Thursday 28 July 2016

Pinus maritima

Image result for Pinus maritima
Pinus Maritima
Cluster or Sugar Pine 
The Od Force of the gum resin obtained from the stem of the plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. Generally there is no danger of toxicity.
The chemical shifts from the materially improved circulation, reduced inflammation, protected collagen from degradation are withdrawn herewith. The wound of the loss of the Od Force in the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathway circuit(s) due to free radical scavenging activities is hereby healed up. A wide range of diversion from the chemistry between the human part and the material input in cases of tackling the ailments including long-term vein blood flow problems, heart/blood vessel conditions, and erectile dysfunction is under the coverage of erasing the same by this Force in question.

The tolerances with minor stomach discomfort, dizziness, nausea, and headache occasionally noted in the name of side effects are hereby dealt with strong hand by it. What material damages caused at the loss of the Od Force in the electromagnetic cell to cell negatively charged pathways circuit(s) in the treatment for symptoms of illness such as diabetes and arthritis are made up by activation or reactivation of the said pathway circuit(s) done by this Od Force.
The material or chemical effects achieved in treatment and prevention of retinopathy and retinal micro-hemorrhages, including slowing the progression of retinopathy in diabetics are attended similarly with the appearance of the new focus(s). To abolish the same in the way of returning in the previous stage this Od Force is called on. Any abnormality caused in the blood pressure in the material treatment of the diabetes is lso cancellable with this Od Force.
And the chemical harms done as well as the  related loss of the Od Force in this process of harming the human system or organism further  by the viral diseases are hereby meet up instantly and constantly
Improved symptoms associated with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), a syndrome that includes leg swelling, varicose veinspain, itching, skin changes and skin ulcers with the appearance of new focus as the chemistry continues are hereby erased herewith.
The clinical benefits as you see in the treatments for asthma, allergies and inflammations such as allergic reactions and hay fever are also chemical diversions and these are withdrawn herewith.  In the same way the treatment for heart disease by reducing cholesterol deposition as well as the positivity in treatment of heart disease through the antioxidant effect of reducing the adhesiveness of platelets and reducing blood clotting are nothing but a costing for further loss of the Od Force. These losses will be met up by the reactivation of the concerning cell to cell negatively charged pathway(s) electromagnetic circuit(s) as had been deactivated in the process of so-called cure of those with the utilization of this very Od Force.
Had cardio-vascular and cholesterol lowering benefits, the ability to enhance microcirculation by increasing capillary permeability, significant free radical scavenging activity against reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, the potential to regenerate the ascorbyl radical and to protect endogenous vitamin E and glutathione from oxidative stress, and the potential to protect erythrocytes in G6PD deficiency etc. all are the fruits of chemical diversions with their respective expression of new focuses. All as said will be withdrawn with this Od Force in question to save the organism from the deep den as have obtained in the name or form of cures.
The antioxidant activities established materially in order to protecting carcinogens and free radical damage to DNA are also vulnerable to this Od Force. The diversions in the maintaining of the health of brain cells and facilitates oxygen uptake to improve memory may be taken into consideration for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) with the serious caution that this treatment will escort the suffering human organism in the land of more deep sufferings. The depth, of course, will be cancelled herewith.
We may cancel the results obtained in the material or chemical /material treatments of symptoms of menstrual cramps, fatigue, constipation and anxiety with the help of this Od Force.
Material diversions from the treated degenerative diseases by the herbal remedies, nutrition and supplemental food are also taken up with this Od Force.
 Protected  nerve cells against beta-amyloid, or glutamate induced toxicity, accelerated wound healing processes, reduced scar formation, decreased histamine release from mast cells, and inhibited pro-inflammatory cytokine actions are also reversed or rewinded as the Od Force in question takes up the charge to erase the   chemical or material shifts—the disguises of cure. The establishments from the anti-inflammatory effects in asthma patients and reduction of attention-deficit disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms are also dealt with this Od Force. The chemical diversions from the anti-mutagenic, antimetastatic activities are also dealt herewith.
