Tuesday 20 May 2014

Euphrasia officinalis

Euphrasia officinalis 
Eye bright
 The Od Force of the whole of this plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of remedies. This Od Force is more or less specific for eye disorders. It relaxes the tightened mucous membrane of the eyes and makes the said membrane more powerful to avoid the inflammatory attacks on the eyes. So conjunctivitis and blephritis undergo a control to be cured. It cancels the allergic and astringency effect in the zones of the middle ears, sinuses, nasal passages. It cancels those diversion effects even in the digestive zones, upper respiratory tract also. It withdraws the bad effects appeared in the both eyes zones due to frequent attacks in the eyes. It cures the dim vision a diversion from the recurrent eye infection, Inflammation and astringency, inflammation of the blood vessels. It cures the dry and stuffy congestion in the eyes, new developments due to uncured or recurrent bronchial colds.
It protects eye strain, tiredness of eyes, eye irritation, pain, headache, redness, lachrymation, swelling and agglutination. It is also used for cancer, coughs, earaches, epilepsy, hoarseness, jaundice,   running nose, skin ailments, and sore throat.
 It corrects the sub-Circuit of the plant Euphrasia officinalis
 If damage done by the attacking eye infecting organisms in the same.

Salix alba

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Salix alba
Silver willow
The Od Force of the blows crust (Bark) of the plant is used as one of the components to prepare the remedies.
The Od Force of it lifts the Reye syndrome. The Od Force concerned repairs the renal damages. This Force withdraws is very useful in treating   asthma, diabetes, gout, gastritis, hemophilia, and stomach ulcers. It hampers the potentiality of the stomach upset, ulcers, nausea, vomiting, and stomach bleeding, skin rash.
It may be recommended during pregnancy as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women for the betterment of the same. Its coagulating activities decrease the risk of bleeding. It acts as beta blocker. As a diuretic it works over the damaged kidney to save the same. It decreases the toxic levels of the human system. It withdraws the diversions of aches, pain and inflammation and, chronic pain including headache, back and neck pain, muscle ache and menstrual cramp. Obviously the diversions occur mostly towards the gastrointestinal and renal spheres. Its functions over the gastrointestinal and renal spheres finally normalize the prostaglandin level in the human system. In case of arthritis discomforts the diversions reduces the swelling and inflammation translating the consequences in the back, knees, hips, and other joints with eventual increased mobility.
It is very useful for both diverted acute and chronic bouts of back pain.  This diversion of inflammation though helps in returning the mobility and flexibility to the muscles in the back causes unseen, unfelt effects in the digestive system and the renal system etc. The Od Force concerned functions in those unmarked systems and cures the same.
This Od Force is extremely useful in cases of allergy or sensitivity, peptic ulcer disease or kidney disease, hyperuricemia . It lessens the risk of bleeding from Vitamin E and garlic.
During and after surgery it uses itself astonishingly to heal the same rapidly,

Its command over the renal system helps the human system to be free from fever, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis etc.

