Monday 28 April 2014

Nasturtium officinalis

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Nasturtium officinalis
                        It is a non-poisonous plant. The Od Force of the total plant together with the flowers excluding the grounded portion is generally used as one of the components to form the remedy.
                         The misguided imbalance of the deficient Od Force which would create cancer in the lymphatic system of the lungs and breast of the diseased human system becomes guided to express the cancer to give comfort to the suffering personalities due to the said misguidance.
                           In this capacity the said force protects the unusual secretion of the lungs and breast system. As one of the remote effects it protects the lymphatic circulation widely involved in the kidney system from loosing unusual materials in the keep of accordance with the lymphatic system of lungs and breast and nearby glandular set up. The said total secretion becomes symphonized with the functional activities of the supplied Od Force by establishing the regularity in the usual secretion throughout the digestive tract. To run the digestive tract smoothly the function of the applied Od Force may cast away some debris to form blotches, spots and blemishes etc. Hyperactivities of the thyroid gland may be controlled through the erase of the hypo-activities of the lymphatic system maintaining the articulation zone healthy.

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