Thursday 8 September 2016

Salvia sclarea

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Salvia Sclarea
Clary sage
The Od Force of the blow sheets is used as one of the components in the preparation of ther remedy. It can induce a narcotic effect and exaggerate drunkenness.
It cancels the registered anticonvulsive, antidepressant, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, bactericidal activities in the human systems.
The registration of the actions of the material recommended for the women problems to regulate menstrual cycles including delayed or painful menstruation menopausal discomfort undergo withdrawn herewith. The results caused by the tonic, calming material that helps to relieve the premenstrual problems suffer cancellation herewith. Relax done by the material applied towards muscular spasms and pains arising from stress and nervous tension is withdrawn herewith.The most effective estrogen-stimulating action especially when levels of this hormone are low to give the concerning material valuation towards the solutions of the complaints associated with the menopause, particularly hot flashes materially or chemically is reverted herewith and the diversion causing hormone balance is rejected to allow to search the exact cause/causes that cause or causes the said hormone level low and prescribe this Od Force to give back the usual level of the hormone. The dangerous uterine contractions during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, uterine tumour are also under them coverage of this Od Force.
The chemical or material diversions from stopped night sweating in tuberculosis patients are erased herewith similarly.Astringency from the gurgle, eyewash, douched and powered skin wounds is made void. The altered focuses arising from the material or chemical treatments to reduce the muscular spasms, digestive problems like flatulence and indigestion, cramp, dyspepsia towards the soothing digestive problems are washed out with this Od Force to port the suffering human organisms in the pre-suffering state. The cellular chemistry loss sufferings from the material or chemical uses in case of acne, boils, dandruff, hair loss, inflamed conditions, oily skin and hair, ophthalmia, ulcers, wrinkles is rewinded.
The material gains in the shape of degradation of high blood pressure, muscular aches and pains, asthma, throat infections, whooping cough are subjected to the loss of the electromagnetic energy means the Od Force along the concerning cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s) plunge the human organism more complicated situation as the material reaction with the cellular matters(s) happens at the cost of the loss of the Od Force that constituted the lost material to place the same in the fabrication of the cell/cells. It puts it energic qualities to solve the newly happened tortures resulted from the chemical activities on the womb. It lifts the low pressure.
To withdraw the depression, frigidity, impotence, migraine, nervous tension and stress-related disorders what does the chemistry do is deleted as soon as the concerning Od Force reactivates the related cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathway(s). Rejuvenating, balancing, inspiring, revitalizing functions of the material/chemical is hereby swept. The strength earned physically and psychologically in course of the administration of the concerning material is cancelled herewith. In reducing the deep-seated tensions the human system remains stimulating, regenerative etc. but at the cost of the chemical or material shifts. It cancels the vague ease obtained from the materially or chemically treated old fatigue syndrome and escots the humsn organisms from the new focus of sufferings.
The diversions from the materially treated nervousness, weakness, fear, paranoia, and depression, pressures and stress come from outside, the relaxing activity in the people involved in creative work are also subjects of withdrawal herewith with this Od Force. It also withdraws the material /chemical diversions from kidney diseases. It foils the sedative properties put materially in the human system. Improved mood and joint pain bearing chemical or material diversions are also erased herewith.
Chemically or materially upgraded sensitivity over the skin is cancelled herewith. The Od Force in question cures headache and drowsiness, concentration hindering euphoria. From the constitutional point of view the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathway(s) circuit(s) cuts in some considerable points of that of the cannabis sativa to draw a compare between the two.
It nulls the aphrodisiac material activities registered in the human system. The material shifts from the boosted libido and increased sexual performances or materially treated psychological problems related to loss of libido and impotence are established again.
It lifts the stimulation function toward the growth of the hair. It cancels the diversions from the materially limited sebum production in the scalp and treated dandruff. Imposed relaxation in the arteries helps reduce blood pressure and risk of heart problems but not without costing of the material diversion is made lost herewith. The after-effects from the materially promoted relaxation towards childbirth are farewelled herewith successfully. The materially regulated oil production on the skin, especially in the face, reduced inflammation contributing to dermatitis faces crisis of maintaining the old stock of loss of the Od Force resulted from those regulations and the reduction of inflammation.
Bacteria thrived in digestive system, urinary tract, and excretory system experience an expulsion from the human system as this Od Force functions to cure the damage done by the bacterial by vibrating the concerning cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathways circuit(s) that become deactivated by the chemical activities of bacteria with the chemistry of the material of the conerning cell/cells. And in this way It exhibits moderate antibacterial activity against various strains of bacteria like the Listeria monocytogenes, Klebsiella, and Proteus mirabilis species and potent antifungal activity against strains of Candida Aspergillus Penicillium andFusarium species.

