Thursday 31 March 2016

Viscum album

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Viscum album
The Od Force of the matured branches with fruits, leaves, young twigs is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. As herb it is poisonous.
The Od Force in question here is in an efficacy to target the chemical shift from the lessened and temporarily benumbed nervous actions as is reflected to distant organs of the body from some central organs which is the actual seat of trouble. The Od Force here reverses all the physiological effects incurred chemically or materially in the said process of lessening and the benumbing to expose the loss of the Od Force more furiously in the inner side of the nervous tract towards the central organ. The allayed spasms of epilepsy and other convulsive distempers need to be withdrawn as because of the causation of the aggravation of the convulsive disorders are imminent in the following course of physiological effects to cancel to rewind the whole process to save the human subjects from the serious severity. It is anti-nervine, anti-tonic and the anti-narcotic in the sense that all benefits as we see are caused actually through a causation of some new diseases together with the previous disease or diseases. And the severity of the totality of the Od Force lost here is expressed through some new focus of disease as the previous one has been cured. Actually sufferings of only infection can be cured materially as because of direct chemical reaction between the infecting / infesting organisms and the material or chemical put in curing the disease. Even damages done by the said infection/infestation before coming under the chemical reaction with applied chemicals or materials can be cured chemically. Similarly the diversion from the antispasmodic chemistry will be withdrawn by this Od Force. Actually all these chemical cures hurts the nervous system mostly centrally to cause more grave situation though those have been cured as though off. Checking of the internal haemorrhge chemically is also under the surveillance of this Od Force to sweep the diversions focused on the nervous system. Further loss of the Od Force in the material or chemical treatments of St. Vitus's Dance, convulsions delirium, hysteria, neuralgia, nervous debility, urinary disorders, heart disease, and many other complaints arising from a weakened and disordered state of the nervous system can also be meet up by the supplying this Od Force which in turn will vibrate the respective deactivated cell to cell negatively electromagnetically charged circuit(s) to regenerate the concerned material loss that we do in the name of  curing the diseases. It may be recommended for the diversion caused from the treated sterility chemically. The effects of the typhoid fever treatment on the heart can be erased with the help of this Od Force.  It increases the less reflex irritability and weak heart beat and downs the raised frequency of the slow pulse made high. It is used to cancel the chemical enforcement that has been used to lift the lower blood pressure and heart rate. The diversion focused on the nervous system from the chemistry used to ease the anxiety and sleep is swept. Some part of the Od Force originated from the viscotoxins is capable of lifting the chemical torture for which diversion has been caused on the nervous system, especially in treated cases of cancers.  Finally the Od Force in question withdraws the chemical shifts from the chemically treated spasmodic, cardiac, cytostatic, diuretics, hypotensive, narcotic, nervine, stimulant, tonic and vasodilator troubles focused on the nervous system. The shifting focus of a curing epilepsy and other convulsive nervous disorders is withdrawn herewith. Further the chemical shift in the material checking of the internal haemorrhages, in treating high blood pressure, in treating the cancer of stomach, lungs and ovaries is subjected to the surveillance of this Od Force to lift the same. The Od Force poured in the human system tries to active the deactivated the cell to cell electromagnetically negatively charges so that the requisite is produced. Treated arthritis, rheumatism, chilblains, leg ulcers and varicose veins are withdrawn herewith to escort the suffering human system from the diversion that had been focused the nervous system.
The patients chemically contraindicated with primary or secondary brain tumors, leukemia, or malignant lymphoma is withdrawn herewith.
The enhanced lytic activity of human NK cell is decreased through a rewind mechanism. It lifts the imposed chemical reaction process or chemically established slow downing process on tumour by encouraging the withdrawal of the chemical diversion on the resistance of immune system.
It dispossesses the possessed the negative inotropic effects in the cardiac muscle and cancels the vasoconstriction. It withdraws the demonstrating action on the skeletal muscle. The cardiovascular chemical effects are erased through an exhibition of the inhibited cyclic adenosine monophosphate phosphodiesterase. It withdraws the induction over the induced eosinophilia. It reverses the process input to slow as well as to weaken the heartbeat, as well as narrowing of the blood vessels in the skeletal muscles as well as the skin.
The GI distress caused by the damages in the intestinal lining is withdrawn herewith the Od Force.
As food passes through the gut, it causes very minor damage to the lining of the GI tract. Normally the cells repair this damage rapidly. Since the purpose of the gut lining is to let the good stuff past and keep the bad stuff contained, it’s important for the cellular repair system to be running at full efficiency. But some food stuff can blunt this speedy reconstruction. Our cells can’t regenerate as fast as they need to in order to keep the intestinal lining secure. The Od Force in question here speeds up the rewinding process to offer the speedy reconstruction of the same. The damage in the wall of the gut may cause a broader immune system response as the body’s defenses move in to attack the invaders. Symptoms can include skin rashes, joint pain, and general inflammation. Other chronic disorders may be correlated with leaky gut children with autism have very high rates of leaky gut and similar inflammatory GI tract diseases. All the diversions hare are withdrawn with this Od Force. Direct chemical cytotoxic action (apoptosis induction) or immunomodulation (eg, enhanced natural killer cell activity, increased production of interleukins and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, activation of mononuclear cells, stimulation of granulocyte are withdrawn herewith being rewind.
This Od Force is very effective to withdraw the diversion from chemically treated the profuse menstruation flow, menstrual problems as well as haemorrhages following child birth, persistent cramping, infertility as well as to cure uterine problems. It erases the clumping or agglutinating activities remains engaged on the red blood cells (RBC). It rejects functions of the extremely cytotoxic (a substance like lectins that has noxious influence on specific cells) and it bears the capacity to cancels the diversion occurred from the so-called usefulness in cancer chemotherapy.
The enhanced lytic activity of human NK cells is cancelled by the Od Force in question. The increased lysis of K562 cells by either freshly isolated NK cells or the tumoral NK cell lines NK-92 and NKL is decreased. The linking activity of oligosaccharides (arabinogalactan or rhamnogalacturonan) employed to link killer and target cells is withdrawn herewith.
The chemical procedures of highly basic cysteine-rich small proteins related to the family of thionins and notoriously resistant to protein-denaturing agents are done reversed.

Thionins are cytotoxic for a large variety of eukaryote and prokaryote cells. This toxicity relies on positive charges of thionins interacting un-specifically with phospholipids. Thus, by passive insertion into the cell membranes, thionins permeabilize and kill tumoral cells. The Od Force here erases all the insertions in this respect. It withdraws the induced cell membrane stiffening and destabilization. It lifts the diversion happened chemically on tumor cell lysis by monocytes and NK cells. The synergistic enhancement of lysis mediated by cytokines secreted from killer cells after its binding to NK surface receptors is reversed herewith. So, in this respect, the Od Force here erases out the spectrum of effects focused on established killer–target cell conjugates.

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