Hamamellis virginiana
Witch Hazel
The Od Force
obtained from the branches and root is used as one of the component in the
preparation of the remedy.
In order to save the human system from sufferings as internal the
system tries to expel the concerned waste products through some created unusual
passages. Any attempt to check this activity including the opening of the said
passages will cause a diversion in the sufferings escorting the human system in
the new sufferings of higher magnitude adding the new one to the previous. In
this capacity the Od Force in question has involved itself with the diversions
caused from the treated swellings, inflammation and the tumour. So this Od
Force acts as anti-astringent. An astringent can reduce the body fluid
discharge by constricting the skin and its pores reducing that way that way the
level of dehydration suffered by the
body, for example during diarrhoea processes. In an opposite way the
astringency in the internal space of the human system can produce the like
effects in the skin and in the spores lying therein. The Od Force of Achillea
Millifolium makes the skin and its pores more healthy
functioning in opposite direction
The treated colon
cancer cells by some specific cytotoxic activity may be withdrawn by this Od
Force. It has made itself useful in withdrawing the suffering from
relieved symptoms of varicose
veins and haemorrhoids. It has
also use in sufferings caused from relieved diarrhea. The Od Force is directly related to some
of the cancers as anti-carcinogen. The administration of this Od force is
highly effective in some carcinogenic liver damage and tumours.
weakens the strong effects for scavenging OONO(-).This force might be used to
prevent the OONO(-) involved diseases. It opposes the ultraviolet radiation
Od Force has been supposed to owe its utility to an action on the muscular
fiber of vein on some remote part from where the disease actually flourished. It
has made itself relevant to the diversions from the diseases of bleeding from
lungs and nose, varicose vein burns and scald head.It has the potential to
expand the constricted blood vessels to affect the blood vessel. Affecting the
constricted blood vessels affects the blood circulation to the extremities such
as the hand and the feet.
the same way it has involves itself with diarrhoea, mucous, colitis, vomiting
blood, coughing up blood, tuberculosis, colds, fever and cancer. It involves also itching, pain and
swelling of skin, swelling of eye etc. It increases the diminished permeability
of the capillaries, thereby influencing the fluids escaping from the walls of
the blood.
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