Sunday 8 February 2015

Condurango marsdenia

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Condurango marsdenia
Eagle vine
The Od Force of the dried crust of the branches and trunks (bark) is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy.
The Od Force of it resembles the Od Force of the Stychnine in its action. The withdrawal of the diversion caused by the chemically initiated ROS generation, promoting up-regulation of p53 expression resulting in apoptosis and premature senescence associated with DNA damage is easily done by this Od Force, of course of its own. Cancer is nothing but an expression of deficiency in the Od Force of the human system. And it is so in all diseases. The selected potent compound Condurango-glycoside-A (CGA) has the functions against the cancer to stop its expression. If we want to know the inducing ability of it to run the program of causing apoptosis we are to study the β-galactosidase-activities and DNA damage critically at different time points. Generally induced DNA-damage is observed at the hours from 9 to 12. The senescence of cells appears at a later stage of about 18 hours. And this implicates that there plays a possible role of DNA damage in inducing the pre-mature cell senescence. Concurrently the number of cell undergoing apoptosis increases along with the increase of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. Expression of p53 becomes up-regulated also. The incidence of this up-regulation indicates that the cause of apoptosis could have been caught in the hand of the mediation through the p53 pathway. Reduction in proliferation of cells is further evidenced by the cell cycle arrest at G0/G1 stage. Whatever may be the actuality everything of this process will be reversed to erase the diversion caused by the said chemical to reach to the original deficiency which caused cancer cell in that human system.
The Od Force suits for the pregnant or breastfeeding women. It also lifts the sufferings caused from liver disorder. The Od Force in question here generally acts on the stomach centrally. There nearer vicinity where it influences comprises the gall bladder common bile duct etc. But the selected stomach zone as well as the said vicinity is solely controlled by the some definitely selected part of the central nervous and the Od Force functions over this nervous part to lift the diversion focused anywhere of the said total activity zone. Acting over the central nervous apparatus it pairs the impairments of appetite, vomiting, ptyalism, muscular weakness. It lifts that force which toned the gastric debility and relieves the pain of the stomach chemically. It withdraws the sufferings of the diversions exposed as excessive salivation, vomiting, diarrhoea, coordination problems, rapid pulse and breathing, and general weakness. It breaks the brought on seizures leading to paralysis. In addition it withdraws the relaxed state of the nerve of the stomach that makes the settling of indigestion that causes nervous tension and anxiety.

As an anti-emmenagogue it intervenes in the process of uncontrolled and unusual or excessive menstruation. In the same way it lifts stimulated salivation and stomach juices.
It has involved itself in the causation of over-digestion obtained from chemically treated indigestion and stomach cancer. It is also used to decrease abnormally increased appetite.
To treat the hazards of the diversion caused from the overcome of retention of fluid and bleeding chemically it works surprisingly.
The Sanguine Constitution as well as the Lymphatic Constitution becomes established on the Mixed Constitution. The infection of syphilis causes on the Mixed Constitution. That is the reason of forcing the sufferings of the infection of syphilis chemically by this plant. And the Od Force of the same debases the connection foundation between the Mixed Constitution and the Sanguine Constitution. It may be reminded that the organisms of the syphilis establish the Sanguine Constitution in the gene.
It withdraws the considerable interdependent activities of the blood and lymph circulation that causes or caused the Mixed Constitutional share. These activities once caused copious diaphoresis, increased secretion of the urine and even some vertigo and disturbance of the vision.
It sweeps the following sufferings-----
1. Breathing problems or tightness in the throat or chest
2. Chest pain
3. Skin hives, rash, or itchy or swollen skin, of course within its own.

In some cases the patients suffering from allergy this Od Force absolute in its capacity. It is highly effective against the genetic electromagnetic recordings of damages done by the organisms of mycobacterium that cause tuberculosis.  The diversion caused by rendering in the catarrhal gastritis with extreme atonicity and threatened ulceration is enjoyed as atonic and restorative will find the solution in the activities of this Od Force. It withdraws the damages further done chemically in cases of anti-leukemia, anti-tumours etc. 

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