Thursday 2 July 2015

Althea officinalis

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Althea officinalis
The Od Force of the root of this plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedies.
The function of this Od Force has been decentralized from digestive system to upper respiratory system mainly. This decentralization has been further extended to the renal system and skin system to receive the diversion caused chemically. The activity of this function is potentially highest mainly in the mucus membrane of these areas, in reality in varieted potential it affects almost all of the mucus membranes. The Od Force in question is indicated to withdraw the diversions caused from chemically treated all inflammation of the digestive tract including the mouth ulcers, hiatus hernia, gastritis, peptic ulcers, enteritis, irritable bowel syndrome and colitis, haemorrhagic dysentery. It counters the sufferings caused from the chemically treated excess stomach acid. Hurt resulted from the externally imposed chemicals to erase the sufferings of varicose veins and thrombotic ulcers as well as in abscesses and boils and weather-damaged skin, irritation of the skin is under the execution of this Od Force. It withdraws the diversion caused by the chemically treated irritation of the mouth and throat and associated dry cough/bronchitis, lung congestion.
It exhibits the inhibited mucociliary transport and withdraws the stimulation of the stimulated phagocytosis. It calms down the excitement over the stimulated release of oxygen and leukotrienes from human neutrophils. It sweeps the damages caused by the diversions arose from the applied potentiality of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, of course if it in its capacity. It erases the genetic inscription if any, from microbial activities of like pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris, Staphylococcus aureushas etc. It is highly potential to lift the causation over the allergic reactions, low blood sugar. It helps to divert the diverted inflamed tissues causing bronchitis, respiratory catarrh, bronchial asthma and pleurisy, dryness and irritation in the chest chemically. It becomes as an excellent factor to off the function to produce the toxins that are the causative factors of arthritis. It repairs the passage or withdraws the shifted focus as become result due to make ease the passage of the stones and gravels through them, even diuretic hazards, inflammation of the urethra, cystitis, frequent urination, haemorrhaging from urinary organ chemically.
It looks after to decrease the abnormally increased the mother’ milk. Torn ligaments, an irritated bowel lining, strained muscles incorporated to each other in the perspective of the diversion are also under the withdrawal survey of this Od Force.
Chemically fighting against and boosting the immune system to stimulate the production of white blood cells and to enhance the immunity may lead to open a new front of new deficiency of the Od Force that may be the source of gradual abnormal increase of the white blood corpuscles ignoring the immunity tat the cellular level. To abolish this new focus the Od Force under discussion takes most important role to escort the diseased human system in its original previous WBC status.
Hyaluronidase is an enzymatic action. This action degrades the hyaluronic and other muco-polysaccharides in the connective tissues. An inhibition and reduction in the hyaluronidase leads to better moisture levels in the skin as well as boosting the dermal structure and improving wound healing process, while at the same time reducing skin aging and diminishing inflammation. But this happens at the cost of a new opening focus of the diversion. To lift or withdraw the said new focus resulted from the inhibition the Od Force in question plays the most important role. Taking this Od Force may increase how well the body gets rid of lithium. This could decrease how much lithium in the body and results in tackling of the serious effects resulted from the increased lithium.

ACE inhibitors used to control high blood pressure may issue new focus of coughing. This Od Force puts itself in withdrawing the same superbly.

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