Tuesday 29 April 2014

Atropa Belladonna

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Atropa Belladonna 



Deadly nightshade

------------------------                                              The Od Force of the Roots, leaves of this plant is used as one of the components of the prepared remedy. The plant is highly poisonous. In its capacity the Od Force concerned has a marvelous function over the dependent motion of the lymph circulation and the blood circulation of the Mixed Constitution. This Mixed Constitution causes cellular atrophy of the human system. Naturally the Od Force concerned tries to give back their original structure. It is equally expert to influence the Lymphatic Constitution. Its Lymphatic Constitutional activity is observed in S12. The circuits of C13, C12 receive Its Mixed Constitutional Od energic vibrations to meet up the deficiency if there are. The Od Force of the poison concerned lifts the blockage in the Parasympathetic receptors, withdraws the over stimulation from there. And so it calms the over activity of some of the bodily functions regulated by the nervous system include salivation, sweating, pupil size, urination, digestive functions, and others.  It stimulates the nerve endings in paralyzed involuntary muscles to bring back them their original vigor and to pacify the excitement and delirium caused from the paralysis affecting the central nervous system. It cancels the diversion of the painful menstruation.The Od Force of it acts as muscarinic to lift the obstruction over the concerned receptors in the muscles of the eye to give back the narrow  pupil its original size. The Od Force of it withdraws the diversions of headach, inflammation, menstrual symptoms, histaminic reaction, peptic ulcer disease and motion sickness. It lifts the hallucination,delirium, mental disruption from central nervous system.
 The Od Force concerned withdraws  poisoning appear dizziness, dry mouth, flush, nausea and vomiting, visual impairment, increased heart frequency, agitation and raving, followed by weakness and sleepiness, breathing compression etc.The Od Force exhibits the deactivated parasympathetic nervous system which controls involuntary body activities and  make free the reduced saliva, gastric, intestinal and bronchial secretions, as well as activates  urinary tubules, bladder and intestines to come back to their normalcy.It is also used to lift the causes of Parkinson's disease, colic, motion sickness.
            It removes the  joint pain of rheumatism, leg pain like sciatica,  neuralgia causing effects on the concerned bone, pushing disc in the backbone.
It is also expert in diuresis.The Od Force in question should be regarded as an cholinergic or parasympathetic ( antiparasympatholytic) in nature..
In short it should be termed an antimuscarinic Od Force since it antagonizes the muscarine Od Force actions. it antagonizes the the Od Force actions acetylcholine and other choline esters.  It exhibits the inhibiting muscarinic Od Force actions on structures innervated by postganglionic cholinergic nerves, and on smooth muscles. As with other antimuscarinic Od Forces the major action of the Od Force of the atropine belladonna is a competitive or surmountable antagonism. The receptors agonized by the Od Force of Atropine belladonna are the peripheral structures that are exhibited by the Od Force of the muscarine, the structures being the exocrine and smooth and cardiac muscle. Responses to postganglionic cholinergic nerve stimulation may also be exhibited by the Od Force of the Atropine Balledonna but this occurs less readily than with other responses of the Od Force of the (exogenous) choline esters. The Od Force concerned opens the lock behind the reduction of secretion in the mouth and the respiratory passages, constriction and spasm in the respiratory passages. It withdraws the causes of paralysis of the respiration resulting from the central nervous system.This exhibition over the parasympathetic nerve may be followed by a transient phase of anti-stimulation, especially on the heart where happens a fast of the heart rate prior to characterized bradycardia developed due to withdrawn paralysis of the vagal control. The decreased respiratory rate and occasionally decreased depth of respiration produced by Od Force are but the result of the withdrawing effect over the bronchiolar dilatation.Adequately the Od Force here lifts the various types of vagal action to cause cardiac slowing from excitement, to free the cardiac arrest by its anti-stimulation functions over the vagus nerves. This Od Force is highly qualified to lessen the vegal aetiological factors’ activities behind the partial heart blocks. In case of complete heart blocks the idioventricular rate may be retarded by the Od Force of it. Occasionally, a considerable amount of this Od Force may sweep away the closure of the atrioventricular (A-V) block and nodal rhythm.

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