Thursday 1 September 2016

Euonymus Europaeus

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Euonymus Europaeus
Spindle Tree
The Od Force of the fruits, seeds and wood of this plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of remedy. It is poisonous. Though the poison is present throughout the plant it is the berries which causes harm mostly.

Symptoms appearing materially or chemically involve diarrhea, vomiting and stimulation of the heart. The cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathways circuit(s) becomes profoundly involved in this deactivation to cast hallucinations, loss of consciousness and sufferings of meningitis with a strong base on gradual intoxication on the way of more poisoning. The circuit(s) may be extended to cause kidney failure to end the sufferings in the circulatory failure. The Od Force in question here accounts for lifting the material use borne suspension of the Od Force that was travelling in the deactivated circuit(s). Nausea, dizziness and strong stomach pain etc. are withdrawn herewith. And in this way death from the poisoning with chemical cancellation is reversed to life with the reestablished failed circulatory system.
It withdraws the stimulated appetite and flow of gastric juice. It is anti-irritant to the intestine and is anti-cathartic. The loss of the Od Force of the human organism as a result from the material use to cause diuretic and expectorating functions is met up herewith. The material or chemical shifts from the material uses of the purgative in case of constipation with liver disorders particularly followed or accompanied with fever are erased herewith. It lifts the stimulation from the liver and promoted activities to cause flow of bile. Fatal blood-stained diarrhea and convulsions which may result death is also within the withdrawal activities of this Od Force. Paralysis of the digestive tract and inflammation of the intestines are withdrawn herewith. It is well in treating the scabies, lice (head, body or pubic), tick and other skin parasites with the addition of the Od Forces as are lost due to the activities of those.
This Od Force is similarly an anti-malarial. It cancels the established stimulation in the nutritive process. The material shifts resulted from the materially or chemically lifted dropsy caused from the liver and renal inactivity, are withdrawn herewith.
It exhibits the phosphodiesterase, cyclic nucleotidephosphodiesterases inhibition. In its activities it decreased the raised intracellular cAMP, deactivates the activated PKA, exhibits the inhibited TNF-alpha and leukotriene synthesis and increased the reduced inflammation and innate immunity and functions as agonist against adenosine receptor antagonist.
As a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, the phosphodiesterase enzymes are prevented from converting the active cAMP to an inactive form. cAMP works as a second messenger in many hormone- and neurotransmitter-controlled metabolic systems, such as the breakdown of glycogen. When the inactivation of cAMP is inhibited materially, the effects of the neurotransmitter or hormone that stimulated the production of cAMP are much longer-lived. In general, the net result is a stimulatory effect. This Od Force erases the material shifts caused from these stimulatory effects rewinding the described passage.
It works to lift the vasodilator (a blood vessel widener) and the heart, especially myocardial stimulant activities. In treating the high blood pressure the material’s ability to dilate blood vessels is used. But this is caused at the cost of further loss of the Od Force from the human system to sum up the same with the loss as was performed during the establishing the said blood pressure. So this Od Force erases out the dilation of the blood vessels. Diversions came from materially treated other circulatory problems including arteriosclerosis, certain vascular diseases, angina pectoris etc. might be withdrawn also herewith.  The deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s) caused by syphilitic angina attacks and degenerative angina are hereby reactivated to cure the same erasing the diversions received from the material or chemical treatments of those.
Materially improved microhardness of tooth enamel which could potentiality increase resistance to tooth decay is also associated with the loss of the Od Force with a new focus of disease. This focus can be withdrawn with the administration of this Od Force. The loosening of the muscles in the bronchus caused helps alleviate the symptoms of asthma is withdrawn herewith.
It draws the attention of the torture experienced by the vagus nerve caused by the antitussive or cough reducing material to lift the same. Similarly the relaxed smooth muscle in bronchi in treated asthma also experiences the need of this Od Force. The prostate cancer in older man, prenatal and infant hypospadias and testicular cancer are targets of this Od Force.
It vibrates the deactivated cell or cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s) to cancel the process of inducing to cause genetic mutation. It has tremendous constructional effects on the adenine and guanine bases of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). It breaks the reversible blocks against the action of adenosine on its receptor and consequently withdraws the respective chemical or material diversions or shifts caused from the onset of drowsiness induced by adenosine. It makes free certain portions of the autonomic nervous system from established stimulation. The material or chemical shifts from the materially treated prematured bronchopulmonary dysplasia and apnea may be used to make week the basement of the diversion or shift. In cases of such types of shift caused from the Parkinson’s disease, cardiovascular disease such as coronary artery and stroke are also subjects of this Od Force to be weakened at their own bases. 
It withdraws the established delay in the onset of muscle fatigue and central fatigue. It puts its softening effects on the arterial stiffness. Materially affected gastrointestinal motility and gastric acid secretion are withdrawn herewith. Increased basal metabolic rate is also lifted herewith. In cases of postmenopausal women established acceleration in causing bone loss is removed herewith.
