Thursday 22 September 2016

Rosmarinus officinalis

Image result for Rosmarinus Officinalis

Rosmarinus officinalis
The Od Force remaining in the dried sheets (Leaves) is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy.
The material anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory in nature boosts the immune system and improves blood circulation. In playing its antioxidant role it neutralizes the free radicals. This boosting occurs with the happening of the loss of the Od Force meant the electromagnetic force that has built the human organism. By this loss the considered subject loses the material that came in the cell formation. So the target goes in more troubles in respect of total fund of the Od Force that has constituted the concerning target. This Od Force salvages the cargo from being plunged into more serious situation.
The  effective blood level after the use of the material uplifts the cognitive performance but at the cost of a new focus to welcome the joint venture of the previous disease status and the new disease/diseases status caused by the further loss of the Od Force of the target, in the shape of fake cure of the previous disease. The electromagnetic energic contribution of the carnosic acid that fights off free radical damage in the brain helps to rescue the human ship to escort the same on the sea shore. The material flight of the fight against beta amyloid-induced neurodegeneration in the hippocampus is cancelled herewith. In the same way the material or chemical performance that helps prevent brain aging with its chemical or material is treated to cancellation electromagnetically.

Materially or chemically caused differential anti-proliferative performances on human leukemia and breast carcinoma cells along with its material or chemical shifts, the diversion resulted from the anti-inflammatory and anti-tumour agency of the material or the chemical is rewinding herewith. It foils the activities of the cancer causing agents that develops during cooking.
The major component electromagnetic energy in this Od Force as received from carnosic acid that promotes eye health battles against the concerning material or chemical diversion or shift essay. The clinical application of the material in the disease affecting the outer retina such as age-related macular degeneration is cancelled herewith to give the withdrawal effect to the concerning material or chemical shifts. The diversion in the material or chemical treatments in cases of diabetes type 2 is discouraged herewith.
The sufferings resulted from the material used, in the forms of vomiting, uterine bleeding, kidney irritation, increased sun sensitivity, skin redness and allergic reaction are cured as the loss of the Od Force that had been caused in the application of the material is returned herewith though the vibration of the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuitry that has been made by the application for which the above suffering cause.
In respect of its anti-infection activities this Od Force is powerful against bacterial infection, particularly those in stomach. Bacteria H.pylori is a common and very dangerous pathogen capable of causing stomach ulcers. Similarly it links to prevent Staph infections. The chemistry done by the infecting organisms on the human organisms is an outcome of the chemical reaction between the material of the human cell and the material of the infection. In this reaction the suffering human system loses its Od Force in the formation of the new chemistry. The Od Force in question here instantly repairs the damages done in the concerning cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuitry as well as the concerning material of the human system.
Chemically or materially triggered effects of spasms, coma, pulmonary oedema (fluid in the lungs) are withdrawn here. Miscarriage is protected herewith. It exhibits the functions of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor (ACE inhibitor) recorded electromagnetically in the genes. Hypotension as well as the material or chemical diversion of hypertension and congestive heart failure are withdrawn herewith. The cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuitry that relaxes blood vessel as well as decreases blood volume which leads to the lower blood pressure and decreases oxygen demand of the heart is reactivated herewith. In this way it intervenes in the inhibitory activities done chemically or materially on the rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone system to cancel the inhibition.
It nulls the electromagnetically recorded anti-coagulating activity. The chemistry done by the blood thinning is a subject of further loss from the remaining fund of the Od Force of the human organism or human system. The coagulation of the blood was caused due to the said remaining fund of the Od Force that had been amounted by a prior loss from the previous remaining fund. So the situation demands the addition of the Od Force, not chemistry, just a physics—a quantum physics---an amount of electromagnetic energy or photonic energy that will constitute the material as was there before the establishment of the coagulation of the blood.
It is anti-diuretic. The material that functions as diuretic may cause danger to the human organism by helping lithium to reach a toxic level. So by its anti-diuretic activity the Od Force in question here saves the human organism from the danger of such toxicity.
It lifts stomach and intestinal irritation and cures kidney damages. Allergic contact dermatitis is cured herewith. The energic fraction of this Od Force, obtained from monoterpin ketones, cancels the convulsion and erases the diversion resulting as seizures. It is anti-abortive. It drags the stimulation that can cause abortion. So in cases of the pregnancy and nursing this Od Force is very essential. In respect of the Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis it is highly valuable. It is very useful to lift the down sugar level. The chemistry of the material that tortures the digestive system to cause the digestion of starchy food and vegetable to avoid the indigestion is cancelled herewith. It draws down the high blood pressure.
In the way of improving memory the material may shield the brain from free radical. To lower the risk of strokes and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and Lou Gehrig’s disease there causes further loss of the Od Force. This Od Force helps the concerning affected cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathways circuit(s) to regenerate the lost Od Force that has been caused during the material treatment of those. Materially decreased level of cortisol is uplifted herewith. Decrease in the cortisol levels helps in scavenging the free radical activity in the human organism but this decrease in the cortisol is associated with the loss of the Od Force.  Decrease of the level of cortisol, one of the hormones released during the body's flight-or-flight response to stress, in the saliva. In case of the increase of the strength of the immune system from the uses of the material is similarly important to input the system lost Od Force.

