Thursday 2 July 2015

Vinca minor

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Vinca minor
Lessar periwinkle

The Od Force of the whole plant with roots and fruits is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. It is non-poisonous chemically.
The Od Force pacifies the stimulated blood circulation to the brain that has been made to enhance cognition in patients with dementia and enhance memory and learning in patients with degenerative and vascular dementia in the brain diseases. Dementia may be caused due to insufficient blood supply to the brain. The required blood circulation may be caused chemically but at the cost of further deficiency in the total already remained fund of the Od Force of the considered human system. This stimulation will naturally cause a new focus to show that the stimulated blood circulation has cured the diseases due to insufficient supply of blood like dementia.
The arteriosclerosis insufficient blood circulation will also create a new disease in the same way when that is ‘cured’ chemically in the same way presenting us a more grave new disease. And this Od Force will also do its best job to erase out the loss of the Od Force caused in the process of ‘curing’ the arteriosclerosis.
The Od Force in question here posses such quality energic vibrations that this Od Force salvages the human system from the fathomless severities of loss of the Od Forces caused by the chemically treated leukemia, lymphoma and other cancer. It is anti-astringent and withdraws the focus appeared due to the causation of healing outside the human physique. It withdraws the diversions caused by the chemically treated internal bleeding, heavy menstrual bleeding and even nose bleeding, bleeding haemorrhoids as if vasodilator. It withdraws the antispasmodic activities or established antispasmodic activities. It adds the hypotensive loss of the Od Force of the human system.
This Od Force is a Microtubule-constructive remedy. Different wave parts of this Od Force put itself differently to make free the Microtubule from its oppression done chemically during the cytotoxicity activities. Generally at the zone of low frequency that is, at low dilutions it withdraws the suppression or oppression done chemically on the Microtubule dynamics. The higher frequency of the higher dilutions vibrates the deactivated electromagnetic network field of the suffering human system to construct its microtubule polymer mass that is, the Od Force in question gradually lifts the imposed reducing activities that reduce the microtubule polymer mass. The Od Force in question here also applies itself against the playing activity that produces microtubule fragments by stimulating microtubule minus-end detachment from their organizing centers. The Od Force here cancels further the performances of enhancing microtubule detachment from spindle poles correlated best with cytotoxicity.
The spindle is a dynamic self-assembling machine that coordinates mitosis. The spindle’s function depends on its ability to organize microtubules into poles and maintain pole structure despite mechanical challenges and component turnover. It withdraws that force which disorganizes the activity that rapidly and robustly pulls severed microtubules and chromosomes poleward overpowering opposing forces and regaining the spindle architecture. The cytotoxicity imposes this disorganizing activity if it is in its capacity. It helps the NuMA and dynein/dynactin to regain their mediating duty towards the pole formation. Transport is powered by dynein pulling on the minus ends of severed microtubules. NuMA and dynein/dynactin are specifically enriched at new minus ends within seconds reanchoring minus ends to the spindle and delivering them to poles. This force on minus ends represents a newly uncovered chromosome transport mechanism that is independent of plus end forces at kinetochores and is well suited to robustly maintain the spindle mechanical integrity. The chemical reactions caused during the period of the cytotoxicity makes minus of that Od Force which organizes the above functions. And naturally the said Od Force escorts the deficient human system in the land of the plus of that Od Force that had been robbed during the time of the cytotoxicity.

