this speedy reconstruction. Our cells can’t regenerate as fast as they need to in order to keep the intestinal lining secure. The Od Force in question here speeds up the rewinding process to offer the speedy reconstruction of the same. The damage in the wall of the gut may cause a broader immune system response as the body’s defenses move in to attack the invaders. Symptoms can include skin rashes, joint pain, and general inflammation. Other chronic disorders may be correlated with leaky gut children with autism have very high rates of leaky gut and similar inflammatory GI tract diseases. All the diversions hare are withdrawn with this Od Force. Direct chemical cytotoxic action (apoptosis induction) or immunomodulation (eg, enhanced natural killer cell activity, increased production of interleukins and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, activation of mononuclear cells, stimulation of granulocyte are withdrawn herewith being rewind.
This Od Force is very effective to withdraw the diversion from chemically treated the profuse menstruation flow, menstrual problems as well as haemorrhages following child birth, persistent cramping, infertility as well as to cure uterine problems. It erases the clumping or agglutinating activities remains engaged on the red blood cells (RBC). It rejects functions of the extremely cytotoxic (a substance like lectins that has noxious influence on specific cells) and it bears the capacity to cancels the diversion occurred from the so-called usefulness in cancer chemotherapy.
The enhanced lytic activity of human NK cells is cancelled by the Od Force in question. The increased lysis of K562 cells by either freshly isolated NK cells or the tumoral NK cell lines NK-92 and NKL is decreased. The linking activity of oligosaccharides (arabinogalactan or rhamnogalacturonan) employed to link killer and target cells is withdrawn herewith.
The chemical procedures of highly basic cysteine-rich small proteins related to the family of thionins and notoriously resistant to protein-denaturing agents are done reversed.

Thionins are cytotoxic for a large variety of eukaryote and prokaryote cells. This toxicity relies on positive charges of thionins interacting un-specifically with phospholipids. Thus, by passive insertion into the cell membranes, thionins permeabilize and kill tumoral cells. The Od Force here erases all the insertions in this respect. It withdraws the induced cell membrane stiffening and destabilization. It lifts the diversion happened chemically on tumor cell lysis by monocytes and NK cells. The synergistic enhancement of lysis mediated by cytokines secreted from killer cells after its binding to NK surface receptors is reversed herewith. So, in this respect, the Od Force here erases out the spectrum of effects focused on established killer–target cell conjugates.

Genista scopara


Genista scopara
Dyer’s Green Weed or Brooms 
The Od Force of the fresh aboveground parts are used as one of the components to prepare the remedy. It is strong narcotic chemically.

It opposes the functions of antiarrhythmic agent and that is why it is an anti-Sodium channel blocker. It disorganizes the chelating activities between the bivalents Calcium and Magnesium. The Od Force interferes in the electrical conductivity of heart muscle. It saves the human system from being emerged chemically in the pool of dangerous heart rhythms. It is very valuable in lifting the uterine contractions, especially after taking the chemical advantages of hastening or facilitating child birth, especially by stimulating contractions of the uterus chemically or materially in case of pregnancy. And it is highly capable to steer off the life-threating adverse effects associated any how if it is within its purview. It drags the chemically improved regulation of the circulation. Its arrhythmic property is based on its ability to exhibit the inhibited transport of sodium ions across the cell membrane. In its activity it rewinds the process that reduced the stimulation of the system that conducts the nerve impulse. Hence the downed impulse arising in the auricle is lifted herewith. It withdraws the chemical shifts caused from the extended diastole. The diversion caused from the chemically increased low blood pressure is also withdrawn in the same way. That is why it has been related to the chemical benefits as they say, in the matter of diversion resulted from the materially treated swelling of the legs (peripheral oedema) as well as the water in the lungs (pulmonary oedema) by increasing urination as well as the treated damages of the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy).The use was of this Od Force should be continued to erases serious toxicities associated sufferings in some selected alkaloids.

Toxicity characterized by tachycardia with circulatory collapse, nausea, diarrhoea, vertigo, and stupor is withdrawn herewith. In order to reducing the signs of cellulite and at the same time regeneration the connective tissues the selected chemical or material draws a diversion as the applied material does so at the cost of chemical reaction with the human cells and for this chemical reaction a further loss of the Od Force from its existing fund happens to stage the above performance. In this situation in course of adding the said loss this Od Force puts a drag on the stimulation that caused the natural cell metabolism of the skin. In its rewinding activities it lifts the support that caused the division of the lipids in the cell and simultaneously stimulated the natural collagen formation to improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin with a significant strengthened tissue by activating the concern cell to cell electromagnetic negatively charged circuit(s) which had been made deactivated to have the above profits naked to open eyes.