Aconitum napellus

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Aconitum napellus

                            The Od Force remaining in the whole of the plant with the roots is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedies. This popular plant is one of the most poisonous plants of the garden.
The Od Force of it withdraws any stimulation over the nerves that caused paralysis or numbness thereon. It protects the nerves and mucus membranes from the causation of sensations of pain, touch and temperature. It cancels the effects of the long-continued local anesthetic actions.
It pulls up the slowed down pulse caused from the forceful submission of pericarditis and heart palpitations. It is anti-diaphoretic and roots out the grip of the feverishness of colds, pneumonia, quinsy, laryngitis, croup and asthma caused from general exposures. Its role over the circulation of blood, respiration and the nervous system is highly considerable for regularization of the same to normalcy. In the way of recovering the slowed pulses, the number of beats per minute develops towards the normalcy. Synchronously downed blood pressure goes up. It rescues the arrested diastoled heart from its irregularities, missing beats etc. In its course of action the Od Force of it soothes down the excitement or stimulation of  the cardio-inhibitory centre in the  medulla oblongata at the root of the vagus nerves. And in its later course it lifts up the hangover influence on the nerve-ganglia and muscular fibres of the heart. And the downed blood pressure is up. The fall in blood-pressure is not due to any direct influence on the vessels. Its notable capability is of withdrawing the slower respiration owing to a paralytic action on the respiratory centre to save the life where death would cause for the respiration being arrested before the paralytic action spreads over the heart. It activates the depressed nerve terminals to blows away any attempt to cause pain. The depressed activity of the spinal cord is similarly uplifted by this Od Force. It cures the dilated pupil is at through a process of contraction of the same to normalcy.
The antipyretic action  of the Od Force concerned is but the supply of this Od Force  to the human system to protect the loss of the constructional energy which becomes used in the chemical reaction between the infecting/infesting organisms and the affected human system. This supply influences the pyrexic excited circulation and respiration. In this way the Od Force in question controls the diaphoretic activities. This Force withdraws the the diversion due to strongly reduced sodium channel currents done to block the overactive pain resulted from the chronic pain and rheumatoid arthritis.
It withdraws the gastrointestinal  sufferings including nausea, vomiting and diarrhea following  the sensation of burning, tingling, and numbness in the mouth and face, and of burning in the abdomen.It withdraws the pronounced motor weakness and cutaneous sensations of tingling and numbness spreaded to the limbs. It withdraws  the Cardiovascular features of hypotension, sinus bradycardia and ventricular arrhythmias including sweating, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, headache, and confusion. In this way it protects death from ventricular arrhythmias and asystole, paralysis of the heart or of the respiratory center resulting asphyxia.

 The Od Force of it slows down the metabolism process of the liver to back to normalcy.

Humulus lupus

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Humulus lupus
The Od Force of the fresh seed-ripe, female flowers and young shoots is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedies. As herbal it is not poisonous but its herbal administration may cause danger in human system due to its chemical reaction in the same.
                                  The Od Force of it repairs the damaged circuits caused by the leprosy, pulmonary tuberculosis, and acute bacterial dysentery and other various biological activities.
                                     It withdraws the taxation as well the changes in the central nervous system caused by continuous stress, anxiety and insomnia, hypnotic and sedative effects. It cancels the strong spasmolytic effects on isolated smooth muscle. It controls the unusual over activities of the estrogen precursors. It cures the allergic diversion include respiratory infection, chronic bronchitis, dry cough, difficulty breathing and rash.
                           It applies its holding on the stimulation of hyper gastric and other secretions to back the same to normalcy. It bows out the risk of the liver damages. It withdraws the dizziness and drowsiness.
                                     It is highly hormone sensitive and insures its interfere in the process of steps of creation of breast cancer, uterine cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer or endometriosis to send back the human system in the opposite track in order to cure the same. It cures the pain of the tumour
                                        It ceases vomiting, abdominal pain, hyperthermia, restlessness, increased stomach seizures. Its role in decreasing the sugar level in cases of diabetes, hypoglycaemia etc. should be critically observed.
                          It gives back the uterus its original status from diversions from the troubles born from the cramps, swelling and hardness. It is very useful in cases of pregnancy and breast feeding. It searches for the diversion from menstrual irregularities to give back the menstrual process its original status.

                           It is reputed to increase sexual desire, decrease perspiration. And it is beneficial to the diversions from the pain and equally smart in earache and toothache. It is very useful in diuretic sufferings, stones in gallbladder, kidney and urinary tract, cystitis. Liver damages/enzymes deficiency therein caused from diuretic hazards finds a solution in the activities of this Od Force.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Aesculus hippocastanum

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Aesculus hippocastanum 
Horse chestnut
                                                          The Od Force of its bark, pericap and ripen fresh hulled nut is used as one of the component in preparing the remedies. The material source of this Od Force causes sickness if eaten. A few of the mammals, especially deer, eat it safely as its toxins are breakable in them.    
                                                         The Od Force of it affects the electromagnetic set up in the human system which is at work for venous Circulation mainly mostly.  It also takes part in the cell to cell negatively charged pathway travel of the total nervous system. The action of this force is notably important in the sense that it acts on the lower bowel zone. In its capacity it lifts the tightness and constriction over from the veins. The Od Force of it enhances the fluid retention by decreasing the permeability of the capillaries to disallow the going of excess fluid into the circulatory system.
The Od Force in question cures a wide range of venous diseases, like suppressed haemorrhoids, diverted venous stasis including slacking of the hardened arteries etc.
It withdraws the gastrointestinal troubles, acute anaphylactic reactions, acute renal failure, renal impairment, oedema etc.It makes free the human systen from chronic  venous sufficiency.