Microtubules are required for the establishment of cell polarity, polarized migration of cells, intracellular vesicle transport, and chromosomal segregation in mitosis. Microtubules (MTs) are non-equilibrium polymers of α/β-tubulin heterodimers, in which GTP hydrolysis on the β-tubulin subunit occurs following assembly. Most microtubules are nucleated from organizing centers. The most prevalent microtubule behavior is dynamic instability, a process of slow plus end growth coupled with rapid depolymerization (“catastrophe”) and subsequent rescue. Although microtubule minus ends show dynamic instability, albeit at a lower rate than the plus ends show dynamic instability, the minus ends are usually capped and anchored at MT organizing centers and thus often do not participate in microtubule dynamics.
Maintaining a balance between dynamically unstable and stable microtubules is regulated in large part by proteins that bind either tubulin dimers or assembled microtubules. Proteins that bind tubulin dimers include stathmin, which sequesters tubulin and enhances MT dynamics by increasing catastrophe frequency, and collapsin response mediator protein (CRMP2), which increases MT growth rate by promoting addition of tubulin dimers onto microtubule plus ends. Other proteins that associate with assembled MTs include those that bundle MTs (e.g. MAP1c), those that stabilize MTs (e.g. tau), and those that maintain MTs in a dynamic state (MAP1b). A major signaling pathway that regulates MT dynamics involves GSK-3β, a kinase typically active under basal growth conditions but locally inactive in response to signals that enhance MT growth and dynamics.
In addition to the above factors, many MT motor proteins, and even non-motor proteins, aid in the dynamics of MTs. Proteins such as Xenopus microtubule associated protein 215 (XMAP215), promote MT assembly through binding to tubulin dimer to facilitate its incorporation in the growing plus end. XMAP215 also may compete with some of the MT plus end binding proteins (+TIPS), of which the end binding protein EB1 appears to be the master organizer. Complexes between the adenomateous polyposis coli (APC) protein and plus end binding proteins stabilize MTs by increasing the duration of the MT elongation phase. MT instability is promoted by several nonmotile kinesins from the kinesin-13 family. The mitotic centromere associated kinesin, MCAK, one of the most studied kinesin-13 family proteins, binds both plus and minus MT ends in vitro. The binding of MCAK to a MT end is thought to accelerate the transition to catastrophe by weakening the lateral interactions between the protofilaments
Tubulin undergoes several post-translational modifications such as acetylation, polyglutamylation, and poly-glycylation, which have been shown to alter the association with certain MT motors as well as other proteins that can affect MT stability and dynamics.
 When the concerned cytotoxicity causes the chemical reactions between the Microtubules and the chemical employed depending upon the situation the total phase may be affected selectively. Whatever be the dilution, whatever the part of the total reaction as stated above be affected during the establishing period of the cytotoxicity the concerned Od Force reverses the same to salvage the human system from the lacks of the Od Force as became recorded in the gene to its previous state.

Cancerous tumors are characterized by cell division, which is no longer controlled as it is in normal tissue.   "Normal" cells stop dividing when they come into contact with like cells, a mechanism known as contact inhibition.  Cancerous cells lose this ability.  Cancer cells no longer have the normal checks and balances in place that control and limit cell division.  The process of cell division, whether normal or cancerous cells, is through the cell cycle.  The cell cycle goes from the resting phase, through active growing phases, and then to mitosis (division).
The ability of chemotherapy to kill cancer cells depends on its ability to halt cell division.  Usually, the drugs work by damaging the RNA or DNA that tells the cell how to copy itself in division.  If the cells are unable to divide, they die.  The faster the cells are dividing, the more likely it is that chemotherapy will kill the cells, causing the tumor to shrink.  They also induce cell suicide (self-death or apoptosis).
Chemotherapy drugs that affect cells only when they are dividing are called cell-cycle specific.  Chemotherapy drugs that affect cells when they are at rest are called cell-cycle non-specific.  The scheduling of chemotherapy is set based on the type of cells, rate at which they divide, and the time at which a given drug is likely to be effective.  This is why chemotherapy is typically given in cycles.
Chemotherapy is most effective at killing cells that are rapidly dividing.  Unfortunately, chemotherapy does not know the difference between the cancerous cells and the normal cells. The "normal" cells will grow back and be healthy but in the meantime, side effects occur.  The "normal" cells most commonly affected by chemotherapy are the blood cells, the cells in the mouth, stomach and bowel, and the hair follicles; resulting in low blood counts, mouth sores, nausea, diarrhea, and/or hair loss.  Different drugs may affect different parts of the body.

transport is powered by dynein pulling on minus ends of severed microtubules. NuMA and dynein/dynactin are specifically enriched at new minus ends within seconds, reanchoring minus ends to the spindle and delivering them to poles. This force on minus ends represents a newly uncovered chromosome transport mechanism that is independent of plus end forces at kinetochores and is well suited to robustly maintain spindle mechanical integrity.