It erases the chemical or material diversions caused from the materially treated joint pain. The material or chemical that gives an effect towards the relief to throat congestion, can be used to combat the chemistry of allergies, cold, sore throat and flu to treat the respiratory infections with its material anti-septic anti-spasmodic qualities fails to accept the challenge of this Od Force. Materially treated bronchial asthma disappearance at the cost of throwing the human system into more dangerous output is made cancelled herewith. Slowed down ageing of the skin, tightening sagging and loose skin firmer and more elastic is also a chemical or material shift. The stimulation put on by the material or chemical biological activities that causes cell growth to reduce fine lines and wrinkles is withdrawn herewith. Material anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the swelling and puffiness of the skin as well as the fake healing benefits of materially treated chronic skin conditions such as dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis is easily withdrawn. Rehydrated and toned skin, removed wrinkles and bags on the skin to keeping it taut and healthy, its cell regeneration, replacing the damaged tissue, reducing the appearance of scars and spots are all but an achievement of loss of the Od Force. And in each and every case the Od Force here is quite apt for withdrawal of the chemical or material diversion.
In addition to health and skin benefits the growth of hair and its thickness may also be promoted. In functioning of such promoting the hair follicles are stimulated to grow the same stronger and longer materially or chemically. By stimulating cell division and dilating the blood vessels, the material or the chemical stimulates the hair follicles into producing new hair growth. With these stimulations to the roots and the scalp, the darkening of the hair will be caused at the same time with chemical or material diversions uninterruptedly. To erase these diversions this Od Force will be summoned without any question. Benefits given by the material or chemical for a dry and flaky scalp and preventing premature baldness are also a matter of similar shifts. And naturally these shifts are cancelled by this Od Force.
Material or chemical supplementation that enhances bile flow (which is essential for fat metabolism and detoxification) and reduces plasma liver enzymes (which has been linked to type II diabetes) causing the material or chemical shift is hereby face to face meet up electromagnetically. The detoxification is hereby challenged. By helping enhance the performance of the bile-producing gall bladder as well as balancing out the microflora in gut proper peristaltic activity is promoted, which boosting nutrient absorption and helps reverse/prevent toxic overload. The chemistry causing behind the performance of the production of bile is in the point blank range of this Od Force. Vomiting, spasm, coma and pulmonary are erased herewith. Its anti-miscarriage activity is very notable here. Shifts or diversions from materially treated headaches, muscle pains, arthritis and rheumatism are deleted herewith. Anti-inflammatory material addressed to pain from sprains and joint aches borne diversions are lifted herewith.

