Sunday 8 February 2015

Populus tremuloides

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Populus tremuloides                               
The Od Force of the bark is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. It is as herbal non-poisonous.
As Od Force it sums down the action on the kidneys. Centrally it acts on the stomach and intestine. But this centralization is solely tagged with the summing down actions of it over the kidneys. Its influence on the sexual organ zone is also interconnected with the renal system. It reverses the diversion from the kidneys to the original focuses like swollen prostate, uterine congestion etc. Astringency that was applied causes elimination through the kidneys as an anti-astringency function is working. In nearer vicinity it shows its affinity like genital uterine tract. In this perspective it debases the Lymphatic Constitution over the Mixed Constitution where both Constitutions bond each other. And that is why it may be applicable in sweeping genetic engraving from the infection of the Gonorrhoea.
It puts its dragging activities on the overactive sympathetic nervous system to level increased bowel peristalsis. This quality of the said Od Force has involved itself with the cases of diversion resulted from chemically treated stomach as well, lack of appetite and lack of tone and the over activity in the digestive tract leading to old loose stools, diarrhoea and poor general digestion. It may be drawn here that there lies a connection between the stomach symptoms and the excess sympathetic nervous system activity.
It generally acts on the kidneys and is of the service to withdraw the diversion caused from the chemical activity to overcome the old scantiness of urine and aching of the back to give back the kidneys their tones. Naturally in case of scanty urination it may help the human system to erase the causes play behind the scantiness in urination. It cures the damages done by the chemical activities of the analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents. That is why this Od Force is so useful to lift the focus created by the chemical anti-inflammatory treatment over arthritis and rheumatism accompanied by pain and swellings, flared up of rheumatoid arthritis.

In its capacity it sweeps the skin reactions like the rashes. It narrows the tract causing bleeding from the stomach and intestines. In its capacity it withdraws the activities that cause allergy. It make stomach ulcer good. It lifts the worsening activities functioning behind the diabetes, gout.  The blood disorder such as hemophilia or hypoprothrombinemia is also in the range of its activities. It puts itself on the worsened liver to escort the same on a safe state. It cures nausea, vomiting, breathing problems in its capacity. Chemically a stomachic aids the stomach, aids in the process of digestion, as tonic it may tone up the system to build the body. Chemically the appetite and digestion in all lax conditions of the stomach are promoted. Sub-acute and old diarrhoea, scrofulous looseness of the bowels and that form of diarrhoea which arises from laxity of the stomach with indigestion may be corrected chemically. But the said all are at the cost of causing change in normal dependent circulations of blood and lymph through some different focus. These types of focuses may be so that there may cause the incidence of the scantiness in the urine, damage of kidneys. Further application of the chemical may overcome of the scantiness of the scanty urination but this attempt will open another focus to show the diversion of the old suffering being additive with the damage done by the chemical activities of overcoming the problems of scanty urination. It repairs the damages done by the malarial type fevers and chills. The Od Force in question here is solely capable of searching out the lost focus of chemically treated lower temperature, pain and articular swellings of the acute rheumatism.

