Monday 31 October 2016

Photonic functions

                   Photon mediates electromagnetic energy. When an electron moves or travels to form an atom, a molecule, an anion, a cation, a more complex molecular unit bearing material remaining in major to minimum dissociation state etc. in association with other electron/electrons or alone or when an electron moves or travels along a wire or simply in space an electromagnetic field is executed. This electromagnetic field is a wave transporting electromagnetic energy. This electromagnetic field as produced by the smooth motion of electron(s)/ oscillating charge(s) spreads in 'smooth', continuous, wavelike fashion and the corresponding electromagnetic energy is being transferred continuously through the electromagnetic field between any two locations. It is being carried in the form of quantum/quanta of photons having a fixed frequency.

               The energy of an electron bound to an atom is quantized, and thus can only exist in certain discrete values. Thus the electron bounding to an atom can only exist in the energy of certain discrete quantum or quanta of photons of naturally having an individually separate and distinct fixed frequency. As a result, there arises question of stability of atom, a molecule, an anion, a cation, a more complex molecular unit etc. So atoms are stable, and hence matter in general is stable. In the same sense, depending upon these discrete values, these atom(s), molecule(s), anion(s), cation(s), complex molecular unit(s) of different dissociation state etc. attain average stability in some stability periphery. The movement of the electron bounding around the atom is always fluctuating in some selected fluctuation periphery. And these fluctuations within their periphery select the stability periphery. So the quantization of the electron bounding the atom is always a vibrating or a changing to exist in discrete value of quantun or quanta of photons. So photon(s) of selected frequency (ies) / sets of selected frequency (ies) are always being lost by the electron as emission and photon(s) of selected frequency (ies) / sets of selected frequency (ies) are always being captured as absorption to maintain the above fluctuations in movement of the electron to depict the said stability periphery. These phenomena are always happening in the movement(s)/effective moment(s) of electron(s)/effective electron(s) in atom, in molecule, in anion, in cation, in complex molecular unit etc., in giving the those material(s) shape(s), size(s) in the honour of stability or stability periphery. All the phenomena are but the incidences of dequantization/effective dequantization or requantization/effective requantization of the electrons or effective electrons giving the respective article material stability of certain quanta of photons within their respective fluctuation periphery, stability periphery.
On the contrary, in withdrawing the given shapes, sizes etc. from the material, before, in and after chemical reactions, in molecular associations, in molecular dissociation, in association of anions/cations, in dissociation of anions and cations, in causing dissociation between anions and cations etc. in splitting or joining of the split those, in giving the same new some other shapes and sizes etc. the scenario is completely changed. These phenomena cause the break of the fences of the respective electron(s)’s fluctuation periphery, stability periphery. All these phenomena are but the incidences of creating new electromagnetic field(s) at the cost of replacing the previously made electromagnetic field(s). And all these new electromagnetic fields are just the outbreaks of the activities of the photons of new frequency/frequencies, outbreaks of creating waves transporting electromagnetic energy releasing the photons by the moving electrons in all these changing formations of the electromagnetic fields in order to existing in the energy of certain discrete quantum or quanta of photons of naturally having an individually separate and distinct fixed frequency in every changed formations which are causing as photon(s) of selected frequency (ies) / sets of selected frequency (ies) are always being lost by the electron as emission and photon(s) of selected frequency (ies) / sets of selected frequency (ies) are always being captured as absorption to form those formations and the corresponding electromagnetic energy is being transferred continuously through this electromagnetic field between any two locations.It is being carried in the form of quantum/quanta of photons having a fixed frequency in every event.In search of stability or for the sake of stability such changes in formations are always being caused.
And for the sake of stability these emitted photons of certain selected frequency or frequencies should be absorbed by some absorbent. And for the sake of stability the absorbent is bound to release some photons of some other frequency or frequencies and the emitter is bound to receive those. But in contrast either the emission or the absorption of photons when the respective electron changes it energy level or state.The space is here absorbent when electron emits the photon. When the electron absorbs the space is the giver or doner. Space is not a material. It is a pool of energic quanta, a set or sets of cells occupied by energic quanta. The receipt of the photon(s) (emitted by electron) by this space or donation of it/those by this space to the electron is singly directed as the electron/electrons tries/try to maintain to exist in some state/level of energy. There appears no question of exchange of photons of different frequencies between the space and the orbit or energy level changing electron. But what does it happen when it is in between two materials? It happens in both directions. Exchange of photons occurs. Photons of certain frequency or frequencies denoting the position of the electron(s) around the positive centre or effective positive centre and photons of certain other frequency or frequencies denoting some other position of the electron(s) around the positive centre or effective positive centre are being exchanged. It is one of the best understood ones when a hydrogen atom combines with a chlorine atom. As soon as the hydrogen atom combines with the chlorine atom the position of the orbital electron means the cloudy appearance of the electron of the hydrogen atom around its proton is changed. Due to this positional change of the electron around its positive centre the corresponding electromagnetic field(s) or the effective electromagnetic field is/are disappeared. And new electromagnetic field(s) or the effective electromagnetic field appears or appear the frequency/frequencies of the transporting photons of which are different. Similarly in chlorine atom position of the combining orbital electron means the cloudy appearance of the electron around its proton is changed.Due to the positional change of the electron around its positive centre the corresponding electromagnetic field(s) or the effective electromagnetic field is/are disappeared. And new electromagnetic field(s) or the effective electromagnetic field appears or appear the frequency/frequencies of the transporting photons of which are different. In search of the stability or for the sake of the stability in the condition of the meet of the both atoms the positions of the both electrons in respect of their positive centres are changed. This is caused due to electrostatic effects of electron of one side on the same of the other side in the positive charge environment of the positive centres of the both. So in search of