Friday 5 February 2016

Galeopsis ochroleuca

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Galeopsis ochroleuca 
Hemp nettle
The Od Force of the fresh aboveground parts of the flowering plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy.
The Od Force in question here finds its activity concentration notably in the tissues of the trachea and lungs. It influences the tissue generating properties. Chemically caused diversions which cause new focus of disease in the process of regenerating tissues exercise a reversed process as was exploited in the regenerating process.
The activating Od Force of the cell to cell electromagnetic network that faces a use in the chemical process of increasing the resistance to allergens and pathogens that affect the lungs to open a new focus of the disease and comes to a deactivated condition is regained with the use of this Od Force.
Its anti-astringency properties are used in the diversions caused in the chemical toning of the tissues, especially in the urinary system. It adds the Od Force that suffers a loss in the chemical process of boosting the white blood cell production.
Diversions from the chemically treated swelling of the airways, cough, bronchitis and fluid retention may be withdrawn also using this Od Force. Naturally such diversions including such of whooping cough, inflammation of the trachea also find their new focuses in the deeper of the lung system. Chemical diversion from the disordered spleen may also be withdrawn, if in its capacity. Bedwetting, asthma disappearing focuses are also under the administration of this Od Force. The loss of the Od Force of the cell to cell electromagnetic network that would had not been used before chemical or material treatment for helping loosening congestion in the chest may also be added here.

This Od Force cancels the stimulation from the stimulated collagen type 1 synthesis and osteoblastic differentiation in human osteoblast-like cells by adding the required Od Force to the concerned deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s). In cancelling the stimulation over collagen type 1 synthesis in human osteoblast-like cells and skin fibroblasts this Od Force decreased the enhanced osteoblastic differentiation in the MG-63 cells. It does not interfere in the alteration of the collagen type 1 gene expression, but it reversed the modulating activity of prolyl hydroxylase, an enzyme involved in the production of collagen.

The chemical shift from the prevention of the loss of hair tensile strength with the positive effect on skin surface and skin mechanical properties, and on brittleness of hair and nails, abated brittle nail syndrome, partially prevented femoral bone loss with the increase of collagen concentration in calves and potential beneficial effect on bone collagen formation in osteopenic females are withdrawn herewith. The diversion from the chemical strengthening of connective tissues and bones, the material prevention of atherosclerosis, insomnia, tuberculosis and others which are related to mucus membrane are also withdrawn herewith. It also helps in withdrawing the diversions in increasing the healing rate during fractures chemically.
Higher amounts of aluminum are found in the brain lesions of patients suffering from the Alzheimer’s disease. Silicon, through its bonding with aluminum, prevents the absorption of the latter in the gastrointestinal tract, and reduces the sufferings of aluminum toxicity but at the cost of diversion focussing the new loss of the Od Force mainly in the pettorale system. This Od Force expertizes itself to erase this chemical shift. The chemical restoration of mucosa of the respiratory tract when the human system is undergoing the suffering from dehydration is cancelled herewith by activating the deactivated respective cell to cell negatively charged circuit(s).The hazards from the loss of the Od Forcer faced by the human system in respect of elevating the deposition of different minerals like calcium in the bone tissues are also reversed herewith. The formation of hard plaque in the arteries causes atherosclerosis. The chemical activities in decreasing the formation of plaque, and subsequently reducing the risk of various cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks and strokes is hereby withdrawn by exhibiting the inhibited circulation of blood that had been caused by the obstruction of blood flow as the scar tissue and oxidized cholesterol continued.
Osteoporosis is a progressive skeletal disorder, characterised by low bone mass (osteopenia) and micro-architectural deterioration. It lifts the induction from the induced a significant increase in femoral bone mineral density in osteoporotic women. The long-term chemical prevention of the partial femoral bone loss and the positive effect on the bone turnover are caused with the chemical shifts, postmenopausal bone turnover and bone mineral density at the women's age when the risk of osteoporosis increases are also happened in the same way. All these chemical prevention shifts are withdrawn herewith. It withdraws the diversions caused from the chemical interaction with the oestrogen status on bone mineral density. The diversion benefits on the respiratory defence mechanisms is withdrawn by withdrawing the stimulated immune system through the decrease of the increase of neutrophils, T lymphocytes and NK cells. In this process it deactivates the activated phagocytes and consequent additional ROS production.  It rewinds the activities of causing proliferation and activation of CD8+ T cells and, to a lesser amount, of CD4+ T cells.General kidney deterioration, which is irreversible is eventually erased by this Od Force.
It also involves itself in the digestive function by withdrawing the chemical compulsion applied to maintain the tissues found in the digestive track. It knocks the chemical shifts issued from the decrease intestinal and stomach inflammation and eliminated problems of constipation, diarrhea and ulcers.

It withdraws the barrier that caused thiamine deficiency and leads to oppose the losing the control on muscle or even paralysis. It prevents the excess urination and oedema and increases the level of low-levels of potassium as this nutrients flushed out from the system.

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