Wednesday 20 July 2016

Ervum lens

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Image result for Ervum lens
Ervum lens
The Od Force of the dried and ripe seeds is used as one of the components in the preparation of remedies.
The Od Force is anti-astringent as well as anti-styptic. It lifts the chemical diversions or shifts from the materially treated chest catarrh, biliousness. It cures pain. Materially treated strangury, tumours, dysentery, skin diseases, diseases of eyes and heart faces withdrawal of the chemical shifts caused with this Od Force. It is lifts the mucilaginous activities playing in the human system. It withdraws the harms done by the chemically or materially treated by the laxatives. The diversions from the made enrichment of the blood, chemically or materially treated chest diseases, bronchitis, stomatitis, breast inflammation are also withdrawn herewith. Diversions from the constipation and also other intestinal affections find its solution by salvaging the said suffering from the additionally loss of the Od Force herewith. Improved digestion, convalescence and erased old skin disorders materially also suffer a chemical shifts. The Od Force in question withdraws or erases the sufferings. The accompanied losses of the Od Force in connection with the alleviated peptic or duodenal ulcerations and other intestinal afflictions, ulcers that follow slow healing sores are also met up herewith. It is aphrodisiac. It exhibits the protease inhibition functions. It is directly anti-flatulent. Energically it is specifically nutritional as its erases the anti-nutritional activities bearing the suffering human system. It cancels the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathway circuit(s) deactivations made by lectins, phytohaemoglutins and oligosaccharides. In the same way it opposes the anti-nutritional tannins activities. It rubs out the chemical shifts caused from the chemically or materially treated diarrhoea, old diarrhoea,  malabsorption syndrome, acute vomiting.
It helps in the activity towards the lifting any material shift in cases of the production of red blood cell unusually. It plays greatly its role in withdrawing the material diversions in cases of reduction of excess cholesterol. Diversions caused from the efforts towards the collection of cholesterol from foods, as well as bile acids which are the main materials in the production of cholesterol to force to be eliminated through feces from the human system are withdrawn herewith.
The addition of the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathway circuit(s) due to slow release of the glucose into the intestine and absorption of the same into the bloodstream at a slow rate, with the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathway circuit(s) remaining engaged in the human organisms suffering from the diabetes is cancelled herewith as the Od Force in question actives the deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathway circuit(s) due to slow release of the glucose into the intestine and absorption of the same into the bloodstream at a slow rate.
It withdraws the unusual stimulation of peristalsis (the movement of the intestine to push feces down the colon) in the intestine. It erases the chemical shifts from the caused prevention in the fetal nervous system malformations.