It is anti- diuretic, anti-cathartic and anti-emetic characters should be encouraged carefully to actives the concerned cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s). The loss of the Od Force in connection with the laxative activity towards the expelling uroliths and curing gout through the episodes of alleviating the rheumatic and arthritic pain, is hereby poured to brim off the diversion chemically had. Simultaneously it is anti-purgative. Chemical shifts essayed in materially dropsy and sciatica are also erased. Benefited human subjects in respect of the cold abscess and scrofulous tumour get relief from the added burden of cure by using this Od Force.
It reverses the chemical shifts in respect of functions registered by the beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers. By exhibiting the inhibited liver's cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) isoenzyme system it rewinds the imposed potential toxicity of some selected chemical that causes a risk of life-threatening adverse events such as cardiovascular collapse. In some cases of hypertensive crisis caused by chemical that inhibits the activity of the monoamine oxidase enzyme family are withdrawn herewith. It may be mentioned here that the activities of the chemicals which inhibit the activity of the monoamine oxidase enzyme family decreases the depression, particularly atypical depression, Parkinson's disease and several other disorders as a last line of material treatment with the diversion of serious hypertensive crisis like with a tremendous focus on the nerve system.
It affects the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s) the deactivation of which causes hydrophobia to lift the chemical shifts caused by the concerned organism.
This Od Force is anti-diaphoretic to withdraw the accelerated sweeting done medically. As an anti-vasoconstrictor it widens the narrowed blood vessels lifting the chemically shifted focus on the nerve system. It stops the decrease how well the body gets rid of lithium to save the human subjects from being increase in how much lithium is in the body and result in serious side effects. As it takes of the muscular contraction in the uterus so it is similarly applicable in the use of it in the lifting of the upsets in stomach. The chemical diversions from chemically treated bleeding gums, the bleeding disorder of haemophilia, gout, achy muscles and joints (rheumatism), sciatic nerve pain, gall stones, kidney stonesspleen disorders, yellowing of the skin (jaundice), lung conditions, and snake bites. It is also used for cleansing the diversions from the cleansed intestine and caused vomiting chemically. Similarly it erases the page containing the essay written chemically to tackle the skin with sore muscles, the damages due to pockets of infection (abscesses), and swelling. It also lifts the materially done rinse that tightens and brightens the hair. The focus of the chemical shifts whether these are from dropsy of thorax combined with the diseases of lungs or from treated scurvy and jaundice is easily withdrawn herewith.

Sanguisorba officinalis

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Sanguisorba officinal
Great Burnet
The Od Force of the whole of the plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. It is a topoisomerase poison.
In the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), an important cellular process, epithelial cells become mesenchymal cells. . This process is also critically involved in cancer metastasis. In a rewinding process this Od Force cancels the imposed pharmacological activities employed to give the suffering human subject abatements, including anti-angiogenic activity. Transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-β1) induces the EMT and promotes lung adenocarcinoma migration and invasion through the Smad2/3 signalling pathway. The chemical inhibitory effects on lung cancer migration and invasion, the Od Force in question here exhibits the inhibited TGF-β1-induced EMT in the A549 cell line as a result the focus of diversion that causes by the loss of the Od Force for which the said inhibition occurs. The significantly prevented the activation of Smad2/3 signalling pathway by TGF-β1 is hereby withdrawn. Additionally, this Od Force decreases the increased expression functions of the epithelial marker E-cadherin and withdraws the repression of the expression of Snail and the mesenchymal marker N-cadherin during TGF-β1-induced EMT. Moreover, it reverses the regulated expression of EMT-dependent genes induced by TGF-β1. Finally, it forces the wheel that caused inhibition of the migration and invasion of TGF-β1-stimulated A549 cells. It expresses the suppressed lung cancer migration and invasion by exhibiting the inhibiting TGF-β1 induction of the EMT to lift the focus from the nerve system.
The epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) is important for generating multiple tissues during organismal development. This process is particularly essential for the gastrulation of metazoans and neural crest delamination of vertebrates. EMT is also involved in wound healing. However, EMT dysfunction leads to pathological conditions, including carcinogenesis and fibrosis. The most critical difference between embryonic and tumorigenic EMT is that genetically abnormal cells are employed during EMT for tumorigenesis, and these cells lose sensitivity to normal growth regulatory signals. During EMT, polarized epithelial cells are converted into mesenchymal cells. Therefore, epithelial cells lose characteristics that enable differentiation, including cell–cell adhesion, apical–basal polarity and motility dysfunction, and obtain mesenchymal properties, such as motility, invasiveness and apoptotic resistance. So EMT affects embryo formation, implantation, organ development and the generation of various cell types. EMT promotes wound healing, tissue regeneration and fibrosis, and participates in inflammation.  EMT is involved in cancer progression and metastasis.
Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are acquired from the inner cell mass of early blastocysts. Accordingly, these cells differentiate into multiple cell types
Cadherins are calcium ion-dependent glycoproteins expressed on the cell surface. These proteins are involved in cell–cell adhesion and interaction. The cadherin family is divided into type 1 and type 2. E-cadherin is a cadherin family member that possesses a single-pass transmembrane domain, and this protein is primarily detected in epithelial cells. Although the region of E-cadherin that participates in cell–cell adhesion is unknown, the histidine-alanine-valine domain might have an important role in cell–cell interaction. E-cadherin has two preserved domains: the β-catenin-binding domain and p120-binding domain. The β-catenin-binding domain promotes the interaction between the actin cytoskeleton and E-cadherin. This interaction is achieved through the cytoplasmic cell adhesion complex, which comprises epithelial protein lost in neoplasm, β-catenin and α-catenin. As decreased E-cadherin expression on the cell surface might be involved in tumor progression and metastasis, E-cadherin is considered a repressor of tumor progression and metastasis. Decreased E-cadherin expression breaks down cell–cell contact and increases EMT induction, resulting in tumor motility. In colorectal carcinoma, which expresses STAT3, the expression of E-cadherin was decreased. However, the induction of small interfering RNA for STAT3 increased E-cadherin expression, thereby decreasing the invasive properties and expression of vimentin and N-cadherin in these cells. E-cadherin has also been associated with transcriptional repressive pathways through the E-box-binding proteins, Snail and Slug, and matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) and MMP-13. For example, MMP-7 and MMP-13 can remove the extracellular E-cadherin domain, and the deleted soluble ectodomain might suppress E-cadherin activity in neighbouring cells.
A number of transcription factors, including Snail, ZEB and helix–loop–helix (HLH) family members, regulate EMT. In vertebrates, the Snail family comprises three members: Snail 1, Snail 2 and Snail 3. Snail 1 is also called ‘Snail,' and Snail 2 is also known as ‘Slug,' and these proteins suppress the expression of epithelial genes, such as E-cadherin and plakoglobin, and also activate the expression of mesenchymal proteins, including N-cadherin and fibronectin. The activation of the Snail family depends on a conserved zinc finger domain and an N-terminal snail/Gfi domain. In addition, the C-terminal region attaches to the E-box, represses the expression of target genes associated with epithelial cell markers and activates mesenchymal protein expression. Other transcription factors, including Ets-1 and specificity protein 1 are also involved in this process. The Snail family members are important factors for EMT regulation. In colon cancer (DLD1), cells transfected with Snail and Slug show increased β-catenin –T-cell factor-4 transcription complex formation. This complex increases the expression of transforming growth factor (TGF)-β3, resulting in the TGF-β3-induced upregulation of lymphoid enhancer factor-1 gene expression, which induces the EMT response. In addition, TGF-β1 and 2 stimulate EMT signalling pathways through Snail and Slug. Snail blocks epithelial markers, that is, cytokeratin-18, Muc-1, desmoplakin and E-cadherin, thereby increasing the expression of fibronectin and vimentin. It upregulates Rho-GTPase during gastrulation, resulting in cytoskeletal changes. In lung cancer, Slug acts as a metastasis-promoting gene, demonstrating that slug downregulates E-cadherin expression, upregulates MMP-2 and increases angiogenesis.
HLH family members also influence the EMT process. This protein family can be divided into seven groups. Class 1 HLH proteins include E12 and E47, class 2 HLH proteins include twist and class 5 HLH proteins include Ids. These three HLH groups, classes 1, 2, 5, are involved in EMT induction. E12 or E47 inhibit the expression of E-cadherin and plakoglobin and increase the production of vimentin and fibronectin. Ids repress transcription through different molecules, such as TGF-β, associated with the repression of E-cadherin expression. Ids do not bind DNA, but rather bind to E12 or E47, acting as negative inhibitors. The ectopic expression of twist represses the expression of E-cadherin, occludin and claudin-7 and facilitates the expression of vimentin and N-cadherin to enhance cancer cell migration and invasion. Twist forms a heterodimer with E12 and E47, and this dimer regulates transcription through DNA binding.