The material or chemical stimulation gives the effects towards the increase in the blood pressures and breathing rates, attentiveness, alertness, and cheerfulness. The electroencephalography (EEG) significantly decreases in the power of the alpha (8–12 Hz) waves over the bilateral mid-frontal regions. The decreased alpha -power increases level of alertness. Significant increase of heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate contrasts with the significant decrease in skin temperature. The stimulatory effects on the autonomic nervous system can be cancelled  with this Od Force fragment part obtained from the abundance of oxides (1,8-cineole) and monoterpenes (α-pinene). This fragment withdraws the sympathetic activity that causes stimulating effects on the nervous system. The increased respiratory rate is downed herewith. Inhibited acetylcholinesterase is cancelled. The acetylcholine degradation enzyme resulting prolonged muscle contraction towards the reductions in skin temperatures is also withdrawn. The material or chemical activity causes a significant fall in power of the alpha1 waves in the left and right anterior and right posterior regions. The power changes in the alpha2 waves are also significantly decreasing in all areas of the brain. In contrast, the power of the beta waves in the left and the right anterior brain regions faces a significant increase. No significant changes happen in the case of the theta wave’s power. The spreading of the alpha1 waves in the frontal area and the right posterior brain region get materialization. On the other hand the alpha2 waves reduce spreading of these waves in all brain regions. In contrast, the power of the beta waves in the frontal area increases. The Od Force in question here reverses all the noted changes. The power of alpha1 (8–10.99 Hz) and alpha2 (11–12.99 Hz) activities considerably decreased, however, the power of beta waves (13–30 Hz) significantly increased in the frontal area. A Concordance between EEG variations with the arousal level of the CNS, results. The increase in central activation is typically characterized by a decrease in alpha activities but with an increase in beta activities. The beta wave is thought to be related to the discrete neuronal activities on the cortical surface of the brain. Thus, increasing beta power over the frontal region, the brain area for higher cognition, may be related to the thinking process. Furthermore, 1,8-cineole, the main constituent of the material exhibits an impact on brain waves. 1,8-cineole increases beta waves and inhibits the enhancement of alpha and theta waves that corresponded to stimulating effects to the brain. As a whole this Od Force is quite rewinding in lifting the mechanism that the applied material or chemical put on the CNS. 

