Sunday 8 February 2015

Ledum palustre

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Ledum palustre                 
Marse tea.

The Od Force of the dried leaves or whole plant is used as one of the components. It is non-poisonous.
The Od Force here affects the rheumatic diathesis, going through all the changes, from functional pain to altered secretions, and deposits of solid, earthly matter in the tissues withdrawing the diversion irritations of the kidneys. It shows its high excellence in kidney damage in the same way. In this way it withdraws the diversion extended to bladder.

It lifts the slowed down central nervous system to withdraw the causation of sleepiness, drowsiness etc. This Od Force may be used to lift the anesthetic effects from the central nervous system.

Diversion expressed as irritations of the stomach and or intestine such as gastritis or inflammatory bowels is easily removed by this Od Force if lie in its capacity.
 Interestingly both the outlets, the respiratory system and the renal system have been interrelated with each other functionally and the Od Force withdraws or erases the diversion if directed in the lungs system , that in the respiratory system. In this capacity this Force has linked itself with the suppressions of the diseases like whooping cough, bronchitis, cold, cough, catarrh, lung ailments etc.
It repairs the damage or distortion in the system that governs urine flow and expectoration of the phlegm. Forceful increase of urine flow to give relief from water retention as well as forceful loosening of the catarrh from the lungs usually damages or distorts the interdependent network playing between lungs and the kidneys. In the way of saving the kidneys the dependency between the lymph circulation and the blood circulation may break the balance and flush the blood in the lungs. The patients may feel an unbearable outburst suffering in the chest.
In the same way being forced the diversion may search for the shelter from the uterus system to breast system or vice-versa. It lifts the stimulation over the milk flow. Similarly it plays against the abortion. It has a sweeping effect on the skin. And for this reason it works to remove eruption from the skin.
 Antidiabetic, antioxidant and anticancer chemical activity may divert the suffering focus point. If it remains in its capacity it will lift the same with absolute assurance. In the damage of the kidney, in the damages or diversion caused from the so-called cure of diabetes anywhere it puts its excellence.        
This is anti-toxic and withdraws the toxic effects on the cells as the electromagnetic network working to keep the same in health. It is capable of lifting the muscle pain, bad effects on mucous membrane like dysentery. It stops the leading activities to cause the cramps and respiratory paralysis. It is anti-diuretic. Due to imposed anti-inflammatory activities in the urinary system the caused diversions may be withdrawn by the intake of this Force. Sufferings/ diversion caused from functioned strong an-inflammatory and wound healing chemical reagents can also be withdrawn. In this way it has involved itself with the diseases of watering of mouth, eyes, nose, gastro-intestinal upsets, slow pulse, hypotension, weakness, respiratory depression resulted from the severe poisoning, convulsion, loss of consciousness, slow and progressive paralysis till death.
It has the special affinity for fibrous tissue, small joints, tendons, eyes, heels, dependent capillary blood and lymph circulation, diarrhoea, skin, periosteum, blood, nerves etc.

It is effective in providing relief from pains caused due to any wounds, injuries or cuts. In addition, it is also useful in reducing any type of skin discoloration, bruising as well as swelling that may occur owing to any injury. It is also effective for treating any kind of haemorrhage that may start in the eye chamber, especially following any type of procedure or interference in the area. Following an iridectomy (removal of a part of the iris in the eye by surgery) it may take an important healing role. It lifts the sufferings/diversions caused from the astringency remaining in its capacity.

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