Sunday 8 February 2015

Pimpinella saxifrage

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Pimpinella saxifrage
Black carroway
The Od Force of the root of this plant is used as one of the components to prepare the remedy. The fresh root is very hot and acrid, but this pungency is greatly reduced when the root is made dried.
The Od Force in question is used to treat the sufferings resulted from the diversion caused by the treated obstructions of the viscera. It withdraws the focus resulted from the specific soothed cough, new suffering originated from the forceful control of the effects of laryngitis and bronchitis.
It imposes restrictions over the human system to back the same in normalcy from over-activities of Cholagogue, diaphoretic functions and emmenagogue. It opens the diuretic knots. In respect of astringency it is anti-astringent. It repairs damages or sufferings brought forth by the antispasmodic torture in the human system.
It gives backs the system its inflammatory qualities opening the locks put on the same. It functions to stop the unusual expectoration from the pettorale system. It withdraws the after-effects of the treated toothache and paralysis of the tongue.

It has involved itself with the sufferings arising from the forcefully subdued hoarseness and specific throat affections like sore throat, pharyngitis etc. Similarly its role in respect of escorting the human system from the diversions from treated asthma, dropsy is highly valuable. Certain specific sufferings caused from the relieved flatulence and indigestion are also under this Od Force.

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