Sunday 8 February 2015

Pulmonaria officinalis

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Pulmonaria officinalis
The Od Force of the whole lichen is used as one of the components to prepare the vehicle of the remedy for transportation of the same in the diseased human system. Basicaly as herbal it is dangerously toxic.
                                  The Od Force in question here is most successful in rooting out the remote effective  physical appearances of its own  created by the new deviations of Od Force of the establishment of the then human system caused from contracting body tissue from astringency, soothing and proteting from demulcence, emollience, flushing body from diuresis, clearing the respiratory tract from expectoration.  For this reason this Od Force is so active in treating the sufferings arising from the said basement like lung disorders, chronic bronchitis, acute bronchitis etc., asthma, sore throat, chronic cough, whooping cough etc. arising from the same basement as said undergoes a cure. Like a few other Od Forces of some different Electrohomoeo plants it is capable of intervening the  human cell to cell negatively charged Circuits /sub-Circuits/ Networks attacked by the Tuberculosis. Similarly it is equally expert in curing asthma of its own. The pathways deficients in corresponding Od Force of its own causing burns, eczema, hemorrhoids and wounds are equally potential enough in curing those. Gastrointestinal and kidney problems arising from the same origin as stated above are also under the intolerance of the above Od Force. It facilates normal pregnancy and childbirth.  Astringency, emollience etc. connection with deep biological zone (s) may connect similarly the digestive system to cause diarrhoea, cystitis. Naturally the Od Force here is confident enough to cleanse those.
                                  This Od Force is basically and selectively highly sensitive to the deficiency in the Od Force of the cell to cell negatively charged Circuits /sub-Circuits/ Networks covering the Lung system. The other parts , other tissues of the human system are so mysterious in biological connections with the Lung system that the remote effective deviations of the Od Force therefrom and which are enjoyed by those remote zones that due to further deviations in the Lung system which is destined to be expressed in those remote parts may be bounced back from those parts to the Lung system to cause more serious illness in the lung system.
This ‘bounced’ may be directed to the the blood producing space, chromosomal Network, gene to gene Network etc. If this ‘bounced’ be more potent and more well directed then chromosal aberrations, leukemia, micronuclei formation in erythrocytes in the bone marrow are bound to be appeared.
This force is highly potent to cure acute veno-occlusive disease characterized by a dull dragging ache in the right upper abdomen, rapidly filling ascites resulting in marked distension of the abdomen, and sometimes associated with oliguria, and massive pleural effusion.  It is similarly smart in its activities in tackling the subacute manifestation of the same with vague symptoms and persistent hepatomegaly blowing out the children;s particular vulnerablity, threating the progress to cirrhosis. This takes up with the deficiency of the respective cancerous hepatic sub-circuit, circuit and the network to allot the same in order to curing the same. It is anti-Pneumotoxic, It is  seriously anti-hepatotoxic.
 It reverts the hepatocellular failure to check the mortality hight with death due to hepatic failure in the acute phase or due to  hematemesis resulting from ruptured oesophageal varices caused by cirrhosis.It results in increasing the requied Od Force to fight against the deficiency activities causing liver cell necrosis, various degrees of haemorrhagic necrosis, hydropic or fatty vacuolation of liver cells, the centrilobular reticulin of the liver, and thickening of  centrilobular veins etc.
Releasing of the metabolites into the circulation and passing beyond the liver to the lung causing vascular lesions characteristic of resultant primary pulmonary hypertension with right ventricular hypertrophy secondary to the primary effects on the pulmonary arteries,similarly the diversion like degeneration of the central nervous system is within target of it. Stomach and intestinal lesions,renal changes--- mild to moderate changes in renal glomeruli consisting of necrosis, capillary thrombosis, and degenerative changes in the epithelial and mesangial cells, thickening of interlobular arteries, and arterial thrombosis,severe oedema, haemorrhage, and epithelial necrosis in the gall bladder are also in the grip of this Od Force.

And simply this Od Force combats the acute hepatotoxicity, chronic hepatotoxicity, pneumotoxicity, toxicity in other tissues.It is equally advanced in fighting teratogenicity, fetotoxicity, fetotoxicity.

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