Sunday 8 February 2015

Conium maculatum


Conium maculatum
Umbelliferae (Apiaceae)
The Od Force of the leaves, flowers and stem of the plant is used as one of the component in the preparation of the remedy. The herbal is tremendous poison.

It is highly strong to stop the violent emetic and convulsive activities causing paralysis of the central and peripheral nervous system. It escorts the human system from the respiratory failure capable of causing the death. Its curing activities act from inside to outside of the physique. It withdraws the paralysis of the lungs first. Then it moves to outside to cure the numbness of the extremities. But its action is a little rapid. Generally the brain remains unaffected. Its other important function is to take part in curing kidney failure. In some cases there may cause massive constriction of throat which may follow the act of suffocation. In so cases the Od Force of the plant is highly important. If the numbing is very slow, especially in the limbs first but then the rest of the body with full consciousness being retained throughout. The Od Force in question likely one potential use and in fact a full cycle of the complementary as well as contrasting characters embraces the physical, mental and emotional domains. The Od Force here concerns the hard, enlarged and indurated growths, often found in glandular tissues. The most affected site is the breast. It develops hard painful lumps on either side. The nodules may be benign and occur mainly before the menstruation or may be cancerous tumour. Likewise nodules may appear in the lymph nodes indurated along with the primary cancer site.
The Od Force in question is highly used in the hypertrophy of the prostate gland, especially where the prostate is not only enlarged but also hard. The testes may be hard or enlarged. One interesting matter is that any gland may swell, indurate and form a tumour. There are however other sites, non glandular sites, that also become hard and/or swollen. The eyes form cataracts, the nose forms polyps the abdomen becomes swollen and hard. But the Od Force here has a passion to act over the relating to sexual sites of breast and the prostate.

The Od Force in question involves itself in the treatment of arthritis. It puts an antipotential activity of withdrawing of the potentially fatal neuromascular blockage when the respiratory muscles, speech machinery are affected. Chronic toxicity caused from the herbal may easily be used to correct the same. As herbal the chemicals concerned causes death by blocking the neuromascular junctions. The Od force in this case withdraws the ascending muscular paralysis with eventual paralysis of the respiratory muscles which results in death due to lack of oxygen to the heart and brain. In fact it restarts all the paralysed motor functions to escort the cardiac as well as the respiratory system in their healthy state and in this way it opposes the causation of death. In this way it lifts the paralysis of the striated musculature starting at the legs and rising until finally lying still in conscious fully.

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