It is used in diverted vascular protection, diverted inflammatory and  diverted free radical scavenging properties.

Erythrea centaurium

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Erythrea centaurium 
                                              The Od Force obtained from the whole of the plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedies. It as herbal is bitter even in dilutions of 1 part centaury: 3500 parts water.
                                             In its Od Force capacity it withdraws heat from the human system remaining in pyrexia. It withdraws the diversions among urine retention, abdominal colic and diabetes mellitus. It supplies that Od Force in absence of which the pancreas β-cells suffer damage, degenerative changes occur there.
 It adds human system the Od Force that lacks in coordinating and individual unitary usual functions of the liver and kidneys. The Od Force is beneficial for the functioning of the liver and the kidneys, helps in getting the blood rid of all impurities and is an exceptional anti-stimulant against the stimulated in this space.

. It interferes in the GI problems like anorexia, bloating, dyspepsia, and flatulence to lift their diversions. In its capacity it decreases the increased stomach secretions. In its administration It backs the unusual falls of liver, gall fluid to their normalcy.

Cetraria islandica

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Cetraria islandica
Iceland moss
The Od Force of the whole of the plant is used in the preparation of the remedy as one of the component. The plant is not toxic but it absorbs high quantity of toxic elements like lead, cadmium and mercury from the earth, even waves of different frequency, magnitude from the surrounding where they grow.
The electromagnetic circuit(s) that undergoes/undergo deactivation by the toxicity from the toxic elements like lead, cadmium and mercury etc. is/are activated by this Od Force. It also cancels the damages done by the absorbed waves, even radioactivity by vibrating or undulating or oscillating the concerned deactivated electromagnetic circuit(s).
Cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s) of the lungs system is in hand to hand relation with alimentary tract to undergo the chemical or material torture in the capacity of this Od Force.
The Od Force in question here lifts the antibiotic and demulcent activities of the material or chemical. The chemical or material diversion or shift caused from the soothed mucous membranes of the chest in treating chronic pulmonary problems to counter catarrh and to calm dry and paroxysmal coughs and as a relief for advanced tuberculosis is withdrawn herewith. Providing a material or chemical treatment for the oral and pharyngeal membranes, organic tonic action stimulated the appetite and promoted gastric secretion are hided or camouflaged in the vast area of the coupled network of the pulmonary system and the alimentary system. The alimentary network suffering from gastritis, gastric ulcer, hiatus hernia, and reflux esophagitis, dysentery, chronic digestive disturbances (including irritable bowel syndrome and food poisoning may hide to focus the total deficiency of the Od Force to be focused in the respiratory system as new sufferings.
To give material or chemical relief from vomiting arising from irritation and inflammation of the stomach, low-grade stomach infections with low stomach acid production, excess stomach acid secretion and as such malnourishment, debility, and anorexia are lifted herewith this Od Force is essential. It lifts the diversion or shift got chemically or materially from the occurrence of the increased breast-milk after galactogogue treatment
The new developments from the externally treated boils, vaginal discharges and impetigo that are misguided to remain in deep distorted status in the human system losing its concerning constructive Od Force are also in the paw of the activity of this Od Force.
Its selected electromagnetic frequency challenges the material or chemical immunostimulant effects to cancel those in order to rewinding the concerning chemistry. The chemical or material diversion from the mucous membrane-cleaning activities is made null and void herewith. The new essayed array caused from the cleansing spleen, liver, kidney, pancreas and bladder is taken off herewith. Antibiotic diversions from the strong flu and colds are erased in the same way with this Od Force. It helps in lifting the chemical or material diversion or shift caused from the treatment of cancer growth and tumors. It is helpful to lift the all failures towards fighting against infestation of intestinal worms.