Rhus aromatica

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Rhus aromatica
Fragrant Sumac
The Od Force of the crust dried root is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. As an herbal it is non-poisonous.
An astringent controls the tissue that prolapses, collapses and leaks to allow the fluids coming out. Generally these astringents stop the outflow of fluids pressing to pass the same through kidneys, skin, colon, lungs, menses and other channels of elimination. Naturally to overcome the pressure of the chemical reaction between the cells and the astringent the effective remained Od Force will change its focus of action to show the sufferings. It may be reminded here that due to short fall of the total Od Force of the human system a diseases is expressed constitutionally. The uses of the astringent again cause further lacks in the remained Od Force. This totality is expressed in a new focus through which the sufferings are expressed.
This Od Force is valuable as an anti-stimulant in the act of defending the accumulation of the fat of the meat and the effects caused due to this accumulation. It has involved itself in the immune system.
 It expresses its superlative qualities to overcome the diversions caused from the stopping excessive flux from any channel of elimination, as stated like kidneys, skin, colon, lungs or uterine passage. It is indicated when there debilitating fluid lost is stopped chemically in reality. In order to strengthening the functions of the kidney, helping it to retain water in both diabetes mellitus type II and diabetes insipidus the used chemical opens a new focus due to additive loss of the Od Force of the already shortfall in the total of the Od Force of the said human system. So a diversion is caused outwardly. The diversion may be so that the kidney will be forced to fail to send its signal for producing enough red blood cells by its bone marrow will be stopped. Diversion may cause from the chemically treated dribbling and lack of retention of urine. A similar serious diversion may cause if the cells are made energized to pick up blood sugar in order to reduce the problems with eyesight and neuropathy and making blood sugar level more controllable and less extreme. It evidently acts on vasopressin, the antidiuretic hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary. For this reason it imposes a profound influence on the damage done by the vasopressin chemical activities to drag the high blood pressure to some lower level.
Moving into the respiratory sphere it is indicated in the changing focuses among runny secretion resulting in sneezing head colds, irritable coughing from excessive salivation, over-stimulating the cough reflexes, watery discharge from the lungs. It is also indicated the case of diversion caused by the chemically treated mucus specked with blood.
In the gastrointestinal sphere it has involved itself in the capturing of the sufferings resulted from the chemically treated excessive secretion from mouth (saliva) to the colon causing diarrhoea.
In the field of menstruation its function is also notable. When the copious thin, watery discharge looses its path in the menstruation by a chemical interfere it acts on the sufferings caused from the diversion of such menses, even excessive constant bleeding after menopause.
The skin excessively sweating, peeing, the skin or lungs or digestive tract is drying out, still kidneys or some channel are loosing the fluids etc. are interlinked. Any chemical treatment may just shift the point of focus from one place to other. The tongue is often dry in the centre and wet on the edges indicates that the core is drying out as fluids are being lost. The straw that closes this leak may lead human system to reach a more dangerous suffering will be out by the use of this Od Force.

An astringent controls the tissue that prolapses, collapses and leaks to allow the fluids coming out. Generally these astringents stop the outflow of fluids pressing to pass the same through kidneys, skin, colon, lungs, menses and other channels of elimination.
In reality to avoid the astringency over the prolapsed, collapsed and leaked allowing the fluids coming out through them another focus to allow the same or to take the pressure resulted from the astringency in the form of deformity, contraction, constriction etc. around the focus occurs. So if there is no space to receive the diversion caused by the chemical effects of the astringents new leaked, prolapsed, collapsed etc. may be opened. So it will be erroneous to think that the said astringent posses dual actions on flux. Sometimes this Od Force becomes very worthy in treating troubles appearing on the nerve system as  effects of diversion originated from the flux eliminating through kidney, uterus etc. It is also valuable in treating the damage done by the chemically relieved joints pain, rheumatisms etc. It withdraws the astringency effects on the non striated muscular fibres.

The Od Force of it contains the long-wave ultraviolet radiation as one of its components. It is the chief remedy for to tackle the situation appeared from stoppage of the painful, albumin urination chemically. Lost cystitis, misguided enuresis and bed wetting, haematuria, profuse low specific urination etc. are the subjects of this Od Force. Diversions caused from the stoppage of the renal and uterine bleeding together any kind of bleeding is also under the supervision of this Od Force to make those cured. The diversion causes due to causation of shifting of atony from one place to other. It is smart in withdrawing the diversions like catarrh of the bladder, catarrh of the throat, hypertrophy of the prostate etc. caused from the chemically treated excruciating pain during micturation .