Thursday 15 September 2016

Salvia officinalis

Salvia officinalis
Golden sage
The Od Force of the above- ground parts of flowering plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy.
This Od Force is used for the treatment of the effective diseases caused by the material or chemical treatments of the digestive and circulation disturbances, bronchitis, cough, asthma, angina, mouth and throat inflammations, depression, excessive sweating, skin diseases. It lights the load shading in the wider range of material or chemical shifts caused from diseases like those of the nervous system, heart and blood circulation, respiratory system, digestive system, and metabolic and endocrine diseases. It is empowered with qualities to wash out the diversion caused from the chemical or material functions had been registered as carminative, antispasmodic, antiseptic, and astringent.
It is very known that antioxidants play a very important role in protecting the body against the oxidative stress and free radical induced damages which are the cause of various ailments such as diabetes, heart diseases, cancer, brain dysfunction, weakened immune system, etc. But this observation evades the reality of what have been suffering behind the curtain of this mentioned matter of preventing. In the process of giving protection against the oxidative stress and free radical induced damages the employed material takes the charges of performing another chemical reactions with the human cell system for which the human organism cell/cells loses its constructive energy which remains engaged in keeping the cell(s) intact. And finally the system loses more constructive Od Force. So effectively by losing the Od Force finally the human system faces the crisis of additive sufferings in a new focus, new shape of disease where the previous sufferings lose its characters. The improvement in the liver anti-oxidant status is but an offerings of deprive of the constructive Od Force by some new chemical reaction only. Again an extra-cellular chemical reaction facilitates oxidant status of the cell.
Materially earned  beneficial effects on memory disorders, depression, and cerebral ischemia,  restoration of loss or declination of mental functions such as in Alzheimer's disease (AD) are all deceiving to goes latent in creating the new sufferings that shows a new focus as a new loss in the remaining fund of the Od Force that constitutes the human system causes. In AD, the enzyme acetyl cholinesterase (AChE) is responsible for degrading and inactivating acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter substance involved in the signal transferring between the synapses. AChE inhibitor act by counteracting the acetylcholine deficit and enhancing the acetylcholine in the brain. An acetylcholinesterase inhibitor or anti-cholinesterase is a chemical or a material that inhibits the acetylcholinesterase enzyme from breaking down acetylcholine, thereby increasing both the level and duration of action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. But at the cost of causing mild or usually going away effects diarrhoea, headache, insomnia, nausea or potentially serious  abdominal pain, lack of appetite, yellowed skin, dizziness, slow heartbeat, sudden or substantial weight loss, weakness. Some major effects are actions on the parasympathetic nervous system (the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system). And for this there may cause bradycardia, hypotension, hypersecretion, bronchoconstriction, G I Tract hypermotility and decrease intraocular pressure, SLUDE syndrome. Actions on the neuromuscular junction may result in prolonged muscle contraction. It is anti-epileptic and anti-convulsive.
The altered focus of chemically or materially improved memory and cognition, elevated mood as well as alertness, calmness, and increased contentedness are cancelled herewith to get a flight to its previous status by supplying the Od Force that had been lost during the process of improvement, elevation and increase of the betterment above.
The material or chemical antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may cause a long-term protection in the pathogenesis of dementia with a critical condition in curing the same by the supply of the selected electrohomoeo energy as the concerning cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s) becomes obstinate against the vibration to give a breakthrough in reactivation of its deactivation.  The mood-enhancing properties of the same that unruly solves the advanced dementia where disturbed mood and agitation feature, are the major, also undergo chemical or material shift(s). The Od Force in question is highly active to erase these shifts.
The diversion caused from the cytoprotective administration of the material applied against Aβ (amyloid beta plaques) toxicity in neuronal cells is also a subject of this Od Force. The Od Force of Rosmarinic acid posses some energic frequencies which is efficient in lifting the material or chemical diversion caused by the material of this plant. And so in deleting the neuroprotective, antioxidative, and anti-apoptotic effects against Aβ toxicity, the plant Rosmarinus officinalis and this very plant join hand in hand to withdraw the diversion in the group effectively. In fact due to this common zone (actually in Electrohomoeo remedies by such energic common zone the Od Force of the plants have been connected to form a complex) when a material or chemical is administered to cure some cellular disease, due to chemical reaction with the cell or an almost absolutely negligible cellular portion the focus of the present sufferings shifts to some other sufferings which may or may not be expressed , through this passage of common electromagnetic negatively charged cell to cell pathway (s) circuit(s), to even some component’s zone leaving its own zone, if such situation is developed.
The decreased serum glucose in type I diabetic without any effect on pancreatic insulin production is also reversible herewith. Exhibited insulin-like activities are withdrawing herewith.
Increase in antioxidant defenses and improved the lipid profile, without causing any hepatotoxicity or inducing any adverse affects such as changes in blood pressure, heart rate, and body weight indirectly improve the diabetic condition, but with chemical or material diversion. So to cancel the new focus of sufferings this Od Force is called on. The material or chemical, an anti-diabetic, used to sweep the effects of type II diabetes, and acted by reducing liver glucose production as well as increasing the action of insulin is also corrigible in respect of the lost material as well as the involving Od Force of the said attaching material. Hypoglycemic effect in diabetic subjects to be erased or cancelled when this Od Force takes the charge to meet up lost Od Force contributing to the remaining resulting Od Force.
Cancer is characterized by abnormal growth of cells which tend to proliferate in an uncontrolled way, and in some cases, spread to other parts of the body. The important factor in proliferating and spreading of cancer cells is the ability of tumors to produce a large number of new blood vessels, which is known as angiogenesis. Most primary solid tumors are dependent on angiogenesis for survival, growth, invasion, and metastasis. The material or chemical concentrations inhibits this angiogenesis. The Od Force received through the dilution of Ursolic acid remaining in the selected matter effectively exhibits this inhibited angiogenesis and invasion of tumor cells, and metastasis, and suppresses the lung colonization of B16 melanoma cells are cancelled herewith.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a common type of cancer and a significant cause. It develops by genetic and epigenetic alterations which transfer normal colon cells to proliferating cells. The activities of the material that give a fake cure of this suffering undergo withdrawal herewith. Decreased oxidative H2O2-induced DNA damage is reversed herewith.
The Od Force in question here has been constituted with contributions of the component fraction Od Forces of some diterpenoids,  sesquiterpene etc. The Od Force fraction contributed by diterpenoids cancels the cytotoxic and DNA-damaging material or chemical activity in human colon carcinoma Caco-2 cells and human hepatoma HepG2 cells based diversions or shifts by activating the concerning deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic energic circuit(s). The sesquiterpene borne Od Force fraction imposes strong anti-cytotoxic activity in human prostate carcinoma LNCaP cells and so the additive loss of the Od Force of the suffering human system is met up similarly. The energy obtained from the dilution caused dissociation of α-humulene of the sesquiterpene takes the deleting revenges most. The energic contributions of α-humulene, as a strong cytotoxic activity of the sesquiterpene on the human prostate carcinoma LNCaP cells are cancelled herewith. The trans-caryophyllene based electromagnetic energy which is the main component of the Od Force obtained from the sesquiterpene fraction, shows high anti-cytotoxic activity to disperse the chemical activities obtained in course of the materials or chemicals against the melanotic melanoma and renal adenocarcinoma cells to void the corresponding chemical or material shifts.
The Od Force deactivates the activated peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) which is a regulator of genes involved in energy spending as well as lipid and glucose metabolism, and its activation improves the HDL/LDL ratio and lowers TGs in serum, reduces insulin resistance, and reduces the size of adipose (fat) tissue. But in course of achieving this, the suffering human system undergoes more loss of the Od Force to give the effects of the prevention of cardiovascular disease due to, at least in part, prevention of LDL-cholesterol oxidation. The Od Force floats the sinking human organisms to give a safe return to the bank.
Overweight and obesity are recognized to cause a number of abnormalities including Type II diabetes, dylipidemia, hypertension, etc., which are all important risk factors in developing serious diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney diseases, and many others. To regulate fat absorption, the effective way is to reduce body weight and obesity.The inhibited pancreatic lipase activity and suppressed serum TG elevation are withdrawn herewith to root out the concerning material or chemical shifts. The Od or electromagnetic energy attributed by the very material of Carnosic acid and carnosol obtained through dilutions are with an activity functioning against the inhibitory material or chemical activity put on pancreatic lipase. The Od Force part obtained from the Carnosic acid significantly gives birth of a material exhibition of the inhibited TG elevation and reduced gain of body weight and the accumulation of epididymal fat weight.   
Menopause is considered as a physiological adjustment process to an altered hormonal balance. Menopausal symptoms include hot flashes, insomnia, night-time sweating, dizziness, headaches, and palpitations. These symptoms reflect adaptation of the body to estrogen deprivation which affects various central neurotransmitters. Materially or chemically obtained good clinical value in terms of safety, efficacy, and tolerance in the treatment of menopausal hot flashes and climacteric symptoms, validated by statistical analysis and the clinically relevant verdict of patients and physicians are absolutely excluding the consideration of science of cure because those safety, efficacy etc. do not signify any science at all.
 Anti-diarrheal and antispasmodic activities are made withdrawal. Protection against diarrhea components through their inhibitory effect on gut motility by the presence of some gut relaxant is erased herewith. Anti-diarrheal and antispasmodic activities, mediated possibly through activation of voltage-sensitive K+ channels, together with a weak Ca++ antagonist effect are disliked by this Od Force. The material diversion or chemical shifts from the use of the same in the case of the hyperactive gut disorders such as abdominal colic and diarrhea are withdrawn herewith.
Activities of Bacillus mycoidesBacillus subtilisEnterobacter cloacae, and Proteus sp. in the human system are rejected by this Od Force. The growth inhibitory effect on some dental caries causing bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans,Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and Actinomyces viscosus is deleted herewithAnd this very Od Force has every capability to treat the disease affecting mouth and teeth, gum, ulcerated throat and tonsil.. It is potent enough against the detrimental activities in the human system by Staphylococcus aurens and Salmonella species, Escherichia coli and filamentous fungi and yeast such as Candida albicans. By instant supply of the Od Force it foils the intestinal infections by charging the deactivating process as comes to an effect as soon as the infection causes in the concerning cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s).
Material or chemical diversions from rheumatism, excessive menstrual bleeding, and dried up mother's milk when nursing is stopped are also subjects of this Od Force.
It is very useful in typhoid fever and to avert the sequelae of the typhoid fever. Materially treated biliousness, liver complaints, nervous headache, lethargy and palsy, haemorrhage etc. caused diversion or shifts lose their focus herewith. It withdraws the materially caused stimulation.
The material that puts itself in functioning as anti-spasmodic action towards the reduction of the tension in smooth muscle, asthma attacks, causes chemical reaction with the cell/ cellular matter to turn into some new materials/chemicals in which the suffering human organisms losses its concerning Od Force along with the chemical of the system. The Od Force in question helps the system to regain the same of the lost Od Force along with its chemistry. It also erases the evils caused by the secondary infection with a discharge quality towards the diversion caused in the material process of expelling the mucus congestion in the airways.