Surprisingly it is notable here that the Od Force has been included as one of the components in the remedies of S10, F1 and F2 mostly specific for liver as febrifugers. It withdraws the material /chemical actions that were performed to cause stimulation of metabolism and inhibition of anabolism in the interest of providing patients with relief from the symptoms, pain and stress of some serious sort of illness. It lifts the harmful effects from the metabolic homeostatis. The material or chemical deviation or shift affects the liver mitochondrial oxidative functions in various respiratory states and on oxidative phosphorylation. In its effect an uncoupling through the action on the inner mitochondrial membrane through their lipophilic properties and protonophoric activities is induced which causes harm on the hepatic metabolism. Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria inhibits the coupling between the electron transport and phosphorylation reactions and thus ATP synthesis is inhibited without affecting the respiratory chain and ATP synthase (H(+)-ATPase. Prevented state 3 (phosphorylating) respiration is made withdrawn herewith. Blocking of the proton channel (Fo subunit), which is necessary for oxidative phosphorylation of ADP to ATP (energy production) is cancelled. The significantly reduced electron flow through the electron transport chain is reestablished, though electron flow that does not stop completely due to the process of proton leak remains unaffected.


Cinchona succirubra

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Cinchona succirubra 
Red Peruvian bark
The Od Force of the material constituting the bark is used as a component in preparing the remedies. The toxic material activities of the bark become detrimental to the human system. The Od Force contained in the said bark lifts  headache, giddiness and deafness. It causes withdrawal of arterial constriction, diverted gastric intestinal irritation controlling stimulated digestive juices. It withdraws warmth.
The Od Force in question tones up the relaxed muscles to their normalcy by its heat releasing capacities. It tones up the lost coordinating activities in the leg cramp. It erases the diversions in haemorrhoids, varicosed vein, phlebities etc. As evolving pathogens develop widespread resistance to modern medicines like standard antibiotics, antivirals, and antimalarial, it is better in place of coming back in the use of the natural medicine of quinine bark, the visiting of the Od Force as retains the said natural medicine of Quinine bark  as the Electrohomoeopaths use in preparing the remedies they use.

 The constriction of the arteries/veins, diversion of varicose veins, pyelitis etc are healed by this Od Force. It throws strong healing effects on the causes of diverted of splenomegaly. The tortures causing diversions as cancers on the liver, breast, glands, liver, mesentery, spleen are under the capacitance of this plant’s selected Od Force. It cures constipation. In this way it removes bloating, indigestion, and weakness. It is used as an appetite stimulant. It checks the hair loss, alcoholic liver, spleen, and gallbladder disorders where these are from the diversions; and it regulars the irregular heart beat, anemia, leg cramps, and fevers of all kinds. It lifts effects of the drunkenness without any diversion.

It enhances the heart beat in case of the bradycardia. And it, in this way, plays another important role in ceasing the palpitation as well as normalizes the heart functions.  Subdued heart becomes fastened. The auriculoventricular conduction time is made shortened by this Od Force And. It is used as an arrhythmic, when it needs.


Cinchona calisaya

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Cinchona calisaya






Yellow Peruvian bark


The Od Force remaining in the bark is used as a component in preparing the remedies. Excess use of this herbal is harmful due to its toxic material activities.

The Od Force is highly capable of intervening in the exothermic activities in the human system in its pyretic state to lessen the same. The Od Force in question acts on relaxed muscles to their normalcy by its heat releasing properties.

It heels the constriction of the arteries/veins. It cures diverted varicose veins, diverted pyelitis. It has strong healing effects on the causes of diverted of splenomegaly.  It withdraws the tortured diversion as cancers on the liver, breast, glands, liver, mesentery, spleen. It cures constipation. In this way it removes bloating, indigestion, and weakness. It is used as an appetite stimulant, for hair loss, alcoholic liver, spleen, and gallbladder disorders; and to treat irregular heart beat, anemia, leg cramps, and fevers of all kinds. It lifts effects of the drunkenness without diverting the same.

It withdraws the bradycardia palpitation and normalizes the heart functions. Heart is fastened. The auriculoventricular conduction time is shortened. It is used as an arrythmic.


Sambucus nigra

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Sambucus nigra 

                                                   The Od Force remained in  the leaves, fruit& flowers of the plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedies. As herbal it is low toxic in concentration destroyable in cooking. The Od Force concerned is anti-allergic, In its quality it connects renal system and the respiratory system. In its action it has proved itself as anti-diuretic and anti- diaphoretic. Naturally the Od Force here withdraws the diversion of cold and cough  towards the reappearances of the same. In the same way it connects the said spaces of the renal system and the respiratory system to make the diversions more acute and destined among the respiratory system, liver gall bladder system and the renal system. The connection is further extended to circuit causes over stimulated pugative or laxative activities of the intestinal passage.  to stop the same. It lifts the sufferings of poisoning happens from the release of the cyanide through enzymatic action over the cyanogenic glycosides, one of the alkaloids of its herbal. The Od Force of the plant is anti- emetic. It is used in the treatment of diarrhoea and arthritic conditions. In its capacity it is anti-catarrhal and anti-haemostatic. It is very effective as anti-galactogogue, anti-chest, anti-eyes etc. It is also useful in treating burns and scalds, chest complaints, eye complaints etc.

