Solanum dulcamara
Bitter sweet
The Od Force of the leaves
and young branches is used as one of the components in the preparation of the
remedy. As herbal it is narcotic. It is poisonous.
The tumor-inhibitory
activities against cancer like sarcoma, warts etc. generally leads to focus
differently as the said chemical activity reaction with the selected chemicals
of the said suffering human system causes further loss of the Od Force. This Od
Force lifts this additional loss, if it is within its capacity. Its battle
against the toxicity and teratogencity has made it qualified to appear as the
component of the remedy Ven1 basically.
In performing its duties of fighting
against the diversion caused from the treated cancer chemically it appears to
impose cancellation over the functions posted in the suffering human system by
the biological immune response modifier.
In this process of cancellation it cures the caused
renal congestion, occasionally augmented urinary secretion of an albuminous
nature, exerted depressing or paralyzing effects upon the respiratory nervous
system, caused increased but enfeebled cardiac action, tetanic spasms of the
thoracic muscles as well as those of the extremities and thereby increased sensitiveness
of the cutanious nervous system. Thus indirect influence upon the brain,
stomach or bowels is withdrawn. It sweeps the diversion focused on the spinal
chord and medulla oblongata caused due to chemical treatments of the pulmonary
maladies attended with the spasm or irritation.
It adds the lost Od Force
caused from the chemical treatment of skin diseases, warts, tumours, felons
etc. The chemical activities that has caused the paralyze of the central
nervous system, slowing of the heart and respiration, lowering of the
temperature, causing
vertigo, delirium, convulsions and death
is come to a cancellation if this Od force takes the charge of vibrating of the
cell to cell Electromagnetic field of the said diseased human system that has
been made deactivated in the process of the chemical activities. It erases the
diversion caused from the chemically treated diseases like alterative, anodyne, depurative,
mildly diuretic, emetic, expectorant, hepatic, mildly narcotic and purgative[
It is also used in the diversions caused
from the chemically treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, bronchial congestion,
heart ailments, ulcerative colitis and jaundice, cellulites etc. This is also
used in tackling to cause an end of the new focuses of the variety of
complaints including backaches, cough, diarrhoea, eye inflammations and joint
pains, eczema, furuncles (boils), acne, warts, cancerous sores and other
swellings chemically treated.
Its main
usage is for regaining conditions that had an impact on the skin, mucus
membrane and the membrane (synovial membrane) around the joints before they
have been treated chemically.
Caused hemolytic and hemorrhagic damage to
the GI tract without any confusion with bacterial gastroenteritis, with a
documentation of weak effect on cardiovascular function is under the control of
this Od Force.
Caused renal congestion, and occasionally augmented urinary
secretion of an albuminous nature exerts a depressing or paralyzing influence
upon the respiratory nervous system, causes increased but enfeebled cardiac
action, tetanic spasms of the thoracic muscles as well as those of the
extremities, and increases the sensitiveness of the cutaneous nervous system. The
said withdrawal Od Force lifts the heart and the arteries etc. from their
depressed states.
Circulatory and respiratory depression,
convulsions, cyanosis, death, diarrhea, dilated pupils, headache, paralysis,
scratchy throat, shock, speech difficulties, stomachache, subnormal
temperature, vertigo, and vomiting etc are the victims of this Od Force. The
pathologic changes in the GI tract (glandular mucosal necrosis and necrosis of
the small intestine) are also under the supervision of this Od Force to repair
the same.
The Od Force in
question withdraws the diversion caused from the chemically removed
obstructions in the liver and gall bladder and cured spleen problems and
jaundice and also the diversion caused from the speedier removal of the
congealed blood on the surface or within the body cavity and even speedier
healed beaten or bruised chemically. It erases the additional diversion due to increased or influenced waste and
excretion, marked influence on the cerebra-spinal centers, normalized
secretions after exposure to cold and damp chemically. This Od Force is needed
to cancel the loss of the Od Forces in the material treatment of syphilitic
disease, rheumatic disease, cachectic affections, ill conditioned ulcers,
tuberculosis, scrofula, scrofulous cachexia, indurations from milk, jaundice,
inflammatory deposits, chronic diseases in which circulation is feeble, fullness
of tissues and tendency to oedema, gouty conditions, diseases characterized by
impairment of the blood, rheumatism or secretion abnormalities. Cardiovascularity
with impaired circulation is also under the consideration of this Od Force. Diversion
resulted from the chemically treated rheumatism or secretion abnormalities
which had been resulted from long continued exposure to cold and dampness,
eruptive fevers, obstructed menstruation, leucorrhea, suppression of the
menses, with headache, nausea is also erased.
It saves the human system from the curse
of the super diversion caused in the disguise as innocuous and causing minimal
disorders in the physiological functions originated from the Adaptogen
activities. In this run it even escorts the human system from the hazards of
the caused vomiting, vertigo, convulsion, feeble heart and paralysis.
A chemical may increase resistance
to viral infection like herpes, polio. A chemical may increase resistance to
bacterial infection. A chemical may increase resistance to tumours of bladder,
breast and cervix. A chemical may increase resistance to liver damages. A
chemical may increase resistance to cancer, free radical damages. A chemical may
increase resistance against a poisoning. A chemical may increase resistance to
viral infection. In fact in every case as mentioned above the focus that
receives the above mentioned troubles comes to a new focus after chemical
reaction between the human system and the chemical used and at this new focus
the above suffering does not get a link with human system . So the resistances
as stated do not get a link with the human system. Even a single chemical may
cause all of the focuses as stated shifted. So the said single chemical being
single can put a resistance against above stated all in single new focus. Due
this new single focus any of the above stated suffering can not throw its
anchor in the human system. But this incidence happens with loss of the Od Force
for each separate case. Naturally the single chemical that takes the total
responsibility of all of the hazards at the same causes a bigger loss of the Od
Force from the already remained Od Force of the said human system. The Od Force
sweeps the diversion causes due to the total loss singly smartly if it is
within its capacity.
The chemical
that normalizes the changes associated with stage of exhaustion including
mucous membrane and skin ulceration, abnormal mucous membrane secretion,
catabolic shifts in metabolism, wasting, weight loss,
abnormalities in capillary circulation, membrane permeability abnormalities,
endocrine abnormalities, temperature abnormalities, and dyspeptic states of the
digestive tract writes a story of such loss of the Od Force of the human system
to escort the suffering human system on a new focus backed by an additive loss
to the already remained Od Force of the said human system alien to the link
that the above sufferings clicks to establish their existence in the human
system. The compounds that have been shown to normalize inflammation,
hypercholesterolemia, ulceration, bronchoconstriction, temperature abnormalities,
and rheumatism act the same script only with different amount, different
magnitude etc.
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