Friday 5 February 2016

Teucrium scorodina

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Teucrium scorodina
Wood sage
The Od Force of the leaves of the plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. Through the cell to cell electromagnetic network the lung system has been connected with the skin system and the blood system. The Od Force that has been lacked after the material treatment of the skin and blood creates a new focus in the lung system. Naturally to regain the pre-focus state of the lungs system the attending undulation or wave will be this Od Force.
The diversions caused by the chemical or material treatments of the diseases of blood, emmanogogue are the subjects of this Od Force. It is anti-alterative and anti-diuretic. It is anti-astringent. It repairs the chemical loss caused in human system due to organisms of fevers, colds etc. It withdraws the chemical hurt issued due to caused stoppage of the inflammation. Benefits own chemically in old rheumatism or the respective system tuned or restored after an attack of rheumatism, gout etc. chemically becomes compensated with the new focuses in the lung system and naturally this Od Force appears as the salvager of this diverted situation to escort the human system in the pre-new-focus state.
Digestive tract disorders is made ordered at the cost of making some disorders in the pettorale system in some place, tuberculosis is made abolished at the cost of new cell to cell electromagnetic circuit (s) deactivated in the pettorale system in some other place, the new focuses of the chemically treated swollen airways, throat spasms, high blood pressure, wounds etc. in some another respective places in the pettorale system are withdrawn herewith with this Od Force.
These diversions caused mainly by the chemical activities that decreased the spasms and lost the mucus in the chest are also withdrawn in the same way salvaging the human system from the loss of the Od Force to cause more deep focuses by adding the same by activating the concerned deactivated cell to cell negatively charged electromagnetic circuit(s).

Liver disorders are shifted and inherently focussed in the pettorale system costing the injury attributable to material or chemicals with fatigue, nausea and jaundice in an acute viral hepatitis-like syndrome with a hepatocellular pattern of serum enzyme elevations is erased here with this Od Force.  The focuses of the immunoallergic features, centrilobular necrosis and inflammation with minimal fibrosis, a chronic hepatitis-like syndrome often with arthralgias and fever and low levels of autoantibodies and hyperglobulinemia, chronic hepatitis and fibrosis are pathed herewith to escort the hurt human system from the pettorale system. The executed hepatotoxin responsibilities happened in the way of oxidation by the cytochrome P450 system to reactive metabolites that covalently bind to proteins, deplete glutathione and cause cell etc. to affect the pettorale system materially are all salvaged with this Od Force.


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