Gene polymorphism could be associated with caffeine withdrawal symptoms and beta-1 and beta-2 play roles in this withdrawal. Compared to people with homozygous Gly16 allele, people with the heterozygote ADR beta-2 Gly16 Arg gene polymorphism have a higher chance of feeling fatigue after 48 hours of caffeine withdrawal. Probably beta2- adrenoceptors are the main cause for this increase in mental fatigue symptoms.  Beta 2- adrenoceptors are receptors that regulate glycogenolysis, secret insulin and intramuscularly transport glucose that is used for cerebral and muscle activity. The genes ADRbeta1 Gly16 Arg and CYP1A2-163A>C polymorphisms are associated with peoples' mood swings and increased depression level. Among subjects homozygous for the CYP1A2 allele, ADRbeta1 Gly389 allele carriers are reported to have a higher percentage of depression level increase when compared to Arg389 homozygotes subjects. Adrenergic receptors, again, play a key role in this symptom, as altered norepinephrine (an adrenoceptor agonist) neurotransmission contribute to the etiology of depression. This symptom is often seen in faster caffeine metabolizers, because caffeine effects diminish quicker in these people and provide them less opportunity to adapt to caffeine loss. In all cases discussed above here the Od Force in question opposes the caused loss of the Od Force by reactivating the deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s) created by the chemical reactions between the human cellular system and the applied material.
Again Beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptors (AR) play a pivotal role in regulation of the cardiovascular system. Both beta-AR subtypes are polymorphic. There are two major single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the beta(1)-AR gene: the Ser49Gly and Arg389Gly beta(1)-AR polymorphisms. In recombinant cell systems Gly49 beta(1)-AR is much more susceptible to agonist-promoted downregulation than Ser49 beta(1)-AR, while Arg389 beta(1)-AR is three to four times more responsive to agonist-evoked stimulation than Gly389 beta(1)-AR. There are three major SNPs in the beta(2)-AR gene: the Arg16Gly, Gln27Glu and Thr164Ile beta(2)-AR polymorphisms (occur in humans only in the heterozygous form). In recombinant cell systems Gly16 beta(2)-AR is much more susceptible to agonist-promoted downregulation while Glu27 beta(2)-AR is rather resistant to agonist-induced downregulation but only in combination with Arg16, that occurs naturally extremely rare. Thr164 beta(2)-AR is three to four times more responsive to agonist-evoked stimulation than Ile164 beta(2)-AR. This review speaks of the possible relationship of these polymorphisms to cardiovascular diseases. It is appearing that the cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, coronary artery disease and chronic heart failure, beta(1)- and beta(2)-AR polymorphisms do not play a role as disease-causing genes; however, they might affect material responses. Thus, it might be possible, by assessing the beta(1)-AR genotype, to predict responsiveness to beta(1)-AR agonist and -blocker treatment: patients homozygous for the Arg389 beta(1)-AR polymorphism should be good responders while patients homozygous for the Gly389 beta(1)-AR polymorphism should be poor responders or non-responders. Furthermore, subjects heterozygous for the Thr164Ile beta(2)-AR polymorphism exhibit blunted responses to beta(2)-AR stimulation. Finally, the Arg16Gln27 beta(2)-AR haplotype appears to be - at least in human vascular and bronchial smooth muscles - rather susceptible to agonist-induced desensitization (in contrast to the recombinant cell system findings), and might have some predictive value for poor outcome of heart failure.  So in cases of vascular or muscular diseases here also the applied material is doing the detachment of the Od Force of the human organism further in the way of causing the chemical reaction with the human system material for which total loss of the Od Force expresses itself through some altered focus and the patient gets betterment from his impinging sufferings. The Od Force in question washes the underlying chemical or material diversions caused from the materially treated hepatocellular and endometrial cancer. The shift may be expressed in a colorectal cancer or bladder cancer and the administration of this force will salvage the human organisms suffering from this colorectasl cancer to its previous Od Force situation by activating the deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s) which is resulted in course of the chemistry action of the material given for the treatment of the said hepatocellular and endometrial cancer etc. It is equally smart to lift the diversions caused from the materially treated Alzhemer’s disease, type -2 diabetes. Increased intraocular pressure with glaucoma is withdrawn herewith. The serious material or chemical shifts from the liver cirrhosis is erased herewith similarly.
 The undergoing restlessness, fidgeting, anxiety, excitement, insomnia, flushing of the face, increased urination, gastrointestinal disturbance, muscle twitching, a rambling flow of thought and speech, irritability, irregular or rapid heartbeat, and psychomotor agitation, mania, depression, lapses in judgment, disorientation, delusions, hallucinations, or psychosis, rhabdomyolysis (breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue) are also the subjects of this Od Force.
Its mechanism of action is as an anti-antagonist of adenosine receptors in the brain. When a person is awake and alert, little adenosine is present in (CNS) neurons. With a continued wakeful state, over time it accumulates in the neuronal synapse in turn binding to and activating adenosine receptors as are found in certain CNS neurons; when activated, these receptors produce a cellular response that ultimately increases drowsiness. Materially an antagonizing effect is fallen on the adenosine receptors. Adenosine is prevented from activating the receptor by blocking the location on the receptor where adenosine binds to it. As a result, drowsiness is prevented, and thus restores alertness is maintained. But it is at the cost of chemical or material shift. This Od Force is capable of lifting the above shift(s) or diversion(s).
It functions an anti-receptor antagonist at all adenosine receptor subtypes (A1, A2A, A2B and A3 receptors). As an anti-antagonism at these receptors it withdraws the established stimulation from the medullary vagal, vasomotor, and respiratory centers by decreasing the increased respiratory rate, lifting the reduced heart rate, and cancelling the constrictions from the blood vessels. As an adenosine receptor anti-antagonism also downs the promoted neurotransmitter release (e.g, monoamine and acetylcholine), adenosine activities as an inhibitory neurotransmitter that suppresses activity in the central nervous system are reversed herewith. Palpitations of heart caused by blockade of the adenosine A1 receptor are cancelled here again by lifting the said blockade.
Material both water- and lipid-soluble crosses the blood-brain barrier that separates the bloodstream from the interior of the brain. Once in the brain, the principal mode of action is as a nonselective antagonist of adenosine receptors, an agent that reduces the effects of adenosine. This Od Force is capable of losing the binding to adenosine receptors on the surface of cells acting as a anti-antagonist.
In addition to its activity at adenosine receptors, it functions as an inositol triphosphate receptor 1anti-antagonist and a voltage-independent deactivator of the ryanodine receptors (RYR1, RYR2 and RYR3). It is also an anti-antagonist of the ionotropic glycine receptor.

