Monday 21 November 2016

Populus albus

Image result for populus alba

Populus Albus
White poplar
The Od Force of the closed buds blows branch crust and blows sheet buds is used to prepare this component.This Od Force in question activates the deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathways networks/circuits as caused by the materials that have functioned to deal with the anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, diuretic and tonic. It is used to cancel the results obtained from the material treatments of rheumatism, arthritis, gout, lower back pains, urinary complaints, digestive and liver disorders, debility, anorexia, also to reduce fevers and relieve the pain of menstrual cramps. It also reestablishes the activities of the deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathways networks/circuits in the external material or chemical treatments in the chilblains, haemorrhoids, infected wounds and sprains. The results in the material or chemical treatments of caries of teeth and bones are reversed herewith as it activates the concerning electromagnetic fields to reproduce the corresponding constructive Od Force.
The material/chemical functions reputed for possessing pain-alleviating and anti-inflammatory properties are cancelled herewith. The consequences from the use of the material in the treatments of the arthritic and rheumatic pains and aches help in detaching the concerned Od Force that had constituted the lost one(s) is also under this Od Force to wash out. Moreover the material or chemical diversion/shifts from the material effects in reducing fever and fever particularly when the condition is related to rheumatic arthritis.
It withdraws the material stimulation electromagnetic recordings of works as an energizer while treating anorexia as well as other different conditions related to debility. Similarly it deletes material or chemical possessions over the antiseptic and astringent attributes that make it effective while treating diarrhea as well as symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS), even conditions somewhat below old diarrhea. The material or chemical shifts caused from the process of promoting digestion and augmenting the functions of liver and stomach in case of loss of appetite are erased herewith.
Other material or chemical benefits including its usefulness in treating infections of the urinary tract and its effectiveness in feverish cold as well as infections causing cystitis are dealt firmly to rewind the process. The other uses of the material to include the treatments of the weakness of the female organs, urine incontinence, dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) as well as discharge of mucus from the bladder are also taken into considerations to root out the caused Od Force deficiency.
The dangerous deactivation of the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathways network(s)/circuit(s) along with destruction of its related material after the use of material blood thinner is withdrawn herewith. Augmented risk of bleeding in the stomach is erased herewith.
The chemical or material diversions caused in the material or chemical treatment of caries of teeth and bones is removed herewith. It withdraws the skin reactions, vomiting, liver toxicity, allergic affections, nausea, heartburn. It erases the diuretic footprints of gonorrhea. Material’s depurative functions are withdrawn herewith. It is effective in burns and cold. Reducing of pain and inflammation that are associated with sore throats, arthritis, colds, headaches, rheumatism, fevers, and strained or aching muscles are subjected to the loss of the Od Force from the human system. The ease of symptoms of cystitis and enlarged prostate, as received from the material or chemical diuretic treatment are erased hereby to lift the focus of diversion caused by the chemical or material treatments. The material or chemical activities in the strong astringent and antibacterial action relieves many skin conditions, including burns, cuts, wounds, abrasions and that material or chemical activities may help loosen and expel mucus to ease coughs, congestion and respiratory infections. But all these are chemical or material diversion or shifts. These shifts hide those sufferings through causation of some new focus denoting the sum of the loss of the Od Force that had been caused earlier to cause those sufferings as are being treated now plus the loss by the treatment as done now and as a result the pain impulses may be blocked in brain, fever control thermostat may be changed in brain. It is oxidant in performing its duty.
Threatening sufferings appeared after the material or chemical treatments of hazards of pregnancy, chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract, such as stomach or duodenal ulcers, reflux esophagitis, ulcerative colitis, spastic colitis, diverticulosis or diverticulitis are lifted herewith.
Its functions are notable where the chemical or material diversions or shifts cause from arthritis and rheumatism where there is much pain and swelling. Its means this Od Force is most effective when the diversions or shifts have been caused from a broad therapeutic area which is different when the therapeutic zone is small or simply other. If these diversions or shifts are caused from the flare-up of rheumatoid arthritis it is most applicable. A chemical or material that functions as a cholagogue, stimulates the digestion and specially stomach and liver function particularly where there is loss of appetite. The cellular damages done by the infections causing feverish cold and infections such as cystitis are withdrawn herewith. The material or chemical astringency that has been used to treat diarrhea/dysentery is rewind herewith with the lift of the astringency as the applied Od Force generates the loss of the material or chemical caused loss during the process of astringency.