It curbs the growth and spread of bacterial and fungal infections; it can also stop the dangerous behavior of bacteria entering our body through water or food. These antibacterial properties protect the colon, intestines, urinary tract and excretory system, by the constant supplies of the Od Force that rejects the loss of the Od Force due due to caused chemistry between the cells of the human organisms and the applied material in the process of infections or infestations at the cost of the reactivation of the concerning deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s). It is also antiseptic in the sense that the infected germs in the wounds finally fail to cause any herm due to narrated mechanisms of curing the wounds by cancelling the chemical activities of the germs with the cell or the cellular matter in presence of the vibration of Od Force on the concerned deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathways circuit(s). The Od Force in question here carries a strong antistaphylococcal activity against clinical strains isolated from wound infections. It is active against strains, including Staphylococcus aureusS. epidermidis and S. xylosus. 

A result of a chemical or material fight against leukemia is also under the target of this Od Force. In case of materially killed cell lines through the apoptosis, a process of programming cell death this Od Force plays an important role. An insufficient amount of apoptosis in uncontrolled cell proliferation, such as cancer, especially colon cancer facing human organisms need this Od Force much to cancel the entry of the concerning chemistry as well as the loss of the concerned Od Force.

In connection with other remaining systems the digestive system founds good health. This amazing system includes a combination of nerves, hormones, bacteria, blood and organs that work together to complete the intricate task of digestion.The secretion of gastric juices and bile can be boosted materially or chemically. And this boosting speeds up and eases the digestive process. By relieving symptoms of indigestion the cramping, bloating and abdominal discomfort may be minimized. So this boosting may prevent stomach disorders and help the body to absorb the much-needed vitamins and minerals, this boosting may regulate the bowel movements, relieve constipation and heal ulcer symptoms and wounds in the stomach. But every thing causes at the cost of material or chemical diversion that include further the loss of the constructive Od Force of the human system means human organism. This Od Force is quite comfort to withdraw these diversions for safe arrival from the from the newly generated focus of sufferings caused by the added loss of the Od Force with the previous loss of the Od Force that caused the digestive disorders.

The health issues like infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome and estrogen-based cancers may cause from the excess estrogen obtained from the consumption of the high-oestrogen foods. This Od Force is incredibly effective to rescue the subjects from the above danger. It cancels the diversions caused from the materially reduced cortisol mean it lifts the lowered cortisol level.

Cholesterol is a naturally occurring substance made by the liver and required by the body for the proper function of cells, nerves and hormones. Cholesterol travels in the lipids (fatty acids) of the bloodstream, which is also called plaque, and can build up in the walls of the arteries. This decreases the flow of blood to vital areas of the body, and if the plaque continues to build, it significantly increases the risk of having a heart attack or stroke.In this situation the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory material or chemical, in the shape of a cardio-protective throws the suffering human organisms into a den of more troubles. The resulting decrease in the emotional stress and improvement in the blood circulation accompany the reduced cholesterol to support the cardio-vascular system to cause gross chemical or material shifts. This Od Force lifts these shifts. It intervenes in the process of maintaining the registration of improving thyroid hormone level activities.

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