In vertebrates, the ZEB family includes ZEB1 (deltaEF1 or AREB6) and ZEB2 (smad-interacting protein 1, SIP1). ZEB family proteins possess a zinc finger cluster at each end, which interacts with DNA. A repressor motif in the central homeodomain and the recruitment of C-terminal-binding protein as a co-repressor mediate transcriptional repression through ZEB1 and ZEB2. However, the interaction between ZEB, PCAF and p300 converts ZEB1 from a repressor to an activator. These proteins reduce epithelial marker expression and increase mesenchymal marker expression during the induction of EMT. ZEB is activated through other signalling molecules, such as TGF-β, and growth factors that activate Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase; in addition, this protein is repressed through microRNA 200 and microRNA 250 family members.
Several pathways regulate the EMT, including pathways involving TGF-β, Wnt, receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK), hedgehog, tumor necrosis factor-α and Notch. TGF-β is an important molecule for the induction of EMT during metastasis and embryogenesis. TGF-β was shown to have two actions: tumor suppression and tumor promotion. TGF-β acts as a tumor repressor during early tumor growth and induces cell growth arrest and apoptosis. During late tumor growth, TGF-β initiates cancer progression and metastasis through smad-dependent or smad-independent signalling pathways.  The Smad-dependent signalling pathway regulates EMT through the expression of snail, ZEB and twist. These transcriptional regulators repress the expression of epithelial markers, such as E-cadherin, plakoglobin and occludin, and also activate mesenchymal markers, including vimentin, fibronectin and N-cadherin. TGF-β signalling involves ligand binding to TGF receptors (TβR1 and TβR2). Smad2/3 is subsequently activated and forms a complex with smad4. Smad 2/3/4 complexes translocate to the nucleus and interact with other transcription factors to regulate the expression of target genes. Smad-independent pathways include phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt, Ras, mitogen-activated protein kinase and Rho-like GTPase pathways. These pathways upregulate the expression of snail, twist and ZEB. TGF-β also promotes EMT through interactions with Wnt and Notch.
The Notch pathway is initiated through interactions between the Notch receptor and ligands on adjacent cells. Four Notch receptors (1–4) and five ligands (Dll-1, Dll-3, Dll-4, Jagged-1 and Jagged-2) exist in mammals. Notch signalling is initiated through ligand binding to an adjacent receptor. Subsequently, γ-secretase cleaves the intramembrane Notch receptor. The released Notch intracellular domain translocates to the nucleus and interacts with C-protein-binding factor 1/Suppressor of Hairless/Lag-1 and acts as an activator of target genes, including Hes and Hey.  Notch signalling is insufficient to completely induce EMT and crosstalk with other signalling molecules might therefore be required, the Notch signalling pathway has been considered an important regulator for the induction of EMT. Notch activation morphologically, phenotypically and functionally converts epithelial cells into mesenchymal-type cells. This change has been associated with the downregulation of epithelial markers, including E-cadherin, Tei1, Tei2 and platelet–endothelial epithelial cell adhesion molecule-1, and the upregulation of mesenchymal markers, such as α-smooth muscle actin (SMA) and fibronectin.  Snail and slug are induced through Notch signalling to promote EMT, which has an important role during both embryonic development and tumor progression.
Wnt signalling is also important for diverse cell functions via canonical (β-catenin) or noncanonical pathways. The formation of the Wnt–Fz–LRP complex through the binding of ligands, that is, wnt1 and wnt3, to their receptors, Frizzled (Fz) and LRP 5/6, initiates the canonical pathway. Without the Wnt signalling pathway, cytoplasmic β-catenin forms a complex with Axin, adenomatous polyposis coli, glycogen synthase kinase-3β and Ck1. When the cell receives Wnt signals, a complex is formed between LRP5/6 and Fz. These structures affect β-catenin stabilization, nuclear translocation and protein accumulation. In the nucleus, β-catenin forms a complex with T-cell factor/lymphoid enhancer factor, thereby initiating the expression of Wnt target genes. During EMT, smad2 and smad 4 influence Wnt signaling to repress E-cadherin expression in medial-edge epithelial cells. Lymphoid enhancer factor-1 has also been associated with mesenchymal marker expression. Other studies have suggested that wnt3 promotes EMT through the increased expression of N-cadherin, twist and slug and the decreased expression of E-cadherin in the trastuzumab-insensitive cells, SKBR3/100-8 and BT474/100-2. The activation of Wnt signalling is important for the induction of EMT in breast and prostate cancers.