Such diversions or shifts from the material or chemical treatments of the pathologies like intermittent fever, protracted fevers, prostatic hypertrophy and general debility are subjected to easily withdrawing.
The diversion of chemical shifts from the sufferings of tinnitus ringing of the ears, Itchy skin, hives or rashes, asthma and other breathing difficulties, angioedema, headaches, swelling of hands, feet, eyelids, face and/or lips, bed wetting or urgency to pass water, persistent cough, changes in skin color/skin discoloration, fatigue, sore, itchy, puffy or burning eyes, sinusitis/nasal polyps, diarrhea, hyperactivity, memory loss and poor concentration, depression, pseudoanaphylaxis are withdrawn herewith.
It works through several different pathways. It rewinds the material procedures that produce its anti-inflammatory effects via suppressing the activity of cyclooxygenase (COX), an enzyme that is responsible for the production of pro-inflammatory mediators such as the prostaglandins. It does this not by direct exhibition of the inhibition of COX like most other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory material but instead by expression of the suppression of the enzyme. It deactivates adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and this action plays a role in withdrawing the anticancer effects of the material. The material or chemical antidiabetic effects are likely mediated by AMPK activation primarily through allosteric conformational change that increases levels of phosphorylation. This process is reversed herewith.
It also challenges the uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation, which leads to increased ADP: ATP and AMP:ATP ratios in the cell to reverse the same in opposite direction. As a consequence, this Od Force alters the alter AMPK activity and work done as an anti-diabetic by altering the energy status of the cell is cancelled herewith. AMPK knock-out displayed as an anti-diabetic effect, demonstrating at least one additional is cancelled herewith.
It affects the regulated c-Myc level at both transcriptional and post-transcription levels. Inhibition of c-Myc may be an important pathway by which the selected material or chemical exerts an anti-cancer effect, decreasing the occurrence of cancer in epithelial tissues at the cost of the material or chemical diversion or shifts is cancelled herewith to exhibits the rewinding paths in this respect.
It works to reverse keratolytic, comedolytic and bacteriostatic materiality that cause the cells of the epidermis to shed more readily, opening clogged pores and neutralizing bacteria within, preventing pores from clogging up again and allowing room for new cell growth. The diversion or shifts from these chemical or material activities are washed herewith.
The ototoxic effect caused at the cost of inhibiting prestin is withdrawn herewith. The materially or chemically induced transient hearing loss in zinc-deficiency is withdrawing here. In its functions the Od Force in question what does in induced hearing loss in zinc-deficiency, an injection of zinc helps get back the hearing that had been lost. But this recovery caused by the zinc injection takes place at the cost of loss of the Od Force as zinc causes chemical or material reactions with the cellular or chemical matter of the human system. As a result the human system here loses further Od Force or the electromagnetic force that had made intact the lost matter in the cell or cells. So due to loss of this Od Force a new focus of deficiency is created which signifies more troublesome sufferings of the patient.
Late pregnancy associated with bleeding, especially intracranial bleeding is withdrawn herewith. It cancels the material or chemical teratogenic potential, if any, how much low it may be. It withdraws the state of metabolic acidosis with compensatory respiratory alkalosis to reject morbidity and mortality though a process of chemical rewinding as the Od Force questioned here functions. In case of Reye's Syndrome its use could not be overlooked.
Cancelling the loss of the Od Force that was caused to perform the material or chemical action of hyper pigmentation over the skin without a broad spectrum sun block is withdrawn herewith.
Inhibition of the action of two enzymes called cyclooxgenase is hereby exhibited. Normally these enzymes convert an essential fatty acid called arachidonic acid into prostaglandins - hormone-like chemicals responsible for pain and inflammation - and leukotrienes. In doing so conversion some chemical reactions take place in which the Od Force of the cell as well as some cell matters is exhausted. So that a new focus is caused from this loss as well as from the loss of the Od Force due to previous inhibition. When the production of prostaglandins is made blocked, more leukotrienes are produced instead, becoming a problem for people who are sensitive to leukotrienes.  Leukotrienes are involved in a wide range of inflammatory conditions. The Od Force in question here meets up all the loss here by vibrating the respective cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s).
Other material or chemical diversion or shifts caused from the actions including fever reduction, general anti-inflammatory effect, increased volume and concentration of bile and rubefacient actions from external use is erased herewith. The shifts or diversions resulted from anti-inflammatory effect of anti-prostaglandin and bradykinin actions are rewind herewith. The diversions or shifts from the material or chemical activities that function as anti-septic, anthelminitic and caustic in the human material/chemical system are withdrawn herewith.