It indirectly opens bind to any dopamine receptors. It influences opening of binding of dopamine at its receptors in the striatum by opening the binding to adenosine receptors that forms GPCR heteromers with dopamine receptors, specifically the A1—D1 receptor heterodimer (this is a receptor complex with 1 adenosine A1 receptor and 1 dopamine D1receptor) and the A2A-D2 receptor heterodimer  (this is a receptor complex with 2 adenosine A2A receptors and 2 dopamine D2 receptors). The A2A–D2 receptor heterotetramer has been identified to mediate some of its psychostimulant effects and its pharmacodynamic interactions with dopaminergic psychostimulants.
Materially caused release of dopamine in the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens core  (a substructure within the ventral striatum), but not the nucleus accumbens shell, by anti-antagonizing A1 receptors in the axon terminal of dopamine neurons and A1-A2A  heterodimers (a receptor complex composed of 1 adenosine A1 receptor and 1 adenosine A2Areceptor) in the axon terminal of glutamate neurons is withdrawn herewith. It reestablishes the lost material tolerance in the nucleus accumbens core by lifting the inductive effects over the materially induced dopamine release.
It acts as exhibitor against the phosphodiesterase inhibition. As exhibitor it decreases the raised intracellular cAMP, deactivates the activated protein kinase A, exhibits the inhibited TNF-alpha and inhibited leukotriene synthesis and lifts the reduced inflammation and innate immunity. It also affects the cholinergic system by exhibiting the inhibited enzyme acetylcholinesterase.
It opposes the antagonizing material activities over the adenosine A2A receptors in the ventrolateral preoptic area (VLPO) withdrawing the reduced inhibitory GABAneurotransmission to the tubermammillary nucleus, a histaminergic projection nucleus that activation-dependently promotes arousal. 

It imposes its withdrawal activities over the materially caused mutation on selected chromosomes. 

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