Inactivation of the superoxide and hydroxyl radical, and inhibition of singlet oxygen formation are reversed herewith. The genetic changes from the diversions caused from the exertion to implement the protective effects against lipid peroxidation, thiobarbituric acid reactive products generation, and oxidative hemolysis induced by peroxide hydrogen are hereby withdrawn.
The chemical or material shifts from prevents put against the accumulation of oxidatively damaged proteins and reduced risk of several neurodegenerative diseases even Parkinson's, and Huntington's diseases are made void herewith. It exhibits the inhibited peroxidation of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), lipid peroxida-tion in phospholipid liposomes, lipid peroxidation caused by t-butylhydroperoxide, and UVB-induced lipid peroxidation in cells.
The chemical or material shifts from the scavenging activity against reactive oxygen and nitrogen species are withdrawn herewith. Decreased nitrogen monoxide (NO) generation due to the scavenging activity against reactive oxygen species and NO is increased herewith. The exhibitions of the inhibition of iNOS activity and inhibition of iNOS-mRNA expression are performed herewith. This Od Force establishes its function against having scavenging activities against reactive oxygen species in macrophages and blocked activation of NF-kappaB and activator protein-1, and exhibits the inhibited expression of pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and intracellular adhesion molecule-1. It exhibits the inhibited TNF-α secretion, nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB-dependent gene expression, and MMP-9 release from lipopolysaccharide-stimulated monocytes.
Increased levels of serum aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase activities, increased malondialdehyde concentration, reduced glutathione content, and decreased catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione -S-transferase activities in the hepatic tissues may be shown withdrawn chemically or materially by the evidence of the decline of serum aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase activities, reduction of malondialdehyde concentration, and enhancement of glutathione levels and catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione-S-transferase activities in hepatic tissues. But this evidence is at the cost of further loss of the Od Force as well as the concerning matter or material from the suffering human system. The focus of ‘cure’ usually will be at a new place. This Od Force is sufficiently potent to cancel that vague cure to salvage from the more serious troubles and escort the suffering human organism on the previous plot.
The increased glutathione (GSH) and GSH-disulphide reductase (GSSG-R) ratio, the activities of endogenous antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT, GSH-Px, GSSG-R), and the activity of γ-glutamyl transpeptidase and enzyme in the pathway of glutathione synthesis are withdrawn herewith. Even diversions caused chemically or materially from the leaded increase in activity of GSSG-R, normalization of the decreased retinal γ-GT activity in diabetes and elevated activity of superoxide dismutase in diabetic retina due to the oxidative stress are cancelled herewith in the process of rewinding the happened.
In case of anti-inflammatory effects a chemical reaction is made put in to inhibit the initiation of inflammation by preventing the release of pro-inflammatory mediators regulated by oxidative stress. The inhibition of the pro-inflammatory mediators in keratinocytes (epidermal cells), leukocytes, and endothelial cell is swept herewith. Inhibition of the release of tissue destroying enzymes (matrix metalloprotein-ases) collagenase, elastase, and gelatinase from inflammatory cells are necessary to recast the same to rescue the suffering human organism from the severity that has made the organism more deficient in the total fund of the Od Force. And it is done herewith.The inhibited enzymatic activity of Cyclo-oxygenase (COX-1 and COX-2) in serum is dealt herewith. Cyclo-oxygenase is responsible for formation of biological mediators, such as prostaglandins, prosta-cyclin, and thromboxane. By inhibiting of this enzyme materially or chemically the relief from the symptoms of inflammation and pain can be provided but not without the causation of further loss of the Od Force from its total fund. So to meet up this loss the Od Force in question will be summoned without any hesitation.
