Sunday 8 February 2015

Rhus aromatica

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Rhus aromatica
Fragrant Sumac
The Od Force of the crust dried root is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. As an herbal it is non-poisonous.
An astringent controls the tissue that prolapses, collapses and leaks to allow the fluids coming out. Generally these astringents stop the outflow of fluids pressing to pass the same through kidneys, skin, colon, lungs, menses and other channels of elimination. Naturally to overcome the pressure of the chemical reaction between the cells and the astringent the effective remained Od Force will change its focus of action to show the sufferings. It may be reminded here that due to short fall of the total Od Force of the human system a diseases is expressed constitutionally. The uses of the astringent again cause further lacks in the remained Od Force. This totality is expressed in a new focus through which the sufferings are expressed.
This Od Force is valuable as an anti-stimulant in the act of defending the accumulation of the fat of the meat and the effects caused due to this accumulation. It has involved itself in the immune system.
 It expresses its superlative qualities to overcome the diversions caused from the stopping excessive flux from any channel of elimination, as stated like kidneys, skin, colon, lungs or uterine passage. It is indicated when there debilitating fluid lost is stopped chemically in reality. In order to strengthening the functions of the kidney, helping it to retain water in both diabetes mellitus type II and diabetes insipidus the used chemical opens a new focus due to additive loss of the Od Force of the already shortfall in the total of the Od Force of the said human system. So a diversion is caused outwardly. The diversion may be so that the kidney will be forced to fail to send its signal for producing enough red blood cells by its bone marrow will be stopped. Diversion may cause from the chemically treated dribbling and lack of retention of urine. A similar serious diversion may cause if the cells are made energized to pick up blood sugar in order to reduce the problems with eyesight and neuropathy and making blood sugar level more controllable and less extreme. It evidently acts on vasopressin, the antidiuretic hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary. For this reason it imposes a profound influence on the damage done by the vasopressin chemical activities to drag the high blood pressure to some lower level.
Moving into the respiratory sphere it is indicated in the changing focuses among runny secretion resulting in sneezing head colds, irritable coughing from excessive salivation, over-stimulating the cough reflexes, watery discharge from the lungs. It is also indicated the case of diversion caused by the chemically treated mucus specked with blood.
In the gastrointestinal sphere it has involved itself in the capturing of the sufferings resulted from the chemically treated excessive secretion from mouth (saliva) to the colon causing diarrhoea.
In the field of menstruation its function is also notable. When the copious thin, watery discharge looses its path in the menstruation by a chemical interfere it acts on the sufferings caused from the diversion of such menses, even excessive constant bleeding after menopause.
The skin excessively sweating, peeing, the skin or lungs or digestive tract is drying out, still kidneys or some channel are loosing the fluids etc. are interlinked. Any chemical treatment may just shift the point of focus from one place to other. The tongue is often dry in the centre and wet on the edges indicates that the core is drying out as fluids are being lost. The straw that closes this leak may lead human system to reach a more dangerous suffering will be out by the use of this Od Force.

An astringent controls the tissue that prolapses, collapses and leaks to allow the fluids coming out. Generally these astringents stop the outflow of fluids pressing to pass the same through kidneys, skin, colon, lungs, menses and other channels of elimination.
In reality to avoid the astringency over the prolapsed, collapsed and leaked allowing the fluids coming out through them another focus to allow the same or to take the pressure resulted from the astringency in the form of deformity, contraction, constriction etc. around the focus occurs. So if there is no space to receive the diversion caused by the chemical effects of the astringents new leaked, prolapsed, collapsed etc. may be opened. So it will be erroneous to think that the said astringent posses dual actions on flux. Sometimes this Od Force becomes very worthy in treating troubles appearing on the nerve system as  effects of diversion originated from the flux eliminating through kidney, uterus etc. It is also valuable in treating the damage done by the chemically relieved joints pain, rheumatisms etc. It withdraws the astringency effects on the non striated muscular fibres.

The Od Force of it contains the long-wave ultraviolet radiation as one of its components. It is the chief remedy for to tackle the situation appeared from stoppage of the painful, albumin urination chemically. Lost cystitis, misguided enuresis and bed wetting, haematuria, profuse low specific urination etc. are the subjects of this Od Force. Diversions caused from the stoppage of the renal and uterine bleeding together any kind of bleeding is also under the supervision of this Od Force to make those cured. The diversion causes due to causation of shifting of atony from one place to other. It is smart in withdrawing the diversions like catarrh of the bladder, catarrh of the throat, hypertrophy of the prostate etc. caused from the chemically treated excruciating pain during micturation .

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