The component part of this Od Force got from Luteolin through the process dilutions from its material, posses exceptionally strong anti-inhibitory effect against TBK1. TBK1 functions as a key node protein in several cell signaling pathways, including innate immune response and xenophasic elimination of bacteria and under pathological conditions, cell growth and proliferation..  Living cells use complex signaling networks to monitor and respond to their environment. This cellular circuitry relies on specialized “node” proteins that can receive upstream inputs and modulate downstream outputs in order to transduce signals. These proteins are typically enzymes (e.g. kinases/phosphatases, ubiquitin ligases/de-ubiquitinases and nucleotide exchange factors), which when activated by material or chemical inputs, use their catalytic presence of multiple interaction domains can lead to complex switch behavior for these proteins that can be critical for proper signal transduction and cellular response .activity to output signal to downstream substrates. In addition to their catalytic subunits, node proteins often contain discrete protein–protein interaction domains or motifs that mediate associations with other members of the pathway and/or regulate their signaling behavior. Thus, these accessory domains can act as gating elements for node proteins much in the same way components like transistors help control current flow (output) in response to an applied voltage (input) in electronic circuitry. In course of playing its activity the Od Force in question here reverses the above done actions which had been recorded electromagnetically in the gene at the cost of happening of a chemical or material diversion or shift.