One of the major pro-oxidant challenge, exposure to UV radiation, may lead to the expression of many pro-inflammatory genes including tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), IL-1 α, IL-1β, IL-8, and IL-6 (all these cytokines contain nuclear factor-kappaB binding sites in the 5 flanking region of their encoding gene). This Od Force could be used for protection from solar-simulated UV radiation (SSUV)-induced acute inflammation, photo-carcinogenesis, and immune-suppression. It reverses the process that opposes the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and decreases the expression of mast cell related tryptase and stem cell factor. The inhibition of NF-kappaB activation in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated monocytes, the one of the reasons for anti-inflammatory effects, inhibited iNOS and iNOS-mRNA expression are withdrawn.
The forward passing of the osteoarthritis of the main joints (severe bone and joint abnormalities) in the shape of lowered pain and stiffness and improved symptoms of knee osteoarthritis (flexibility of osteoarthritic joints) may be  backpassed by this Od Force in the size of the withdrawal of the chemical or perfectly saying material diversion or shift.
The material treatment caused shift or diversion from the improvement of type 2 diabetes controls and reduction of the risk factor of cardiovascular disease and antihypertensive material measure in the subjects of diabetes types2 are rewind herewith. The decrease in cardiac gene expression patterns for pro-MMP-2, -9, and -13, and MMP-9 activity with a significant increase in cardiac tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-4 expression is reversed herewith. The decreased endothelin-1 concentrations and increased the concentrations of 6-keto prostaglandin F1a in plasma is also erasable herewith. The improvement of the endothelial function in hypertension by reducing the calcium antagonist is cancelled herewith. The modification of the hypertension is also under the cancellation activity of this Od Force. Significant increase in decrease in serum thromboxane concentration and the systolic blood pressure are established herewith. It reactivates the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathway circuit(s) the deactivation of which causes the endothelium-dependent vaso-relaxation and issues the protections against contractile responses to epinephrine and norepinephrine due to an increase in production of NO by endothelial cells. The vaso-protective effects such as inhibition of platelet aggregation and platelet and leukocyte adhesion, decrease of lipid oxidation, and also reduction of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation are hereby expressed for exclusion of the addition in the loss of the human system. The increased fluidity of erythrocyte is decreased herewith.
 Material means chemical shifts from the preventive effects against edema during long flights decreasing ankle swelling, ankle circumference variation are rebuked herewith to be erased herewith. Prevention and treatment of old venous insufficiency (OVL) and related venocapillary disturbances is rewind herewith. Old venous insufficiency causes venous hypertensive microangiopathy leading to venous ulcerations. The material effects in the improvement of the legs heaviness and subcutaneous edema and in reduction of venous pressure in patients with OVI might be due to the stabilizing the collagenous subendothelial basal membrane or scavenging the free radicals or by the combination of these activities. The erase of the material or chemical shifts caused here is in the hand of this Od Force.
The diversion from the favorable effects on two risk factors for coronary artery disease, i.e., reducing total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels and increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol levels, resulting in a better atherosclerotic index is also under the shooting zone of this Od Force. The increased plasma antioxidant capacity and altered plasma lipoprotein are withdrawn herewith. The resulted diversion or shift from lowered LDL and increased HDL in menopause, the significant increase of plasma antioxidant activity observed after material or chemical administration are cancelled herewith.

 The long term material or chemical treatment in diabetes may associate with enhanced thromboxane synthesis leading to severe vascular complications. The lowered platelet hyperactivity and antithrombotic effects result in supplementation of anti-platelet therapy in type 1 diabetes. The contribution towards the process of inhibiting the dietary carbohydrate absorption by inhibition of α-glucosidase in glucose-lowering effects in diabetic patients is cancelled herewith.
Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disorder, and its complications such as dyslipidemia (elevated levels of total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides and a low concentration of HDL) and hyperglycemia are a major cause of disability and hospitalization. In the passage of time the hyperglycemia of uncontrolled diabetes mellitus increases reactive oxygen species (oxidative stress) and decreases enzymatic antioxidant defenses responsible for retinopathy and cataract formation. As diversion from the material treatment we may face the microvascular pathologies, especially in the eye, kidney, and peripheral nerve. Moreover the increased retinal glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities in diabetes can be used as an effective antioxidant and anti-hyperglycemic therapy for diabetic retinopathy caused by oxidative stress. But this measure is also a process of loosing further Od Force from the human system. The matter may finally be settled in the therapy of this Od Force to save the same from more serious drowning.