The materials of glycosides consist of secondary metabolites. These metabolites are tied to monosaccharide or an oligosaccharide or to uronic acid. This part of monosaccharide or uronic acid is termed as glycone and whatever the other molecule this glycon is attached to is named as aglycon. Flavonoids, frequently occurring as glycosides, are aglycones and whatever the saccharides these are attached to are the glycones. The glycone and aglycone are attached via a glycosidic linkage. Because of the diversity of aglycones and glycosides, these compounds do not share a common synthesis pathway. The process that forms the glycosidic linkage is termed as glycosylation and this glycosylation is caused through the accomplishment of specialized enzymes that use a uridine diphosphosugar as the glycone source. The addition of the glycone usually renders the total glycoside more polar and thus more water soluble than the isolated aglycone. The glycosidic linkage is relatively fragile. Several existing enzymes can break this link, including beta-glu-cosidase and beta-galactosidase. In order to maintain this fragile status those enzymes may or may not exist in the gastrointestinal lumen but they almost always occur in liver. The pharmacokinetics of glycosides is complex but central to an understanding of a built-in delayed release system, in which the hydrophilic glycoside delivers a hydrophobic aglycone to the large intestines. Most intact glycosides generally pass through the stomach and small intestines unchanged. However, some glycosides are absorbed, apparently by the intestinal epithelial intestinal Na+/ glucose monosaccharide cotransporter, SGLT-1(Sodium-glucose linked transporter-1). It may be discussed here that Sodium-dependent glucose co-transporters or sodium-glucose linked transporter, SGLT) are a family of glucose transporter found in the intestinal mucosa (enterocytes) of the small  intestine (SGLT1) and the proximal tubule of the nephron (SGLT2 in PCT and SGLT1 in PST). It may further be mentioned here that the proximal tubule is the portion of the duct system of the nephron of the kidney which leads from Bowman's capsule to the loop of Henle. It is conventionally divided into the proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) and the proximal straight tubule (PST). In the colon, the glycosidic bond is hydrolyzed by enzymes had by the gut flora. Some aglycones released by this process may also undergo enzymatic modification by gut bacteria. Aglycones are then absorbed via the large intestine, undergo first-pass metabolism in the liver, and circulate to varying degrees within the body. Glycoside aglycones released by the action of gut flora are more potent antineoplastic material or chemical. In withdrawing the above chemicals or material diversion or shifts this Od Force rewind the process. The loss of the Od Force of the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuits/network as caused by the chemical activities by the material antineoplastic is erased herewith. The process starts to be reversed as soon as the Od Force in question starts to function.
On the other hand, all cardiac glycosides inhibit Na+/K+-ATPase pumps throughout the body. Because these pumps are most concentrated and critical in cardiac myocytes, they have their greatest effect on this tissue. When an action potential passes through a cardiac myocyte, the cardiac glycoside limits sodium outflow and potassium inflow from the cell. The linked Na+/Ca2+ pump thus does not have sufficient sodium available to move calcium out of the cell. The higher than normal intracellular calcium concentration means that during the next action, potential contractility is increased. This is a positive inotropic action. Through another consequence this material or chemical activity reduces heart rate via a negative chronotropic action. Materially or chemically the glycosides limit conduction velocity in the atrioventricular node through the action of negative dromotropic. All of these effects, combined with a mild tendency to reduce tubular resorption of sodium in the kidneys and some moderate vaso-constrictive effects relieve the sufferings of congestive heart failure (CHF). They can also reduce some atrial arrhythmias. A lesser degree of hydroxylation correlates with rapid oral absorption and rapid renal excretion; greater hydroxylation slows oral absorption and is associated with biliary excretion, significant enterohepatic recirculation, and long half-lives.
The material or chemical diversion may focus in the zone of the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s) that are allotted for the material or chemical diversions of cardiac glycosides to give the effects of cure to the patients.
The materials or chemicals of antibiotics may also unpredictably alter the effects of glycosides by changing the gut flora, thus altering enterohepatic recirculation. Any change in metabolism, such as fever, kidney failure, or intervening hyperthyroidism, can also dramatically alter the pharmacokinetics and thus the pharmacodynamics of these materials or chemicals. This Od Force is highly capable of intervening in this process of altered pharmacokinetics as well as pharmacodynamics to rewind the same to make free the suffering human system lifting from the deep den of further loss of the Od Force.
