Monday 28 April 2014

Tussilago farfara

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Tussilago farfara
colt’s foot

 It is a non-poisonous plant. But overuse as herbal medicine is not safe. The Od Force remaining in the leaves and flowers is cohobated to use as one of components to form remedy. A definite lymphatic sub-circuit in the pettorale zone of the human system is engaged in the arrangements of the independent lymphatic circulation to expel unwanted through the lungs system as catarrh..  The anti-carcinogenic and hemangioendothelial sarcoma lymphatic arrangement in liver is sensibly entangled with the above said pettorale lymphatic establishment. Any suppressive measures causing deficiency in the Od Force heaping the cells therein to form the said sphere of the liver will cause a serious disorders there. The said pettorale sub-circuit is also connected with the renal independent renal lymphatic circuit that performs the activities in urinating. The Od force discussed here refrains the said unusual urinating as the same expels the selected unwanted through the lungs system. Its attachments with selected independent lymphatic circulation in the space of the skin and the cardio-vascular system can not be overlooked. Its entanglement with the independent lymphatic arrangements around the nerve system has empowered the Od Force remaining in the leaves and the flowers to tackle the neuronal damages, neurodegenerative disorders associated with inflammations, excitotoxicity  and oxidative stress.

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