The spindle is a dynamic self-assembling machine that coordinates mitosis. The spindle’s function depends on its ability to organize microtubules into poles and maintain pole structure despite mechanical challenges and component turnover. Although we know that dynein and NuMA mediate pole formation, our understanding of the forces dynamically maintaining poles is limited: we do not know where and how quickly they act or their strength and structural impact. Using laser ablation to cut spindle microtubules, we identify a force that rapidly and robustly pulls severed microtubules and chromosomes poleward, overpowering opposing forces and repairing spindle architecture. Molecular imaging and biophysical analysis suggest that transport is powered by dynein pulling on minus ends of severed microtubules. NuMA and dynein/dynactin are specifically enriched at new minus ends within seconds, reanchoring minus ends to the spindle and delivering them to poles. This force on minus ends represents a newly uncovered chromosome transport mechanism that is independent of plus end forces at kinetochores and is well suited to robustly maintain spindle mechanical integrity.

Microtubules are required for the establishment of cell polarity, polarized migration of cells, intracellular vesicle transport, and chromosomal segregation in mitosis. Microtubules (MTs) are non-equilibrium polymers of α/β-tubulin heterodimers, in which GTP hydrolysis on the β-tubulin subunit occurs following assembly. Most microtubules are nucleated from organizing centers. The most prevalent microtubule behavior is dynamic instability, a process of slow plus end growth coupled with rapid depolymerization (“catastrophe”) and subsequent rescue. Although microtubule minus ends show dynamic instability, albeit at a lower rate than the plus ends show dynamic instability, the minus ends are usually capped and anchored at MT organizing centers and thus often do not participate in microtubule dynamics.
Maintaining a balance between dynamically unstable and stable microtubules is regulated in large part by proteins that bind either tubulin dimers or assembled microtubules. Proteins that bind tubulin dimers include stathmin, which sequesters tubulin and enhances MT dynamics by increasing catastrophe frequency, and collapsin response mediator protein (CRMP2), which increases MT growth rate by promoting addition of tubulin dimers onto microtubule plus ends. Other proteins that associate with assembled MTs include those that bundle MTs (e.g. MAP1c), those that stabilize MTs (e.g. tau), and those that maintain MTs in a dynamic state (MAP1b). A major signaling pathway that regulates MT dynamics involves GSK-3β, a kinase typically active under basal growth conditions but locally inactive in response to signals that enhance MT growth and dynamics.
In addition to the above factors, many MT motor proteins, and even non-motor proteins, aid in the dynamics of MTs. Proteins such as Xenopus microtubule associated protein 215 (XMAP215), promote MT assembly through binding to tubulin dimer to facilitate its incorporation in the growing plus end. XMAP215 also may compete with some of the MT plus end binding proteins (+TIPS), of which the end binding protein EB1 appears to be the master organizer. Complexes between the adenomateous polyposis coli (APC) protein and plus end binding proteins stabilize MTs by increasing the duration of the MT elongation phase. MT instability is promoted by several nonmotile kinesins from the kinesin-13 family. The mitotic centromere associated kinesin, MCAK, one of the most studied kinesin-13 family proteins, binds both plus and minus MT ends in vitro. The binding of MCAK to a MT end is thought to accelerate the transition to catastrophe by weakening the lateral interactions between the protofilaments
Tubulin undergoes several post-translational modifications such as acetylation, polyglutamylation, and poly-glycylation, which have been shown to alter the association with certain MT motors as well as other proteins that can affect MT stability and dynamics.

The spindle is a dynamic self-assembling machine that coordinates mitosis. The spindle’s function depends on its ability to organize microtubules into poles and maintain pole structure despite mechanical challenges and component turnover. Although we know that dynein and NuMA mediate pole formation, our understanding of the forces dynamically maintaining poles is limited: we do not know where and how quickly they act or their strength and structural impact. Using laser ablation to cut spindle microtubules, we identify a force that rapidly and robustly pulls severed microtubules and chromosomes poleward, overpowering opposing forces and repairing spindle architecture. Molecular imaging and biophysical analysis suggest that transport is powered by dynein pulling on minus ends of severed microtubules. NuMA and dynein/dynactin are specifically enriched at new minus ends within seconds, reanchoring minus ends to the spindle and delivering them to poles. This force on minus ends represents a newly uncovered chromosome transport mechanism that is independent of plus end forces at kinetochores and is well suited to robustly maintain spindle mechanical integrity.

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