Condurango marsdenia

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Condurango marsdenia
Eagle vine
The Od Force of the dried crust of the branches and trunks (bark) is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy.
The Od Force of it resembles the Od Force of the Stychnine in its action. The withdrawal of the diversion caused by the chemically initiated ROS generation, promoting up-regulation of p53 expression resulting in apoptosis and premature senescence associated with DNA damage is easily done by this Od Force, of course of its own. Cancer is nothing but an expression of deficiency in the Od Force of the human system. And it is so in all diseases. The selected potent compound Condurango-glycoside-A (CGA) has the functions against the cancer to stop its expression. If we want to know the inducing ability of it to run the program of causing apoptosis we are to study the β-galactosidase-activities and DNA damage critically at different time points. Generally induced DNA-damage is observed at the hours from 9 to 12. The senescence of cells appears at a later stage of about 18 hours. And this implicates that there plays a possible role of DNA damage in inducing the pre-mature cell senescence. Concurrently the number of cell undergoing apoptosis increases along with the increase of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. Expression of p53 becomes up-regulated also. The incidence of this up-regulation indicates that the cause of apoptosis could have been caught in the hand of the mediation through the p53 pathway. Reduction in proliferation of cells is further evidenced by the cell cycle arrest at G0/G1 stage. Whatever may be the actuality everything of this process will be reversed to erase the diversion caused by the said chemical to reach to the original deficiency which caused cancer cell in that human system.
The Od Force suits for the pregnant or breastfeeding women. It also lifts the sufferings caused from liver disorder. The Od Force in question here generally acts on the stomach centrally. There nearer vicinity where it influences comprises the gall bladder common bile duct etc. But the selected stomach zone as well as the said vicinity is solely controlled by the some definitely selected part of the central nervous and the Od Force functions over this nervous part to lift the diversion focused anywhere of the said total activity zone. Acting over the central nervous apparatus it pairs the impairments of appetite, vomiting, ptyalism, muscular weakness. It lifts that force which toned the gastric debility and relieves the pain of the stomach chemically. It withdraws the sufferings of the diversions exposed as excessive salivation, vomiting, diarrhoea, coordination problems, rapid pulse and breathing, and general weakness. It breaks the brought on seizures leading to paralysis. In addition it withdraws the relaxed state of the nerve of the stomach that makes the settling of indigestion that causes nervous tension and anxiety.

As an anti-emmenagogue it intervenes in the process of uncontrolled and unusual or excessive menstruation. In the same way it lifts stimulated salivation and stomach juices.
It has involved itself in the causation of over-digestion obtained from chemically treated indigestion and stomach cancer. It is also used to decrease abnormally increased appetite.
To treat the hazards of the diversion caused from the overcome of retention of fluid and bleeding chemically it works surprisingly.
The Sanguine Constitution as well as the Lymphatic Constitution becomes established on the Mixed Constitution. The infection of syphilis causes on the Mixed Constitution. That is the reason of forcing the sufferings of the infection of syphilis chemically by this plant. And the Od Force of the same debases the connection foundation between the Mixed Constitution and the Sanguine Constitution. It may be reminded that the organisms of the syphilis establish the Sanguine Constitution in the gene.
It withdraws the considerable interdependent activities of the blood and lymph circulation that causes or caused the Mixed Constitutional share. These activities once caused copious diaphoresis, increased secretion of the urine and even some vertigo and disturbance of the vision.
It sweeps the following sufferings-----
1. Breathing problems or tightness in the throat or chest
2. Chest pain
3. Skin hives, rash, or itchy or swollen skin, of course within its own.

In some cases the patients suffering from allergy this Od Force absolute in its capacity. It is highly effective against the genetic electromagnetic recordings of damages done by the organisms of mycobacterium that cause tuberculosis.  The diversion caused by rendering in the catarrhal gastritis with extreme atonicity and threatened ulceration is enjoyed as atonic and restorative will find the solution in the activities of this Od Force. It withdraws the damages further done chemically in cases of anti-leukemia, anti-tumours etc. 

Alianthus glandulosa

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Alianthus glandulosa                             
Tree of heaven
The Od Force of fresh shoots, leaves, blossoms and young bark of the plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. It is generally non-poisonous.
The cell to cell negatively charged track along which the Od Force travels is throat centric. The network extends itself to lungs, heart, brains and abdomen to some extent. Taking the actions of the respective chemicals into account it may be stated that the above network is deeply extended to the blood cells also. For this reason the Od Force questioned here affects the blood circulation, at the same time the lymph circulation most.
It lifts the diversions caused from the treated dried throat, throat inflammation, throat redness, pain in the throat while swallowing any food, scraping and scratched, heaviness of voice, throat swelling, feeling suffocation etc. In this way it has involved itself with referred sufferings of diphtheria along with scarlet throwing up, with blood vessels harming along with characteristic typhoid especially those conditions which might be seen as a capillary over-crowding throughout blotches, mottled destinations.
To lift the diversion it involves itself with the causation of dysentery, blood dysentery, prolapsus ani etc. It is capable of detaching the cell to cell negatively charged connection between the passive congestion and the trouble caused in the eye, even the tears gland. To show its connection with the skin as well as the throat its action may be exposed on the diversion between the body ecchymosed and the blueness and swelling of the throat. In its capacity it withdraws the antispasmodic activities. It lifts the sufferings caused by the passed astringency. In the same way it erases the damages done by diuretic and emetic activities.  Its extraordinary function over the digestive canal takes the measures against the left abnormalities by the fevers like malaria, a few worms etc. It repairs the damaged network for which nausea, vomiting etc. generally are caused, of course of its own.