stability or for the sake of the material stability the photons of the selected frequency/frequencies from the side of the hydrogen atom are being exchanged with the the photons of the selected frequency/ frequencies from the side of the chlorine atom to satisfy the formations of the new corresponding electromagnetic fields or the effective electromagnetic fields. In association of the hydrogen chloride molecules this exchange in molecular pair of electron the above scenario is further changed. The story is the same when two atoms of the hydrogen or oxygen form their own respective molecule as in pairing the electrons on the both sides of hydrogen or oxygen change their positions around their respective positive centres. This is same in all cases of an anion, a cation, a more complex molecular unit bearing material remaining in major to minimum dissociation state etc. in association with other electron/electrons. This is same in all cases of in withdrawing the given shapes, sizes etc. from the material, before, in and after chemical reactions, in molecular associations, in molecular dissociation, in association/dissociation of anions/cations, in association of anions and cations, in causing dissociation between anions and cations etc. in splitting or joining of the split those, in giving the same new some other shapes and sizes etc. In search of material stability, for the sake of material stability there are happening these exchanges. Chemical reactions cause in search of material stability, for the sake of material stability. When the molecules of KOH and HCl come closer their own material stability vibrates to face loss. There happens an exchange between a set of photons of some frequency/frequencies of KOH and a set of photons of some other frequency/frequencies of HCl to produce KCl and H2O for the sake of material stability. To honour this exchange atoms unite, to welcome this exchange the molecule splits.  In the honour of this exchange the cation and the anion come closer. To favour this exchange the anion and the cation go far.To satisfy the interest of this exchange the molecules, the atoms associate to be visible. In the interest of this exchange the ice changes itself into water, the water turns into vapour to be invisible. This is so on. These are so on. In the same principle of this exchange a solute dissolves into solvent. Solubility is as if solubility of photons. Solubility is as if solubility of photons of the solute into the solvent. And it is for the sake of stability, in search of stability of the solute and the solvent when the both come in closer association.
The fact of to be dissolved one material into other to be named one of the two as solute and the other as solvent is an easy event in the naked eye views. But it is not so. As soon as they come closer to be dissolved into one into other the electromagnetic magnetic field or the effective electromagnetic field of each of units of the solute and that of the solvent or conjointly of the both face a crisis of lying separately. In fact, the restlessness in the energic vibration or undulation of the effective photons of the electromagnetic magnetic field or the effective electromagnetic field of each of units of the solute and that of the solvent facilitate their coming closer in presence of each other. It may be mentioned here that this very restlessness in the energic vibration or undulation of the effective photons of the electromagnetic magnetic field of a molecule associates others of its own. And after some level of increasing association the molecule which is invisible becomes visible.It is true even for an association of atoms. By loosing molecular or unitary association the units of the solute dissolves in the solvent. To be caused this the unitary members of the association of the solvent also suffer dispersed / dissociation to make room for the units or the dissociated of the unit of the solute. In search of new single stability in co-living, the stability of the solute and the solvent loose their own previous individual identity for gaining recognition of being solution. In search of new stability in co-living the electromagnetic fields of the solute and the solvent looses their own previous individual identity to form a new single electromagnetic field of the solution. But they do not loose their own material identity. Only their respective pre-solution material stability has been tilted. In order to maintaining their individual material identity the electromagnetic field(s) of each of the two adjusts to give a birth of the new single electromagnetic field of the solution. As soon as the solvent and the solute come closer there happens an electromagnetic potential difference between the electromagnetic fields of the both sides. For the material stability of the solution the stay of the both solute and solvent side by side as solution maintaining their own individual material identity the electromagnetic fields of the solvent and solute requires to reach a new potential of electromagnetic energy of the photons of different electromagnetic energic wave frequency. As soon as the solvent and the solute come closer to form the solution the photons of some selected frequency (ies) of solute go to solvent leaving the electromagnetic field of the solute for the sake of material stability of the solution and enter the electromagnetic field of the solvent. At the same time the photons of some selected frequency (ies) of solvent go to solute leaving the electromagnetic field of the solvent for the sake of material stability of the solution and enter the electromagnetic field of the solute. In this way there happens an exchange of the photons of some selected frequency (ies) of solvent with the photons of some other frequency (ies) of the solute. These photons are used to treat the diseases as received from the solute. Electrohomoeopathy deals in these photons to utilize the same in treating the diseases. Here the solute is the Electrohomoeo plant. Solvent is water. Advancement in the pathy may replace water by alcohol. On dilutions the electromagnetic field or the effective electromagnetic field of the being-rare-solute loses photons of some other electromagnetic energic frequency (ies) in each dilution to the solvent. In absence of solute, as come on increasing dilution, the energized solvent acts as solute and loses photons of some other selected frequency (ies) to the added new solvent. And it is so on.
Actually this incidence of coming closer of the solute and solvent to form solution causes as the “effective electrons” position around its/their positive centre(s) for each of both sides changes in search of new material stability in presence of one another. It means the cloudy presence of the effective electrons around the positive centres change in respect of the distance of the same from the positive centre(s) and there at this position a new cloud of the presence of electrons is established. And it is true for the both sides. And at this new position the new cloudy presence of the electrons forms new electromagnetic field around positive centre (es) in lieu of the respective previous positive centres. And this new electromagnetic field is of new electromagnetic potential. So in order to remain in this new electromagnetic potential the corresponding electrons bound to release of photons of some selected frequency as satisfies the corresponding electromagnetic field of solvent or solute. It is also the same for such other solutions.
And these released photons of solute become exchanged with the solvent of the solution.

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