The material or chemical diversion or shifts may be to cause creation of new focus in the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuitry the flowing electromagnetic energy of which protects the same from the incidence of inhibition of the DNA polymerase from the inhibitory chemical reactions. This new focus may be seen in the zone that may undergo material or chemical inductions over water and electrolyte secretion as well as peristalsis including catharsis. The material or chemical diversion or shift may enter the circuit/sub-circuit that carries the electromagnetic force to keep intact the cell to cell framework that governs against the contraction of colon fairly strong and even painful griping, carminative or antispasmodic. It may even intrude in to induce atonic constitution as the colon adapts to the cathartic impulses. This diversion or shifts may jerk the cell to cell electromagnetic frameworks that are involved in leading against the diarrhea with fluid and electrolytes loss and ultimately, rhabdomyolysis, renal failure and other severe outcomes. The material or chemical diversion of cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic frameworks may be of chemical reaction in the colon wall left with dark brown or black patches of pseudomelanosis coli is withdrawn or erased herewith. The shift or diversion may be focused in the inhibiting cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuitry functions to cause excessive renal tubular cell proliferation, delay deterioration of patients in renal failure, modulated inflammation by partially inhibiting cyclooxygenase. The material or chemical diversion or shift may focus in the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic frameworks of iodine organification, promoting goiter and hypothyroidism. The circuitry of headache, bronchial constriction and weakness may also be affected. All these diversions or shifts mostly remain behind the curtain. But as this Od Force functions to delete all the noticeable diversions or sufferings the unnoticed loss of the Od Force the sufferings of which remain behind the curtain, are meet up herewith.

Monday 31 October 2016

Photonic functions

                   Photon mediates electromagnetic energy. When an electron moves or travels to form an atom, a molecule, an anion, a cation, a more complex molecular unit bearing material remaining in major to minimum dissociation state etc. in association with other electron/electrons or alone or when an electron moves or travels along a wire or simply in space an electromagnetic field is executed. This electromagnetic field is a wave transporting electromagnetic energy. This electromagnetic field as produced by the smooth motion of electron(s)/ oscillating charge(s) spreads in 'smooth', continuous, wavelike fashion and the corresponding electromagnetic energy is being transferred continuously through the electromagnetic field between any two locations. It is being carried in the form of quantum/quanta of photons having a fixed frequency.

               The energy of an electron bound to an atom is quantized, and thus can only exist in certain discrete values. Thus the electron bounding to an atom can only exist in the energy of certain discrete quantum or quanta of photons of naturally having an individually separate and distinct fixed frequency. As a result, there arises question of stability of atom, a molecule, an anion, a cation, a more complex molecular unit etc. So atoms are stable, and hence matter in general is stable. In the same sense, depending upon these discrete values, these atom(s), molecule(s), anion(s), cation(s), complex molecular unit(s) of different dissociation state etc. attain average stability in some stability periphery. The movement of the electron bounding around the atom is always fluctuating in some selected fluctuation periphery. And these fluctuations within their periphery select the stability periphery. So the quantization of the electron bounding the atom is always a vibrating or a changing to exist in discrete value of quantun or quanta of photons. So photon(s) of selected frequency (ies) / sets of selected frequency (ies) are always being lost by the electron as emission and photon(s) of selected frequency (ies) / sets of selected frequency (ies) are always being captured as absorption to maintain the above fluctuations in movement of the electron to depict the said stability periphery. These phenomena are always happening in the movement(s)/effective moment(s) of electron(s)/effective electron(s) in atom, in molecule, in anion, in cation, in complex molecular unit etc., in giving the those material(s) shape(s), size(s) in the honour of stability or stability periphery. All the phenomena are but the incidences of dequantization/effective dequantization or requantization/effective requantization of the electrons or effective electrons giving the respective article material stability of certain quanta of photons within their respective fluctuation periphery, stability periphery.
On the contrary, in withdrawing the given shapes, sizes etc. from the material, before, in and after chemical reactions, in molecular associations, in molecular dissociation, in association of anions/cations, in dissociation of anions and cations, in causing dissociation between anions and cations etc. in splitting or joining of the split those, in giving the same new some other shapes and sizes etc. the scenario is completely changed. These phenomena cause the break of the fences of the respective electron(s)’s fluctuation periphery, stability periphery. All these phenomena are but the incidences of creating new electromagnetic field(s) at the cost of replacing the previously made electromagnetic field(s). And all these new electromagnetic fields are just the outbreaks of the activities of the photons of new frequency/frequencies, outbreaks of creating waves transporting electromagnetic energy releasing the photons by the moving electrons in all these changing formations of the electromagnetic fields in order to existing in the energy of certain discrete quantum or quanta of photons of naturally having an individually separate and distinct fixed frequency in every changed formations which are causing as photon(s) of selected frequency (ies) / sets of selected frequency (ies) are always being lost by the electron as emission and photon(s) of selected frequency (ies) / sets of selected frequency (ies) are always being captured as absorption to form those formations and the corresponding electromagnetic energy is being transferred continuously through this electromagnetic field between any two locations.It is being carried in the form of quantum/quanta of photons having a fixed frequency in every event.In search of stability or for the sake of stability such changes in formations are always being caused.