Protease inhibitors are materially or chemically used to deal with the HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C virus widely. Generally these material inhibitors prevent viral replication selectively binding to viral protease e.g. HIV-1 protease and blocking proteolytic cleavage of protein precursors. These precursors are necessary for the production of infectious viral particles. But proteases are enzymes that catalyze the breakdown of proteins. Protein breakdown is a normal process necessary to maintain cellular homeostasis. Active proteases can be found throughout your body, including the digestive tract, inside cells and circulating in the blood. Proteases catalyze proteolysis, an irreversible process that breaks down a protein to its component amino acids. Proteolysis cleaves the peptide bonds between amino acids in proteins. Free amino acids and smaller protein fragments are the products of protease activity. Of all our organ systems, the gastrointestinal tract contains the highest levels of endogenous and exogenous proteases (also known as proteinases and peptidases); but their functions and interactions within the gastrointestinal tract is not restricted largely to nutrient digestion. The gut epithelium is a sensor of the luminal environment, not only controlling digestive, absorptive and secretary functions, but also relaying information to the mucosal immune, vascular and nervous systems. These functions involve a complex array of cell types that elaborate growth factors, cytokines and extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, the activity and availability of which are regulated by proteases. Proteolytic activity must be tightly regulated in the face of diverse environmental challenges, because unrestrained or excessive proteolysis leads to pathological gastrointestinal conditions. Moreover, enteric microbes and parasites can hijack proteolytic pathways through ‘pathogen host mimicry’.  But harms done by the HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C virus, enteric microbes and parasites etc. before being controlled by the protease inhibitor used to control the same or harms done by the chemical(s)/material(s) released in the process of controlling HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C virus, enteric microbes and parasites etc. or harms done by the chemical(s)/material(s) established finally at the closures of all of the chemical reaction between the inhibitor and the said organisms in the process of controlling HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C virus, enteric microbes and parasites etc. or harms done by the said inhibitors before coming into its effects over the attackers in the selected respective sites of the whole of the cell to cell negatively charged pathways circuit(s) of the human system are erased herewith. Not only that, damages done materially how the protease balance is maintained and regulated in the intestinal epithelial cell microenvironment and how proteases contribute to physiological and pathological contribution to the gastrointestinal diseases are also under the consideration of this Od Force to erase the concerned genetic disorders also caused  in these process. Further in case of Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency (α1-antitrypsin deficiency, A1AD) there is caused a genetic disorder that causes defective production of alpha 1-antitrypsin (A1AT), leading to decreased A1AT activity in the blood and lungs, and deposition of excessive abnormal A1AT protein in liver cells. There are several forms and degrees of deficiency; in such cases this Od Force in question here may withdraw the above disorders.
Materially made soothed gastric troubles and constipation creating chemical shifts are withdrawn herewith. Similarly chemically uplifted lowered levels of homocysteine, an amino acid the intermediate product in the metabolic process of methylation cycle faces chemical/material shift or diversion. The methylation cycle plays its crucial role in the bodily processes like detoxification and brain function at the cost of the chemical or material diversion. Unusually increased flow in the circulation of blood, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body is normalized herewith.
Established process of the material or chemical absorption in the small intestine usually by passive diffusion due to their lipophilicity, metabolizations at various areas of the body by the intestinal enzymes is cancelled herewith in rewindingthe same. Even the series of diversions caused due to metabolization by the colon microflora for being hydrolized for absorption of the same in the liver for remaining presnt in the plasma and tissues in nanomotor concentration or being released through kidney in flow of urine are lifted herewith.
The chemical/material diversions caused from the material/chemical wide range of chemical/material anti-cancerous activities in malignant cancer to interrupt cell growth, limit angiogenesis, induce apoptosis and to reduce the ability to metastatisize reducing MMP-3 protein activity.
Estrogen receptors are important in both maintaining a normal mammary gland, and in the development of primary and secondary breast cancer. Material or chemical shifts caused from the interactions with the estrogen receptors pathway and altered signaling in making the growth slow are withdrawn herewith. This Od Force vibrates the deactivated cell to cell negatively charged pathway circuit(s) that come(s) appeared in inducing the apoptosis in breast cancer as the chemistry applied to cure or control the cancer cells through extracellular signal-regulated kinase  ½ activation and up-regulation of p53. The Od Force in question reverses the process inscribed in the genes. In case of ovarian cancer it exhibits the inhibited VEGF production cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathways to divert the cancer cell metastasis.
In withdrawing the chemical or material shifts in the increase in apoptosis In A549 lung cancer cells, the up-regulated pro-apoptotic bax and bad genes and down-regulated anti-apoptotic bcl-2 and bcl-xL expression are reversed herewith. In the process of reducing the growth in pro-myelocytic Leukemia cells the diversion through the altering of the cell cycle is withdrawn to cancel the new focus of more deep seated crisis caused by the further loss of the Od Force due to chemical reaction caused between the human cells and the material/chemical ingested.
Tortures done during establishing the diversion in the process of decreasing bladder cancer, prostate cancer, or colorectal cancer risk, reducing gastric cancer risk and reducing lower risk of pancreatic cancers chemically  are withdrawn herewith.
The inhibitory activity of aldose reductase playing the role in diabetic complications is exhibited herewith. In cases of coronary heart diseases as well as the protective effect on the apoptosis induced by the ischemia/reperfusion of cardiac cells associates with the new focuses of sufferings. To salvage and to escort the suffering human organism from the death valley of the cardiovascular diseases this Od Force takes an important role. Anti-viral as well as anti-bacterial footmarks are erased herewith. Its oxidant activity washes the anti-oxidant chemical effects. It decreases the increased activity or expression of anti-oxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase, catalase, and heme oxygenase-1.

As the age advances, the skin often experiences crease-shrinking of soft muscles on the face. Wrinkles are also caused due to excess exposure to harmful UV rays. Material or ray treatment adds further loss of the Od Force from the suffering human system to cause a new focus with the previous loss due to caused aging. The Od Force in question here adds the loss said above.

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