Artemisia cina
Worm seed
The Od Force
remaining in the leaves, flower and essential of the plant is used in the
preparation of the remedy. In large dose it is poisonous.
The material
or chemical diversion due to loss of the Od Force from the human system, as the
employed material causes chemical reactions with the material of the human
organism as anthelminthic is recast to focus rather real and serious risk. This
risk is of xanthopsia- a visual disturbance to see the objects yellow or
perhaps green and of fatal reactions from preliminary start of disturbances of
vision or chromatopsia—abnormally coloured vision, a rare symptom with various
causes. These effects usually pass off in a few days by losing more Od
Force from the system in those days but the corresponding chemical/material as
well as the related Od Force loss remains unchanged with the addition of the
further loss of the Od Force from the caused passed off effects. The vibrations
issued by this Od Force finally function to act upon the perspective centers of
the brain to lift the produced chromatopsia or xanthopsia.
If this anthelminthic functions would be
the chemical reaction between the employed material and the material part of
the system then there would not arise any question but the chemical or material
(preferably from the intestine) well as the Od Force loss from the human system
during the period of and even after the chemical reactions finished is not a simple
matter of chemical reaction. Patients suffer from this loss and this loss is
not a subject of meeting up by causing further chemical reactions as are done
during the process of expulsion of those. The chemical reactions that detach
the attached ones cause further loss of the Od Force from the human system
though some other new chemical reactions. And this detachment is associated
with the corresponding Od Force that the human system put to construct the same
in the process of forming the human system goes in the new product.
It withdraws the materially or
chemically produced toxic effects, aphasia, muscular tremors and epilepsy like convulsions, and the
disturbances of vision gone to total blindness.
This Od Force is capable of erasing the
produced symptoms and even death. The material or
chemical diversion from the toxicity may be expressed as focuses of gastric
pain, tremors, dizziness, pupil dilatation, twitching of the eyes, stertor,
copious sweating, hematuria, convulsive movements, tetanic cramps stupor, and
insensibility. The patient may suffer from the symptoms resembling cholera
morbus. Urine appears with yellowish or greenish-yellow hue. All these are
erasable herewith.
It activates the deactivated
cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathways circuits/networks for
which there happens convulsion after the administration of the
material/chemical to expel the worms. This deactivation caused by the employed
material/chemical reaches such an area that death may cause due to paralysis of
the respiratory tract, may contract and empty right ventricle, the venous blood
may enter the left side of the heart, an inflamed duodenum, and inflamed
patches in the stomach may result.
It is useful in cases of
ailments of pregnancy in woman system. It lifts the hazards after the
vermicides caused materially or chemically. It specially erases the diversions
caused by the round worms or material that causes expulsion of round worms.
This is done effectively and with rapidity. In cases of infestation of
tapeworms a separate cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic
networks/circuits other than that of round worms, suffers from deactivation.
And this Od Force is incapable of reactivating the said deactivated field. The electromagnetic
cell to cell negatively charged networks/circuits affected by the thread worms
and the material that causes inactive in human system is under the coverage of
this Od Force. The diversions caused from the fevers launched by the
thread worms and the thread worms are also easily withdrawn similarly herewith.
Skin contact with the material can cause dermatitis or other allergic reaction.
The dermatitis or other allergic reaction is also under the fruitful activities
of this Od Force.
The loss of Od Force that
causes terrible temper tantrum is easily regenerated herewith. Whooping cough,
cough gagging, even with chest constriction, coughing fit, body stiffness,
violent sneezing, terrible pinching pain in the belly with bloats caused
material /chemical loss is reversed herewith. The changed focus of the
chemically treated shuddering of muscle, spasm is also hereby withdrawn.
Given potential benefits materially for fighting heart disease,
improving body composition, and helping promote muscle gain and fat
loss because of its abilities to promote protein synthesis
in the body is cancelled herewith with the reestablishment of the previous
It withdraws the imposed activities in liver function,
detoxification and cellular functioning within the body. Crucial functions to
help the body process fats are made reversed herewith. The process that
converts homocysteine in the blood to methionine is withdrawn to rewind the
same. Homocysteine is an amino acid that is produced by the body naturally.
Amino acids are the building blocks of all the proteins in the body. Although
amino acids are critical compounds needed for many body functions, the high
levels of the amino acid homocysteine can be harmful to blood vessels,
potentially leading to the development of plaque buildup and the condition
called atherosclerosis (clogged arteries). This dangerous condition is one of
the main contributors to heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular
And to lift those, this Od
Force is extremely useful. It functions over the gene leading high homocysteine
to low quantity status in production in the human system, so that physical
development delay made is withdrawn. Osteoporosis (thin bones), visual
abnormalities, formation of blood clots, and narrowing and hardening of blood
vessels is rewind herewith.
Betaine is a derivative of the choline.
Choline functions as a “precursor” to synthesize betaine in the body. Betaine
is created by choline in combination with the amino acid glycine. Aberration in
these functions towards the creation of Betaine and to keep this creation in
healthy status so that the production of homocysteine can remain in limit, is
erased herewith.