And for the sake of stability these emitted photons of certain selected frequency or frequencies should be absorbed by some absorbent. And for the sake of stability the absorbent is bound to release some photons of some other frequency or frequencies and the emitter is bound to receive those. But in contrast either the emission or the absorption of photons when the respective electron changes it energy level or state.The space is here absorbent when electron emits the photon. When the electron absorbs the space is the giver or doner. Space is not a material. It is a pool of energic quanta, a set or sets of cells occupied by energic quanta. The receipt of the photon(s) (emitted by electron) by this space or donation of it/those by this space to the electron is singly directed as the electron/electrons tries/try to maintain to exist in some state/level of energy. There appears no question of exchange of photons of different frequencies between the space and the orbit or energy level changing electron. But what does it happen when it is in between two materials? It happens in both directions. Exchange of photons occurs. Photons of certain frequency or frequencies denoting the position of the electron(s) around the positive centre or effective positive centre and photons of certain other frequency or frequencies denoting some other position of the electron(s) around the positive centre or effective positive centre are being exchanged. It is one of the best understood ones when a hydrogen atom combines with a chlorine atom. As soon as the hydrogen atom combines with the chlorine atom the position of the orbital electron means the cloudy appearance of the electron of the hydrogen atom around its proton is changed. Due to this positional change of the electron around its positive centre the corresponding electromagnetic field(s) or the effective electromagnetic field is/are disappeared. And new electromagnetic field(s) or the effective electromagnetic field appears or appear the frequency/frequencies of the transporting photons of which are different. Similarly in chlorine atom position of the combining orbital electron means the cloudy appearance of the electron around its proton is changed.Due to the positional change of the electron around its positive centre the corresponding electromagnetic field(s) or the effective electromagnetic field is/are disappeared. And new electromagnetic field(s) or the effective electromagnetic field appears or appear the frequency/frequencies of the transporting photons of which are different. In search of the stability or for the sake of the stability in the condition of the meet of the both atoms the positions of the both electrons in respect of their positive centres are changed. This is caused due to electrostatic effects of electron of one side on the same of the other side in the positive charge environment of the positive centres of the both. So in search of stability or for the sake of the material stability the photons of the selected frequency/frequencies from the side of the hydrogen atom are being exchanged with the the photons of the selected frequency/ frequencies from the side of the chlorine atom to satisfy the formations of the new corresponding electromagnetic fields or the effective electromagnetic fields. In association of the hydrogen chloride molecules this exchange in molecular pair of electron the above scenario is further changed. The story is the same when two atoms of the hydrogen or oxygen form their own respective molecule as in pairing the electrons on the both sides of hydrogen or oxygen change their positions around their respective positive centres. This is same in all cases of an anion, a cation, a more complex molecular unit bearing material remaining in major to minimum dissociation state etc. in association with other electron/electrons. This is same in all cases of in withdrawing the given shapes, sizes etc. from the material, before, in and after chemical reactions, in molecular associations, in molecular dissociation, in association/dissociation of anions/cations, in association of anions and cations, in causing dissociation between anions and cations etc. in splitting or joining of the split those, in giving the same new some other shapes and sizes etc. In search of material stability, for the sake of material stability there are happening these exchanges. Chemical reactions cause in search of material stability, for the sake of material stability. When the molecules of KOH and HCl come closer their own material stability vibrates to face loss. There happens an exchange between a set of photons of some frequency/frequencies of KOH and a set of photons of some other frequency/frequencies of HCl to produce KCl and H2O for the sake of material stability. To honour this exchange atoms unite, to welcome this exchange the molecule splits.  In the honour of this exchange the cation and the anion come closer. To favour this exchange the anion and the cation go far.To satisfy the interest of this exchange the molecules, the atoms associate to be visible. In the interest of this exchange the ice changes itself into water, the water turns into vapour to be invisible. This is so on. These are so on. In the same principle of this exchange a solute dissolves into solvent. Solubility is as if solubility of photons. Solubility is as if solubility of photons of the solute into the solvent. And it is for the sake of stability, in search of stability of the solute and the solvent when the both come in closer association.