RTK signalling alone does not induce EMT. Therefore, interplay with other signalling molecules might be required. Growth factors, such as hepatocyte growth factor, epidermal growth factor and fibroblast growth factor, bind to their respective receptors and activate extensive crosstalk networks that affect EMT. These growth factors switch signals through the structural activation of RTK, which activates TGF-β and integrin signalling pathways to alter EMT. Three activities occurring downstream of Ras might be required for the induction of EMT: smad2 activation, phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt pathway initiation and Raf/mitogen-activated protein kinase signalling pathway.
 In most ESCs, the transformation of epithelial cells into mesenchymal cells might occur during ESC differentiation. Differentiation of human ESCs involves (1) the conversion from E-cadherin to N-cadherin, (2) increased vimentin expression, (3) the increase of repression molecules of E-cadherin, such as Snail and Slug, and (4) increased gelatinase activity and cellular motility. In undifferentiated human ESCs, the abrogation of E-cadherin-mediated cell–cell contact increases cellular motility and induces actin cytoskeleton rearrangement. The 5T4 antigen is expressed on the cell surface, generating a mesenchymal phenotype. The expression of the 5T4 oncofetal antigen is upregulated in colorectal, gastric and ovarian carcinomas. Overexpression of 5T4 antigen on mouse ESCs reduces cell–cell contact, downregulates E-cadherin expression and alters the actin cytoskeleton in epithelial cells. The lack of 5T4 antigen is involved in increase of the restoration of cell–cell contact, and the upregulation of E-cadherin production prevents the development of a mesenchymal morphology. This effect might reflect the stabilization of the cortical actin cytoskeleton rearrangement through E-cadherin, which blocks 5T4 antigen localization. Human ESC colonies, cultured under feeder-free conditions, undergo differentiation and develop a mesenchymal cell-like phenotype. The mesenchymal-like cells express more mesenchymal markers compared with a single upper layer of columnar (zone 1) cells. Human pluripotent stem cells resemble cells obtained from the epiblast. The occurrence of EMT in human pluripotent stem cells and embryoid bodies reflects the EMT observed during gastrulation in human development. Although ptk7-positive cells lose pluripotent marker and E-cadherin expression and acquire mesenchymal marker expression, ptk7 did not affect pluripotency or lineage marker changes.  EMT in ESCs might induce differentiation through several pathways.
MicroRNA acts as a regulator of EMT in many cell types. The microRNA 200 family members suppress EMT and the differentiation of ESCs at the epiblast stem cell stage. The mesenchymal–epithelial transition is important in reprogramming fibroblasts. OCT4, SOX2, Klf4 and c-Myc are imported into fibroblasts, and these proteins induce the rapid downregulation of microRNA-155 and microRNA-10b, associated with EMT, and the upregulation of microRNA-205 and -429 during the development of induced pluripotent stem cells.  EMT is associated with the differentiation of ESCs. Certain factors, that is, the microRNA family, which regulate EMT at various pluripotent stages exist. Naïve cells are thought to be more undifferentiated than primed cells; these regulating factors may have an influence on pluripotent stages of naïve and primed cells.
EMT is important for embryonic development, and this process affects metastasis and the invasion of various cancers. Several molecules, including TGF-β and other growth factors, induce EMT. These factors bind to their respective receptors and might also interact with each other. Various signalling pathways (for example, the TGF-β, Wnt/glycogen synthase kinase-3β, Notch and RTK signalling pathways) might be critical for the induction of EMT. ESCs are pluripotent. These cells can differentiate into many cell types.  ESCs might be controlled through EMT under various circumstances during differentiation. Transcriptional activators of EMT, such as snail and ZEB may also implicated in the differentiation of ESCs, and regulating factors, such as the microRNA family, specifically promoted or inhibited EMT at the pluripotent cell stage. Thus, ESCs remain at either the pluripotent stage or the more differentiated stage. EMT and regulating factors regulate the differentiation of ESCs. Because ESCs, rather than epiblast stem cells, are more undifferentiated, these cells undergo EMT differentiation, suggesting that this process contributes to naïve and primed cell types. So any chemical activity to control any suffering will be leaded to focus the further loss of the Od Force caused by this said chemical performances from the previous suffering zone to some other zone and naturally the loss here affects the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s) are of the nerve system.

