Sunday 8 February 2015

Phytolacca decendra

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Phytolacca decendra                                        
The Od Force of the roots of the plant is used as one of the components to prepare the remedy. As herbal the plant is poisonous.
 Physiologically the Od Force of this plant has involved itself with the skin, the glandular structures, especially those of the buccal cavity, throat, sexual organs and very markedly upon the mammary glands to give back there all had happened there chemically but now remain in different zone of the said human system. It further acts upon the fibrous and serous tissues, and the mucous membranes of the digestive and the urinary tracts to lift the sufferings as happened chemically earlier at the cost of diversions like the seas as those backs those taken earlier. Those diversions may be of the urinary and the renal system. It cures the erythematous and sometimes pustular eruptions. It withdraws the very irritation from the respiratory passages through a cure of severe coryza with headache and prostration. In course of its action it cures pain in the chest, back and abdomen, irritation of the conjunctivae and ocular positions.  It stops the violent emeto-catharsis.
The Od Force in question put reverse effects on the process that has slowed the heart actions. Is lifts the sinking pulse and increases the lessened respiratory movement. In its activities the Od Force acts on paralyzed spinal cord acting principally on the medulla to cure the same. In its function to cure the diseases it goes through the titanic convulsion. The carbonic acid poisoning may happen from the respiratory paralysis. So in stopping the advancement of death this Od Force can take a remarkable role to save the life. Chemical activities on the gastro-intestinal tract may be an emetic and drastic cathartic to produce nausea which comes on slowly, amounting almost to anguish, finally resulting in emesis, may be foiled by this Od force. Even continuation of the action working upon the bowels causing purging is subjected to this Od Force for cure. The chemical action extended to cause cramps and pains with loss of muscular power with occasional spasmodic action is also under the consideration of this Force for cure.
We may regard the human system as a cylindrical body what ever may it be to us. And very curiously we may note that the Od Force in question is equally smart to put itself on both the surfaces on the skin as well as the mucuous membrane from lip to rectum to make the two focus to lift the functional troubles from the common bile duct including liver and the dependent other apparatus together the renal system to release those for which the two outlets were under pressure.
It may be noted here that the Od Force is equally smart to put itself on both the surfaces. It proves its efficacy absoluteness in tackling the hazards came from the diversion from materially treated dyscrasia like scrofulous. It debases the mixed constitution on which syphilitic and rheumatic conditions are developed. That is why it is best suited to the sufferings obtained from diverted old rheumatism, syphilitic and rheumatic joints and osteocopus affection.

In dermatological practice itch insects, consequently scabies cause vitiation of blood, chemically these causes vitiation of blood and lymph to cause a Constitutional registration in the genes. The glandular difficulty of scaly, vesicular, pustular, tubercular eruptions and lymphatic enlargements with pain on the Mixed Constitutional space, may loose their paths in the field of diversion. It may happen that at the cost of vitiation of blood and lymph the skin inflammation may be passed into deeper parts. The activities caused from chronic eczema, syphilitic eruptions, psoriasis, tinea capitis, favus etc., varicose and other ulcers of the leg are under the vigilance of this Od Force. The sufferings obtained from the chemically treated sycosis, fissures,  boiles, carbuncles, dermal abscesses and all ulcers on the outlets of the body are similarly under the surveillance of this Od Force. The change of the sites due to chemical treatment of the burns towards rapid cure is another target of this Od Force.
To throws the castes, dirt etc as were earned during the shifting of place of the disease, on the mucous membrane, specially on the mouth and throat this Od Force is highly esteemed. It makes disappeared the false membrane, formation of false membrane as of diphtheria erasing the local diversion in the lymph and blood circulations. Even diversion caused from the erosion of the glutinous mucus membrane with pustular patches as often happens in cases of tonsillitis, follicular pharyngitis, stomatitis, aphthae, sore mouth, syphilitic faucial ulcerations etc.
In case of non-malignant diphtheria the process of producing deposits, membrane diverts when chemically treated. In the way of diversion the mucus surface is stimulated, glandular activity is promoted to remove the diphtheritic membrane. The Od Force revert the process to escort the human system in healthy state in this respect. In old tonsilllar hypertrophy the diversion is caused forcefully. To lift the human system from the depth of this diversion the Od Force in question is very important in its capacity. Diversion of the cough with inflamed or irritated sore throat caused by the chemical treatment may be cured.
In respect of pregnancy and breast feeding it may be stated that the Od Force applies itself in contracting the uterus, so this Od Force can be called to stop miscarriage. And in the same sense the physicians can use this Od Force tackle breast feeding problems.
The recovery of the human system from the den of diversions caused by the induced apoptosis in skin melanoma cells by activating caspase-mediated signaling via reactive oxygen species elevation is another important function of this force.
Diversion towards the cancer potentiality from chemical treatments of various ailments like chronic rheumatism, regular conjunctivitis, psoriasis and in some other skin diseases is cancelled by this Od Force.
Danger from the cytotoxicity assayed on both normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells and A375 cells may be redirected by this Force. DNA fragmentation, changes in cellular morphology, apoptosis and necrosis and apoptotic genes, generation of ROS may also be may be withdrawn to escort the diseased human system from the respective dangerous diversion.

It weakens the sufferings caused from the hyperactivity to promote the removal of catabolic wastes from within the body. Similarly it is capable of curing the sufferings caused from the act of increasing basal metabolic rate (BMR).

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