It affects the physiology that
controls the structural integrity and signaling role for cell membrane, cholinergic
neurotransmission through the process of acetylcholine synthesis and supply of methyl groups via its metabolite, trimethylglycine (betaine), which
participates in the S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) synthesis pathways.
So the dependency of choline , betaine, homocysteine among
themselves is under the influence of this Od Force.
The bad
effects of butaine therapy applied to tackle certain conditions normally
genetic diseases that involve liver malfunctioning are erased herewith with
this Od Force as it is quite expert in activating the deactivated cell to cell
negatively charged pathway networks/circuits if done by the butaine through its
chemical or material reactions with the material or chemical part of the
suffering human system.
The Od
Force here in question is equally expert in erasing focuses of the chemical or
material shifts appearing as muscle weakness, memory problems, changes in
mental status, problems with speech, balance or walking, decreased
consciousness, unusual or unpleasant body or breath ordor, nausea and upset
A prone to endothelial cell injury,
which leads to inflammation in the blood vessels, in turn, which may lead to atherogenesis resulting in ischemic injury, coronary artery disease
occurred from blocks blood flow to the coronary
arteries supplying the heart with oxygenated blood
by atherosclerotic plaque. The situation is correlated with the occurrence of
blood clots, heart attacks and strokes, association with early pregnancy loss
and with neural
tube defects are withdrawn herewith.
Homocysteine is synthesized from methionine via a multi-step
process. Methionine receives an adenosine group from ATP.
This receipt is a reaction catalyzed by S-adenosyl-methionine
synthetase, to give S-adenosyl methionine (SAM). SAM then transfers the methyl group to an acceptor
molecule, (e.g., norepinephrine as an acceptor during epinephrine synthesis,DNA methyltransferase as an intermediate acceptor in the process ofDNA
methylation). The adenosine is then hydrolyzed to yield L-homocysteine. L-Homocysteine has two primary fates:
conversion via tetrahydrofolate (THF) back into L-methionine or conversion to L-cysteine. Cystathionine β-synthase catalyses the condensation of homocysteine and serine to give cystathionine. This reaction uses pyridoxine (vitamin B6) as a cofactor. Cystathionine γ-lyase then converts this double amino acid to cysteine,
ammonia, and α-ketobutyrate. This Od Force affects the total synthesizing
process in opposite direction by generating the Od Force that meets up the
chemical or material diversion caused by butaine. In the same way it affects
the modification of heavy
metals, regulation of gene expression, regulation of protein
function, and RNA
processing. DNA methylation occurs at CpG
sites (cytosine-phosphate-guanine sites–that is, where a cytosine is directly followed by a guanine in the DNA sequence). This methylation results in the
conversion of the cytosine to 5-methylcytosine. The formation of Me-CpG is catalyzed by the enzyme DNA
methyltransferase. Human DNA has about 80–90% of
CpG sites methylated, but there are certain areas, known as CpG islands, that are GC-rich (high guanine and cytosine content,
made up of about 65% CG residues), wherein none are methylated. These are associated with
the promoters of 56% of genes, including all ubiquitously expressed genes. One to two percent of the human genome is CpG clusters,
and there is an inverse relationship between CpG methylation and
transcriptional activity. The m6A and 5-mC RNA methylation affects the
regulation of various biological processes such as RNA stability and mRNA
translation, and that abnormal RNA methylation contributes to etiology of human
diseases. Due to its material or chemical shifts withdrawal capacity over the
chemical activities of butaine and choline it dedicates itself in lifting any
anomaly in this process of methylation. In this way protein methylation may
also be affected.
"Self-looping" reaction of cyclizing
of Homocysteine into homocysteinethiolaction is affected herewith. Because of this
"self-looping" reaction, the tendency of homocysteine-containing peptides
to cleave themselves by reactions generating oxidative
stress is also affected by this Od Force. It puts its anti-allosteric antagonistic functions
at Dopamine D2 receptors.
It decreases the increased risk of colon adenomas (polyps). The material
or chemical shifts of adverse effects on the fetuses of smoking or nicotine-consuming mothers caused from the treatment of different
ailments of her is withdrawn herewith. When consumed with nicotine, the
material or chemical treatment may protect some regions of the fetal brain from
damage, but worsened nicotine's effects in other regions. This worsening
nicotine's effects in other regions are also withdrawing by this Od Force.
The Od Force in question here
erases the genetic electromagnetic cell to cell negatively charged pathways
networks/circuits deactivation recording from chemical/material treatments of liver disorders, hepatitis, glaucoma, Alzheimer's
disease, bipolar disorder and sufferings from alcoholism.
It is anti-reprotoxic.
It includes withdrawal of the adverse effects on sexual function and fertility
in adult males and females, as well as developmental toxicity in the offspring.
cancels the hazards obtained materially by ingestion, skin contact, inhalation
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