Thursday 31 March 2016

Agaricus muscarius

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Agaricus muscarius
Toad stool
The Od Force of the strips and pileus fresh or dried is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. It is materially tremendous poison. It withdraws the diversions of the muscarine poisoning characterized by miosis, blurred vision, increased salivation, excessive sweating, lacrimation, bronchial secretion, bronchoconstriction, bradycardia, abdominal cramping, increased gastric acid secretion, diarrhea and polyuria. Withdrawing all the chemical diversions focused in the nerve system it escorts the human system after salvaging from the above sufferings. It cancels the caused tremor, convulsion and hypothermia. Cardiac ventricles contain muscarinic receptors that mediates the decrease in the force of contractions leading to a lower blood pressure. The Od Force in question cancels chemical diversions that caused the lower pressure. By erasing the chemical shifts that triggered   circulation failure with cardiac arrest the Od Force salvages the suffering human system herewith. The intoxication of headache, nausea, vomiting and constrictions of the pharynx together with the set of salivation. Lacrimation and diffuse perspiration combined with miosis, disturbed accommodation and reduced vision are withdraws in the rewinding process of curing the diseases. The colic of Gastric and small bowels leading to diarrhea with a painful urge for urination is made withdrawn. By cancellation of the bronchoconstricting activities it saves the human system from asthmatic hypotension and severe dyspnea and bradycardia combined with marked hypotension and vasodilation to repair the chemical shifts that caused the circulatory shocks.
The chemical shift of the powerful poison for involuntary muscle producing a marked and long continued rise of tone is reversed herewith also. In its course of action it adds the requisite Od Force to vibrate the deactivated electromagnetic circuit(s) for which the muscular tissue surrounding the sweat gland was affected that had prevented the secretion of the sweat, part by , more or less obstruction and by preventing peristaltic movement and partly perhaps by limiting the blood supply. It cancels the chemical susceptibility of the muscular tissue of the sweat gland.

The chemicals  used for cancertype 2 diabeteshigh cholesterol, “hardening of the arteries” (arteriosclerosis), ongoing liver disease, bloodstream disorders, and digestive problems with other uses including prevention of heart disease, weakened bones (osteoporosis), and stomach ulcers are also used to boost the immune system and for physical and emotional stress may find their chemical shift focus on nerve due to loss of the Od Force in each of the cases. The diversion obtained here may be withdrawn with the addition of the Od Force in question here. In case of diabetes in the course of improvement the body’s use of insulin and decrease insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes causes diverted focus of suffering in the nerve system as a result of the said improvement and decrease of insulin resistance. In the way of the strengthening the immune system, fighting against tumour development and working as an anti-oxidant the ease of the sufferings attained at the cost of the lost of the Od Force from some selected cell to cell negatively charged circuits is cancelled herewith. In type 2 diabetes there often plays the insulin resistance. By lifting this resistance this Od Force facilitates the functions of insulin. It may be mentioned here that insulin is a hormone that allows sugar to move into the cells. In this situation any chemical medication working for the use of lowering of insulin resistance will cause further deduction of the Od Force from the total remaining fund of the Od Force of the human system. By supplying the requisite Od Force this Force in question cancels the stress done over the suffering human system further in the process of lowering the said resistance.
Sometimes the additional diversions caused from the chemically reduced side effects of the chemotherapy including the weakness and loss of appetite are also withdrawn herewith. In lifting the manifestation of itching, nausea it plays an important role. The developed severe liver damage and serious allergic reaction in course the material or chemical treatments of cancer this Od Force in question plays the important role in lifting the crisis by adding the Od Force that had been lost from some selected electromagnetic circuits for which such liver damages had been caused is withdrawn herewith. It rewinds the parasympathomimetic substances’ chemical activities so that the diversion caused from the chemical activation of the peripheral parasymphathetic nervous system that may end in convulsion and death. It is differently effective in gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract but it lifts the cross done chemically in the blood-brain barrier. It deactivates the muscarinic agonist activation over the muscarinic receptors. In its functions it cancels the direct-acting chemical activities of cholinomimetics and thereby rewinding the chemical process that produced their effects by binding to and activating the cholinergic receptors. It reverses the functional activities of the natural neurotransmitter acetylcholine mimicked chemically by the muscarine that had been played in the muscarine part of the cholinergic nervous system by unbinding the muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. In its course of action it reverses the chemical responses over peripheral autonomic tissues though the most such withdrawal capacities of it are on the brain and autonomic ganglia.  Chemical interactions with Gq proteins that stimulates phosphoinositide hydrolysis and the release of intracellular calcium, and chemical interaction with Gi proteins that inhibits adenylyl cyclase to result in a decrease of intracellular concentration of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) are withdrawn herewith. The diversions caused by chemical reactions that occur after the use of the muscarinic agonists in treating glaucoma, postoperative ileus, congenital megacolon, urinary retention and xerostomia are lifted herewith. Chemical contraindication in patients with diseases that make the patients susceptible to parasympathetic stimulation, patients having asthma or COPD or peptic ulcer are escorted from the further loss of the Od Force of the said human ward. Also patients having the obstructions in gastrointestinal or urinary tract facing the aggravations in respect of the obstruction after the use of the muscarinic agonists get an ease after the administration of this Od Force. Not only that the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic (s) that become deactivated for which the aggravated obstruction finally becomes leaded chemically to cause perforation of the intestine after the causation of the built up pressure undergo the activation by this Od Force to rewind the situation.
It withdraws the diversions caused after the treatment of the psycho-physical fatigue, dementia, old fatigue, sclerosis, low immunity, skin problem, rheumatism, neuralgia and tumours.
As an anti-neurotransmitter it lifts the force that opens the muscarinic receptors, the form of acetylcholine receptor. In its action it rewinds that play which causes a crucial part in the relay of electrical signals around the body. It makes free the muscarinic receptors from its clogged state with the neurotoxins. Jobs done in boosting the immune defense in the lymphocytes muscarinic receptors are cancelled herewith. Potentially it is a GABAA antagonist and deactivates the activated receptor for the brain’s principal inhibitory neurotransmitter, GABA to cancel the inhibition. It unbinds the binding of the same side on the GABAA receptor complex as GABA itself, as opposed to other GABAergic drugs which bind to separate regulatory sites. It may be mentioned here that GABAA receptors are widely distributed in the brain. It sweeps the diversions for which the neuronal activity in multiple regions of the brain faces chemically the alterations including the cerebral cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum. It is not only a selective GABA antagonist energically it is also a partial antagonist to lift the agonistic activities from the GABAA-rho receptor. The chemical diversion for which there is caused a rise of both prolactin and growth hormone in patients of Huntington's disease and old schizophrenia. It desynchronizes the synchronized EEG.

 The Od Force in question here lifts all the syndromes of early onset, late onset and delayed onset. The early onset syndromes, four are neurotoxic, two are gastrointestinal, and two are allergic. The late onset syndromes are hepatotoxic, accelerated nephrotoxic, and erythromelalgia. The three delayed onset syndromes are delayed nephrotoxic, delayed neurotoxic, and rhabdomyolysis syndrome by activating the concerned deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s).

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