The fact of to be dissolved one material into other to be named one of the two as solute and the other as solvent is an easy event in the naked eye views. But it is not so. As soon as they come closer to be dissolved into one into other the electromagnetic magnetic field or the effective electromagnetic field of each of units of the solute and that of the solvent or conjointly of the both face a crisis of lying separately. In fact, the restlessness in the energic vibration or undulation of the effective photons of the electromagnetic magnetic field or the effective electromagnetic field of each of units of the solute and that of the solvent facilitate their coming closer in presence of each other. It may be mentioned here that this very restlessness in the energic vibration or undulation of the effective photons of the electromagnetic magnetic field of a molecule associates others of its own. And after some level of increasing association the molecule which is invisible becomes visible.It is true even for an association of atoms. By loosing molecular or unitary association the units of the solute dissolves in the solvent. To be caused this the unitary members of the association of the solvent also suffer dispersed / dissociation to make room for the units or the dissociated of the unit of the solute. In search of new single stability in co-living, the stability of the solute and the solvent loose their own previous individual identity for gaining recognition of being solution. In search of new stability in co-living the electromagnetic fields of the solute and the solvent looses their own previous individual identity to form a new single electromagnetic field of the solution. But they do not loose their own material identity. Only their respective pre-solution material stability has been tilted. In order to maintaining their individual material identity the electromagnetic field(s) of each of the two adjusts to give a birth of the new single electromagnetic field of the solution. As soon as the solvent and the solute come closer there happens an electromagnetic potential difference between the electromagnetic fields of the both sides. For the material stability of the solution the stay of the both solute and solvent side by side as solution maintaining their own individual material identity the electromagnetic fields of the solvent and solute requires to reach a new potential of electromagnetic energy of the photons of different electromagnetic energic wave frequency. As soon as the solvent and the solute come closer to form the solution the photons of some selected frequency (ies) of solute go to solvent leaving the electromagnetic field of the solute for the sake of material stability of the solution and enter the electromagnetic field of the solvent. At the same time the photons of some selected frequency (ies) of solvent go to solute leaving the electromagnetic field of the solvent for the sake of material stability of the solution and enter the electromagnetic field of the solute. In this way there happens an exchange of the photons of some selected frequency (ies) of solvent with the photons of some other frequency (ies) of the solute. These photons are used to treat the diseases as received from the solute. Electrohomoeopathy deals in these photons to utilize the same in treating the diseases. Here the solute is the Electrohomoeo plant. Solvent is water. Advancement in the pathy may replace water by alcohol. On dilutions the electromagnetic field or the effective electromagnetic field of the being-rare-solute loses photons of some other electromagnetic energic frequency (ies) in each dilution to the solvent. In absence of solute, as come on increasing dilution, the energized solvent acts as solute and loses photons of some other selected frequency (ies) to the added new solvent. And it is so on.
Actually this incidence of coming closer of the solute and solvent to form solution causes as the “effective electrons” position around its/their positive centre(s) for each of both sides changes in search of new material stability in presence of one another. It means the cloudy presence of the effective electrons around the positive centres change in respect of the distance of the same from the positive centre(s) and there at this position a new cloud of the presence of electrons is established. And it is true for the both sides. And at this new position the new cloudy presence of the electrons forms new electromagnetic field around positive centre (es) in lieu of the respective previous positive centres. And this new electromagnetic field is of new electromagnetic potential. So in order to remain in this new electromagnetic potential the corresponding electrons bound to release of photons of some selected frequency as satisfies the corresponding electromagnetic field of solvent or solute. It is also the same for such other solutions.
And these released photons of solute become exchanged with the solvent of the solution.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Artemisia cina

Image result for artemisia cina

Artemisia cina
Worm seed
The Od Force remaining in the leaves, flower and essential of the plant is used in the preparation of the remedy. In large dose it is poisonous.
The material or chemical diversion due to loss of the Od Force from the human system, as the employed material causes chemical reactions with the material of the human organism as anthelminthic is recast to focus rather real and serious risk. This risk is of xanthopsia- a visual disturbance to see the objects yellow or perhaps green and of fatal reactions from preliminary start of disturbances of vision or chromatopsia—abnormally coloured vision, a rare symptom with various causes. These effects usually pass off in a few days by losing more Od Force from the system in those days but the corresponding chemical/material as well as the related Od Force loss remains unchanged with the addition of the further loss of the Od Force from the caused passed off effects. The vibrations issued by this Od Force finally function to act upon the perspective centers of the brain to lift the produced chromatopsia or xanthopsia.
