Sunday 8 February 2015

Vincetoxicum officinalis

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Vincetoxicum officinalis                                 
Swallow Wort
The Od Force of this plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. The Od Force of the root of the plant is used.
It soothes the excited vomiting. It is highly active in controlling the dangerous inflammation of the stomach. Its involvements in the matter of erasing the sufferings resulted from the diversion caused from the treated skin diseases and scrofula. Its suspended role in the after treatment impact caused from the so-called cure of dropsy, diaphoretic, diuretic suffering is of great values.
The impact of the Od Force of this plant in the treated disordered kidney and treated difficult and even painful dysmenorrhoea is excellent. It is similarly important to simplify the troubles in the period of pregnancy and breast feeding. It is equally smart to erase the after-effects of plague, snake bites, healed swelling and brushing, high blood pressure, rabies.
Its use in breathing problems, paralysis and heart stoppage is greatly valued. It decreases cytotoxicity categorically on the cells. In this way it cures tumours also. Its intake to escort the human system in its healthy state from the obtained sufferings from the febrile reaction phases, mononucleosis, lymphadenitis and viral diseases

It destroys the diversion efficacy to back MDA-MB-231 mammary carcinoma cells. It cancels the forces that diverse the cervical cancer. It has no affinity on the oestrogen receptor but withdraws the inhibition over the growth of the hormone-independent mammary carcinoma cells MDA-MB-231 and unties the binding with nucleosides and nucleotides.

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