This Od Force exerts its exhibitory mechanism to lift the chemical inhibitory activities over the DNA topoisomerases. Catalytic strand-passing activities of topoisomerases I and II are inhibited. In cancelling this inhibition this Od Force in question overrules the mechanism that prevents the formation of covalent enzyme-DNA complexes intermediates. In its anti-poison it shows no stimulation withdrawal activities towards the formation of cleavable-complexes, with intracellular activity but without any marked selectivity.
The reorganized focusing on the nerve system due to chemical activities covering mainly four meridians of liver, lungs, kidneys and large intestine due to loss of the Od Force caused by the material treatment thereon is reversed herewith.
The Od Force in question exhibits the imposed chemical inhibition on the both CCR5 and CXCR4 tropic HIV-1 (ADA and HXB2). It also inhibits simian immunodeficiency. It erases the footprints left chemically in the human system reverse transcriptase inhibitor resistant viruses (K103N, Y188L, and K103N/Y188L/G190A) and a protease inhibitor resistant strain (PI-2840).
It withdraws the chemical diversion caused from the material treatment of the wound and ant-scar. Similarly it lifts the chemical shifts caused from the chemical activities imposed on the red blood cells causing anaemia or worse. It puts anti-irritant force on the irritation on the mucous membrane. It soothes the stimulated immune system. So in result it sweeps the foot prints dusts risk caused by the infection. The chemical hepatoprotective shifts which naturally focus on the nerve system are withdrawn herewith. The cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s) which has been deactivated materially for which the building of the cholesterol is disordered, is further hurt chemically to combat the said cholesterol build up. As a result a new focus appears on the nerve system. This diversion is withdrawn hare again. It exhibits the inhibited hepatic synthesis of cholesterol, activates the deactivated cell to cell electromagnetic circuit(s) the focus of which established after the chemical activity that decreases cholesterol absorption from the gut, increases cholesterol excretion.
The caused gastrointestinal distress is withdrawn by erasing the effective focus on the nerve system. In the same way the reflex expectorant effect is also rewind. In this respect the Od Force in question here interfere with the caused increase in the production of mucus in the lungs. On the contrary the respective chemical or material activity helps the patients of coughs of all sorts, but particularly for those with dry cough but with the diversion due to further loss of the Od Force caused as the chemical or material activity helps the patients of coughs or dry cough. It reverses the immune modulating and steps back the consistency of diversion of antineoplastic effects.
So this Od Force is anti-haemolytic. Anti-hypolipidemic, anti-immunomodulating and anti-cytotoxic and in the same way it erases the foot marks of the microbials. It cancels the diversions caused from the selected free radicals, antioxidant activities, reduced LDL cholesterol and inhibit the growth of cancerous.

In the way of taken charge of astringency and coagulant properties the human system further faces the additional loss of the Od Force here through a new focus preferably on the nerve is withdrawn herewith.In this way it plays the important role in withdrawing the diversion caused chemically in cases of prevented hemorrhages and internal bleeding. While the haemorrhages are being stopped the effective speed of blood circulation goes to a down status by the cost of mounted anti-circulating energy here and or this a new focus of imbalance will be viewed the erase of which is done herewith. The rearranged focus in treating hematochezia, bloody haemorrhoid with bright red colour chemically may come in force to exhibit even purging. Red profuse vaginal bleeding of metrorrhagia and metrostaxis due to blood heat accompanied by dry mouth and lips---the focusing zones of the nerve is a subject of withdrawing perfomance by this Od Force. It withdraws the diversion of materially treated blood lingering dysentery, actions of purging fire and relieving toxicities, empyrosis by lifting the diversions caused from cleared heat and cooled blood, relieved toxicity and eliminated swelling. It escorts the human system from suffering mostly burning from the externally medication to prevent toxic hepatitis due to lots of tannin absorption it contains. It adds up the lost Od Force resulted from the material treaments of abscess and carbuncle before and after pus is formed. The diversions from chemically treated various skin conditions are also under the surveillance of this Od Force for withdrawing the diversion herefrom. The constriction functioning on the blood vessel that stops bleeding of varicose veins, sweeling of the blood vessels on the surface of skin, eczema, burns, etc. are done reversed to salvage the additionally suffering human subjects. It also finds out the chemical shifts came from the diarrhea, leucorroea etc. like abnormal discharges to to counterbalance the Od Force that had been lost during the chemical process that keeps the sufferings behind the curtain as if the same has been cured. The chemical diversion of peptic ulcers and haematuria is also in the curing capability of thid Force selectively.