If this anthelminthic functions would be the chemical reaction between the employed material and the material part of the system then there would not arise any question but the chemical or material (preferably from the intestine) well as the Od Force loss from the human system during the period of and even after the chemical reactions finished is not a simple matter of chemical reaction. Patients suffer from this loss and this loss is not a subject of meeting up by causing further chemical reactions as are done during the process of expulsion of those. The chemical reactions that detach the attached ones cause further loss of the Od Force from the human system though some other new chemical reactions. And this detachment is associated with the corresponding Od Force that the human system put to construct the same in the process of forming the human system goes in the new product.
It withdraws the materially or chemically produced toxic effects, aphasia, muscular tremors and epilepsy like convulsions, and the disturbances of vision gone to total blindness.
This Od Force is capable of erasing the produced symptoms and even death. The material or chemical diversion from the toxicity may be expressed as focuses of gastric pain, tremors, dizziness, pupil dilatation, twitching of the eyes, stertor, copious sweating, hematuria, convulsive movements, tetanic cramps stupor, and insensibility. The patient may suffer from the symptoms resembling cholera morbus. Urine appears with yellowish or greenish-yellow hue. All these are erasable herewith.
It activates the deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathways circuits/networks for which there happens convulsion after the administration of the material/chemical to expel the worms. This deactivation caused by the employed material/chemical reaches such an area that death may cause due to paralysis of the respiratory tract, may contract and empty right ventricle, the venous blood may enter the left side of the heart, an inflamed duodenum, and inflamed patches in the stomach may result.
It is useful in cases of ailments of pregnancy in woman system. It lifts the hazards after the vermicides caused materially or chemically. It specially erases the diversions caused by the round worms or material that causes expulsion of round worms. This is done effectively and with rapidity. In cases of infestation of tapeworms a separate cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic networks/circuits other than that of round worms, suffers from deactivation. And this Od Force is incapable of reactivating the said deactivated field. The electromagnetic cell to cell negatively charged networks/circuits affected by the thread worms and the material that causes inactive in human system is under the coverage of this Od Force. The diversions caused from the fevers launched by the thread worms and the thread worms are also easily withdrawn similarly herewith. Skin contact with the material can cause dermatitis or other allergic reaction. The dermatitis or other allergic reaction is also under the fruitful activities of this Od Force.
The loss of Od Force that causes terrible temper tantrum is easily regenerated herewith. Whooping cough, cough gagging, even with chest constriction, coughing fit, body stiffness, violent sneezing, terrible pinching pain in the belly with bloats caused material /chemical loss is reversed herewith. The changed focus of the chemically treated shuddering of muscle, spasm is also hereby withdrawn.
Given potential benefits materially for fighting heart disease, improving body composition, and helping promote muscle gain and fat loss because of its abilities to promote protein synthesis in the body is cancelled herewith with the reestablishment of the previous status.
It withdraws the imposed activities in liver function, detoxification and cellular functioning within the body. Crucial functions to help the body process fats are made reversed herewith. The process that converts homocysteine in the blood to methionine is withdrawn to rewind the same. Homocysteine is an amino acid that is produced by the body naturally. Amino acids are the building blocks of all the proteins in the body. Although amino acids are critical compounds needed for many body functions, the high levels of the amino acid homocysteine can be harmful to blood vessels, potentially leading to the development of plaque buildup and the condition called atherosclerosis (clogged arteries). This dangerous condition is one of the main contributors to heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases;
And to lift those, this Od Force is extremely useful. It functions over the gene leading high homocysteine to low quantity status in production in the human system, so that physical development delay made is withdrawn. Osteoporosis (thin bones), visual abnormalities, formation of blood clots, and narrowing and hardening of blood vessels is rewind herewith.
Betaine is a derivative of the choline. Choline functions as a “precursor” to synthesize betaine in the body. Betaine is created by choline in combination with the amino acid glycine. Aberration in these functions towards the creation of Betaine and to keep this creation in healthy status so that the production of homocysteine can remain in limit, is erased herewith.
It affects the physiology that controls the structural integrity and signaling role for cell membrane, cholinergic neurotransmission through the process of acetylcholine synthesis and supply of methyl groups via its metabolite, trimethylglycine (betaine), which participates in the S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) synthesis pathways.
