Cetraria islandica
Iceland moss
The Od Force
of the whole of the plant is used in the preparation of the remedy as one of
the component. The plant is not toxic
but it absorbs high quantity of toxic elements like lead, cadmium and mercury
from the earth, even waves of different frequency, magnitude from the
surrounding where they grow.
The electromagnetic
circuit(s) that undergoes/undergo deactivation by the toxicity from the toxic
elements like lead, cadmium and mercury etc. is/are activated by this Od Force.
It also cancels the damages done by the absorbed waves, even radioactivity by
vibrating or undulating or oscillating the concerned deactivated
electromagnetic circuit(s).
to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s) of the lungs system is in
hand to hand relation with alimentary tract to undergo the chemical or material
torture in the capacity of this Od Force.
The Od Force in question here lifts the
antibiotic and demulcent activities of the material or chemical. The chemical
or material diversion or shift caused from the soothed mucous membranes of the
chest in treating chronic pulmonary problems to counter catarrh and to calm dry
and paroxysmal coughs and as a relief for advanced tuberculosis is withdrawn
herewith. Providing a material or chemical treatment for the oral and pharyngeal
membranes, organic tonic action stimulated
the appetite and promoted gastric secretion are hided or camouflaged in the
vast area of the coupled network of the pulmonary system and the alimentary
system. The alimentary network suffering from gastritis, gastric ulcer, hiatus
hernia, and reflux esophagitis, dysentery, chronic digestive disturbances
(including irritable bowel syndrome and food poisoning may hide to focus the
total deficiency of the Od Force to be focused in the respiratory system as new
To give material or chemical relief from
vomiting arising from irritation and inflammation of the stomach, low-grade
stomach infections with low stomach acid production, excess stomach acid secretion
and as such malnourishment, debility, and anorexia are lifted herewith this Od
Force is essential. It lifts the diversion or shift got chemically or
materially from the occurrence of the increased breast-milk after galactogogue
The new developments from
the externally treated boils, vaginal discharges and impetigo that are
misguided to remain in deep distorted status in the human system losing its
concerning constructive Od Force are also in the paw of the activity of this Od
selected electromagnetic frequency challenges the material or chemical
immunostimulant effects to cancel those in order to rewinding the concerning
chemistry. The chemical or material diversion from the mucous membrane-cleaning
activities is made null and void herewith. The new essayed array caused from
the cleansing spleen, liver, kidney, pancreas and bladder is taken off
herewith. Antibiotic diversions from the strong flu and colds are erased in the
same way with this Od Force. It helps in lifting the chemical or material diversion or shift
caused from the treatment of cancer growth and tumors. It is helpful to lift
the all failures towards fighting against infestation of intestinal worms.
Surprisingly it is notable
here that the Od Force has been included as one of the components in the
remedies of S10,
F1 and F2 mostly specific for liver as febrifugers. It withdraws the material
/chemical actions that were performed to cause stimulation of metabolism and
inhibition of anabolism in the interest of providing patients with relief from
the symptoms, pain and stress of some serious sort of illness. It lifts the
harmful effects from the metabolic homeostatis. The material or chemical
deviation or shift affects the liver mitochondrial
oxidative functions in various respiratory states and on oxidative phosphorylation.
In its effect an uncoupling through the action on the inner mitochondrial
membrane through their lipophilic properties and protonophoric activities is
induced which causes harm on the hepatic metabolism. Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation in
mitochondria inhibits the coupling between the electron transport and
phosphorylation reactions and thus ATP synthesis is inhibited without affecting
the respiratory chain and ATP synthase (H(+)-ATPase. Prevented state 3 (phosphorylating) respiration is made
withdrawn herewith. Blocking of the proton channel (Fo subunit), which is
necessary for oxidative
phosphorylation of ADP to ATP (energy production) is cancelled. The significantly
reduced electron flow through the electron
transport chain is reestablished, though electron
flow that does not stop completely due to the process of proton
leak remains unaffected.
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