Monday 28 April 2014

Melissa officinalis

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Melissa officinalis
Lemon balm 
The Od Force of the leaves is taken into consideration to use as one of the components in preparation of remedy. The plant is non-poisonous. In its capacity to increase the decreased independent motion of the lymphatic circulation the Od Force concerned plays an important role over the motion sickness on a nervous base to pacify the muscular fury of nausea, stomach cramps and vomiting. In such capacity it spreads its activities over the excitement of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, liver and on matter of expelling the bile. It further extends its activities over the lung system to soporific nervousness behind the production of the catarrh for asthma, bronchitis, chronic cough etc. In another space of circulatory system it increases the lowed pressure and palpitations. In its nervous activities it also acts on the powerfully stimulated limbic system related to the brain and the brain system itself. In its local action it influences the thyroid gland especially in Graves disease causing drag on the over activities of the pituitary gland  in respect of production of TSH . In its so capacity it affects the cancer calls also.
The Od Force concerned is so smart in repairing the radiological damage. In its activity it should be equally active to establish the usual plasma levels of catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase , myeloperoxidase. The Od Force should also be active in reducing the plasma DNA damage, lipid peroxidation to cause healing effect on the cells.
The Od Force of selected part of the Lemon balm plant should exihibit thyrotropic activity to attach TSH to TSH receptor to cure hypothyroidism.

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