So the dependency of choline , betaine, homocysteine among themselves is under the influence of this Od Force.
The bad effects of butaine therapy applied to tackle certain conditions normally genetic diseases that involve liver malfunctioning are erased herewith with this Od Force as it is quite expert in activating the deactivated cell to cell negatively charged pathway networks/circuits if done by the butaine through its chemical or material reactions with the material or chemical part of the suffering human system.
The Od Force here in question is equally expert in erasing focuses of the chemical or material shifts appearing as muscle weakness, memory problems, changes in mental status, problems with speech, balance or walking, decreased consciousness, unusual or unpleasant body or breath ordor, nausea and upset stomach.
A prone to endothelial cell injury, which leads to inflammation in the blood vessels, in turn, which may lead to atherogenesis resulting in ischemic injury, coronary artery disease occurred from blocks blood flow to the coronary arteries supplying the heart with oxygenated blood by atherosclerotic plaque. The situation is correlated with the occurrence of blood clots, heart attacks and strokes, association with early pregnancy loss and with neural tube defects are withdrawn herewith.
Homocysteine is synthesized from methionine via a multi-step process. Methionine receives an adenosine group from ATP. This receipt is a reaction catalyzed by S-adenosyl-methionine synthetase, to give S-adenosyl methionine (SAM). SAM then transfers the methyl group to an acceptor molecule, (e.g., norepinephrine as an acceptor during epinephrine synthesis,DNA methyltransferase as an intermediate acceptor in the process ofDNA methylation). The adenosine is then hydrolyzed to yield L-homocysteine. L-Homocysteine has two primary fates: conversion via tetrahydrofolate (THF) back into L-methionine or conversion to L-cysteine. Cystathionine β-synthase catalyses the condensation of homocysteine and serine to give cystathionine. This reaction uses pyridoxine (vitamin B6) as a cofactor. Cystathionine γ-lyase then converts this double amino acid to cysteine, ammonia, and α-ketobutyrate. This Od Force affects the total synthesizing process in opposite direction by generating the Od Force that meets up the chemical or material diversion caused by butaine. In the same way it affects the modification of heavy metals, regulation of gene expression, regulation of protein function, and RNA processing. DNA methylation occurs at CpG sites (cytosine-phosphate-guanine sites–that is, where a cytosine is directly followed by a guanine in the DNA sequence). This methylation results in the conversion of the cytosine to 5-methylcytosine. The formation of Me-CpG is catalyzed by the enzyme DNA methyltransferase. Human DNA has about 80–90% of CpG sites methylated, but there are certain areas, known as CpG islands, that are GC-rich (high guanine and cytosine content, made up of about 65% CG residues), wherein none are methylated. These are associated with the promoters of 56% of genes, including all ubiquitously expressed genes. One to two percent of the human genome is CpG clusters, and there is an inverse relationship between CpG methylation and transcriptional activity. The m6A and 5-mC RNA methylation affects the regulation of various biological processes such as RNA stability and mRNA translation, and that abnormal RNA methylation contributes to etiology of human diseases. Due to its material or chemical shifts withdrawal capacity over the chemical activities of butaine and choline it dedicates itself in lifting any anomaly in this process of methylation. In this way protein methylation may also be affected.
"Self-looping" reaction of cyclizing of Homocysteine into homocysteinethiolaction is affected herewith. Because of this "self-looping" reaction, the tendency of homocysteine-containing peptides to cleave themselves by reactions generating oxidative stress is also affected by this Od Force. It puts its anti-allosteric antagonistic functions at Dopamine D2 receptors.
It decreases the increased risk of colon adenomas (polyps). The material or chemical shifts of adverse effects on the fetuses of smoking or nicotine-consuming mothers caused from the treatment of different ailments of her is withdrawn herewith. When consumed with nicotine, the material or chemical treatment may protect some regions of the fetal brain from damage, but worsened nicotine's effects in other regions. This worsening nicotine's effects in other regions are also withdrawing by this Od Force.
The Od Force in question here erases the genetic electromagnetic cell to cell negatively charged pathways networks/circuits deactivation recording from chemical/material treatments of liver disorders, hepatitis, glaucoma, Alzheimer's disease, bipolar disorder and sufferings from alcoholism.

It is anti-reprotoxic. It includes withdrawal of the adverse effects on sexual function and fertility in adult males and females, as well as developmental toxicity in the offspring.  It cancels the hazards obtained materially by ingestion, skin contact, inhalation etc.