Tuesday 29 April 2014

Cinchona succirubra

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Cinchona succirubra 
Red Peruvian bark
The Od Force of the material constituting the bark is used as a component in preparing the remedies. The toxic material activities of the bark become detrimental to the human system. The Od Force contained in the said bark lifts  headache, giddiness and deafness. It causes withdrawal of arterial constriction, diverted gastric intestinal irritation controlling stimulated digestive juices. It withdraws warmth.
The Od Force in question tones up the relaxed muscles to their normalcy by its heat releasing capacities. It tones up the lost coordinating activities in the leg cramp. It erases the diversions in haemorrhoids, varicosed vein, phlebities etc. As evolving pathogens develop widespread resistance to modern medicines like standard antibiotics, antivirals, and antimalarial, it is better in place of coming back in the use of the natural medicine of quinine bark, the visiting of the Od Force as retains the said natural medicine of Quinine bark  as the Electrohomoeopaths use in preparing the remedies they use.

 The constriction of the arteries/veins, diversion of varicose veins, pyelitis etc are healed by this Od Force. It throws strong healing effects on the causes of diverted of splenomegaly. The tortures causing diversions as cancers on the liver, breast, glands, liver, mesentery, spleen are under the capacitance of this plant’s selected Od Force. It cures constipation. In this way it removes bloating, indigestion, and weakness. It is used as an appetite stimulant. It checks the hair loss, alcoholic liver, spleen, and gallbladder disorders where these are from the diversions; and it regulars the irregular heart beat, anemia, leg cramps, and fevers of all kinds. It lifts effects of the drunkenness without any diversion.

It enhances the heart beat in case of the bradycardia. And it, in this way, plays another important role in ceasing the palpitation as well as normalizes the heart functions.  Subdued heart becomes fastened. The auriculoventricular conduction time is made shortened by this Od Force And. It is used as an arrhythmic, when it needs.


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