It successfully uses itself in the lifting of the diversions caused by the chemicals in the treatments of the cardiac palpitations, asthma, bronchitis and epilepsy. It extends itself to the uterine space of the female as well as the sexual apparatus of the male. In these activities it withdraws the essays done during the treatments of the dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, metrorrhagia, tumour of the breast, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhoea etc. In its functions on the nearing zones it interferes in the ophthalmic diseases. Chemically treated muscular contraction may lead to cardiac, spasmodic or epileptic hazards. The Od Force in question withdraws these diversions. It makes appear the passed away vomiting, great relaxation and the deathlike sufferings to diaper those. It repairs the damage done due to diversions caused by the chemically treated malignant sore throat, ulcerated tonsils and other tonsillar inflammations marked by adynamia and persistency. It saves the human system from the shifting caused by the treated putrid malaria, malignant typhoid scarlatina. In the same way it escorts the human system from the diversion caused as a result of chemically treated involuntary urine discharge. In its capacity it withdraws the dermatitis, weakness and paralysis of its own. It lifts the muscular relaxation as well. Queasiness, dizziness and headache, limb tingling and diarrhoea are also subjects of this Force.

Podophyllum paltatum

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Podophyllum paltatum                                 
Podophyllum peltatum
 The Od Force of the root is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. It is highly poisonous as herbal.
The cell to cell negatively charged paths along which the Od Force here travels are spread from skin surface to alimentary surface oral to rectum. In the process of being cell to cell negatively charged, finally to make free the human system from the suffering crisis caused from the forceful oppression the cell to cell negatively tracts complete their paths in the outlet system comprising the gall bladder, liver , common bile ducts as well as renal system. Forceful treatments towards making free the sufferings of the yellowed skin, liver ailments, fevers, syphilis to debase from the Mixed Constitution, hearing loss, to empty the bowels, to erases the inscription caused from the parasitic worms in the intestine etc. have formed the above cell to cell negatively charged network. Even this network spreads to uterine space to tackle the charge of curing the suffering or damaged cell to cell positively charged uterine space. That is why it meets up the needs to reenergize the deactivated electromagnetic field of the uterus which is caused by the abortion. It withdraws the diversion caused by purgative of its own. The Od Force here is so sensitive that any attempt to remove the warts, planter warts, sexually transmitted venereal warts chemically may hurt the respective positively charged paths. The sensitivity may reach to such a condition that the tropically treated pre-cancerous white patches on the tongue and mouth may seriously damage the said network to cause fatality without any prior notice. It lifts the diversion caused from the cell duplication and new growth. Long standing cathartic chemical uses may be associated with the hypokalemia and metabolic acidosis. In its capacity it withdraws the diversions caused from the respective uses of chemical.
It lifts the irritation from the skin, oral mucosa etc. It cures the causing nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, spasm, low blood pressure, bone marrow problems, paralysis, coma, liver problems and kidney problems. It may be used by the mothers. In the same way it has involved itself to treat the diversions caused from the treated refractory testicular tumours and small cell lung cancers.
The network of this Od Force covers the uterus in such a condition that for a pregnant woman it is safe to tackle the problems of pregnancy and breast feeding. It is also equally smart to tackle death of the conceptions and multiple birth defects in babies.
 When the body produces excessive quantities of acid or the kidneys are not removing enough acid from the body there happens academia causing academia for which the blood ph is low due to increased production of hydrogen ions by the body or the inability of the body to form bicarbonate HCO3- in the kidneys can be tackled by this Od Force to stop the consequences of coma, death and respiratory acidosis.
Laxative effects may diverse the cells into cancer. In withdrawing the diversion caused from the arrest of cell division through the effects on RNA and DNA synthesis during inter-phase it applies itself in the reversed path. It lifts the blocks against the release of iodine from the thyroid gland. It sweeps the blocks towards the release of the catecholamines from the adrenal medulla. The diversions may be focused even in the spinal cord. As an effects oedematous swelling and eventual deterioration of the spinal cord, brainstem, cerebellum and cerebral cortex may cause. The Od Force in question is competent enough to withdraw the focus of this diversion from the spinal cord, brainstem etc.

