Sunday 8 February 2015

Alianthus glandulosa

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Alianthus glandulosa                             
Tree of heaven
The Od Force of fresh shoots, leaves, blossoms and young bark of the plant is used as one of the components in the preparation of the remedy. It is generally non-poisonous.
The cell to cell negatively charged track along which the Od Force travels is throat centric. The network extends itself to lungs, heart, brains and abdomen to some extent. Taking the actions of the respective chemicals into account it may be stated that the above network is deeply extended to the blood cells also. For this reason the Od Force questioned here affects the blood circulation, at the same time the lymph circulation most.
It lifts the diversions caused from the treated dried throat, throat inflammation, throat redness, pain in the throat while swallowing any food, scraping and scratched, heaviness of voice, throat swelling, feeling suffocation etc. In this way it has involved itself with referred sufferings of diphtheria along with scarlet throwing up, with blood vessels harming along with characteristic typhoid especially those conditions which might be seen as a capillary over-crowding throughout blotches, mottled destinations.
To lift the diversion it involves itself with the causation of dysentery, blood dysentery, prolapsus ani etc. It is capable of detaching the cell to cell negatively charged connection between the passive congestion and the trouble caused in the eye, even the tears gland. To show its connection with the skin as well as the throat its action may be exposed on the diversion between the body ecchymosed and the blueness and swelling of the throat. In its capacity it withdraws the antispasmodic activities. It lifts the sufferings caused by the passed astringency. In the same way it erases the damages done by diuretic and emetic activities.  Its extraordinary function over the digestive canal takes the measures against the left abnormalities by the fevers like malaria, a few worms etc. It repairs the damaged network for which nausea, vomiting etc. generally are caused, of course of its own.

It successfully uses itself in the lifting of the diversions caused by the chemicals in the treatments of the cardiac palpitations, asthma, bronchitis and epilepsy. It extends itself to the uterine space of the female as well as the sexual apparatus of the male. In these activities it withdraws the essays done during the treatments of the dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, metrorrhagia, tumour of the breast, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhoea etc. In its functions on the nearing zones it interferes in the ophthalmic diseases. Chemically treated muscular contraction may lead to cardiac, spasmodic or epileptic hazards. The Od Force in question withdraws these diversions. It makes appear the passed away vomiting, great relaxation and the deathlike sufferings to diaper those. It repairs the damage done due to diversions caused by the chemically treated malignant sore throat, ulcerated tonsils and other tonsillar inflammations marked by adynamia and persistency. It saves the human system from the shifting caused by the treated putrid malaria, malignant typhoid scarlatina. In the same way it escorts the human system from the diversion caused as a result of chemically treated involuntary urine discharge. In its capacity it withdraws the dermatitis, weakness and paralysis of its own. It lifts the muscular relaxation as well. Queasiness, dizziness and headache, limb tingling and diarrhoea are also subjects of this Force.

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