Atropa Belladonna

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Atropa Belladonna 



Deadly nightshade

------------------------                                              The Od Force of the Roots, leaves of this plant is used as one of the components of the prepared remedy. The plant is highly poisonous. In its capacity the Od Force concerned has a marvelous function over the dependent motion of the lymph circulation and the blood circulation of the Mixed Constitution. This Mixed Constitution causes cellular atrophy of the human system. Naturally the Od Force concerned tries to give back their original structure. It is equally expert to influence the Lymphatic Constitution. Its Lymphatic Constitutional activity is observed in S12. The circuits of C13, C12 receive Its Mixed Constitutional Od energic vibrations to meet up the deficiency if there are. The Od Force of the poison concerned lifts the blockage in the Parasympathetic receptors, withdraws the over stimulation from there. And so it calms the over activity of some of the bodily functions regulated by the nervous system include salivation, sweating, pupil size, urination, digestive functions, and others.  It stimulates the nerve endings in paralyzed involuntary muscles to bring back them their original vigor and to pacify the excitement and delirium caused from the paralysis affecting the central nervous system. It cancels the diversion of the painful menstruation.The Od Force of it acts as muscarinic to lift the obstruction over the concerned receptors in the muscles of the eye to give back the narrow  pupil its original size. The Od Force of it withdraws the diversions of headach, inflammation, menstrual symptoms, histaminic reaction, peptic ulcer disease and motion sickness. It lifts the hallucination,delirium, mental disruption from central nervous system.
 The Od Force concerned withdraws  poisoning appear dizziness, dry mouth, flush, nausea and vomiting, visual impairment, increased heart frequency, agitation and raving, followed by weakness and sleepiness, breathing compression etc.The Od Force exhibits the deactivated parasympathetic nervous system which controls involuntary body activities and  make free the reduced saliva, gastric, intestinal and bronchial secretions, as well as activates  urinary tubules, bladder and intestines to come back to their normalcy.It is also used to lift the causes of Parkinson's disease, colic, motion sickness.
            It removes the  joint pain of rheumatism, leg pain like sciatica,  neuralgia causing effects on the concerned bone, pushing disc in the backbone.
It is also expert in diuresis.The Od Force in question should be regarded as an cholinergic or parasympathetic ( antiparasympatholytic) in nature..
In short it should be termed an antimuscarinic Od Force since it antagonizes the muscarine Od Force actions. it antagonizes the the Od Force actions acetylcholine and other choline esters.  It exhibits the inhibiting muscarinic Od Force actions on structures innervated by postganglionic cholinergic nerves, and on smooth muscles. As with other antimuscarinic Od Forces the major action of the Od Force of the atropine belladonna is a competitive or surmountable antagonism. The receptors agonized by the Od Force of Atropine belladonna are the peripheral structures that are exhibited by the Od Force of the muscarine, the structures being the exocrine and smooth and cardiac muscle. Responses to postganglionic cholinergic nerve stimulation may also be exhibited by the Od Force of the Atropine Balledonna but this occurs less readily than with other responses of the Od Force of the (exogenous) choline esters. The Od Force concerned opens the lock behind the reduction of secretion in the mouth and the respiratory passages, constriction and spasm in the respiratory passages. It withdraws the causes of paralysis of the respiration resulting from the central nervous system.This exhibition over the parasympathetic nerve may be followed by a transient phase of anti-stimulation, especially on the heart where happens a fast of the heart rate prior to characterized bradycardia developed due to withdrawn paralysis of the vagal control. The decreased respiratory rate and occasionally decreased depth of respiration produced by Od Force are but the result of the withdrawing effect over the bronchiolar dilatation.Adequately the Od Force here lifts the various types of vagal action to cause cardiac slowing from excitement, to free the cardiac arrest by its anti-stimulation functions over the vagus nerves. This Od Force is highly qualified to lessen the vegal aetiological factors’ activities behind the partial heart blocks. In case of complete heart blocks the idioventricular rate may be retarded by the Od Force of it. Occasionally, a considerable amount of this Od Force may sweep away the closure of the atrioventricular (A-V) block and nodal rhythm.