Improvement of pulmonary functions and reduction of asthma symptoms, old eosinophilic bronchitis and inflammatory process in the lung, inhibition of release of histamine are subjected to this Od Force in relation of withdrawing the chemical or material diversion caused.
 Lowered menstrual pain, reduced menstrual cramps, abdominal pain and tenderness in gynecological disorders such as endometriosis and dysmenorrhea, therapeutic alternative to gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (Gn-RHa) in the material treatment of endometriosis, reduced climacteric symptoms without unwanted effects in peri-menopause borne chemical shifts are entertained herewith. Beneficial chemical effects producing new focuses of diverted sufferings in the series of painful conditions such as stiff shoulder, herniated disc, and pregnancy associated pain (lower back pain, hip joint pain, pain in the inguinal region, pain due to varices or calf cramps), menstrual cramps and premenstrual syndrome, non-specific antispasmodic action on smooth muscle in several organs are recast herewith.
The reduced hyperactivity of children, catecholamine excretion, and oxidative stress are reversed herewith. Decrease of dopamine and trend of adrenaline and noradrenaline decrease are also reversed herewith. In respect of the level of reduced GSH and oxidized GSSG glutathione in children suffering from ADHD (the neuro-developmental disorder with impulsivity, distractibility and hyperactivity) and on total antioxidant status significant decrease in GSSG and increase in GSH levels, as well as improvement of GSH/GSSG ratio done by materially or chemically are processed herewith for addition of the Od Force lost during the chemical procedure. Moreover improved antioxidant status of ADHD children is rewinded. In the way of protecting DNA against oxidation, normalizing the total antioxidant status and improving attention of ADHD children this Od Force lifts the inscribing process of the effects on the level of oxidized purines represented by 8-oxo-7, 8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoG) and on the total antioxidant status in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
It exhibits not only the inhibited the  binding of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) to host cells but also inhibited HIV viral replication and T-cell interaction. It lifts the induced expression of an intracellular antioxidant protein and manganese superoxide dismutase, and inhibition of phosphorylation of the ribosomal S6 protein. It plays an important role in its antiviral effects. It exhibits inhibition of encephalomyocarditis viral replication. It sweeps the chemical means material diversion caused from the prevention of development of viral myocarditis, and improvement of inflamma-tion and myocardial necrosis. The loss of the Od Force runs in the cell to cell negatively charged pathway circuit(s) to get the beneficial chemical effects on viral myocarditis by inhibition of viral replication and by suppression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, genes related to cardiac remodeling, and mast cell-related genes in the heart muscle of mice (gene expressions of tumor necrosis factor, type-1 procollagen, stem cell factor, and mast cell tryptase) are reversed herewith the expression or the exhibition of all inhibitions.
The results obtained from the antimicrobial activity against various pathogenic prokaryotes (gram negative and positive bacteria), and eukaryotes (fungi and yeasts) in the human organism are cancelled herewith. The chemically caused damage done by the growth and adherence of Helicobacter pylori (the gram negative, microaerophilic bacterium) to mucosal cells of the stomach are erased herewith. The microbial effects of pathogenic microorganisms (e.g.,Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Bacillus cereus, Enterococcus faecalis, Candida albicans, Aspergillus oryzae, and Salmonella sp.) in the human system come to an erase with the use of this Od Force.
By up-regulation of the expression of the androgen receptors it withdraws the material or chemical diversion caused by the reduction of the proliferation of the harmful cell and promoted cell death. In case of prostate cancer the shifts done materially means chemically from the powerful effects on the LNCaP line is withdrawn herewith.

It decreases the materially increased the immune system. Material or chemical shifts through mild and transient gastrointestinal problems, vertigo, headache and nausea are also recast herewith to save the human system from the danger of going sink into more deep troubles.

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