Poison ivy
The Od Force of the fresh
impulses (leaves) is used as one of the components in the preparation of the
remedy. As herbal these impulses are powerful irritant poison.
Od Force in question is used to treat the skin condition. The Other conditions
such as chicken pox, mumps, measles and herpes are also under the involvement
of this force. It also concerns arthritis or other rheumatoid troubles.
Similarly it is strongly recommended for sore throat and colds. In reality it
sweeps the causes behind the causation of the inflammatory swelling of the skin
followed by vesicular appearances. It is marvelous in the cure of nervous
paralysis, paralysis of the lower extremities.
It is very specific for the erysipelas like cuteneous
eruptions focused as swelling with redness, oedema and vesicules on the neck
and face keeping a nervous connection with some other parts of the human
system. In the total electromagnetic zone the Od Force covers, the
electromagnetic area from phalanx to the neck and cheek is a part. It is well
receivable to punish the sufferings from a high rise of temperature in the
mouth and gullets, rapidly increasing swelling of the left cheek, upper lip and
the eyelids following swelling of forearm making the skin rough with
intolerable itching, high heat etc. It withdraws the concussion of the spinal
marrow, lesion which does not destroy its tissues. The sphere of action of it
is very extensive. It withdraws the depressive action working in the system of
nutrition to make free from all the concerning functions from the
The increased secretion of the mucous membranes is altered and
decreased, diarrhoea towards the absence of diarrhoea and sputa to non-sputa
attending the cough as well as decreased secretions from other mucous
membranes. The Od Force in question involves itself with the lymphatic glands,
affected throughout the body like the cervical, the inguinal and the
mesenteric, which are all enlarged and inflamed. Emaciation is decreased.
Perspiration is decreased.
The Od Force in question sweeps away
any bliters and oozing resulting from blood vessels that develop gaps leak
fluid through the skin; The rash appearing on the lining of the lungs causing
extreme pain and possibly fatal respiratory difficulty, the damaged mucous
lining of the mouth and digestive tract are under the cure by this Od Force
through a constriction and repairing of the marked area.
The Od Force of this plant in reality is anti-stimulant a little.
In this capacity it decreases the renal as well as cutaneous secretions and in
this sense it is applicable to influence the laxed intestine. As a result this
Od Force is capable of giving back the temporal region the constriction-less,
burning feeling there by decreasing the unusual activities of the skin and
kidneys as well as that of intestinal mucosa.
The forceful return from the paralytic state to sensation and
power of movement like pricking and burning with twitching of the affected
parts may affect this electromagnetic corridor among the nervous system, skin
system and renal system with little entanglement with the intestine. So to
withdraw the affects as said the use of this Od Force may be called on to
return the paralytic state again. But the total electromagnetic corridor is
solely dependent on the electromagnetic system of blood and lymph circulation. The circulatory disturbance requiring
this Od Force upon which the nervous phenomena chiefly depend is usually
localized and not general disturbance; small areas of the brain or nerve
centers only may have a lack of the blood supply. As a rule the marked
restlessness is all out of proportion to the apparent circulatory derangement
The Od Force involves itself with the resulted sufferings
originated from
irritations conditions of the brain and sympathetic nervous system, as well as
in disorders of the gastro-intestinal tract, etc
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