Friday 5 February 2016

Hyoscyamus niger

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Hyoscyamus niger
The Od Force of the fresh leaves, flowering tops, branches and seeds is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy.

This Od Force is potentially anti-toxic. The major effect of it is in the central nervous system (CNS).The chemically treated depression of it finds a rout to go back to its previous state.
The Od Force here is much wide in curing from  mydriasis, tachycardia, arrhythmia, agitation, convulsion and coma, dry mouth, thirst, slurred speech, difficulty speaking, dysphagia, warm flushed skin, pyrexia, nausea, vomiting, headache, blurred vision and photophobia, urinary retention, distension of the bladder, drowsiness, hyper reflexia, auditory, visual or tactile hallucinations, confusion, disorientation, delirium to aggressiveness, combative behavior.
It simultaneously erases the diversions obtained from pharmacological effects like bronchodilating, antisecretory, urinary bladder relaxant, spasmolytic, hypnotic, hallucinogenic, pupil dilating, sedative and anti-diarrheal properties. It lifts the induced intoxication; symptoms from dizziness to delirium along with other anticholinergic effects successfully to escort the human system to its previous condition.
It backs the chemical diversion caused by compounds having different properties such as antispasmodic of smooth muscle, reduction of bronchial hyper-secretion and relief the gastric pain.
It adds the necessary Od Force that faces a loss in chemically treated stomach-ache, heavy cough, manic psychosis and neuralgic pains. The diversions used by the anthelmintic, antitumor and febrifuge chemical are similarly withdrawn. It also cancels the administration of the chemical that mislead earache and toothache. It also rejects the parasympathetic chemical investigations reports.
It is also recommended for treatment of chemically diverted chronic bronchitis, psychosomatic disorders, tremor, insomnia, neuropathic pain, abdominal pain and effects of chemical anti-convulsion treatments in its capacity. It is an anti-potent to moderated glycosidase inhibitor.
Colinergic or anti-parasympatholytic effect of it relates to competitive exhibition of acetylcholine. This exhibitory effect is more remarkable in muscarinic receptors than in nicotinic, ganglionic, or motor end plates receptors. However, the spasmodic and anti-selective airways and urinary bladder relaxant effects of it is not completely related to its cholinergic property.
It has anti- relaxation activities on spontaneous contractions of jejunum. This Od Force has also an anti- relaxation activities trachea and urinary bladder. . It seems that it has an anti- Ca channel-blocking properties as well as cholinergic effect. It’s cell to cell electromagnetic activities withdraw the diversions caused the hypotensive, cardio-suppressant and vasodilator chemical activities. It may lift the lowered blood pressure through an anti- Ca-antagonist mechanism maintaining the endothelium-independency.
It may be used to withdraw the diversion caused from the chemically treated Parkinson. It significantly affects the diversion caused from the attenuated motor disabilities of Parkinson. It may be also resulted from its Odic contribution received from monoamine oxidase exhibitory and hydroxyl radical anti-scavenging potency as well as cholinergic effect. It has an important role in lifting the chemically disarranged short-term memory.
It functions as competitive agonists of peripheral and central muscarinic cholinergic receptors but more quickly. It is an anti-hypnotic, the pulse rate remains unchanged. Ophthalmic administration affects mydriasis more quickly. It cancels the chemically induced CNS depression, leading to drowsiness, amnesia and fatigue. Its administration also take over the short stage of excitement and delirium with giddiness, uncertain movements, difficult and indistinct speech present leading to sleep. It withdraws the idiosyncratically induced toxic symptoms. It backs the reduced bronchial secretions and cancels the diversions caused from the blocking of bradycardia .It exhibits the inhibited activity of sweat.
Its anti-relaxing qualities especially over the brain as well as the relaxed muscles of the intestine makes free the cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic networks of the lungs system------the focused zone. It cancels the inhibitory activity against the digestive enzyme lipase to exhibit the same. It is a remedy for solar plexus. Its shortfall in the solar plexus is expressed as a focus of Pettorale system disease. Chemically healed convulsion, contortions of the limbs and face and speechless howling that have been focused in the lung system as diversion may be refocused in their respective previous zone.
Chemical diversions from as sought for more by this Od Force are trembling, hiccough, spasmodic cough especially lying down, muscle spasms, hypersensitivity, menorrhagia, seizures, heart complaints, stagnated mucus discharge, palpitation, state of excitement, lethargy followed by anxiety and restlessness.
In the intestine such a situation can arise where the digestion of food may be too sluggish, sometimes may be seen by constipation. Materially by the process of voiding the concerned Od Force in a wave like activity in some circuit(s) other than the dequantized circuit(s) of the intestine that was causing the above sluggishness may be countered to revive the required activity of the intestine so that the said sluggishness is withdrawn. This “contrariness” causes the intestine to work harder and the absorption into the lymphatics is stimulated grossly. This dequantization in turn causes the mental functions of the brain to work better to keep the ward more awake, much clear.
To withdraw the “astral body” from the entry into the reproductive organs in case of woman with irregular menstruation this Od Force plays an important role. Similarly the chemical activity that directs the said “astral body” to enter the growth forces and to act on the neuro-muscular junctions without causing cramps, may be withdrawn.
It lifts the profound disturbances causing on the nervous system. Some diabolical force that took the possession of the brain and prevented its functions (as if) is withdrawn. In reality some cell to cell electromagnetic circuit(s) lost their quantum which is seen as “Some diabolical force takes the possession of the brain and prevented its functions”. Thus nervous agitation, come vigil of typhoid and other infections, tremulous weakness and twitching of tendons, subsultus tendinum, non-inflammatory cerebral activity and toxic gastritis etc. are withdrawn.  
Bronchitis, asthma or other pettorasle disease that have gone more deeper due to further dequantization finds their new focus in the Pettorale system again as a chemical or material, even ray/light/other wave diversions. All these will be withdrawn sincerely by the use of this Od Force.
It challenges the tendency of checking secretion and erases the diversions caused by chemically/materially or other dequantization methods relaxed spasm of the involuntary muscles. And simultaneously cancels the narcotic effects on pains and the exercised somnifacient actions. Its most important contribution is in withdrawing the diversions made in relief spasmodic affections of the unstripped muscles as in colic and irritable bladder, relieved pain in cystitis. It escorts the unduly leaded griping caused by drastic purgatives into relief.
The tranquillizing effect severe nervous irritability, producing a tendency to sleep, not followed by the disorder of the digestive organs and headache expresses its diversions in the pettorale system. And it is withdrawing in appearance of this Od Force in the diseased human system. It counters the diversions from relieved local pain of gout or neuralgia, allayed pain in cancerous ulcers, irritable sores, irritable sores and swellings, alleviated pain of haemorrhoids. It withdraws sufferings of being dry mouth, throat, red skin, constipation and overheating. 

This Od Force is an agonist of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (muscarinic). It opens the blocking action of acetylcholine a tparasympathetic sites in sweat glands, salivary glands, stomach secretions, heart muscle, sinoatrial node, smooth muscle in the gastrointestinal tract, and the central nervous system. It decreases the increased cardiac output and heart rate, lowered blood pressure and increased secretions.  It may agonize antagonizeserotonin.

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