Monday 28 April 2014

Strychnos nux vomica

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Strychnos nux vomica 
Poison nut
                                            The Od Force lying in the dried ripe seeds is used as component to prepare the remedies. Total plant is highly poisonous. The poison is chemically due to the presence of the strychnine and brucine mainly. The Electrohomoeopathy uses the Od Forces of these poisons in curing the sufferings of the diseased human system. In its capacity the Od Force of the same being a lymphatic Constitutional remedial circuit component is a splendid Mixed Constitutional circuit component. The said force is equally active in decreasing the accelerated lymphatic circulation and taking part in playing a tremendous role in enhancing the dependent blood and lymph circulation in establishing the Mixed Constitution which is must before any attempt to establish either the lymphatic Constitution or Sanguine Constitution.    
In is capacity it affects the demoralized reflex function of the spinal marrow causing convulsion or of semi-paralysis in the limbs and trunk, together with the spasmodic affections of the face, jaws, throat, oesophagus, intestinal and urinary tracts, and the respiratory organs, particularly the larynx.
It affects that portion which presides over the reflex function of the muscular system. The Od Force in question soothes the muscular action, causing incoherent contractions, ranges the abnormal order in which muscular motions does not succeed each other; finally it puts an vigor to these disordered motions altogether to draw an end on paralysis here.
 The affected sensorium is also under the coverage of this Od Force but little in comparison with its effects on other parts of the nervous system.
In this respect it profoundly affects the organs and functions of nutrition and locomotion. It drags the stimulated muscular action of the gastrointestinal tract with a prior effect on the uncontrolled flow of the gastric juice. In its further actions it characteristically it cools down the impaired central nervous system, deepened and quickened respiratory movement. It spreads itself in the abatement of the excitation of the vegal centre.
It soothes the raised pulse and raises blood pressure and is of great value as a in the circulatory system before causing cardiac failure. It employs itself very slowly and cumulatively in disordered activities behind the dyspepsia, if any. This is similarly smart in controlling the violent convulsions due to a simultaneous stimulation of the motor or sensory ganglia of the spinal cord following abatement in high rise of blood pressure;
 to "derange the digestion ; to augment the secretion of stomach and mouth and of liver and pancreas. It disposes to frequent urination, and, when given in larger doses, causes retention of urine; first, by producing spasm of the neck of the bladder, and ultimately loss of power in the muscular coat of the bladder. It excites uterine contraction and promotes the menstrual flow
"It acts more quickly on paralyzed muscles than on others (perhaps because these are withdrawn from the realm of volition and are affected through reflexion alone), and produces formication in the limbs, and a slight rigidity of the lower jaw and limbs; a sense of heaviness and debility, with general stiffness of the muscles and clonic spasms.
"In larger, poisonous doses, after general uneasiness, soreness, stiffness and heaviness of the limbs and joints, spasmodic symptoms set in, clonic spasms or violent muscular twitches, seeming like an electric shock.
"Then come tetanic spasms of all the muscles, during which the limbs are rigidly flexed or extended, the lower jaw firmly set against the upper, and the body arched as in opisthotonos. The rigid contraction of the respiratory muscles renders breathing laborious, or even suspends it for a time, and the skin becomes livid from stasis of the blood. The corners of the mouth are contracted, showing the set teeth, with foam issuing from between them; the eyes stare and the brow is contracted.
In its capacity it is active to make the human system from the diverted allergy.

Nux vomica is an energetic poison, exerting its influence chiefly upon the cerebro-spinal system; it affects the spinal cord principally, because the division of this cord does not prevent its poisonous influence.

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