Thursday 8 September 2016

Salvia sclarea

Image result for salvia sclarea
Salvia Sclarea
Clary sage
The Od Force of the blow sheets is used as one of the components in the preparation of ther remedy. It can induce a narcotic effect and exaggerate drunkenness.
It cancels the registered anticonvulsive, antidepressant, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, bactericidal activities in the human systems.
The registration of the actions of the material recommended for the women problems to regulate menstrual cycles including delayed or painful menstruation menopausal discomfort undergo withdrawn herewith. The results caused by the tonic, calming material that helps to relieve the premenstrual problems suffer cancellation herewith. Relax done by the material applied towards muscular spasms and pains arising from stress and nervous tension is withdrawn herewith.The most effective estrogen-stimulating action especially when levels of this hormone are low to give the concerning material valuation towards the solutions of the complaints associated with the menopause, particularly hot flashes materially or chemically is reverted herewith and the diversion causing hormone balance is rejected to allow to search the exact cause/causes that cause or causes the said hormone level low and prescribe this Od Force to give back the usual level of the hormone. The dangerous uterine contractions during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, uterine tumour are also under them coverage of this Od Force.
The chemical or material diversions from stopped night sweating in tuberculosis patients are erased herewith similarly.Astringency from the gurgle, eyewash, douched and powered skin wounds is made void. The altered focuses arising from the material or chemical treatments to reduce the muscular spasms, digestive problems like flatulence and indigestion, cramp, dyspepsia towards the soothing digestive problems are washed out with this Od Force to port the suffering human organisms in the pre-suffering state. The cellular chemistry loss sufferings from the material or chemical uses in case of acne, boils, dandruff, hair loss, inflamed conditions, oily skin and hair, ophthalmia, ulcers, wrinkles is rewinded.
The material gains in the shape of degradation of high blood pressure, muscular aches and pains, asthma, throat infections, whooping cough are subjected to the loss of the electromagnetic energy means the Od Force along the concerning cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s) plunge the human organism more complicated situation as the material reaction with the cellular matters(s) happens at the cost of the loss of the Od Force that constituted the lost material to place the same in the fabrication of the cell/cells. It puts it energic qualities to solve the newly happened tortures resulted from the chemical activities on the womb. It lifts the low pressure.
To withdraw the depression, frigidity, impotence, migraine, nervous tension and stress-related disorders what does the chemistry do is deleted as soon as the concerning Od Force reactivates the related cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathway(s). Rejuvenating, balancing, inspiring, revitalizing functions of the material/chemical is hereby swept. The strength earned physically and psychologically in course of the administration of the concerning material is cancelled herewith. In reducing the deep-seated tensions the human system remains stimulating, regenerative etc. but at the cost of the chemical or material shifts. It cancels the vague ease obtained from the materially or chemically treated old fatigue syndrome and escots the humsn organisms from the new focus of sufferings.
The diversions from the materially treated nervousness, weakness, fear, paranoia, and depression, pressures and stress come from outside, the relaxing activity in the people involved in creative work are also subjects of withdrawal herewith with this Od Force. It also withdraws the material /chemical diversions from kidney diseases. It foils the sedative properties put materially in the human system. Improved mood and joint pain bearing chemical or material diversions are also erased herewith.
Chemically or materially upgraded sensitivity over the skin is cancelled herewith. The Od Force in question cures headache and drowsiness, concentration hindering euphoria. From the constitutional point of view the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathway(s) circuit(s) cuts in some considerable points of that of the cannabis sativa to draw a compare between the two.
It nulls the aphrodisiac material activities registered in the human system. The material shifts from the boosted libido and increased sexual performances or materially treated psychological problems related to loss of libido and impotence are established again.
It lifts the stimulation function toward the growth of the hair. It cancels the diversions from the materially limited sebum production in the scalp and treated dandruff. Imposed relaxation in the arteries helps reduce blood pressure and risk of heart problems but not without costing of the material diversion is made lost herewith. The after-effects from the materially promoted relaxation towards childbirth are farewelled herewith successfully. The materially regulated oil production on the skin, especially in the face, reduced inflammation contributing to dermatitis faces crisis of maintaining the old stock of loss of the Od Force resulted from those regulations and the reduction of inflammation.
Bacteria thrived in digestive system, urinary tract, and excretory system experience an expulsion from the human system as this Od Force functions to cure the damage done by the bacterial by vibrating the concerning cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathways circuit(s) that become deactivated by the chemical activities of bacteria with the chemistry of the material of the conerning cell/cells. And in this way It exhibits moderate antibacterial activity against various strains of bacteria like the Listeria monocytogenes, Klebsiella, and Proteus mirabilis species and potent antifungal activity against strains of Candida Aspergillus Penicillium andFusarium species.

