Ground ivy
The Od Force of
the whole plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the
remedy. As herb its use has not been established scientifically as there is
sufficient evidence to warrant caution to use as it is toxic to cattle and
Two most important
notable matters are here concerning congestion of the mucus membrane and
functional relation between the pulmonary system and the renal system in
respect of withdrawing the chemically caused diversion of the sufferings from
outside to the pettorale system as well as those of pulmonary itself to deeper
of it. Infested worms connect the cell to cell electromagnetic vermifugos network
with the pettorale network to focus the caused deficiency of the Od Force of
its network.
In case of colds
and coughs and nervous headache, by instant adding of the Od Force it foils all
functions causing chemical diversions by the infective organisms. Chemically
relieved congestion of the mucus membrane finds its diversions in the pettorale
system here. It recovers the anti-infammatory chemical damages. What damages
cause chemically through the loss of the Od Force of the selected cell to cell
network in this respect that deactivates the same during the period of
increasing excretion of the lead through urine is regained by the remedial
addition of the this Od Force. Treated inflammation of
the eyes, tinnitus are revoked by this Od Force. The expressed force speeds the lifting
process in respect of withdrawing the chemically healed bruises and “black”
eyes, sore and weak eyes.
It is useful in chemical transformations of the renal diseases,
indigestion. It is anti-diuretic, anti-astringent. It reverses the established
slowly stimulated chemical activities. Naturally theses chemical
transformations associates with the new focus of suffering in the pettorale
system. Diversions caused from chemically treated Inflammation of bronchitis
are also a subject of this Od Force. Chemically ordered disorders associated
with the liver and bile may be withdrawn similarly to escort the human system
from this ‘ordered’ loss of more Od Force from the same.
It cancels the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic
network activities that get its establishment through the chemical irritation
of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys to focus in the pettorsle system. It
is anti-irritating, anti-toxic and anti-abotifacient in nature. It disconnects
the pettorale system mucus system cell to cell negatively charged network
pathways from the same of ear, nose, throat and digestive system. The ‘benefit
of cure’ from the well-tolerated chemical treatment given to children to clear
lingering catarrh and to tackle old conditions such as glue ear and sinusitis,
throat and chest problems especially those due to excess catarrh, find their escorts from the
innocently welcome more deep crisis caused from the said ‘benefit of cure’ in respect of the concerned human
foot prints of the cure of consumption are easily erased.
splash done by chemical poultice over the abscesses, gathering and tumours is
easily withdrawn by this Od Force
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