Chemicals capable of causing the cell to cell negatively charged tracks in the healthy human system of this Od Force if applied topically to cervical warts may develop atypical epithelium cells. After a few months you may get a false positive PAP smear. This diversion into cancer may be withdrawn by the use of the Od Force in question. The said chemical is capable of causing extreme swelling, internal bleeding, severe pain and temporary loss of sight and naturally the Od Force here will be able to withdraw the diversion.

Chelidonium majus

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Chelidonium majus                              
Greater Celandine
The Od Force of the whole of the plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. It is lazy but silent poisonous and higher consumption is toxic.
The Od Force is very much complex in action. It withdraws the irritations of the skin, puts dragging effects on the vomiting and diarrhoea, pairs the impaired reflexes and lifts the paralyzing effects on the central nervous system. The burning sensations in the mouth and throat followed by the swelling of the mucuous membrane and appeared blisters are under the administration of this Od Force, headache is followed, sleeps appears and the consciousness gradually looses to final stopping of the blood circulation. The nauseous start to vomit, appeared blood in stool and urine are also under the affinity of this Od Force.
It is anti-cytotoxic in nature. It lifts not only the diversions caused from the cytotoxicity, it sweeps the bad or harmful stress done on the normal cell during the process of cytotoxicity.
It withdraws the activities of forceful flowing out of excessive gall fluid.
Basically the activities of the Od Force in question are hepatic function oriented in its capacity. It may be seemed that its activities spread to central nervous system, skin, eyes, gall bladder, gastrointestinal system. It may be also thought that its action spreads to rectum also. Actually exterior portions are those which are solely dependent on the liver in its own sphere.
The Od Force leads to withdraw severity, potentially fatal liver injury in reality. In this respect it may be noted that the human systems of certain individuals owing to having an especially high level of susceptibility do not show any development of liver problems as such. This does not mean that those individuals have not been damaged physically due to imposed chemical reactions. Generally in these cases the fatality becomes exposed on some dependent focuses. If these be so in reality the sufferings of the exposed should be dealt with the Od Force functioning to withdraw the fatality of liver and naturally to physicians the selection of the said Od Force becomes troublesome. The focuses may be at eyes, skin externally. Internally on bronchus as bronchitis, after-liver problems like jaundice, indigestion causing on the alimentary passages etc. In case of bile duct obstruction forceful flow of the bile may make bile duct worse in order to overcome the obstructions. The imposed fatality on the liver may be expressed in the eye may as eye ailments, cataracts, strained or falling visions, spots on the cornea and bleeding or detaching retina.
Chemical used to cure warts, eczema ringworm, corns and other canker, even in the cases of toothache may be serious to influence the adjacent cells if the said diseases remain in direct linking with the liver in such a way that the liver in this respect does not agree to receive the diversion from the reaction caused by the chemical as stated during the function on the said skin zones for the treatments of the same. Applied for women’s breasts it in its capacity, sweep the dangers resulted from the stayed overmuch flowing of the courses.
 In the process of purifying the blood chemically, in the process of increasing urine production chemically may cause purgation. In its capacity this Force in both cases is capable of lifting the diversion caused from the chemical used. Caused old, filthy, corroding, creeping ulcers healed speedily or slowly diverges into some new appearances on the linked with the dependent zones of the liver is under the supervision of this Od Force in its capacity.

Due to these activities it has involved itself with the digestive tract in lifting the diversions caused from the treated upset stomach, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, loss of appetite, stomach cancer and intestinal polypus. Due its withdrawing characters it may be though for the diversions came to the surface caused from the treated fluid retention (oedema), hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis), high blood pressure, asthma, gout and osteoarthritis.