Burning bush
The Od Force
remaining in the blows roots of the plant is used as one of the components in
the preparation of the remedies. Large amount of it is toxic.
The diseases
caused from the bacterial and fungal infections are withdrawn herewith. In the
same way it cancels the sufferings caused by the infections caused in the form
of the fever. The running loss of the Od Force in the process of the fever causing
is being met up by the continuous supply of the Od Force of this plant as are
done in the cases of the bacterial and fungal infections. It lifts the strong
stimulation done in the muscles of the uterus to induce menstruation or to
cause abortion. What is done materially to obtain the benefits as antispasmodic
in the gastro-intestinal tract and to give the effects of mild tonic on the
stomach, are refocused in some other side(s) in some other form(s). These
focuses are cancelled herewith. What is antispasmodic here is balanced by spasmodic
in some there. The chemical loss as well as the Od Force loss from the human
system due to the antispasmodic chemical activities becomes effective by the
spasm caused in some other part(s) of this system. The reliefs from the female
complaints and constipation/colicky pain of constipation are accompanied with
further loss of Od Force which becomes expressed as focus of new disease.
diversion caused from the material treatments of eczema, impetigo and scabies
are lifted herewith. Measles is cured with the met up of the Od Force that had
been lost during the process of infection of the organisms that caused measles.
The cost of promoting urine flow is also compensated by the addition of this Od
The material
or chemical actions that “cure” epilepsy may be accompanied with
dilation/constriction/tumour of the air pipes/bronchial sac etc., may give
birth of tumour, may cause renal inefficiency etc. as focus of diversion due to
loss of Od Force from the system of human side. This diversion is withdrawn
It cures the phytophotodermatitis, irritation to chemical-like burns. It cancels
poisonous activity causing phototoxicity. The chemical activities in allergic
reactions are similarly cancelled herewith.The material or chemical absorbed by the skin
and, in the presence of long-wave ultraviolet light, causes cell damage of the
human system. The Od Force cures the damages rewinding the total chemical process
that has caused the damages. In this process this Od Force cancels not only
chemical or material activities but also cancels the treaty of the ultraviolet
ray as taken part in this process of damages with the chemical/material
employed. The chemical or material
shifts from treating diseases of the head, as with those associated with
fevers. This shift from the cramps and infection of parasites are withdrawn in
the same way. The diversions caused from the external material/chemical uses in
the treatment for providing relief from arthritis, rheumatism, joint pain and
inflammation are also reversed herewith to save the suffering system from the
newly focused sufferings/morphological/pathological changes. The material or
chemical advancements or shifts from the scrofulous and scorbutic diseases are also rewind herewith.
Od Force opposes the engraved functions in the gene that have been
electromagnetically recorded there during the medicinal or chemical treatments
as abortifacient, antihelmintic, antispasmodic, aromatic, digestive, diuretic,
emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, galactogogue, stimulant and tonic. It cancels the
diversions caused from the material or chemical uses as cordial and stomachic. It lifts the chemical/material as
well as the Od Force from the relaxed gut. Pacification of the nervous
conditions and sniffed up nose in cold head generated loss of the Od Force of
the suffering human system is added herewith. It nurtures the pregnancy.
The diversion from the materially or
chemically treated cephalic ailments, from the help to resist poison, combating
putrefaction, and from the uses in malignant and pestilential fevers are
cancelled to rewind the process to salvage the suffering human system from the
further loss of the Od Force as the employed material or chemical causes
chemical reaction with the matter of the human system. This matter of the human
system goes with the matter employed with the Od Force that had given the
outgoing matter shape and size to fit in the system. In this way the chemical
reactions staged to get rid from the cases of hysteria are also withdrawn
step wise following the same tract along which that caused once with the attachment
or entry of the selected Od Force as this Od Functions to vibrates the concerned
deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic pathways network(s)/circuit(s).
material or chemical diversions from the digestive tract disorders including cramps, stomach problems,
and worms in the intestines are rebuked herewith with the Od
Force of this plant. It also cancels the hazards
caused from the material/chemical treatments used for urinary tract and genital
tract disorders. What pathological or morphological etc. damages are caused in
materially forceful start of the menstruation as birth control and the force
out the placenta after child birth, are repaired herewith. Other uses towards
the fluid retention, and baldness; liver
disease (hepatitis) are also rewind
The infection (scabies) caused by tiny lice-like insects are also withdrawing herewith though the instant supply of the Od
Force to cancel the instant damage done by the Infective organisms. Other uses
to stop the excessive uterine bleeding; use as a sedative for adults and
children are also bothered by this Od Force.
The damages/burns that are caused by the material uses of the
respective distinctive lemon or cinnamon scent, and
its oil are also repairable. The anticonvulsive materiality that is caused by
the cost of loss of some sort of Od Force of the human system is withdrawn
herewith. It lifts the risk of sunburn.
It vibrates the deactivated cell to cell negatively charged
electromagnetic pathways networks/circuits caused loss of the Od Force of which
causes carcinoma. Through this vibration it generates the lost Od Force to cure
the same. It is anti-diuretic. It is anti-pectoral. It washes out the sudorific
chemical activities.
It cancels infest connections of the worms in the human organisms
to establish itself as vermifuger. Not only in infestation it is also soundly
square in tackling the infection to cancel the loss of the Od Force from the
chemical activities with materials of the human system. The selected material
relaxes the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract as anti-spasmodic in one
side, at the same time this material is stimulating the contraction of the
uterine muscles to cause the further loss of the constructive Od Force (that
has constructed the human system) in the other side of the human system to
broadcast the same as one of the “at the cost of”.
The material efficacy in treating the gravel is powerfully accompanied
by the material provocation in the urinary system to cause urination and easing colicky pains which frequently
accompany that disorder, are also withdrawn herewith.
chemical or the material activities that irritate/burn the skin may produce
blisters are selectively within the coverage of this Od Force to cure the same
in the real sense. The material or chemical functions established in the
opening obstructions of the womb and procuring the discharges of the uterus are
also made root out in this way through some selected rewinding chemical
reaction process.
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