Tuesday 29 April 2014

Cinchona calisaya

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Cinchona calisaya






Yellow Peruvian bark


The Od Force remaining in the bark is used as a component in preparing the remedies. Excess use of this herbal is harmful due to its toxic material activities.

The Od Force is highly capable of intervening in the exothermic activities in the human system in its pyretic state to lessen the same. The Od Force in question acts on relaxed muscles to their normalcy by its heat releasing properties.

It heels the constriction of the arteries/veins. It cures diverted varicose veins, diverted pyelitis. It has strong healing effects on the causes of diverted of splenomegaly.  It withdraws the tortured diversion as cancers on the liver, breast, glands, liver, mesentery, spleen. It cures constipation. In this way it removes bloating, indigestion, and weakness. It is used as an appetite stimulant, for hair loss, alcoholic liver, spleen, and gallbladder disorders; and to treat irregular heart beat, anemia, leg cramps, and fevers of all kinds. It lifts effects of the drunkenness without diverting the same.

It withdraws the bradycardia palpitation and normalizes the heart functions. Heart is fastened. The auriculoventricular conduction time is shortened. It is used as an arrythmic.


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