It curbs the growth and spread of bacterial and fungal infections; it can also stop the dangerous behavior of bacteria entering our body through water or food. These antibacterial properties protect the colon, intestines, urinary tract and excretory system, by the constant supplies of the Od Force that rejects the loss of the Od Force due due to caused chemistry between the cells of the human organisms and the applied material in the process of infections or infestations at the cost of the reactivation of the concerning deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s). It is also antiseptic in the sense that the infected germs in the wounds finally fail to cause any herm due to narrated mechanisms of curing the wounds by cancelling the chemical activities of the germs with the cell or the cellular matter in presence of the vibration of Od Force on the concerned deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathways circuit(s). The Od Force in question here carries a strong antistaphylococcal activity against clinical strains isolated from wound infections. It is active against strains, including Staphylococcus aureusS. epidermidis and S. xylosus. 

A result of a chemical or material fight against leukemia is also under the target of this Od Force. In case of materially killed cell lines through the apoptosis, a process of programming cell death this Od Force plays an important role. An insufficient amount of apoptosis in uncontrolled cell proliferation, such as cancer, especially colon cancer facing human organisms need this Od Force much to cancel the entry of the concerning chemistry as well as the loss of the concerned Od Force.

In connection with other remaining systems the digestive system founds good health. This amazing system includes a combination of nerves, hormones, bacteria, blood and organs that work together to complete the intricate task of digestion.The secretion of gastric juices and bile can be boosted materially or chemically. And this boosting speeds up and eases the digestive process. By relieving symptoms of indigestion the cramping, bloating and abdominal discomfort may be minimized. So this boosting may prevent stomach disorders and help the body to absorb the much-needed vitamins and minerals, this boosting may regulate the bowel movements, relieve constipation and heal ulcer symptoms and wounds in the stomach. But every thing causes at the cost of material or chemical diversion that include further the loss of the constructive Od Force of the human system means human organism. This Od Force is quite comfort to withdraw these diversions for safe arrival from the from the newly generated focus of sufferings caused by the added loss of the Od Force with the previous loss of the Od Force that caused the digestive disorders.

The health issues like infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome and estrogen-based cancers may cause from the excess estrogen obtained from the consumption of the high-oestrogen foods. This Od Force is incredibly effective to rescue the subjects from the above danger. It cancels the diversions caused from the materially reduced cortisol mean it lifts the lowered cortisol level.

Cholesterol is a naturally occurring substance made by the liver and required by the body for the proper function of cells, nerves and hormones. Cholesterol travels in the lipids (fatty acids) of the bloodstream, which is also called plaque, and can build up in the walls of the arteries. This decreases the flow of blood to vital areas of the body, and if the plaque continues to build, it significantly increases the risk of having a heart attack or stroke.In this situation the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory material or chemical, in the shape of a cardio-protective throws the suffering human organisms into a den of more troubles. The resulting decrease in the emotional stress and improvement in the blood circulation accompany the reduced cholesterol to support the cardio-vascular system to cause gross chemical or material shifts. This Od Force lifts these shifts. It intervenes in the process of maintaining the registration of improving thyroid hormone level activities.