Sunday 8 February 2015

Chelidonium majus

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Chelidonium majus                              
Greater Celandine
The Od Force of the whole of the plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. It is lazy but silent poisonous and higher consumption is toxic.
The Od Force is very much complex in action. It withdraws the irritations of the skin, puts dragging effects on the vomiting and diarrhoea, pairs the impaired reflexes and lifts the paralyzing effects on the central nervous system. The burning sensations in the mouth and throat followed by the swelling of the mucuous membrane and appeared blisters are under the administration of this Od Force, headache is followed, sleeps appears and the consciousness gradually looses to final stopping of the blood circulation. The nauseous start to vomit, appeared blood in stool and urine are also under the affinity of this Od Force.
It is anti-cytotoxic in nature. It lifts not only the diversions caused from the cytotoxicity, it sweeps the bad or harmful stress done on the normal cell during the process of cytotoxicity.
It withdraws the activities of forceful flowing out of excessive gall fluid.
Basically the activities of the Od Force in question are hepatic function oriented in its capacity. It may be seemed that its activities spread to central nervous system, skin, eyes, gall bladder, gastrointestinal system. It may be also thought that its action spreads to rectum also. Actually exterior portions are those which are solely dependent on the liver in its own sphere.
The Od Force leads to withdraw severity, potentially fatal liver injury in reality. In this respect it may be noted that the human systems of certain individuals owing to having an especially high level of susceptibility do not show any development of liver problems as such. This does not mean that those individuals have not been damaged physically due to imposed chemical reactions. Generally in these cases the fatality becomes exposed on some dependent focuses. If these be so in reality the sufferings of the exposed should be dealt with the Od Force functioning to withdraw the fatality of liver and naturally to physicians the selection of the said Od Force becomes troublesome. The focuses may be at eyes, skin externally. Internally on bronchus as bronchitis, after-liver problems like jaundice, indigestion causing on the alimentary passages etc. In case of bile duct obstruction forceful flow of the bile may make bile duct worse in order to overcome the obstructions. The imposed fatality on the liver may be expressed in the eye may as eye ailments, cataracts, strained or falling visions, spots on the cornea and bleeding or detaching retina.
Chemical used to cure warts, eczema ringworm, corns and other canker, even in the cases of toothache may be serious to influence the adjacent cells if the said diseases remain in direct linking with the liver in such a way that the liver in this respect does not agree to receive the diversion from the reaction caused by the chemical as stated during the function on the said skin zones for the treatments of the same. Applied for women’s breasts it in its capacity, sweep the dangers resulted from the stayed overmuch flowing of the courses.
 In the process of purifying the blood chemically, in the process of increasing urine production chemically may cause purgation. In its capacity this Force in both cases is capable of lifting the diversion caused from the chemical used. Caused old, filthy, corroding, creeping ulcers healed speedily or slowly diverges into some new appearances on the linked with the dependent zones of the liver is under the supervision of this Od Force in its capacity.

Due to these activities it has involved itself with the digestive tract in lifting the diversions caused from the treated upset stomach, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, loss of appetite, stomach cancer and intestinal polypus. Due its withdrawing characters it may be though for the diversions came to the surface caused from the treated fluid retention (oedema), hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis), high blood pressure, asthma, gout and osteoarthritis.

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