Monday 28 April 2014

Lobelia inflate

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Lobelia inflate
Indian tobacco
 The Od Force of the total aerial part of the plant is used as component to prepare remedies. Lobelia inflata is considered toxic. In its capacity to decrease the motion of the independent lymphatic circulation its affinity to influence working principles there in the nervous system is the most striking. By its qualities it withdraws the forceful activities of the heart following the abatements in the throat spasm, then hyperactivities of the saliva producing mechanism by loosing the bondages among the receptors in the nervous system. This process of making free the bondages of the nervous system interferes the after bondage sufferings of sweating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, rapid heartbeat, mental confusion, hypothermia, coma, difficulty breathing and collapse etc.
The Od Force of it is purely an anti-relaxant. It induces its anti-stimulating faculties to expend transiently upon the functional activities causing uncontrolled fauces, hyper activity of the glands and mucous membranes of the mouth and respiratory organs. Its greatly valued quality is for its peculiar influence in withdrawing the relaxing activities of the entire circuit of the organs and tissues including the nervous structures at every portion of the human system.

it withdraws the peculiar and somewhat acrid (but never excoriating) feeling about the fauces following an increased flow of saliva and mucus in the mouth, even a dry tongue and throat to a sense of nausea, increase of mucous secretion through the whole of the oesophagus effecting a lifting burden due to relaxed activities over the capillaries and nerve peripheries, general circulation, and finally throughout the muscular and glandular systems.
. In its capacity to decrease the motion of the independent lymphatic circulation its affinity to influence working principles of circulation of the blood, it materially equalizes its use in the tensed blood vessel in applying its anti-relaxing activities over the blood circulatory apparatus to withdraw the hyper energized  flow of blood to make the human system free from diaphoresis to secure usual pulse from hyperactive fullness and softness to induce excitability  of the heart establishing usual secretion of the skin, liver, kidneys from their hyperactivity stage. It extends its influence on phrenitis, meningitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, hepatitis, peritonitis, and nephritis, and to inflammation of the periosteum–whether on the long bones, alveolar processes, about the ear, or other places.
In its independent lymphatic circulation it sanctions a great benefit on the nervous system by withdrawing the tension and excitement of the tissues to lift the sufferings of acute rheumatism,pleurisy, periostitis,meningitis, neuralgia etc. Upon the muscular and fibrous tissues it exerts itself to impose a very direct and peculiar force to lift the induced nausea at stomach, enlarged caliber of pulse caused by the excitement over the fibers of the blood-vessel. It is by this combined action upon both the nerves and muscles of the stomach that allays irritation of the stomach, and arrest spasmodic and even sympathetic vomiting, stops emesis causing an anti contracting oscillation in the stomach. The relief obtained from the use of this Od Force in meningitis, pleurisy, peritoneal inflammation, and acute rheumatism, is probably due as much to its anti-relaxing power over serous tissues as to its soothing impression upon the nerves.

 Its virtues are exhibited to the highest advantage in withdrawing the induced spasmodic and true membranous croups, whooping-cough, spasmodic asthma, (but not the humid asthma, nor that form of difficult breathing accompanying heart disease,) spasmodic strangury, subsultus tendinum, spasmodic occlusion of the gall-ducts, (as in the paroxysms of suffering from the passage of gall stones,) strangulated hernia, etc. But it is not time consuming process though lies a complex under pressure excessive muscular contractility character there. It helps the relaxed ostincae, contracted uterus, vaginal structure to gain their respective normal health easily stimulating the concerned the fibers.
This withdrawal aptitude of the Od Force concerned over the relaxed muscular structures is of great advantage not merely in the spasmodic affections but also in spasmodic and convulsive troubles of the severest grades. In this capacity it is powerful to stopping short the clonic contractions in strangulated hernia, in fits of hysteria and epilepsy, in puerperal convulsion. It may also be applied with equal correctness over the trismus, tetanus and all forms of tonic spasm.